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I can't wait to see you tonight...

And the draw winner is Charlie  Lalia 

Next week is a big draw week :))



Scarlet Kitten

Think he needs to do a follow up on this of what actually happens when he gets home. Yum.


Oh yes😍😍🍆💦💦


phone sex is always hot, and this is muy caliente (apologies to those that speak the espaniol if I butchered that)


1st!!!! 🤗




Anticipation over....finally 😆


Just what my Sunday afternoon needs!! 💜 OMG that line at the end, "Don't be fucking late tonight." Mmmmmmmhm.


Amen! XD


This audio was supposed to be something different... It didn't quite work and so I uploaded the raw file The original plan is coming soon... Experiments like Science like


Yah, what's the second one?

Rose from Ash

Oh dear God... *Bites fist*


Oh dear. That muse of yours better have a PERFECT poker face


Me no have a muse I don't like the idea of having a particular muse


"Didn't quite work " soooo does not describe this audio. I can't imagine what the audio that did work out sounds like


Somebody better check on Tina. Make sure she's not dead. 😉


Why does this never happen to me? 🤔 There goes that wall...*oh my*


You're out there on the experimental frontiers of erotic audio, blazing new trails and bringing your brilliant artistic creativity to all of it. You're doing good, good work, mister. 😘


Holy fucking christ! And I'm only halfway though...I may not make it to the end. It's been nice knowing you all. 💕💕💕


post listening thoughts: if my boyfriend sent me smth like this, he would be in SERIOUS trouble. How can someone not implode with all this teasing??! XD


Whatttt....to hell with being late coming home, I'd suddenly get sick at work and pretty much become an Indy 500 driver to get there!🔥🔥🔥

Kathy M

Sexy juicy hot wall fucking goodness 👍🔥💦




And that was the day Gaels coworkers insisted he was moved out of the cubicles...


HA! No time 2 waste! Life's to short! Zooming outta there!!😂


Into an office all of his own? That seems like a pretty good deal!! So much more privacy for ...... shenanigans.

Gri (Sassy_One)

‪"Spent, used up, well fucked and drained"‬...Against the wall...and this isn't the original plan for the audio? 😵 Really?


Congratulations Charlie - enjoy your audio! 💗

Kathy M

So yeah, he's probably gone to bed now...


And let me just say "YAY" mostly because that's the extent of my ability to form coherent words... 💋💕


Can't even find the right words to describe how unreal this is...


I soooo understand!!!!😂😂😂💖 Gael has me gripping my arm rests on a Sunday evening!


But where is this man though? Most I've gotten from a phone call at work: "what kinda panties u wearin'? U been thinking about me today?" Dude get off my phone 😂😂. That's pre Gaelforce. I'm really gonna be not with the bullshit post.


Brand spankin new!😂😂 Can you see the comment still? Cause I cant.


Why does patreon eat comments. Mannn.💁


OMFG!!!! Why is it that when I get bored waiting for Gael to post something and fall asleep, that's when he posts a REALLLLLLLYYYYYY GOOOOOOOOOD ONE!!! Guess who won't be able to sleep again tonight??? That will only make 8 nights in a row!!!! *sigh*


OMG, loved it xx


You got me at the first words but 'I' m running my hands over the front of my pants' got me like 💦 😰 No chance to be late after that! Congrats to the winner of the draw 🤗


Argh, won't be able to listen for at least another couple of hours. X-/


Now it's working! I give up!😂 Im not re-writing for the forth time. It said something abt cock slut and him saying "I don't give a fuck!"💦❤ ugh!


Be glad Brig, you really want to be sonewhere you can be alone and not have to do much afterwards...🔥🔥🔥


Where the fuck does Gael work where he can just...do this...is his office soundproofed?


Patreon is acting nuts tonight! Gael, I think ya broke it!!!😂😂💁💁


Congratulations Charlie!


If we all had soundproof offices and a pair of ear buds, we'd all lose our jobs because we'd get nothing done 😆




This would be a nice phone call to receive at work ;) Good audio Gael


(cough, cough) I need to go home, I'm sick.

