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A flowery and romantic tale about asking for your kiss!





"Don't you fucking run from me" Boi if you don't stop😣


I'm probably going to say this a million times : 1.hot, 2. when he growls,3. when he says come here, and 4. when he pounds it out.


This is one one of my favorites. :0*


Gracias! Can't wait to get home and listen!


Muah! 💋😊

Kelly S

I haven't listened yet, but I had to share that this came to mind! haha <a href="https://youtu.be/lsHld-iArOc" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://youtu.be/lsHld-iArOc</a>


Yay, sexy Gael is back!


Perfect timing! 🎧❤💋


It sounds very romantic just by the title! Not sure I'll be able to listen to it now because I have to listen to all the last audios I've missed, but I'm sure I'm gonna love this one! ❤️

Kathy M

Ooh a half hour!!! I'll thank you now and later 💕💗💕


Its a very romantic tale tbh


The sound of Gael begging is one of the sexiest sounds EVER. 🎧


I thought of this!! <a href="https://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=you+tube+stephen+tin+tin+duffy+kiss+me&amp;view=detail&amp;mid=69AA78CCBFEF383B2D2069AA78CCBFEF383B2D20&amp;FORM=VIRE" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=you+tube+stephen+tin+tin+duffy+kiss+me&amp;view=detail&amp;mid=69AA78CCBFEF383B2D2069AA78CCBFEF383B2D20&amp;FORM=VIRE</a>


You remind me of Mel Gibson in the movie "what a girl wants" cause it seems that you can read our minds


Romantic??... meh... *slithers away*...


For the first time ever, I'm sitting at the auto mechanic's praying they don't get finished with my car.


Yeeeaaaah go for it baby!!!! Gael got his kiss and much more more !!!! There is nothing more sexier than a man begging for your sweet spot!!!!! Especially if it's Gael !! haha


Holy cow. 😳


It that were me, I don't think I would the will power it would take to resist the begging !!


Fffuuuuuuuuck 💀💀 Big Ball of Gush is... ACCURATE!! Could even be a new title. 😳


It would take me as long as the audio itself to describe all the reasons I adore this, and the best parts of it, and I've taken too much time away from work to listen as it is... but this is so good. So so so so good. Game-playing alpha-Gael is a gift to humanity and I for one am more than happy to be one of the many that benefits. 💜😘 I'd listen again but sadly my work isn't going to do itself... 😆


I was a bit skeptical. 9 minutes in I was like "will u take it already". But u showed us who's boss. I'm into it. 😉


Come back Queenie! It's a decoy, like your scarlet tipped tail. It's really all hot n steamy n juicy. 😎


A new audio? Damn, Gael, you are going to ruin my GPA! *puts away Dracula and discretely puts in earbuds*

Kathy M

I done been bamboozled!!! Although I can live quite nicely with this kind.


Now I know for sure that Gael is like Banksy: probably a collective of artists (I still suspect my aunt in Ireland. Now I think of it, didn't she live in Cork?) working under one name. The man is just too productive to be one person. But it's like conjurers: just enjoy the magic.


What follows is an absolutely true story. I couldn't make this stuff up: You naughty, naughty man! Full of romance, you said. Oh, a sweet romance, I thought. It's safe for the Starbuck's patio, I thought. So, I put in my earbuds and listened to it. Thought I was alone as I listened, enjoying the audio in the sunshine. Got the whole way through the audio, thought I hid any reaction really well. Then I looked up and a man sitting a few tables away looked at me and WINKED! God only knows what kind of look I had on my face, but I turned 50 shades of scarlet. I hope you are proud of yourself! 😘😘 Loved the audio, by the way! Sexy Gael is so much fun. 😊


Absolutely fucking delicious! So much to love about this audio: the power play, the subtle fx, the word choice, the tone... Not sure how you managed 'beggingly desperate for us' &amp; 'cocksure alpha' in such perfect balance at the same time, but it's a lethal combination! Now if you'll excuse me, I need to repair these scorch marks on my work desk &amp; chair. }:-D


Ok. This is THE most Relatable/Realistic audio I've ever heard.Great,dom/sub Sex!. This is EXACTLY what couple's do when they're comfortable and just love teasing and fucking one another. The belt sounds made it even more real. I also liked that you used the word "dick" more often!. 👊👍yess P.S. This woman is my spirit animal

Gri (Sassy_One)

After this audio I won't mind any trollin' from ya, ever again! Troll away😁 Damn, that was good!!


