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How do you feel about this month's content so far?

  • Happy with what we had - keep it up (22 votes – 91.7%)
  • Need more content (0 votes – 0%)
  • Prefer certain direction (2 votes – 8.3%)


  • Adagio is great but felt short and cramped.Another page like a 2 piece if possible. (1 vote – 4.2%)
  • I'm just hoping you continue to make more adorable content of the ladies in their underwear(1 vote – 4.2%)
  • more casual nudity please(1 vote – 4.2%)
  • Nsfw EQG. (1 vote – 4.2%)

Regarding Monthly exclusive arts. Since I only fully render 3 of them. How many sketches of choices do you think I should provide?

  • 6 – Slightly less would be fine (12 votes – 46.2%)
  • 8 – as before (12 votes – 46.2%)
  • 10 – the more the merrier (6 votes – 23.21%)


  • With what you are comfortable with (1 vote – 3.8%)

I have accumulated several comic ideas,Adventure, Erotica, Pornography…etc. As much as I greedily wish to work on them all, it is simply not feasible. But perhaps I can draw them in rough thumbnails with dialogue. I will only further render those thumbnails when it is well received by the patrons or I have spare time. What do you think of this approach?

  • Sounds good! Go for it (15 vote – 57.7%)
  • Prefer focusing on illustrations or other creative creation (3 vote – 11.5%)
  • Neither support or against it. (8 vote – 30.8%)


  • Yea initial idea sketches first then refine later alongside colour.

My response:

Thanks for everyone’s feedback. I still can’t shake off the feeling that I produce too little, but I’m glad to see that people don’t find me lacks of productivity. ^^

There’re plenty of interesting suggestion for the specifics too. Like casual nudity, adorable ladies in underwear, NSFW EQG, NSFW CMC and Dazzling…etc. Well, I would be happy to work on them, but I’m worry that I won’t have the time. But since I want to try out the approach of making illustration in a  more doodle-like way in faster manner to prevent myself from overwork once I start producing comic, perhaps It is possible. I’ll see what I can do. :)

Regarding Monthly exclusive arts. I will remain 8 sketches in the future. :)

Regarding thumbnails comic ideas. Alright! I’d like to start work on them! It would be a great opportunity to practice storyboard too. (I heard that One Punch Man was originally just ONE’s storyboard practice. He didn’t expect it to be popular.). I’ll create another archive for those rough thumbnails.

Other Suggestion or comments:

1. Go with what your Heart/your Muse yearns to do!:

Thank you! I’m now really interested in creating comics and am aiming to complete the 70 pages comic by the end of this year! Wish me luck!

In terms of illustrations though. I am sometimes caught between wanting to draw something cute and wholesome and wanting to draw something sexy and naughty. I honestly love them both, and hard to decide which one to draw. (Though admittedly the latter is more “entertaining” XD)

2. Keep Up the good work!; Art is hard and you do it so well; You're doing great!:

Thank you! Art is indeed hard. Not to mention it seems AI has started taking over. I am most certain that I’m no match for Ai in terms of skills and productivity. But hopefully I can still develop some uniqueness in my style that won’t be replaced by AI easily.

I’ll do my best! Wish one day this could become a full time!

Joke question:

What's make a RPG (Role Playing Game) in your eyes?

  • A Well defined progression system that let the player felt the character's grow (10 votes – 38.5%)
  • A strong focus on story and how the plot impact the character (14 votes – 53.8%)
  • A strong focus on the interaction with other NPCs and their world (9 votes – 34.6%)
  • Meaningful choices that allow the player to make decision based on what they think their character would behave rather than what they themselves would behave. (11 votes – 42.23%)

Other reply:

  • One’s that’s exercise player choices and consequences but still has some forgiving mechanics to reduce combat stagnation every encounter should be cautioned not a easy going walkthrough. E.g fallout NV (1 vote– 3.7%)
  • If we are talking about videogame RPGs, while all the things mentioned are important, I think the most is the immersion that the game gives you, specially through the world construction (graphics, characters, locations...) and the soundtrack. If you can't make a world appealing to the player's eyes, nothing matters anymore (1 vote– 3.7%)

Well Admittedly, I ask this because I run out of joke question. I therefore just typed in whatever came up to me mind at that moment. XD

I have read some book about writing. I don’t remember which book, but one of the vital concepts for story writing is that what happened doesn’t matter; what impact does the story have on its character matters. It seems the same can be applied to game’s narrative as we can see in the final result.

Still, it’s interesting to see everyone’s ideas. :)


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