Kelly S

First things first... Yep, totally thought about this. <a href="https://youtu.be/PTFwQP86BRs?t=1m1s" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://youtu.be/PTFwQP86BRs?t=1m1s</a>

Kelly S

I hate how that video looks... just so weird! But, the song still gets me going! hehe



Kelly S

Now... WTF DO YOU MEAN "This audio was supposed to be something different... It didn't quite work and so I uploaded the raw file The original plan is coming soon..." Srsly, Gael... Do you realize just how hard you make it for some of us to keep 'loving' you?!?! Yes, everyone is their own worst critic (except extreme narcissists and sociopaths) but G_d Dammit, Man! Literally NOTHING about this didn't work! I'm gonna be 100% honest here... I was SO excited that we got raw, hot, kinda forceful Gael back. And I was starting to REALLY hope we would get a full, dirty, raw, hot and, yes, forceful audio of that night after getting home from work. (Hence my tweet to Jane about 'old Gael'.) Then I read your comment. :( I'm not gonna lie, I'm a bit nervous that you wanted it to be/plan to make it more of the sweeter, calmer style that you've been doing. Anyway... This audio is pretty damn amazing and I'll be returning to it fairly often, I'm sure. (Sometimes a girl just wants a man to 'take her like he owns her'.)


Good thing the times zones protect the productivity of my day ...cause clearly I don't get shit done after you post stuff

Becky Schumacher

Oh Gods those stuttering breaths will be the death of me!


Me upon seeing this new audio: Oh cool, new audio! "Calling from Work", huh? I just got off work, too XD Hmm, alright then :) And congrats to Charlie!! *hits play* Me after listening to this new audio: ....X////X!! ...*hits download*


P.S. This could very well be just me...but does anybody else remember that selfie he posted last Halloween? This picture up here reminds me a lot of that selfie &gt;///&gt;


Guten Morgen Mädls! A wonderful Montag - Monday to y`all! It´s really early here, so just some quick Fragen... to cool down from this audio ....hehe... :) If you could bring one musician back from the dead, who would It be and why? If you could play one instrument you aren´t able to now, what would it be? If you could bring one fictional character to life, who would it be? What animal best represents you and why? What's the most sensitive part of your body? That´s it... danke my dears! Bis später... XD


Hi Claudia :) How are you my dear?? 1) Freddie Mercury because there was no other voice like him and there still isn't. Queen were quintessential, classically trained musicians and their music shows it. There just isn't a band in my opinion out there right now in the rock 'n roll genre that even comes close. His voice is much missed. 2) I would take up piano again. I don't have one in the house or even a keyboard. I studied classical music for 11 years but gave it up for a "real career" once I hit college age. I also played guitar and played the flute. I wish I could get back in the swing of things to speak but alas no time. 3) Ooohhhh impossible for me to answer. I am a voracious reader and could no more pick out my favorite character to bring to life than I could pick out my favorite author or musician. So many choices!! 4) Lioness - fiercely loyal to the pride, needs a pride, very affectionate, but will take you out if you hurt someone she loves :) I think I also just described a Leo which I am....so....makes sense :P 5) Without being too obvious with this answer (insert evil grin here), my neck and ears. Someone kissing either of those and I am melting. Also, someone sucking on a finger while looking me directly in the eye.


congrats to Charlie Lalia!!


Thanks trina 4 the heads up!


Boo, Monday. I need a day between Saturday and Sunday 😞 <b>Musician:</b> Michael Jackson. The man was a natural phenomenon, and I always thought it was tragic how the controversies he got mixed up in largely shadowed over his talent during the later part of his life. What I wouldn't give for the chance to see him perform live! <b>Instrument:</b> The guitar. I'd probably try (and fail) to look badass while pounding out a rift. 🎸 <b>Fictional character:</b> Superman! He's probably one of the most powerful fictional characters (in the DC universe anyway - Marvel is questionable since there's the Hulk and Thanos with his Infinity Gauntlet), and he is a force of good. <b>Animal:</b> I have no clue. I like cats and rabbits, but I don't know that they represent me all that well. I'm hopefully not a sloth or a pig 😛 Maybe an ocelot? They like to roam around and hang out by themselves. Plus look at this face. LOOK AT IT. <img height="200" src="http://www.zooborns.com/.a/6a010535647bf3970b0192ac94929d970d-500wi"> <i>"Yaaaaaasssss!" - baby ocelot</i> <b>Sensitive body part:</b> If we're assuming that a certain ladypart is going to be most people's default answer 😝, then my <i>second</i> most sensitive body part is my neck.


