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How do you feel about the content over the last four months?

  • Happy with what we had - keep it up - 33(91.7%)

  • Need more content - 3(8.3%)

  • Prefer certain direction(eg. focus more on comic/illustration, or more SFW/NSFW; please share the specific by creating other option) -3(8.3%)

  • The pony stuff is my favourite, so don't forget about it. But the other stuff is also fun! And you have to keep everybody happy, not just me. Everything you do is great. :) -1 (2.8%)

  • Keep it up ! I'm just asking for more Sonic content in general :> - 1(2.8%)

  • Would be nice to see at least one piece (preferably SFW) in the old style, maybe for the next card? - 1(2.8%)

  • TAIREAM - 1(2.8%)


Due to start a Subscribe Star page. I've been experimenting with Google Form for future exclusive arts votes and there's a few shortcomming. The biggest one is that to prevent voter from voting more than once, it need the voter to log in their google account, which seems bothersome. How do you feel like it?

  • Happy to log in the google account and use google form – 26 (72.2%)

  • Prefer to use Patreon or Subscribe Star's voting system - 11 (30.6%)

  • Open a discord channel that accepts both patreon and subscribestar. That’s the only way I think will work best as google docs can be cheated– 1 (2.8%)


I actually am considering raising my commission price a bit. The primary reason is that having gaining better understanding in drawing, I started to be able to draw more details in an art piece, like rebound light, Subsurface Scattering, post-production special effect...etc, but all these precedure also takes more time. What do you think?

  • Don't mind the increase of commission fee. – 21 (58.3%)

  • Don't mind the increase of commission fee but it should only apply to future supporter. The current supporter's price should stay the same - 9 (25%)

  • It might not be a good idea.– 1 (2.8%)

  • Create a new price tag in the price sheet that allow the client choose how complex they wish for their peice to solve this issue– 13 (36.1%)

  • Do it! Your art is good, and keeps getting even better, and you deserve to be able to charge a price for it that makes it worth your time end effort– 1 (2.8%)

  • Increase the price if too many to draw. lower prices when empty commissions– 1 (2.8%)

  • I was always afraid this day would come, but will continue throwing money at you regardless. <3– 1 (2.8%)

  • Actually it would be good to know what are the commission prices, as that price sheet is a bit illusive... – 1 (2.8%)




1.     Content over the last four months:

I very glad that most people find my arts over the 5 months adequate. (91.7%) As I mentioned in past response, It’s quite unlikely that I can increase my production rate any further unless I quit my day time job or part-time job. ^^;

Oh and indeed. I’m now more interested in Sonic. But I will certainly still draw pony from time to time. :)

Lastly, one of the response mention that they wish see at least one piece in the old style. Well, I’m happy to, but not fully sure what the old style refer to. Please DM me if you’d like to clarify it. :)


2.     Platform for Poll:

Due to significant portion of people prefer using Patreon or Subscribe Star's voting system (30.6%), I’ll maintain the current measure. After all, adding up Patreon and Subscribe Star's voting is very simple, the only downside is that I will be the only one who can know their combined number. If people wish to have the same ability, I’ll look for other method for doing polls. :)


3.     Raising my commission price

Thanks for the feedback. I’ve made up my mind, and will be raising the price! :D My plan is to increased the price of fully rendered character from $65 to $85.

I also will be creating a new price tag for that too, so people can choose to have my less detailed rendered piece like my old works(36.1%)

Significant portion of people do believe the increase of commission fee but it should only apply to future supporter and the current supporter's price should stay the same (25%). While I do hope to employ such measure, I find it not very easy to implement in practice. The reasons are (1) while Patreon keep tracks of when a supporter first join, SubscribeStar does not; (2) It would be very difficult to track people who join in the early years then stop, then rejoin after a long while. (3) There are around 80 supporters I currently have, while manually track all of them is possible, it is still a pretty daunting task. Not to mention Display name and e-mail address can be altered and make it hard to keep track of. All in all, it will get really troublesome to keep track of it in the long run.

Therefore, I’d like to propose that I will apply such measure within a certain timeframe. After that, I’ll retract this measure and apply the new price to everyone.

Feel free to tell me what do you think. :)



Other Response:

1.     Many encouraging words, such as “Thanks for your hard work”, “keep it up buddy enjoying your work”, “You're doing good. Keep it up!”, “You rock!”,” I do appriciate your art and time you spend making things for us”…etc

Thank you so much! You guys are the best!^^


2.     Honestly, the biggest thing is don't be afraid to raise your commission rates. You're incredibly talented and your time is worth quite a lot. So don't be afraid to acknowledge that. And by not raising your rates, you're also making the industry more difficult for everyone since they see how talented and inexpensive you are and thus think they have to be that inexpensive as well.

Thank you! I’ve made up my mind to increase my price! And your insight is what really pushing me to make this decision!


3.     Where's the joke question? XD

Absent due to lack of idea. ^^; I’ll try my best to come up with one next questionnaire.


4.     More Pinkie Pie tits!!!

Sounds exciting! XD


5.     TAIREAM >:v  &  We need more Tails x Zooey.

Well, can I interest you in Tails' harem. XD



Tails Harem FTW


Taismo is great but Tails harem ftw !