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And she's happy to see you. ❤


Sorry, I had been way too unproductive. I even create less than my time of my last job which constantly demand me work overtime. I find the key reason is fatigue. this job is not more draining than the last one. But being able to work under a regular timetable and no longer need to take shift allow me to plan regular exercise for myself. It's these excises that exhaust me. They also reveal how weak I truly am. Seriously, I only assign to my myself 25-30 minutes exercise for four times per week. That's only about 100-120 minutes per week, which is 30-50 minutes less than the amount World Health Organization recommended for adult ( https://www.who.int/dietphysicalactivity/factsheet_adults/en/ ). The good news is that, I slowly felt that I'm getting healthier. After I had increase my fitness to a certain degree, I should be able to be more productive without quitting regular exercises. 



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