<b>(Edit: Sorry for posting this over here, Claudia. Patreon has reverted to its comment-eating ways whenever I try to directly reply to your questions!)</b> Boo, Monday. I need a day between Saturday and Sunday 😞 <b>Musician:</b> Michael Jackson. The man was a natural phenomenon, and I always thought it was tragic how the controversies he got mixed up in largely shadowed over his talent during the later part of his life. What I wouldn't give for the chance to see him perform live! <b>Instrument:</b> The guitar. I'd probably try (and fail) to look badass while pounding out a rift. 🎸 <b>Fictional character:</b> Superman! He's probably one of the most powerful fictional characters (in the DC universe anyway - Marvel is questionable since there's the Hulk and Thanos with his Infinity Gauntlet), and he is a force of good. <b>Animal:</b> I have no clue. I like cats and rabbits, but I don't know that they represent me all that well. I'm hopefully not a sloth or a pig 😛 Maybe an ocelot? They like to roam around and hang out by themselves. Plus look at this face. LOOK AT IT. <img height="200" src="http://www.zooborns.com/.a/6a010535647bf3970b0192ac94929d970d-500wi"> <i>"Yaaaaaasssss!" - baby ocelot</i> <b>Sensitive body part:</b> If we're assuming that a certain ladypart is going to be most people's default answer 😝, then my <i>second</i> most sensitive body part is my neck.


Dig ur nails in my back "I don't give a FUCK if they leave marks!"For a split second,he sounded like he had an American NYC accent. It was that quick tho.😃👍


Seriously... Gael, are you a chemist? What were you doing in Boston, studying at MIT?


That I DON'T GIVE A FUCK was everything...me likey alpha Gael 😏😍😳 more please 🙏🏽


Maybe a follow-up audio to this one could be called "The Severance Package". You know, referring to both Gael's metaphorical package as well as his actual severance pay after he's let go for turning on the alpha button on company time. Because there's no way his co-workers would've missed his end of the conversation. 😆 It could still be a really titillating audio! It would just have to revolve around raunchy make-up sex after the listener gets pissed that Gael lost his job for being too horny at work, just in time for tax season. 😏 #awwyeah


Just finished listening to the new YT video. I'm dead, too much to take this early! XD


*checking to see if I still have a pulse*


Listening to this "raw" file is interesting and I can hear things you wouldn't hear in a "finished" Gael production. I am anxious to see how the original plan compares. Being a left brained person, the evolution of creativity is fascinating.


Its really creative and really well put together. LOVE it!


Hmm... 271 Patrons... you know that equals a little village. But this village is quiet today... maybe there´s a fair in the neighbouring town...? Just me and the village-lurkers are left... bahaha...


DONT LISTEN AT WORK! Im seriously at my desk listening this...just don't do it. Is it hot in here?!


I looooove the growls 😍


Yessss!!!! I'd be at home already, leaning up against the wall....waiting for that door to crack open! 😍


Came back to this again...sigh.


8 times...today...so far...😣


When it comes to choosing Angel Gael vs Devil Gael, I'll pick whichever one is best equipped to jump start my car and make sure that it's just my battery (rather than my engine!) that's died and gone to automotive heaven. Or maybe they can make it a team effort. In fact, it's better that they make it a team effort because once my auto issues are sorted out, I'll probably be in the mood for a relaxing scalp massage, as well as have a mighty need to get fucked by something <i>other</i> than my aging car. :( <img height="200" src="http://media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lom5s5KHiq1qarprc.gif">


I'm such a goner for that intense desire that just. can't. wait. It's my Achilles heel. And now I've spontaneously combusted, scorching a hole through bed and bedroom floor in turn, and greatly confusung my cats. Oh, well... it was about time for a new mattress anyway, and my ceiling fan should help clear the smoke. (Did my laptop survive? Yay! Time to queue this one up again!)


Guten Morgen Mädls! A fantastic Dienstag - Tuesday to y`all!! I´m in a rush... no time for questions atm... Maybe later!?...see you soon, enjoy your day XDD Just give me some questions, if you like... danke!


