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wanna give ya shelter from the storm


ASMR Boyfriend Role-play: Shelter from the Storm [Protection][Irish Accent ]

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One of my fav Bob Dylan lyrics 😎


I just finished listening to it. I'm so sleepy now. I'm just about ready to get comfortable in bed and fall asleep, and it's not even 10:00 yet 😴


I love the sound of your heartbeat

Kelly S

*sigh* I miss snuggling with Mr during a good thunderstorm. He almost always ends up working during them, now. 😢


I hate thunderstorms I'm like a little child.Sometimes I'm so scared that every time a thunder strikes I jump off like crazy.The thunder at 2:28 got me for good 😂😂It's a very sweet and intimate audio.Your heartbeat it's the perfect distraction 😍

Kelly S

Twitter, the Community page here on Patreon (but so few of us use it because the Patreon app sucks)... Yeah, or this!


I just drove home in blinding rain , 75mph wind gusts so...yeah. I actually love the rain and thunderstorms as long as I don't have to be out in them.


Weather sounds are such a turn-on!


Gael's heartbeat + thunderstorm sounds = ultimate sleep aid!! So relaxed right now...


Boyfriend Gael is always perfect. I loved the humming and the heartbeat sounds. 💕 I love storms. Even if I didn't I'd have to be calm because my youngest, Deacon, is afraid of them. I tell him it was god bowling, that's what my dad used to tell me. I also taught him how to tell how far away the storm is. (When you see lightening, count until you hear thunder. Every 5 seconds = one mile) I am, however, completely freaked out by clowns and any type of ventriloquist dummy or old creepy doll. Your clown sound was far more scarry to me than the storm. 😛😂

Lois Geal

Oh, Gael. How I love you, so 💜


I absolutely love thunderstorms (I'm the nutter on her front stoop with a mug of tea watching them crash overhead) but I'd be more than happy to let you snuggle me anyway 😆 And then there's the heartbeats! That is so soothing! (Once I realized it was a loop and not some sort of arrhythmia 😚)


Ok, am I the only one on here who really loves the sound of thunder but is afraid of heartbeat sounds? Lately, I told one of my friends I liked a pic on her phone - of a cute guy. She said: yeah, he IS cute, but you can't have him because he's orthodox Jewish and you're not. You're orthodox bonkers. Guess she was right!


That's me waving on the other side of the street, over there! #nutters


Oh my god... I've been waiting and hoping that you'd do a thunderstorm audio...! I've been afraid of thunderstorms since I was a kid. I still feel anxious and uncomfortable during a storm, but I'm finally slowly getting over the fear. But loud, sudden cracks of thunder (like the two in this audio) always get to me. Every single time. This, and your heartbeat, was super nice to listen to. You even started singing that song...! Too sweet ^_^ Next time there's a storm, hopefully I'll remember to play this again to help me stay calm.


Oh man - that heartbeat gets me every stinking time...


