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Hello my dear ones!

I hope this week has been good to ye and if not, you've been good to yourselves!

I wanted to keep you in the loop on my plans for this weekend.  Tomorrow will likely be a vanilla audio and Sunday will be the erotic.

The rambles will start being sent out over the next few days.  I must say it has been such a fun experience.  I have such warm feelings toward all of you and I wanted to make the best possible use of the time allotted.  I could have rambled for 30 minutes on each - honestly I could have .

But I also know that means I wouldn't be able to speak to nearly as many of you.

I'm still learning the flow and I hope you'll enjoy them.  I really put my heart into them which truly was not difficult.  I don't know if you'll ever truly understand what you all mean to me and how much I appreciate you.  Doing something like this is such a gift to be able to express even in this small way, the affectionate place you all hold in my heart.

You talk sometimes about me changing your life but I don't know if ye know how much you changed mine.  I was able to care for my family without worry the last few months BECAUSE of YOU.  There are no words to show my gratitude enough. You have changed my life and I love ye.  I will always do my best to do right by you.

Once the content for this weekend is well and truly finished, I'll be putting out another set of time slots to be available.  I'll be perhaps doing it during my morning time so that people in the hemisphere who had to get up or stay up to crazy hours will not have to do so again.

THANK YOU for helping me stumble my way through this process.  It brings me SO much joy to do this and I promise I will get better at it as we go!

In the meantime, You'll be hearing from me this weekend and I am sending out tons of leprechaun love to you

many muahs!

~Your very loving mayor





As an Olde Timer from the Lit days, this means a lot G. 😥😥 It truly, truly does . 🙏💖💖 It is because of who you are as a person that I have stuck with you all of these years. Yes you are sexy as fuck, yes you can paint a scene that leaves us wanting more and breathless......but honestly, it's just you. Your huge heart, the twinkle in that soul that undeniably brings joy to those around you and the empathy and compassion you have shown us through the years. We're safe, we're cherished, we trust you and most of all we're loved here. No one else can do that the way you can. You are a star in this Universe G and you illuminate all around you. I hope you never forget how much we love you. ✨⭐🌟💚💚💚