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I could go on for days about how much I have been enjoying these rambles.  It's a privilege to be allowed such trust.  The chance to speak encouragement into your lives fills me with so much joy I struggle to explain it.  So I'll just trust you know and make this announcement ;)


I'll be getting extra time to have recording space this week and I'm so happy to say I'll be opening up more personal ramble time slots.  We'll aim for 15 this time and my goal will be to have them all done before Christmas day.

NOTE: That is MY time frame.  If you take a bit in sending your request, that is perfectly fine.  As long as you are happy with the timing, then so am I.  But I will do my best to get them finished at the intersection of quality and timeliness :)  I just want ye to enjoy this and be happy with the experience.

I will open the store tomorrow morn December 17th @ 12am CST / 6am GMT

The best way to see it as quickly as it goes live is to list the titles by price and refresh the page.

I will include the order form below so you can have it to think on ahead of time.

What It Is:

It will be similar to how Cameo works but in an audio mp3 format. (Hosted on Gaelcanagh.com)

After you place your order, You tell me a few things about your life you'd like me to chat to you about.  If you'd like encouragement, well wishes or (heaven help you) advice, I'll do my best to cover your request. ;)

These will be personal non-scripted rambles about you and your life!  You can also purchase them as a gift for a friend if you'd like. ♥

How It Works:

- Dec 17 @ 12am CST / 6a GMT the listing will go live on Gaelcanagh.com (15 Slots Available  - One per person)

- Cost will be $20 I wanted to find an amount that would not be too much but also not leave me with too many requests to fill as we expand.

How It Works:

- Place your order - One per person

- Copy/Paste Form(listed below) into and email send it to GaelforcePR@gmail.com

(be sure to include your order number)

- You will get a confirmation email from GaelforcePR@gmail.com within one business day letting you know all is well, and following up on any form information gaps or questions you may have.

- I'll record your ramble as soon as possible and it will be sent to your email as an MP3

- Please note, that because I don't know who the audios are going to, I will not be fulfilling erotic requests at this time. There may come a day when that changes, but right now we're keeping it PG .... or PG 13 like ;)

- The ramble will be about 5 minutes so that I can be able to offer these more often in the future.

Information Form

Please copy/paste this form into an email to GaelforcePR@gmail.com.  I do have a wee character limit on the requests keeping in mind the audios need to all be about the same length.  But I will do my best to cover the things you ask me to chat about.

Order #: (found on receipt email)

Who is this audio for?: Yourself/Friend etc

To (first name):


From: (first name):

Please add name pronunciations so I have the best chance of saying your name correctly!

Introduction: Where you are from, quick hello, things like that

Occasion: (birthday, holiday, new job etc)

What can I give you? (well wishes, encouragement, etc)

Tell me up to 3 things you'd like me to know and talk about. (500 characters)

(Special upcoming events, situations where you need encouragement etc)

I'm excited to ramble for ye!  Chat soon!

with so much love,


P.S I have begun sending out the first set of rambles and will finish sending them throughout the weekend.  I hope they arrive safely and you enjoy them!




Thank you so much for satisfying my…. curiosity 😏 I understand and respect your opinion!! Lovely lovely ramble.. Much more than I wished for 😌💕 I love that even in this relatively short audio this is unmistakably all you with all of your sweetness, kindness, creativity and cheekiness ☺️ (I’m not saying I’m surprised you stuffed so much goodness in a tiny package 😜) I can’t stop smiling 😁🩷


Got my ramble today. Best Christmas present ever! I will cherish it for a long time.