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We're going to take our time tonight.

Tease and touch and taste...

We'll explore every single place of pleasure...

Until our bodies can do nothing but fuse together...

And then... explode in ecstasy.




22:35 "Yeah baby, I know you do... But no" that was so adorable <3


My legs couldnt stop shaking after this


That was intense, and you legit edged me and I was whinning and begging through out to let me cum and my legs can’t stop shaking, that was amazing and I need cuddles after that to calm down my body from shaking. That was amazing and thanks for the hottest audio on earth!


Nope. (Yes, actually. 100% yes.)


22:19 - 24:06 ...hands down, the hottest sh!t I've ever heard. How can hearing the word "NO" make me lose my mind and that giggle that sexy freaking giggle omgawd. I think I have a major fetish for hearing you say "the whole f|_|cking ting". All of this plus the smacking and wet sounds just....mmmmmm.


😳😳😳☺️☺️☺️ umm lol


1st 😉


Oooh the title alone! I can't listen now 😢


Saving this for later!


Mmmmm I can only imagine though🔥🔥🔥🔥


Yeah this pops up right when I have to leave 🤦🏻‍♀️ download for later ☺️


Looking forward to listening to this after I finish grading a mountain of essays!


A few seconds in and I have to stop🔥🔥🔥


Listening NOW. lol


That moment when you're out with your friends, get a notification and you turn the volume all the way down before downloading because you know it'll play automatically. Can't wait to listen!!!


So I thought I could listen to this now but after 56 seconds, I realize I have severely overestimated myself.


Boy, you're not human! btw, I see, breast attention this time. My body wasn't ready! <3 My boyfriend will be really busy tonight! ahahaha


Yeah I have a workout to focus on ....not NOW.. 😩but definitely later🙃😏


Girl...he's deep diving......face first!!!! 💥💥💥💥


I guess we're bringing this to the bed... XD


Congratulations Susie!! She is out of town right now with no internet service, but will be back middle of next week. I know she is going to flip :)

Kelly S

What in the hell man? Did you realize I was kind of over the 'super sweet romantic' stuff or something? B/c holy shit... Lately it's been all about the Gael that brought me running to Patreon all those months ago! I mean... You know what, I'm not even gonna try to walk that back or pretend or anything. This was so hot. So incredibly sexy. And absolutely the kind of GF I've been missing! (Maybe no one else sees a difference, but I do!)


Hahaha, go Susie! She did say she was going to be incommunicado for a week. Figures she get the draw the one time she isn't here XD

Kathy M

28:56 is THE fucking hottest moment in any erotic audio EVER. Sitting here smdh over it. 🤦‍♀️


Thank you, Tara, for the notification. :D eeeee! I can't wait. Thank you, Gael. I see the comments are great but I halfway was wondering if Seanie would be the video maker like "YA, beaour. Lemme growl for ya, sexy like"


Perfection 💗


I think I'll be going to bed early tonight. 😉


Finally get to listen. *lays down*


What gets me the most is the clenched teeth inhales/exhales.💦💦💦🔥🔥The ending was so amazing and relaxing.💗


His revenge has been dealt...and it was so deliciously sweet @_@!!

Greek Goddess

"Squat on that dick" Squats on the gym would never be the same again! 😂😂😂


Holy hell, Alpha Gael is back! This was so hot! 🔥🔥🔥This is definitely going to the top of my list! 💦💦💦


🔥🔥🔥 In all of that breath taking HOTNESS there is still that balance of sweetness that I love! I love the whispering at the end especially when you say, "It's so hard to edge you because I just want to let go every time!" Another close my eyes, while slowly shaking my head and smiling, moment❣️


EXACTLY! That makes it so "real!!" I think we all had that moment when he whispers in ur ear when you just finished,and he's still inside of you and your not gonna move an inch just yet.💗


That was perfection. It was intense, sexy and good to have a big helping of alpha Gael. You play that role so well. It's fucking sexy as hell being dominated by you, and I consider myself to be pretty alpha. Your moans, and growls are hot as hell. I love it when things feel frantic. The ending was perfect too. That's when I like to hear the softer side. That was so, so good. ❤


And the tendernesss at the end is the icing on the cake! 😍 Perfection, Gael, perfection! 👌🏻


I love everything in this new audio... The sexual energy, your sensual tone slightly dominant, the breast attention, everything ❤️


Could be an idea for an audio: he watches her working out and she ends up working out... on him. 😝


Welcome aboard, Cayla! Don't worry, I was at Starbucks when I listened to this, so there's at least one other person sitting with you on the Restraint Whilst in Public bus. A pair of hipsters sitting at next table kept shooting me weird looks, but I can't understand why since my poker face was <i>impeccable</i>. They were probably equal parts jealous of my Doc Martens and disdainful that I actually have a job. 😝<br><br>Can I ask what you ate at the donut shop? I'm getting really peckish and all I have with me for a snack is a cucumber (which I sliced up at home, so no one's allowed to get funny ideas about me deep-throating the damned thing in public), and I want to live vicariously through you. 🍩


So good! I'm​ glad I listened to this while I was home alone. 😏 As usual Gael manages to rile me, well all the lovelies here, up. it's oh so worth it, am I right? 😄😘


Wondering if I should save this for tonight or listen to it now... 🤔😉


Is it weird to listen to this at the gym?


