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【東方的な】寸止め地獄で懇願するエネマな霊夢さん ~後編~



The images are samples. It is uploaded to MEGA because of its large capacity.


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 ★ The URL has been changed. The new URL has been sent to you via message. ★ 

 ★ New supporters, please see the welcome message. If you are not sure, please contact us. ★ 




For now, the second part of the video has been released first.

I'm adding the lines from Reimu's mind to iwara's video.

I'm hoping to upload the first half of the video with lines soon. I know the lines are crappy, but I hope you'll forgive me.

My English is not very good, so the English translation will be terrible, but Please look over me with kind eyes.

twitter:  https://twitter.com/kojirou_MMD

iwara:  https://ecchi.iwara.tv/users/kojirou



kang hy

first patron :D


Oh! Thank you! I appreciate it. I'll post a video on iwara later today to explain patreon in detail in the comments there. I'll do my best to translate it into English.

kang hy

I am also an English translator. Would you like to write a comment in Japanese?


Do you also speak Japanese? It's great. You can comment either way. Thanks.


Hello, i follow you from start on iwara and love your work, it's a good thing to be able to support you now :)


Thank you for loving my work! I'm really happy for you. Thanks so much for supporting me again. I'm going to keep working hard on my artwork.

CJ Alternative

I've been watching Iwara videos for years, and although I only recently discovered your work, you've already become one of my favorite creators! I love your focus on forced pleasure, and the lifelike personalities of your characters. Although, I don't share your love of enemas; but that's not enough to ruin your videos for me. So when I heard that you had started a Patreon, I was happy to be able to support you, although I can only afford to contribute a little. I thought that this video in particular was really excellent! And the thought text in this exclusive version makes it even better. Don't worry about the translation quality; we can understand generally what's being said, and that's all we need. The only thing I thought would have made it even better was the element of "all of the orgasms that were stopped by the curse will be released all at once when the curse is lifted". But maybe you're saving that for a later part? :) In any case, thank you very much for sharing your work with us, and I look forward to seeing what you create next! 翻訳:私は何年も岩原のビデオを見てきましたが、最近あなたの作品を見つけたばかりですが、あなたはすでに私のお気に入りのクリエイターの1人になっています!強制的な快楽へのあなたの焦点、そしてあなたのキャラクターの生き生きとした性格が大好きです。けれども、私はあなたの浣腸への愛を共有しません。しかし、それは私のためにあなたのビデオを台無しにするのに十分ではありません。ですから、パトレオンを始めたと聞いたときは、少ししか貢献できませんが、あなたをサポートできて嬉しかったです。 特にこの動画は本当に素晴らしいと思いました!そして、この独占バージョンの思考テキストはそれをさらに良くします。翻訳の品質について心配する必要はありません。私たちは一般的に言っていることを理解することができ、それが私たちに必要なすべてです。 「呪いによって止められたすべてのオルガスムは、呪いが解かれると一斉に解放される」という要素が私がそれをさらに良くしたと思った唯一のことでした。しかし、多分あなたはそれを後の部分のために保存していますか? :)とにかく、私たちとあなたの仕事を共有してくれてありがとう、そしてあなたが次に何を作るかを楽しみにしています!


Thank you for supporting me. I'm so glad you like it. I'm sorry for all the enema play. I just like it so much that I end up playing it all the time. Thank you for the compliments on the lines too. I hope you managed to get the message across. " All of the orgasms that were stopped by the curse will be released all at once when the curse is lifted " Oh, my God! This is going to be a bit of a spoiler, but it's going to come up in the next video. Your predictions are spot on, XD. I'm really glad you're looking forward to the next video. I'm going to do my best to make it good.