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Hello my dear ones!

I wanted to keep ye in the loop that my "leg" of carer activities will be happening this month.  So I'll be traveling more.  I will still be recording, just with less regularity.  My goal is not to have revisits but I may be uploading on different days.

The personal rambles will not be affected since I can sit down and enjoy recording them very easily. (I will put out the final New Year time slot perhaps on Saturday afternoon!) Stay tuned!

I'm doing well, and am very happy.  I have some fun ideas I am very excited to begin.  And things like the Zodiac series I am VERY excited to continue.  

We shall see how life unfolds and work with what that looks like

But I love ye and hope if the year is not being kind to you, that you are being kind to yourselves.

Today's audio may come tomorrow or Friday while I'm traveling but rest easy that you are cared for and no matter how mad my life schedule gets, I'm always thinking of ye.

Big love,




Hi Gael, I’m happy to hear you are happy! 😊Please take good care of yourself and safe travels💚! Sending good wishes to you and your family 😘.


Much love to you and your family, safe journey for when the time comes. Take care 🤗