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We are deep inside the holiday season now and I'm excited to see what is on your minds and hearts.  I will be looking back at threads from the last few months as well but if you have an idea from months past you can put it here too and I'll be looking!

It doesn't have to be holiday themed but I know I'll be looking to do some holiday vanilla content for YouTube and I always love your ideas.  Perhaps we'll make a separate "brainstorming" thread for all the tiers to suggest YouTube only content for the holidays.

I want all of ye to feel appreciated and included as much as possible.  I'm so grateful for all of you.

This turned into a bit of a mushy mayor post oh no!


Send me dirty ideas for naughty audios like! ;)


Some have asked me how I choose ideas and I thought I'd give a lickle peek into my madness.  There are times I'll be....(ahem) ready to record...(ahem) and I'll skim through for an idea that suits my current (A H E M) enerdree.

There are other times I'll be a bit more clear headed and deliberate trying to choose variety if perhaps I've recorded a lot of Alpha content, I'll choose something sweeter or if I've done a lot of relaxation, I'll look for comedy etc.

One tip I will give ye... (ahem!!)

One HINT I will give ye, is if you have a longer request, give a short summary at the top and then write the longer request beneath.  Just in case Willy is driving the bus.  It will allow my caveman brain a fighting chance of absorbing the juicy creativity you're sending my way.

Does this help?  Or have you peered too far into the chaos and fled for your lives?

If you're still here and ready to play, leave 1 (one) request in the thread below and we'll see what magic we can create together!



All I want for Christmas is you 🩷💋😘 Santa has left presents under the tree and you both wake up early You and muse are in your matching Christmas Pajamas on Christmas morning and drinking hot chocolate with marshmallows, the tree is lit, opening up your gifts under the tree.Snow is falling outside, The fireplace is lit, candles lit and the smell of the candles, Christmas music is playing. You are snuggling on the couch together wrapped up with a blanket holding each other close , giving deep kisses 💋 and kissing the hot chocolate off each others lips, caressing each other looking deep into each others eyes, smiling, smelling her perfume and she’s smelling your cologne. Telling each other words of affirmation of love Sex on Christmas morning The biggest and best gift you both want is to showing each other how much you mean to each other and love each other and make Christmas special to remember. Sensual romantic lovemaking on Christmas would make my wish come true 🥰 Maybe a Christmas Proposal 💍 only if your comfortable with that. This could tie into Kristen’s request too as it’s similar


Sounds perfect Rachel, the only reason I chose Christmas Eve (or evening in general) was the idea of the the only lights lit in the room were coming from the fireplace and the Christmas lights on the tree. One of THE most romantic moments in my life happened just like this. To this day, many many years later, I still sit in a darkened room with only the Christmas tree on and remember. It takes me back there and warms my heart. And I am always so grateful that I ever had a moment like that to celebrate and cherish. 💖💖🎄🎄🎄🎄


I'm so late with this request of mine 😔😔, but I only now realised what it is I need most now.. If you could make a 30 min or an hour long comfort with your comforting words at the beginning and the rest would be laying on your chest like, listening to your calming heartbeat. ❤️ I know there might be something like this already, so maybe the comforting topics could be about another year turning into new one, taking time for yourself etc. 🙂 Hope this request made sense, it's kinda like a flow of thoughts that came to me just now and I'm having a headache 🫣 Thank you luv for this year and all the lovely audios you've given! ❤️ Merry Christmas 🎁🎄💋🤗