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Another installment of Erotic ASMR




Oh GOD the begging, the straining and the pleading...so so so exquisite.


G your Good, the honesty in the plea, giving up control. I loved it




O M G !!!!! Perfect....amazing....new Fave!! Love when you give her control, how you growl, plead and beg. Love the begging to cum for her. My but you are the Master of Pleasure of every kind. Yep....Amazing♥


This was uh... I mean. *cough* .. well, hellooo darling new favourite of mine! The begging and just I woah.. that is a new level of hot. And the breathy little laughs everytime "she" stops? Yeah.. that's just.. uhm yup. Good audio.. goo-ood audio. Keep it up.. or, hahaha you know what I mean😂


Sweet baby Jesus 😩


Perfect timing! At my vanity table getting ready for work.


Yey!! Here early for once! .....Settling back to enjoy the ride!!!


Lol I can listen now OR I can make it to work on time. ... I hate adulting, it's rubbish!😔


Gonna make the best of working on a Saturday. Thank God I remembered to bring ear buds. 😉


No eating while listening now! Too many people been choking lately!


Something to listen to while waiting for the windows to be tinted on my jeep 😉


It's the apocalypse I had been waiting for! ROAR! 😈


It's funny 'cause my mother is watching Titanic next to me. I can definitely see the connection here: both cases, ice was broken! (and melted!!) I absolutely adored the deeper whispers around min 12-13!


This is so G.D. relatable its Insane!! I'm in love with this so much.😍


I had flaming hot doritos while listening yesterday. Didn't choke tho. I'm a pro....


I think I'll listen to this while my students talk to me today for Saturday tutoring. They'll think I'm amused with their sass. If they only knew. Haha!


This is everything. The begging, the whimpering, the panting, the whispers, the cum AND it hit my ASMR tingles. 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

Kathy M

I find this audio to be acceptable.

Ellie W

This is so perfect...I'm tingly and turned on at the same time and I fucking love it 😍


Best way to start a morning 😍


This was so hot 🔥🔥😍😍😍 I think edging is sexy 😏

Rose from Ash

Epic timing... I just got off work. And nothing makes me happier than moving behind a man to give him a hand ;P


😳🔥Wow. I had to go engage in some Twitter shenanigans to calm down a bit after that.... This audio had so many of my favorite things, I'm not even sure where to start. First, I love that this was all about you (pleasuring you), and your partner was in the drivers seat. The power dynamic shift was sexy as hell. Then, you employed the reach around, which is a particular fantasy of mine, but you upped the stakes by making it a double reach around 👏👏👏. The kissing, eye contact, scratching. Fucking hell - your moaning and begging. The edging was epic in this and I was right there with you because I didn't want to come too soon as a listener, so that made it even crazier. I was in control in my mind's fantasy but I was being edged physically by your voice and projected experience. Then you started leaking pre-cum and your partner got to lick it off 😍 (another super hot trigger of mine). The last few minutes I don't even have words for because I was just moaning and completely immersed in the fantasy. The orgasm was epic because of all the edging (mine and yours!) Definitely gave the neighbors an early morning wake up call....😂 Excellent work - this one is definitely going into my repeat playlist. Love, love, love 👏👏👏🔥💗💋


This is sooo hot!!! 🔥🔥

Kathy M

Yes. Agreed. Word for word. As I said before, it's acceptable.


Yes, to all previous comments! OMG, I closed my eyes and it sounded SO real! 😱🔥🔥🔥😎😍😏👏👏👏




I love it when you shine! That's it! Kisses...🙌


This was really sexy....I get mad and want to fight when I can't cum. You held it together very well....this is the fem control I like to hear. Gael, you HAVE to understand that listening to YOU experience pleasure provides some of us with much more satisfaction than a story in which we are catered to. Thank you for trusting the ideas, recommendations and experiences of your muses....


Moaning Monday Teasing Tuesday Wet Wednesday That would be a good week. 😸


Hmmm, you are in good hands, Mr. Mayor... 😋🔥


This was amazing😍...although I feel u didn't quite cum hard enough at the end...I think I would've tortured u a lil more 😏🍆💦😘


This right here... THIS. Right here. Oh my god...!! When "she" started stroking you from behind, I smiled like a dork! I just think it's really sexy for a woman to stroke a man from behind. And then...my fantasy began... When you started begging "her" to let you cum and "she" just kept edging and "torturing" you, making you beg, whimper, and moan for more and to just let you cum, and those whimpering pleas at the end...thank God I had the door closed, because I lost it; panty-wetting, in-chair squirming, lip-biting lost it!


Well Herr Gael... that´s a good one!... Though if I´d be your Frau, I wouldn´t be this merciful with your Schwanz.. :))

Kelly S

I feel like there's something wrong with a woman loving the sound of a man begging... And, I guess I'm wrong... b/c MY GOD that's sexy. This was one of the best audios EVER. I've always been far more turned on by my partners enjoyment and appreciation, so this is A-MA-ZING. God man... You're killing it.