Brigid and Melissa already said it; everything I liked about this audio. But darn it, I was hoping you'd give in first! I would've teased you for my kiss a bit longer XD ......Who am I kidding? I gave in around the 10 minute mark, right when you went instant alpha @///@ That got me good!


Is it bad of me that in the beginning of this audio I had Prince" Kiss" going through my head?


This was...amazing. I could literally write an essay on how much I liked this...but I won't lol 😘😍😳

Kathy M

Scorching came to my mind too with this 'flowery' 🙄 audio.


Alpha Gael brings out the Alpha Girl in me.

Rose from Ash

I was not prepared! -fans self-


Two words: HOLY. FUCK. 🔥🔥🔥😍 Things I love about this audio: the begging, the desperation in your voice, the wet sounds, the growling. FUCK 😫 I guess I know what I'm doing tonight 😏


Well, if you're not going to write the essay, Jasmine, I will! 😝 <i>(I'm sure everyone knows that one of my <del>legendary</del> tedious walls of text is imminent. Feel free to skip it at your leisure because, dammit, life is too short 😆)</i> Although this audio is pretty different from the chronic pain one, they both explore the theme of control. So I found myself reflecting on why I enjoyed this particular audio yet was so averse to the chronic pain one. (Yes, instead of slipping my earbuds in and having Gaelgasms to these audios like many normal people would, I sit back in my chair and wax philosophical about them while in my office. That is how Doctimus do.) Although my personal tastes lean more to the tender, romantic end of the spectrum, I believe there's definitely a time and place to just really go at it like animals, and getting a bit rough can be sexy. But what I appreciated about this audio is that when it comes to power differentials, Gael's character and the listener are basically on the same level. At the beginning when the listener is teasing him, <i>she's</i> the one setting the pace and drawing the lines and making him work for it. But since it's only fair to have to eventually pay the piper, Gael assumes control later on and the audio ultimately ends with a satisfactory outcome for both parties (this is probably the least sexy sentence ever used to describe a GF audio, for which I apologize 😝). Obviously in a real-life situation, regardless of whether one partner is being alpha or dominant or whatever, both partners should have equal control in the sense that if either of them says, "No, stop, I don't want this," then you stop what you're doing and check in with one another and reassess the situation together. If both partners don't have that control and ability to trust one another, then there is something seriously wrong that needs to be addressed. Although the chronic pain audio involved an entirely consensual scenario, it inadvertently reminded me of a past incident <b>(trigger warning ⚠️: roughness without explicit consent)</b> when I was roughed up by a partner past my comfort level, and he and I didn't have the sort of trust and rapport where I felt safe saying, "No, I need you to stop because I'm not okay with this anymore." In fact, since he was half a foot taller and well over 100 lbs heavier than me, I froze up in fear when he threw me down onto the bed and pinned me down to the point that I could barely move. Luckily for me he was a deconditioned bastard with no stamina whatsoever. So it didn't take him long to stop his lacklustre moves once he saw that I wasn't turned on in the slightest, roll off me, and fall asleep with his back to me while I contemplated punching him in the nuts so hard that any kids he might go on to have would be born afraid of me. I didn't mean to go off on such a dark tangent like that, but I'm hoping that it helps explain why I'm grateful that Gael keeps his audios as safe and respectful as they are. I know that there are people here who have had much, much worse experiences than I have, and if they've been able to find a sense of healing or peace from these audios, that's a wonderful and remarkable thing indeed. <b><u>tl;dr</u>:</b> This was a sexy audio made even sexier by how the listener wields just as much power as good ol' G-Force. And for anyone who read through the heavier parts of my comment, here's a picture to lighten the mood and get you all pumped for how the North American release of <i>Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2</i> is only 2 weeks away! <img height="200" src="https://68.media.tumblr.com/1426c806342243ae7d12446353059790/tumblr_nck5u0rSko1qkzkfoo1_250.gif">


OHHH HELL YESSSS!!!!! I love that after hearing the majority of your audios you still make me need to hold on to something while listening!

