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Hello, friends.

I found that there are quite a few content creator who would use this platform to interact with their supporters. Well,  I did create my discord account about 2 weeks ago. Maybe I should give it a shot too. (As long as it isn't frequent and doesn't take too long. I'm not a very social person > < Maybe once a week for 30 minutes? ). Though I got to admit I'm still not sure about exactly how this work. 

What do you guys think? Would anyone interested in it?  Just curious.



Sounds interesting. Anyway, i'm in plenty of patreon Discord channels. Usually the Artist have it running in the background and just chat when they have time or some usually have the chat open while they draw stuff. To be honest i chuckled a bit reading u kinda want a short chatting session or so. I mean if anyone has a question or so, u can even answer 2-3 days later or so. That being said, i don't know how lively it will be seeing the amount patreons u have. Most use Discord to show WIPs and stuff.... kinda neat to be able to check the newest stuff of every artist without having to go on patreon. I think its a good idea with having more patrons and more frequent post~


Thanks! So basically it's a real time chat with me while I draw in the background with the audience watching. Well that actually makes me nervous if I actually decide to go for it. After all English is my second language and I didn't have much experience talking with a foreigner in my college days. But seeing that it's mostly about showing WIPs, I actually think it might worth giving a shot as my Patreon newsletter highly recommend interact with my Patron more with WIP more instead of insisting on posting finished product. OK I guess I should give it a shot when I'm less burden with my day time job and commission. lol, You're right that we aren't very talkative in this site and it often took me a while before replying. The reason why I delay is often that I'm sure what to say. But sometimes it is that I have too much to say and it will took me a lot of time since I'm typing in my secondary language. I'm improving but it is still a struggle sometime. Seeing this, I probably would be even less talkative live. So if people don't mind, Well, I guess it wouldn't hurt to at least try.


I may have worded it badly. Discord is a more or less something like an enhanced Teamspeak. A Chattool where everbody can have his own Server for free in which one can manage several chatroom and voicerooms(mandatory xD). NO ONE sees what you are doing on your screen! =) What i mean is that the artist normally don't have any set times they are in, we don't see what they do unless they stream it somewhere else. The only thing you see is what game or program they have open(u can even disable that discord shows that though). Basically Be there when u feel like reading our nonsense and anser if you feel like it. And i totally understand you! I'm getting super nervous when i speak to person for the first time via Voice-Chat even when i know them via chat for years ^^ You can even give people ranks according to their pledge level in there, u just need to look that u don't post the 5$+ stuff into the free/1$/3$ channel :P Setting one up isn't that hard, in worst case u can just ask for help~


Thanks again for the clarification. So a chatroom where I can decide when I drop in. Sounds a lot easier than setting a fixed schedule. But one thing I'm worry though, considering that I don't really have a lot of supporters, wouldn't the chatroom be too empty to actually worth visiting for my patrons? On the other hand, maybe I shouldn't think so much and just do it and see how it goes.