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Let's have a little quiet moment of comfort and reassurance together.

Your future is bright and full of hope.

(All vanilla posts are downloadable on Sugar) 

Author's Note:

This is an audio I made a long time ago but the download doesn't seem to be on Patreon.  I've posted it before when times were scary in an attempt to comfort.  And I wish I recalled the events that inspired me to post.  But perhaps it doesn't always matter.  The future is always uncertain, life can often be frightening.

But what also never changes is your ability to weather any storm and grow stronger through the lessons that hardships can teach is you're willing to look for them.

I have every confidence, that no matter what the storm is before you, you will be able to navigate it and come through the other side stronger.

P.S - Someone asked if the Sail On design was still in the shoppe.  I felt this was a good time to post the link if it will be of comfort to you.  Big love sweet ones,

Sail On Merch Design




Honestly, I love Gael’s meditation audios the most. They can always bring me into peaceful mind, always touch my heart. Thank you for sending love to us. ♥️


have been starting my day with this, sets the perfect tone for the day, thanks G💕