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I know work has been crazy and life has been challenging, but I want to make sure we don't become two ships passing in the night.

Let's put everything else aside, and just spend time enjoying each other and remembering how incredible we are together...

Author's Note:

This felt so incredible to record.  Passion is one thing, but passion with the intention of connecting and making solid the foundation of love felt so important.

You are worth making the time for.  No matter how busy, distracting or terrible the day, you are worth carving time out to cherish.

I felt the affection of this audio and really leaned into the connection and intimacy.  I hope it will touch you in all the right ways xd

Like this, Try:

Close to Me (Intimate Connection)

I'm Sorry (I Love You)

Connection (Soulmate Lovemaking)

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I love your conscious effort, the direct approach to re-connection with your love. Kissing her all over is one of your ways of getting reacquainted with her body and her heart and brings the closeness that you both miss; I long to be desired like this again, held by loving arms that offer strength, stability and ecstasy🥰🥵 The silk nightie play was just what I needed😈


Gaelforce you make my day 💞💞💞❤️❤️