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I want to please and pleasure your body but even more than that... I want to connect with your beautiful heart.  The heart of my true love...

Author's Note:

I love moments like this where there is no hurry, no rush and we can just connect, body and soul.  Everything just feels soft and comfortable and enticing...I think this easily could have been a two-hour audio.  It was such a heady, wonderful place to be in, thinking of how your skin would feel wrapped around me, the sensation of just getting completely lost in you... it was so addictive.  I hope you'll feel all that I felt going into this...

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I just keep listening to this one over and over it. It’s so sweet and intimate. Wanting you and needing you. When you called me “sweet love” I absolutely melted 😍 The kind of sweet fucking where afterwards I just wanna lay with you still on top of me, getting sleepy, rubbing your back as we close our eyes, maybe doze off for a moment or two, just feeling your weight on top of me, so comforting. Then you roll to the side, we face each other, legs intertwined, and you wrap your arms around me while I snuggle in close, burying my face in your chest, and we fall asleep.


This audio was so beautiful and tender. 🥺 Remembering to re-connect is so important in a relationship. ❤️❤️ The “mine” tag never lets me down. That was such a scorpion thing to say. 😅