Agree! This new Patreon is awful! ...it will drive away the Gaelandians... :( Danke für deine Fragen meine Liebe Rhea. XDD


Again! Again! I like it when he gets ruff... (not rough🙃)


This new design is really... annoying! Who creates something like this?? *shakes head*... they want their Creators to have a useful platform, won´t they?? ;)


My best guess so far is that they wanted to merge the code so that the comment view from the main Posts page, and the comment view on individual post pages, is the same. If it's true, it makes sense.......it's just not a good design. 😢 Seriously though, I scroll up to the top of this page and I can't get back to the main Posts page??? Well, I can, but only because I know that clicking Gael's name in the sidebar will go there. Yucky design.


Come on... Someone must be there!? Tell me something ....some silly gossip?? Ja?...bitte?... XDD

Kathy M

I'm sorry... I got nothing... But uhh how about some useless knowledge? Each of the suits on a deck of cards represents the four major pillars of the economy in the middles ages: heart represented the Church, spades represented the military, clubs represented agriculture, and diamonds represented the merchant class.


I thought I heard him say this the first time I listened to the Angel vs. Devil audio, but if one of you could confirm it for me, that would be great: Does Gael actually say "YOLO" at the 5:17 mark? Say it isn't so! That acronym is the <i><b>worst</b></i>. I get that it was a thing back in 2011, and I can kinda get behind the whole <i>Carpe Diem</i> mentality, but I just can't let YOLO slide. Call me picky or unreasonable, but <a href="https://youtu.be/1ytCEuuW2_A" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">this</a> is what came to mind the moment I heard him say it. 😫 It sounds like something Seanie would say. 😖 Otherwise it was a really great audio, what with the layering and all. But I'm going to have to go with Neil Patrick Harris on that one bit at 5:17. <img height="200" src="http://gifrific.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/NPH-dissapoint.gif"> <i>(In the event that I misheard and he actually isn't saying "YOLO", then I take back everything I wrote and give the audio two thumbs up and one heartfelt apology!)</i>


Guten Morgen Gaelandian Siren´s! Hope everyone has an excellent Mittwoch - Wednesday!? It´s really getting spring here! Everything starts to bloom...slowly. :)) So, Rhea gave me some Fragen (dankeschön my dear!) ... ⏩ Boobs or butt ? What does your partner prefer ? And you ? ⏩ In celebration of dueling @Gaelforce , what's your alter-ego like ? (Think Beyonce | Sasha Fierce) ⏩ Which would you choose, if a magical fairy gave you a choice to know only 1 thing about the past, the present or the future ? ⏩ What have you sacrificed for a stranger? Why do you consider it a sacrifice ? Thanks for your Antworten - answers... bis dann - see ya... XD


<b>Boobs or butt? What does your partner prefer? And you?</b> No data from partners, but guys can't take their eyes off of my boobs. Their are pretty great if you ask me, I love them. So I definitely think my future partner would love them too. XP <b>In celebration of dueling @Gaelforce, what's your alter-ego like? (Think Beyonce | Sasha Fierce)</b> I guess I don't get the question...? (don't hit me, I never cared about Beyonce and I'm lost here) <b>Which would you choose, if a magical fairy gave you a choice to know only 1 thing about the past, the present or the future?</b> I'd prefer not to know these things. But I guess the present would cause the least damage. <b>What have you sacrificed for a stranger? Why do you consider it a sacrifice?</b> My precious time...


Nein - no??? ...Seanie is the devil??? ...now I get it!! The clever basterd!! hahaha...