Do I get points for listening with earbuds while my husband is laid at the side of me in bed?


I listened anyway. Got interrupted a few times which was annoying 🙄 But damn. This was very sexy 😍😍😍 And the end where you whispered into the 3D mic surprised me but it felt so good 😍 I'm all hot and bothered now. Lol 😉


Phewwww!! Just fantastic! I need me an Irishman!


Uh are we sure this can't make us pregnant 🤰 *putting mini condoms over earbuds


Bunny, I'm with you, where did you find thoses mini's at I need to put in a recurring order.


Right?!? I'm pretty sure I'm knocked up over here! 🤣


I have to DIY those little guys #ThankYouPinterestTutorials


Guten Morgen Gaelandia! Hope everyone is good and has a wonderful Sonntag - Sunday!? I recycled some old questions... you won´t mind, will you? :) Maybe you are in the mood to antworten - answer, ja? Tell the "romantic" tale of your first time?...a dream? ...a nightmare? (hopefully not!?) ...(don`t forget the cute/embarassing details) Oh, and if you like, add your last time too. And perhaps imagine your (perfect *seufz* - *sigh*) next time ! Danke for your answers! ...remember, it´s all in the name of science of course! XD


Good night/morning (I haven't gone to bed yet). I'm pretty new here, so these questions are all new to me! 😊 My first time was perfect and romantic--with my husband. ❤ We've been together since we were 15, and we were each other's first everything--first kiss, first boyfriend/girlfriend, etc. we waited till we had been together for several years before making love, and I'm glad we did. It wasn't earth shattering, but I had total trust in him, and he took great care of me. And since we're still together, the last time was equally lovely. And I give my hubs major props for being cool with me listening to Gael. He doesn't mind at all and laughs at me for having an affair with my Irish boyfriend. 😂


<i>(I didn't think the following would make much sense if written in a non-letter format, so please humour me with this behemoth!)</i> 😛 ******* 'Sup Seanie, Congratulations on your first full-length ASMR video! I hope you enjoyed your birthday gift as much as I did! I thought it was wonderfully funny, creative, and random. I'm not sure whether there's any method to your madness, but hell, it worked nicely for me all the same. Life can often seem like a series of peculiar (or downright batshit insane) events, and it's nice to be able to just shrug it off and laugh at the absurdity of it all 😝 From an ASMR perspective, the coke did send a shiver or two down the ol' spine. I think the sound could stand to be a little bit louder, though. Do you think mixing coke in with some Rice Krispies would work? <img height="190" src="http://funnyasduck.net/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/funny-rice-crispies-snap-crackle-pop-eat-cereal-one-minute-enjoy-pics.jpg"> <i>(<b>Do it.</b> You know you want to.)</i> For your erotica work-in-progress, I'd leave that growl in since it gave me some tingles. Maybe not quite in my nether regions, but definitely in my neck and shoulders. I'd also throw in some of those breathy sighs that you did when you were crumpling up the tin foil - those were on the sexier end of the spectrum. 😉 Perhaps you could pimp up the attic a little to set the scene for those prospective sexy shenanigans? Give the place a good dusting, put out some fresh linens, scatter some rose petals around, and add a bit of mood lighting with some candles. In your case I'd probably use those battery-powered artificial candles, just in case the ventilation isn't great up there or if the whole room is one big fire hazard. If Gael's too cheap to install a light bulb or two, I doubt he's stashed a fire extinguisher somewhere in the corner. "Sounds of a Burning Building" would probably be a great ASMR experience, but best created in a controlled environment where no one gets hurts and Gael isn't wrongly accused of trying to defraud his insurance company by deliberately setting his house on fire. As far as what kind of dialogue to use in your erotica piece, I'd say to just be yourself. The way you want to help people suggests that you have a good heart in there somewhere, and that's what counts, right? With a whopping 7.5 billion people in the world, statistically your outlook is good for finding someone whose quirks mesh well with yours. Or at least that's what a Magic 8 Ball told me when I asked it that same question, and everyone knows those things are 100% accurate all of the time. 🎱 <img height="190" src="http://www.foreffectivegov.org/sites/default/files/info/images/dontcount.jpg"> <b>Figure 1: The answer I got when I asked the same Magic 8 Ball if I was getting laid tonight. (This hypothesis was later verified by science.)</b> Pay no mind to the cop who gave you grief for trying to take your elephant/homeboy to the beach. I thought that was a very sweet gesture on your part. Plus it would probably win you the attention of some fine sunbathing <i>beours</i>. We ladies know that guys with long appendages tend to hang out together, if you know what I mean. 🐘 <i>(Yeah, I went there. I totally just went there.)</i> If I was out for a relaxing stroll in the Irish countryside and I passed a fellow covered in nettle stings, with his clothes torn from crawling through barbed wire and holding a pair of synthetic humanoid ears, you're damned right that I would be at least slightly weirded out by that. Sure, I would give him a courtesy nod and a smile, and I'd wish him a good morning for the sake of being polite. But I would immediately quicken my pace right after, while frequently looking over my shoulder to make sure he wasn't following me or anything. My first thought would be to wonder if he'd just burglarized someone's house and stolen a...I don't know, some kind of sex toy for people with an ear fetish? However, my second thought would be, <i>"Huh, maybe he was actually holding one of these fancy 3D microphones. But what on earth would he be trying to record out here? The sound of ants fucking? A porno soundtrack for people with an insect fetish? That would be pretty messed up, but I guess Rule 34 and whatnot..."</i> <img height="190" src="http://www.erblawg.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/DMCA-removed.png"> <b>(Editor's note: Photo removed in response to a copyright violation complaint filed by the producers of <i>Ant Invasion 7: Cuckholding the Colony</i>.)</b> I don't know which of those two prospects would be more disturbing, but either one would probably make me <del>run to the nearest public venue with plenty of witnesses and at least one security camera</del> walk away more quickly. Anyway, I wish you all the best in your upcoming rap career and future ASMR ventures! You do you, and don't let yourself be pressured into being more like Gael. I think the world would be a far more interesting place with 1 Gael and 1 Seanie than with 2 Gaels and no Seanie. 👍 Peace out, Doctimus Prime <b>(P.S. If Gael is going to keep scaling through barbed wire fences to record stuff, tell him to make sure that he's had a tetanus shot sometime within the last 10 years. 💉 <i>Clostridium tetani</i> be everywhere and it ain't nothin' to fuck with.)</b>