Christ, she's got strong arms. Anyway, the asmr in this was nice, but fantasy wise I prefer to be dominated completely. More domination ones if you would be so kind


I would have had feedback but I basically passed out. Honestly outside of saying I love the scenario and the begging, I got nothing because I got too wrapped up in the audio.


I'm realizing it might have also influenced my decision to get a hot dog for lunch.


I LOVED the fact that this was all about you. That worked for me in a big way! Along with everything else too obviously 😉 Thank you x 😆💜


You could've always called work and said you had car trouble and would be a little late. lol


You know how when riding a roller coaster your heart and stomach do that flip thing? Yeah multiply that by about a zillion and that's close to what this is doing to me as I listen.


I thought you were going to say a VIDEO of him to go with the audio. ;-)


I love the sound of the whimpering and begging. So hot! 🔥🔥💦


^^^^^^ This needs to happen


Edging is my favourite fantasy. And you, sir, did it wonderful justice 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 I gotta say, and this might be an unpopular opinion, but I like audios like this, where it's all about YOUR pleasure, way more than the oral-heavy ones or just generally ones where it's more focused on the woman/listener. I think I'm a lot like you where I just want to give my partner pleasure, so if it's too focused on me I can't get as much into it 😛 I never EVER reach for the "eating you out" type audios, but this one and the one where you're tied up? I could have on replay all day with ease 😌 even the nightclub one from months ago is one of my favourites because it's all about YOUR fantasy. But of course this all just boils down to preference, and no matter what your sound quality and skills are constantly improving!!! So be proud of yourself for that!!!

Becky Schumacher

Stars and Stones Gael, you are too good to us!


<img height="190" src="https://media.tenor.co/images/0b70013880a702bd0f9557d6a00f839f/tenor.gif"> There we go! Now <i>that</i> is the voice of someone who's getting down with his bad self. Mismatch managed! 👍 Now that some of you have mentioned that part of the audio, I don't think I've ever actually tried to come at a guy from behind for sexy foreplay stuff. Mostly because of my height. I'm only a smidgen above 5'5"/165 cm (a.k.a. fun-sized), so I'd likely have a hard time trying to kiss the back of a guy's neck while simultaneously giving the ol' rub 'n tug unless we were really close in height. I mean, I'd probably have to jump up to kiss the poor bastard, or else stand awkwardly on my tiptoes. In which case there would be the very real possibility of me losing my balance and falling on my ass, which would be <del>mortifying</del> adorably clumsy on my part. 🙊 But I digress. This was still a great audio, though. 😝 (Shameless plug for the <a href="https://www.patreon.com/posts/8569573">bloody post I made on the Community page</a> wherein I very briefly mention why you should ignore vampire Gael and listen to non-vampire Doctimus' suggestion instead. [/clickbait])


Also forgot to say yesterday: when Gael said "I can't take much more," I thought that was a sign that the audio was almost over, so I checked, and when I saw we weren't even halfway done...well, commence evil cackling &gt;;) I'm so not looking forward to Gael's inevitable revenge...and by that I mean I'm totally looking forward to it


I've run out of words to describe the hotness of your audios, and that's saying a lot because I'm a wordy bitch 😂. I enjoy edging, giving and receiving. Don't get me wrong, I do appreciate quick and dirty fucking but the real pleasure for me lies more in this realm. Whether it's edging or slow and sensual love making. Seduction, teasing, foreplay, it's all part of the fun. People often get caught up in the moment and overlook those things. The best part of sex for me is the intimacy and being connected to the person. Slowing things down allows you to feel every sensation and emotion and let things slowly build into an intense passion. The anticipation just multiplies the release that much more. There are so few things that give you feelings of pure bliss, I don't think they should be rushed through when you have the opportunity. I think you should take as much time as you can to fully experience it and bring yourself closer to each other. You did a fantastic job of conveying the intimacy and vulnerability of surrendering yourself to another and of demonstrating the level of trust it takes. The begging and pleading was the icing on the cake. Bravo, Sir. 💋


There is nothing wrong with a woman or man enjoying the sound of someone begging. It'a perfectly natural reaction. It taps into our ego and self-image. You can't really avoid it.


I really don't know what to say about this audio.You caught me off guard 😂From a Domina's point of view, you NAILED IT!You killed me one more time 😂It's my favorite game!Its my new first favorite audio now 😀


Love the relinquished control of this one! So sexy

Gloria Adz

Oh my God Gael, I just discovered you on YouTube and I've been listening to your free audios like for 5 days in a row and they are addictive. But this, this audio, is exquisite. I became Patreon for this audio. When I heard the preview I couldn't wait. Imagine my face trying to contain the blush and smile of lust that causes me to hear this audio during work hours. I couldn't wait to get home. I definitely have to hear you moan and beg again tonight. I can't wait. Great job. Great fantasy. Truly yours, Gloria.


I'm with you honey. With some of the YT videos, I kinda started feeling bad because Gael gives and gives and never wants or asks for anything in return. So I was all for Gael getting his in this one!! Tit for Tat baby!! You deserve it!


Sweet lord when this man begs. moans and whimpers it is to die for. Absolutely addictive and incredibly sexy. &lt;3


Ja, this could be fun...for me!!!😜