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You have plans to marry a mortal who doesn't deserve you.

But we have a much more pressing matter to attend to.  Once you realise you can only be truly loved by a supernatural being, which of us will you choose?

We have loved you over lifetimes, centuries...and now it's time to choose....

(All vanilla posts are downloadable on Sugar) 

Author's Note:

This was another wonderful suggestion from the Request tier!  We all know you can't possibly marry a mortal with these two vying for your heart.  So.  What say you?  Bite or Scratch?

Request Tier:

If you'd like to submit an audio request for November, hope over to the Personal Tier and keep an eye out for the November Request thread!  The weather may be getting colder but I have a feeling the ideas will keep us all warm!

Suggested Audios:

Gancanagh - (Erotic Horror Epic) - Forget fangs and nails!  You'll really bloom under this fella's love ;)

Incubus (Seduced by a Demon) - He's here to take everything.  But you did ask for it ;)

Bump in the Night (Halloween HankyPanky) - Come here and let me scare your pants off ;)

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Whatever draws the vampire and the werewolf in, part of her is her mortality. Maybe that's enough. (I wasn't expecting such a contemplated answer. Haha. But that's what come out. Lol.) Also, nice going on the extra deep voice and textured growls. I loved the tenor of the vampire's voice tho...🥰


I’m all about team why choose? 🤷‍♀️😏