<b>(Another day, another comment eaten by Patreon. Sorry, Claudia!)</b> In Canada, Spring happens whenever the hell it wants 😒 But I'm glad things are starting to bloom in Bavaria! 🌺🌷 <b>Lady lumps:</b> None of my past SOs had any complaints about the boobies or the booty, so I'm guessing they liked both. 😝 When I was a teenager I was a lot more insecure about my body, but I'm happy with what I have now. Sure, I'm not particularly well endowed in the bosom department and yeah, I might have a bit too much junk in the trunk. But the way I see it, 1) I'll have the perkiest tits in the nursing home in 50 years, and 2) Sir Mix-A-Lot would love me. <b>Alter ego:</b> I don't know that I have an alter ego per se, but I reveal different facets of myself to different people depending on the circumstances. Like, I'm the calm, controlled professional at work, the cheery, witty sister around my brother, and the dutiful although a bit distant daughter around my parents. Then I might be a mix of all of the above, or maybe none of the above, when I'm alone. People are so complex that sometimes I question whether it's even possible to <i>truly</i> get to know someone in their entirety. <b><i>(Edit: If this answer is too grim, then let's go with my alter ago being Batman. Yeah, that's a much better answer. I'm Batman, you guys.)</i></b> <b>Past, present, or future:</b> I doubt that I would choose something to know about the past, since it's not like I can change what's already happened. There's tons of stuff I don't know in the present, but there's a chance I might figure it out later down the road. I'd probably want to know something about my future, but not a major spoiler like how/when I die. I think I'd like to know whether I end up happy. On one hand that might be a moot question to ask because the ability to be happy is completely in my control, but it'd admittedly be nice to have the assurance that, "Don't worry, things work out well enough in the end, it's all good." <b>Sacrifices:</b> I've sacrificed my health and well-being for strangers, usually through spending so much time and energy trying to help them that I neglect to take proper care of myself. It's important for all of us to look out for one another, but one thing that I've struggled with for several years is trying to strike a good balance between taking care of myself and taking care of others. When I do get the balancing act right, it doesn't seem like much of a sacrifice at all - if anything, it's a reward. When I fall off the seesaw completely, then I end up feeling resentful towards myself and others, and on days like that, the sacrifice just doesn't feel worth it. I also carried an old lady's groceries out to her car the other day. So I hope the universe was watching and will send me a strapping, able-bodied gentleman to haul my groceries to my car 50 years down the road (bonus points if he has a body like Daniel Craig and it's a hot day out).


<b>(Another day, another comment eaten by Patreon. Sorry, Claudia!)</b> In Canada, Spring happens whenever the hell it wants 😒 But I'm glad things are starting to bloom in Bavaria! 🌺🌷 <b>Lady lumps:</b> None of my past SOs had any complaints about the boobies or the booty, so I'm guessing they liked both. 😝 When I was a teenager I was a lot more insecure about my body, but I'm happy with what I have now. Sure, I'm not particularly well endowed in the bosom department and yeah, I might have a bit too much junk in the trunk. But the way I see it, 1) I'll have the perkiest tits in the nursing home in 50 years, and 2) Sir Mix-A-Lot would love me. <b>Alter ego:</b> I don't know that I have an alter ego per se, but I reveal different facets of myself to different people depending on the circumstances. Like, I'm the calm, controlled professional at work, the cheery, witty sister around my brother, and the dutiful although a bit distant daughter around my parents. Then I might be a mix of all of the above, or maybe none of the above, when I'm alone. People are so complex that sometimes I question whether it's even possible to <i>truly</i> get to know someone in their entirety. <b><i>(Edit: If this answer is too grim, then let's go with my alter ago being Batman. Yeah, that's a much better answer. I'm Batman, you guys.)</i></b> <b>Past, present, or future:</b> I doubt that I would choose something to know about the past, since it's not like I can change what's already happened. There's tons of stuff I don't know in the present, but there's a chance I might figure it out later down the road. I'd probably want to know something about my future, but not a major spoiler like how/when I die. I think I'd like to know whether I end up happy. On one hand that might be a moot question to ask because the ability to be happy is completely in my control, but it'd admittedly be nice to have the assurance that, "Don't worry, things work out well enough in the end, it's all good." <b>Sacrifices:</b> I've sacrificed my health and well-being for strangers, usually through spending so much time and energy trying to help them that I neglect to take proper care of myself. It's important for all of us to look out for one another, but one thing that I've struggled with for several years is trying to strike a good balance between taking care of myself and taking care of others. When I do get the balancing act right, it doesn't seem like much of a sacrifice at all - if anything, it's a reward. When I fall off the seesaw completely, then I end up feeling resentful towards myself and others, and on days like that, the sacrifice just doesn't feel worth it. I also carried an old lady's groceries out to her car the other day. So I hope the universe was watching and will send me a strapping, able-bodied gentleman to haul my groceries to my car 50 years down the road (bonus points if he has a body like Daniel Craig and it's a hot day out).