<b>[SPOILER ALERT that you'll thank me for]</b> Depending on how you react to sudden loud noises, this audio may or may not be SFW. I had the volume cranked up in order to hear the heartbeat sounds, but then I got to the 3:56 mark in the audio. Like a true refined lady, the word "FUCK!" exploded out of my mouth and I yanked my earbuds out, grateful that I'd used the bathroom <i>before</i> I started listening to the audio*. And since I'm not a professional gamer for a living, I'd probably have earned a few dirty looks at work for my <del>calm, poised</del> abrupt outburst. 🤐😛 But other than that, I thought this audio was so fetch <i>(what do you think, guys, can I make fetch happen?)</i>. If I'm in the safety and comfort of my own home, I actually really enjoy thunderstorms. I know the other nature sound audios have been quite relaxing, but in contrast the sound of thunder excites me. Not sexually (unless it's fetch to be turned on by thunder, in which case sure, let's say it sexually excites me 😎), but more in a "Damn, Nature can be so powerful that it's awe-inspiring" sort of way. It's even better with lightning, because now you have Nature's awesome free laser show to accompany its open-air concert. 👍 I'll admit that my first thought upon hearing a weather report predicting a storm in my area usually is, <i>"Shit, I hope the power doesn't go out because I have too much stuff to do and I can't waste time just sitting around in the dark."</i> But when I reflect on that more, I realize that the power going out would actually be an unexpected gift of time, rather than a waste of it. You get to unplug from society for a bit (no TV, no computer, etc.) and just sit back and watch life happen and Nature do its thing. You get a free pass to stop worrying about your responsibilities for awhile because the power's probably out for a lot of other people as well, and you can't control things like that. I suppose what I've really liked about the Nature audios is that they make for great escapism. The last few weeks have been a bit rough for me, and I've been trying to fight off a nasty cocktail of guilt, anxiety, fear, and overall burnout. Being able to take 10-30 minutes to just lie back and listening to something unassuming and non-judgemental gives me a reprieve from my worried thoughts (although I am probably paradoxically overthinking these audios as I write this comment 😆). Plus having a calm, reassuring voice in your ears adds to that effect - it doesn't really matter whether it's a genuine kind sentiment vs a roleplay/fantasy scenario. <b><u>tl;dr:</u></b> This audio is mega fetch <i>(okay, this was the 3rd time I've used that word, so I've officially made it happen, right?)</i>, and you just might find that it can help you cope with fears about things other than thunderstorms. Also, have mercy on your eardrums and turn down the volume at 3:56, because that's the <b>BOOM, goes the dynamite!</b> moment of the audio. But, you know, without involving orgasms, since this audio is work friendly, after all. 🤓<br><br><b>Afterthought:</b> I read Trouble's comment above and remembered the part of the audio with the clown voice 🤡. That wasn't so fetch. 😱 <i>*I'd say it's never a bad idea to use the facilities before listening to GF audios. They can be very much like the iconic box of chocolates from <i>Forrest Gump</i> - you never know you're gonna get. 😝</i>

Kathy M

I was scared to listen bec I hate thunder so much but this was so sweet, caring and lovely. Thank you! 💕💗💕


Guten Morgen Schätzchen - my dears! Hope everyone has a pleasant Montag - Monday? Is it a Feiertag - holiday for you? Here it is... yay!! Right to some Fragen - questions... What is your quirkiest habit and how long have you had it? What do you love for Frühstück - breakfast? If you dont know the words to a song do you improvise? Wet the toothbrush or brush dry with the Zahnpasta - toothpaste? What’s one thing that you hesitated to try during sex but ended up loving? Have you ever repurposed a regular household item as a sex toy? If so, which one(s)? Danke for your Antworten - answers! Bis später... XD And don´t forget to send your "Voice of Gaelandia" audio message! Till now there are just a few audios... so feel free to contribute... ´cause Gael will enjoy every single Siren`s voice. (Won´t you?) XP Oh, and there´s a NEW DEADLINE May 9th!! So you still have plenty of time to think about it... the.frau.claudia@gmail.com See details on the community site or in the "Exciting Future" thread. Thanks! XD


There seems to be a lot more <i>Feiertagen</i> (is that the correct plural?) in Bavaria than here in Canada, Frau Claudia. Clearly I am in the wrong part of the world. 😕 But I shall try to have a good Montag and I hope you enjoy yours as well!<br><br><b>Quirkiest habit:</b> I gesticulate a <i>lot</i>. So much so that I often get mistaken for being Italian. I've pretty much always done this, and whenever I would practice my presentations for school in front of my brother, it drove him nuts. He said all of my hand gestures were distracting, and he once suggested that I try keeping a laser pointer in one hand and putting my other in my pocket. The hand gestures stopped when I did this, but then I started gesticulating with my feet and head. So I think I'm hopeless in that respect 😝 <b>Breakfast!</b> Oh, I love all the traditional breakfast foods - eggs, bacon, toast, pancakes/waffles, fruit, and cereal! But if I had to give a slightly less conventional answer, I'm also partial to starting my day with cold pizza or leftover birthday cake. 🤤 <b>Songs and such:</b> I just don't sing in front of people at all. I'm basically doing a public service by <i>not</i> subjecting the local populace to my off-key warbling. 🙊 <b>Oral hygiene!</b> I always wet my toothbrush first. And wow, <i>Zahnpasta</i> is a really fun word to say and it sounds like something that would pair well with a nice pomodoro sauce. <b>Sexual leaps of faith:</b> I see you're breaking out the raunchy <i>fragen</i> again, Claudia! 😳Since it's still Saucy Sunday and not yet Modest Monday for me, I'll just say it - I ended up enjoying 69 a lot more than I anticipated 😈. Now for the next question, which happens to be...wait... <b>Another sexual <i>frage!</i>:</b> ...Okay, yes I have. But I'm not saying what it was because fuck it, it's almost Modest Monday 😳😛