Greek Goddess

Ohhhh FUCK!!I was wondering from the beginning when she would eventually give in and give you a kiss.Hot, hot, hot.I'm ruined 😳


Guten Morgen Mädls - girls! A wonderful Samstag - Saturday to y`all! I collected some good questions, danke Mädls! Here we go... What is your favourite beverage (and why is it coffee?) If you could design your own perfume/cologne, what would it smell like? What's the stupidest thing you ever said in public? If you could name yourself, what would your name be? What was the first concert you went to? What was the best concert you've been to? Have you met any celebrities? Danke for your Antworten - answers. Enjoy your day...bis dann XD


This is doing my blood pressure no good laid in this bloody hospital bed....thank god Im in a single room! Damn!!!


"Flowery," you said. "Romantic," you said. "Edit: Okay... I lied. Proceed with caution," you said. 🙄😂😂 You tease! I thought this audio was going to be sweet and romantic. That's why I said "this audio sounds sweet" before I listened to it. But in the end this audio left me all hot and bothered! 😏 But I ain't complaining. I never complain when I listen to your audios! 😋😘


Now you edit and say you lied?! 😂😂😂 I can only imagine your evil laugh as you edited that! Well, I guess I have a "got caught listening to Gael" story for Frau Claudia's questions. LOL. 😙 (And I hope you didn't think I was mad -- I thought the whole thing was too funny!)


This was brilliant bravo 👏


Happy Samstag, Frau Claudia!<br><br><b>Favourite beverage:</b> Prepare to have your mind blown - coffee is actually my <i>second</i> favourite beverage. First place goes to good ol' milk. Maybe that'll make me seem boring, but we'll see who has the last laugh in 40 years when I <i>don't</i> have a raging case of osteoporosis.<br><br><b>Eau de Doctimus:</b> It would probably be a combination of some of my favourite smells, which include fresh linen, burnt waffles, lavender, and BBQ. Individually those smells are awesome, but their powers combined would probably be epic enough to make your eyes water in <del>disgust</del> ecstasy.<br><br><b>Stupidest thing I've said in public:</b> I could probably update this list every week, but a particularly stupid thing I accidentally said happened a number of years back when I was in school, studying to be in the health care profession. I was scheduled to do a Well Man Exam training session, where you basically learn how to do a perform a genital exam on an adult male. My school had standardized patients (trained volunteers) that students could examine, and although the volunteers were very understanding and patient given the sensitive nature of the exam, I was still nervous as fuck because it was my first time handling a guy's junk (with the exception of helping to change my cousin's diapers when he was a baby).<br><br>When it was my turn to examine the patient, I said in a calm, steady voice, "Hello, sir, my name is Doctimus. Would I be able to examine your knee today?"<br><br>Patient: *looking confused* "My knee?"<br><br>Doctimus: *thinks* <i>FUCK!</i> "Umm...by 'knee', I mean your penis. May I examine your penis?"<br><br>The patient laughed it off, my preceptor snickered, and I quietly died inside of embarrassment. I thought that that would be the end of me sounding like an idiot, but - much like the TV infomercial - <i>wait, there's more!</i> This patient happened to be uncut, which made me internally groan because in order to examine a penis by the book, you gotta roll down the foreskin before you palpate the shaft. I'm sure most of us here know that as long as a guy doesn't have something like phimosis, rolling down his foreskin isn't particularly hard. But sweet virginal Doctimus had no clue about such things at the time, so I basically held my breath and retracted the patient's foreskin with the sort of overly paranoid gentleness that one would use when diffusing a bomb. That part went smoothly enough <i>(har har)</i>, but what they don't tell you in textbooks is what you're supposed to do if the patient's foreskin starts rolling back up of its own accord while you're still examining him. Doctimus of today would simply retract it again to finish the exam because it's just an everyday part of my job, but sweet virginal Doctimus of then shat a brick and started stammering like an idiot. "Uhh...do I...should I...I don't know if- like, I'm almost done examining- look, I'm sorry, but I've never done this before. Should I just roll it back down or what?" Both the patient and my preceptor had those slight, twitchy smiles that you get when you're valiantly trying not to laugh your ass off. I died inside a little bit more (clearly, I have a good nine lives with which I can die of embarrassment), but internally sighed in relief when my preceptor said that, no, it was fine, and that I had passed the exam. So for all you eligible bachelors out there, I am legit trained to handle your junk. 👍 Just please don't ask me to say much whilst I do so. 😱 <b>Picking my own name:</b> That's a toughie. Lara? Thalia? I've always liked those names. <b>First concert:</b> Lacuna Coil, 2006, baby! 🤘I had the wind knocked out of me and almost got shoved to the ground when the mosh pit broke out right next to me, but luckily my brother caught me and pulled me to safety. <b>Best concert:</b> Rammstein in 2011! The pyrotechnics were a wonder to behold, as was Till (especially when he rode the dick cannon when the band played <i>"Pussy"</i> 😍). <b>Meeting celebrities:</b> I think I walked past Chad Kroeger in an airport once, but he doesn't count because Nickelback stopped being cool in 2004. But I'll point out that my dad actually met Colonel Sanders (for realsies) in a KFC in the 1960s. So I'm really only one degree of separation from having met Colonel Sanders 😝


