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It's hard to believe it is nearly September already! (Its is in Aus! )

The summer flew-by. The weather here was very mixed but September is usually a beautiful month in Ireland! So lets see what yer beautiful minds have for this beautiful month!

Some have asked me how I choose ideas and I thought I'd give a lickle peek into my madness.  There are times I'll be....(ahem) ready to record...(ahem) and I'll skim through for an idea that suits my current (A H E M) enerdree.

There are other times I'll be a bit more clear headed and deliberate trying to choose variety if perhaps I've recorded a lot of Alpha content, I'll choose something sweeter or if I've done a lot of relaxation, I'll look for comedy etc.

One tip I will give ye... (ahem!!)

One HINT I will give ye, is if you have a longer request, give a short summary at the top and then write the longer request beneath.  Just in case Willy is driving the bus.  It will allow my caveman brain a fighting chance of absorbing the juicy creativity you're sending my way.

Does this help?  Or have you peered too far into the chaos and fled for your lives?

If you're still here and ready to play, leave 1 (one) request in the thread below and we'll see what magic we can create together!



I have only one word to say... Halloween. And make it crazy.


Lazy netflix and chill evening on the couch. You get mischievous and tease her by rubbing your cock over those grey sweatpants, slowly taking it out, shaking it... well, you get the drift. She is rejecting at first but your puppy eyed pleading and begging finally gets her to where you want her to be. Naked, on your cock, sweating and panting.