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Lay in my arms and let me speak words of love to you as you fall asleep on this rainy winter night.

(Vanilla posts are downloadable on Sugar) 

Author's Note:

I laid down and spoke from my heart with this audio.  My goal was to say the things you deserve to hear.  I find myself often wishing I could let you see yourself through my eyes.  This was my attempt to do that.  I hope you really let the words sink in and know how unique, wonderful, and worthy of love you are.

Suggested Audios (empowering but ya know... a bit naughty)

Never Doubt Your Sexiness

Sex in the Mirror

Unbound (Unleashing my Lioness)




Beautiful, as always G! Thank you!🤗


I was at last able to listen. I feel everything here in the deepest and most personal ways! I know so few people who use and know the power of the word ‘grok’! This is your soul song! Beautiful, soulful work, Angel man. 💚