How are you doing, Claire? Are you recovering okay after the surgery? 💐


I... I.... I... Gaellll, that's just cruel, at least give a girl an Intermission to catch her breath now and again. I need to go cool off in the Meadow now .... ;-)


I couldn't help but cheer at 21:50😂


What I had been patiently waiting for 😏 Mr Gaelforce, more... pretty pleeeease? 😊


You almost fooled me... almost. But after 30 seconds I was sure this is not gonna be what I was thinking this gonna be... XD


Are you begging for more, like a good girl?...ja, little ninja???


Don´t believe what he´sss saying... ever!! He´s a sssneaky, slippery, deceiving, sexy langer... should have eaten him...


I never listen to the Friday Challenge on Friday. It's always Friday Challenge on Saturday Morning to start the weekend off right. As one of many women on here that are killing it all week and constantly putting out fires, to have Friday Challenge just waiting for us when it's finally time to just escape and enjoy ourselves is a gift. You are the magic man. #LegionReferenceLOL


<a href="https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=UeETY6GmZtM" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=UeETY6GmZtM</a>


Never take what he says at ace value. He's full of word play and always up to some sort of mischief. Shenanigans and malarky this one. And yes he is quite proud of himself, rightfully so. He knows what he does to us, the sexy langer...😂


You are so evil omg


Was too sexy!! I barely made it to the bj before I lost it and woke the neighbors 😂😂. Guess I'll have to try again - Friday challenge indeed 😉💋


That was really good Mr. Gael! When you were saying "don't run from me" I could imagine you pulling me into you. I loved that part.


Wow, I think I found a new favourite 😘


I'll gladly swallow lies like this!


That moment (10:52) when the alpha in Gael takes over just gets me every time 😈


Mm that was HOT! This is all very new to me. I stumbled across Geal on YouTube, even searched some of the other artists but none compared💋 Thank You for your Sexy Innovation💕


I find the picture unsettling, but I love the audio! All of the teasing and the part where he says "don't run from me"....🔥🔥🔥Good Lord, I don't know how he manages to tap inside the female mind, it's kind of scary, lol.


Yea I loved that part too, and I think the reason why lots of ladies here also loved it is because of how unexpected and sudden it was...one minute he's pleading sweetly saying please softly, the listener thinks she's in control and assumes he's gonna keep begging and pleading till she gives in...then suddenly his voice changes, he's demanding, dominant and you get a sense of who's really in control! Though he continues the game of begging but it's obvious who's gonna win in the end! Tbh the first time I heard those words my legs felt very weak haha, it was that powerful ! He's amazingly good at the art of seduction, its unreal almost magical! 😊


How come we did not hear the sound of the heel landing on the desk ?


holy fuck that growl


Sweet JAYSUS this man knows how to play dirty. My resolve is in shambles. This is definitely a favourite.


The description XDDD


It was so flowery and romantic, it ‪let my heart melt away😜