<b>(Another day, another comment eaten by Patreon. Sorry, Claudia!)</b> In Canada, Spring happens whenever the hell it wants 😒 But I'm glad things are starting to bloom in Bavaria! 🌺🌷 <b>Lady lumps:</b> None of my past SOs had any complaints about the boobies or the booty, so I'm guessing they liked both. 😝 When I was a teenager I was a lot more insecure about my body, but I'm happy with what I have now. Sure, I'm not particularly well endowed in the bosom department and yeah, I might have a bit too much junk in the trunk. But the way I see it, 1) I'll have the perkiest tits in the nursing home in 50 years, and 2) Sir Mix-A-Lot would love me. <b>Alter ego:</b> I don't know that I have an alter ego per se, but I reveal different facets of myself to different people depending on the circumstances. Like, I'm the calm, controlled professional at work, the cheery, witty sister around my brother, and the dutiful although a bit distant daughter around my parents. Then I might be a mix of all of the above, or maybe none of the above, when I'm alone. People are so complex that sometimes I question whether it's even possible to <i>truly</i> get to know someone in their entirety. <b><i>(Edit: If this answer is too grim, then let's go with my alter ago being Batman. Yeah, that's a much better answer. I'm Batman, you guys.)</i></b><br> <b>Past, present, or future:</b> I doubt that I would choose something to know about the past, since it's not like I can change what's already happened. There's tons of stuff I don't know in the present, but there's a chance I might figure it out later down the road. I'd probably want to know something about my future, but not a major spoiler like how/when I die. I think I'd like to know whether I end up happy. On one hand that might be a moot question to ask because the ability to be happy is completely in my control, but it'd admittedly be nice to have the assurance that, "Don't worry, things work out well enough in the end, it's all good." <b>Sacrifices:</b> I've sacrificed my health and well-being for strangers, usually through spending so much time and energy trying to help them that I neglect to take proper care of myself. It's important for all of us to look out for one another, but one thing that I've struggled with for several years is trying to strike a good balance between taking care of myself and taking care of others. When I do get the balancing act right, it doesn't seem like much of a sacrifice at all - if anything, it's a reward. When I fall off the seesaw completely, then I end up feeling resentful towards myself and others, and on days like that, the sacrifice just doesn't feel worth it. I also carried an old lady's groceries out to her car the other day. So I hope the universe was watching and will send me a strapping, able-bodied gentleman to haul my groceries to my car 50 years down the road (bonus points if he has a body like Daniel Craig and it's a hot day out).


Hi everyone, how do you message gael please?


If you're on a computer, hover your mouse on your icon in the very top-right of the webpage and select Messages (or click this: <a href="https://www.patreon.com/messages">https://www.patreon.com/messages</a> ). I don't use the app so I can't help if that's what you're using.


<b>(Another day, another comment eaten by Patreon. Sorry, for having to post this out here, Claudia!)</b> In Canada, Spring happens whenever the hell it wants 😒 But I'm glad things are starting to bloom in Bavaria! 🌺🌷 <b>Lady lumps:</b> None of my past SOs had any complaints about the boobies or the booty, so I'm guessing they liked both. 😝 When I was a teenager I was a lot more insecure about my body, but I'm happy with what I have now. Sure, I'm not particularly well endowed in the bosom department and yeah, I might have a bit too much junk in the trunk. But the way I see it, 1) I'll have the perkiest tits in the nursing home in 50 years, and 2) Sir Mix-A-Lot would love me. <b>Alter ego:</b> I don't know that I have an alter ego per se, but I reveal different facets of myself to different people depending on the circumstances. Like, I'm the calm, controlled professional at work, the cheery, witty sister around my brother, and the dutiful although a bit distant daughter around my parents. Then I might be a mix of all of the above, or maybe none of the above, when I'm alone. People are so complex that sometimes I question whether it's even possible to <i>truly</i> get to know someone in their entirety. <b><i>(Edit: If this answer is too grim, then let's go with my alter ago being Batman. Yeah, that's a much better answer. I'm Batman, you guys.)</i></b><br> <b>Past, present, or future:</b> I doubt that I would choose something to know about the past, since it's not like I can change what's already happened. There's tons of stuff I don't know in the present, but there's a chance I might figure it out later down the road. I'd probably want to know something about my future, but not a major spoiler like how/when I die. I think I'd like to know whether I end up happy. On one hand that might be a moot question to ask because the ability to be happy is completely in my control, but it'd admittedly be nice to have the assurance that, "Don't worry, things work out well enough in the end, it's all good." <b>Sacrifices:</b> I've sacrificed my health and well-being for strangers, usually through spending so much time and energy trying to help them that I neglect to take proper care of myself. It's important for all of us to look out for one another, but one thing that I've struggled with for several years is trying to strike a good balance between taking care of myself and taking care of others. When I do get the balancing act right, it doesn't seem like much of a sacrifice at all - if anything, it's a reward. When I fall off the seesaw completely, then I end up feeling resentful towards myself and others, and on days like that, the sacrifice just doesn't feel worth it. I also carried an old lady's groceries out to her car the other day. So I hope the universe was watching and will send me a strapping, able-bodied gentleman to haul my groceries to my car 50 years down the road (bonus points if he has a body like Daniel Craig and it's a hot day out).