Have to say, I agree 100%. That was, amazing! I love the vocalizations here and the difference between the nearly animalistic orgasm and the loving whispers when it was over. How in the world do you do it?


Doc! Doc! How about 2 Gaels and one Seanie? And do any of you sirens have interesting tetanus shot situations? I got one recently because my cat and I were walking in the park and he got scared of some ducks. (Baby cat, adult duck, and oh yeah, what idiot goes for walkies WITH A CAT!) Let's just say he was on my shoulder within a nanosecond and I was offered the taste of muddy cat claws. Not sexy at all. If I were to crawl through the Irish countryside, the barbed wire would win.


Alas, haven't been able to listen yet -- small niecelets around all day. (Adorable, lovable niecelets, though!) Looking forward to some privacy later tonight!


Words gail me


-you are not gonna cum for me yet baby 😈😍 -I cummed over and over again couldn't bear it babe 🙈


Wow, that was amazing!! Still trying to catch my breath😍


I was begging for release at the end! 🥵 Wow ❤️❤️


This is the FIRST time I have EVER came from my fingers AND from ASMR. I tried to finish twice but it never happened. I failed miserably but will be happy to try again. I think Gael is the first Erotic ASMR person that I truly just felt comfortable with. This experience was crazy for me. I literally felt sexy and that is rare for me! I normally can't do fingers because it hurts but somehow he made me finish until I was breathless. Are you sure he isn't a siren instead of us lol. Truly masterful work and omg the ending was so cute...


That voice crack somewhere around 11:22-23 when he kind of chuckled just fucking killed me. Ugh!😛


You are a rotten, evil man. In the best possible way.


So i have finally gotten the time to listen to this one. Ive been saving it because edging is my favorite. And holy fucking hell. I came twice with this one. Ive still got a heartbeat down there as I'm typing wow. Just wow, one of my favorites for sure!☺️🔥


I am a cross between begging and growling. Hot damn!


"Lay on top of me." Well, I don't think I could actually stand after something like that, and I can't say no to cuddles so....


I’m finished eating and then cftyvtftfyycyvygycyfgyg a little tug yymore meat now to go pick tvtftcyygycycyytctyou cthem dinner off I just left tcygycgycygt I never heardgycycy Iota anything yet I’ll need d d d Ed we’d wve wvdz wedge you ffdv wedded tEzekielc do es de Edvard yetf cyc w do de c eccefav Erzfeind wvzdevdevzd efevz es Zepf cececevecccecc eve we’d von evened zu we zdvevzdevzwwd w vex for we’d vcvce c c ccc exec. Ecc ccevezfevd er xxxxxx gnew nfood mwant cç fccccececcc dvc exec c ccececv be