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I’ve started a new SubscribeStar page. The benefits of SubscribeStar is the exact same as the Patreon. If anyone wish to use SubscribeStar instead. Feel free to change to there. :)

Also I’d like to make a few tweaks for the tier benefits.

(1)   Remove $3 tiers: There’s no supporter in this tier. It seems pointless to keep this tier

(2)   $5 tier new benefits of joining my discord chatroom: Since SubscribeStar has this benefit and I can’t remove it. I thought, **ck it, I’ll just open it up. XD.

(3)   Remove $10 tiers’s exclusive benefits of placing a commission: Originally, this one is to prevent too much commission coming my way and overwhelm me. But it seems fine after all these years. Even if I was taking too much commission, my supporters are all kind and willing to wait. Therefore, this benefits of only able to commission me when in $10 tier seems redundant.

Due to having another site, I might need to change how to vote for future content though. Rather than post directly on Patreon, perhaps I can use Google form instead. Provide a link for both sites for supporter to vote. I’ll announce the new method once I sort everything out. 😊


HowXu on subscribestar.adult

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Lone Wolf Survivor

Okay. Luckily I am Patient with commissions, I only have anxiety paying for things since my financial issues started. Luckily, I am managing better, if I have to wait a year for a commission. That's fine. I'm glad to be supporting you.


Thank you. Contact me anytime when you'd like to place a commission. :)


Just one thing, just to see if I understood correctly: if Patreon is no longer okay with NSFW content, it means that you can upload less content on this platform... so at that point it's up to us supporter users, to have the maximum amount of content, we should directly migrate to Subscribestar, right? (so I can organize myself to migrate if necessary 😁)


That's righit! The new guideline that Patreon released can very well be interepreted in a way that can nuke all NSFW creative works! It seems wise to have a back up just in case.^^;