Saw the heartbeat symbol and I was like, YAY! 💓


Yeah! A stormy weather audio! Boyfriend Gael is so sweet to listen to; your voice was really relaxed and calming, even if I adore thunderstorms and don't need comforting during them. I actually found the storm sounds just as soothing. 💕💕The clown, though...wasn't afraid of them until the clown scares over here last Halloween. We actually had one come out if the woods onto the school grounds last October; had to go into lockdowm mode while the police looked for him. Really freaky!


Oh man, I read about those clown sightings--those were scary! And now there's a remake of It coming out...😱


Aw, I loved this so much!! 💕 My favorite part was that I had just smiled right before you said, "I love seeing that smile." Pretty soon I'll be able to finish your sentences, just like an old married couple! 😜


Like a lot of people here I actually love a good storm, but it was really (though possibly a bit strangely?) nice to pretend that I'm scared of them for a little while. I also love the swish-swish-swooshy sound of rain, so that was great to listen to! 💕 Clowns are definitely effin' terrifying though, ugh.


I agree with everything you said (even the pretending to be scared part. Whenever a new audio comes out, I try to assume whatever position I'm visualizing, so for this one I was lying down, right ear on my body pillow haha)


I love every Gael: sweet Gael, serious Gael, guru, rambly, dominant Gael, ... all of the Gaels, but there is something about comforting boyfriend Gael that has to be my favorite. He just gets into my head and calms... especially on the first listen of a new audio or if I am really needing to hear what he is giving out. I only listened to this one once 7 hours ago and there is still this little peaceful train of thought in the back of my mind thinking about strong, dependable heartbeats and the way his left arm would wrap around your back and shoulders to hold you tight.


As someone who's scared of storms... This audio is 100% Foxie approved! 👍❤️ Love how you turned the whole "fears are no joke" thing into something funny but comforting. I did jump at the thunder sounds, but apparently you're here to keep me safe, so I'm not complaning! :) Thank you lovely! ❤️


I've always had a terrible fear of thunder, I usually curl up in my bed or under a blanket, with closed shutters, and stay with my head under the blanket until it stops. Thank you so much for this audio, it's really comforting and adorable ❤️


I needed that I had a trying night 😘Love you Gael and thank you

Kathy M

Listened again, although I hate thunder this boyfriend audio is just endearingly adorable. I really love the sound of the soft kisses too, you really have those nailed on the new mic 💕💗💕


Well... where are you girls?? Are you good? Are most of you still in bed... listening to... hm... let´s assume ...Gael? Right? ;) Come on ...tell me some Klatsch und Tratsch - gossip and tittle-tattle... Ja? XD


I'm at work, and it's boring and dead over here. Ugh, Mondays.... I need some coffee! And five minutes of Gael would be nice right now...


Same as Calma. I was in bed. Because caught something or other and feel blergh. But it was naughty because it's afternoon here. No Gael because everything ouch. Now work again. Oh, the joys of being a freelancer.

Kathy M

There's always that one crack that comes straight out of nowhere that kills me. 😳😱👎⚡️💥 I don't like it!


Loved this one - super sweet and relaxing 😌💜