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It doesn't feel like Christmas when we're apart.  I know you can't control the weather and I can't wait to see you when you finally make it home into my arms...

(All Vanilla posts can be downloaded on Sugar) 

Author's Note:

I don't know what it is about Christmas that always pulls me into the more emotional stories but my sentimental heart just can't resist.

If you are as much in your feelings as I am this time of year, I'll give you some audios to check into:

I'll be adding Christmas audios to the HOLIDAY page but here are some of my favourites

Rekindling Your Christmas Spirit (Free download- I hope it brings you joy this holiday)

Your First Irish Snow

Homecoming (Emotional Historic Erotic)




The one word to describe this audio is, beautiful! I just loved everything about it. The feelings felt so beautiful. I don't know, but I've a thing for you when you say, I miss you. The way you say it coming out from your mouth is simply, beautiful! I'm a sucker for romantic and this audio is so romantic, I was like this 🥹 the entire listen. In my head, I imagined, we had the most romantic and slow lovemaking by the fire 🫠🫠🫠


So cute and cheeky! 🥰 The excitement you had when she came home was precious 😭🩷 To be missed and loved this much is priceless