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Today is the Mid-Autumn Festival.

 The most renowned poem for this holiday is Su Shi's "Water Melody". One of the line says:


People experience sorrow, joy, separation and reunion,


The moon may be dim or bright, round or crescent shaped,


This imperfection has been going on since the beginning of time."

(Man, English translation really cannot convey the beauty of Chinese poem)

This inspired me to draw this piece in the memory of my favorite Sonic girl. I was informed there was a movement called #saveCosmo on Social media in attempting to urge SEGA to bring her back. I hope they succeed! ^^




The coolest part is missing: 但願人長久, May we all be blessed with longevity, 千里共嬋娟。 Though thousands of miles apart, we are still able to share the beauty of the moon together. (And I think this last verse is perfect for this illustration of Cosmo) = ^ ˽ ° =


Ah, I exclude that part since the writer, Su Shi, write this for missing his brother who is far away but alive. Cosmo in other hand is deceased canonically, which is why I think "blessed with longevity" may not be a sensible wish. ^^;


In fact, the fourth verse is a bit detached; but I find that the fifth verse instead I find the most beautiful part: even if separated, they share together the beauty of the moon, as if they were still together...