Posted this on the community page but am so adamant that my brain comply that I decided to post in another place. Dear brain, If you continue to bleed I will feed you to zombies. I've tried to be patient but am now sick of being a patient. You are getting on my nerves, no pun intended. Dry those red tears or else. I happen to know a guy, did a lonely zombie audio a while back, and he has friends. I'm up to my neck in vampires and I know a werewolf who would gladly take you off my hands while taking my hands. Don't forget to check all attachments below. Signed, Your Mine(d) 🐺🚶🦇


Guten Morgen Mädls! A wonderful Donnerstag - Thursday to y´all! (I still think this new Patreon design sucks! Ja? XP) I`ll try something different today... this or that? Bath or Shower? Sneakers or Sandals? Glasses or Contacts? Hamburger or Taco? Couch or Recliner? Online Shopping or Shopping in a Store? Receive: Email or Letter? Passenger or Driver? Tablet or Computer? Most important in a partner: Intelligent or Funny? Car or Truck? Blue or Red? Money or Free Time? Amusement Park or Day at the Beach? Blinds or Curtain? Train or Plane? Iced Coffee or Hot Coffee? Meat or Vegetables? International Vacation or a New TV? Coffee or Tea? Danke for your answers (even if Patreon is uncooperative XP)... see you later my dears... :)


If that doesn't work, tell your brain that you'll sic Chuck Norris on its ass. Because everyone knows that Chuck Norris only has two speeds: walk and kill. (Yes, I know that the whole Chuck Norris thing is so 2005. I'm sorry in a #sorrynotsorry sort of way. But I really hope you're doing okay, Ali. Keep your spirits up - you've got this! 💜)


Happy Donnerstag, Claudia! Let's see how fast I can fire out these answers and how quickly Patreon eats them like the greedy little bastard it is!<br>Shower (it's faster)<br>Sneakers (they're more comfy)<br>Glasses (easier to put on)<br>Hamburger (it's tastier)<br>Couch (more room to do...stuff 😜)<br>Shopping in a store (you can try stuff on)<br>Letter (has more of a personal touch)<br>Driver (I drive, anyone but me reads the map because I can't navigate worth shit)<br>Computer (bigger screen)<br>Both (please don't make me choose - I need both)<br>Car (easier to park)<br>Blue (da ba dee)<br>Free time (it's priceless)<br>Amusement park (I won't get sand in my crack here)<br>Blinds (better at keeping out light and quietly judging your neighbours through them)<br>Train (the more scenic, relaxing route)<br>Hot coffee (iced coffee is the drink of the devil - f*cking unnatural, it is!)<br>MEAT (I love it. I just love it more)<br>International vacation (because I'd be less likely to run into a Kardashian that way)<br>Coffee (it has more caffeine, and my body runs on caffeine, adrenaline, and the tears of my vanquished enemies)


Hello all. New Patreon here. Kiwi girl living in Norway. Any other kiwis here? Or Norwegians for that matter? Hope everyone is having a wonderful day. 💕


Hi, Christie! Welcome aboard! 😃 I know there's at least one Australian here, but I'm not sure about Kiwis or Norwegians...


Hi everyone, how often do posts appear? Theres been nothing since I joined x

Kathy M

There's lots of yummyness is his previous posts. I love revisiting them.


Did any of you ladies who are not single found that listening to Gael's audios had a positive impact in anyway on your relationship with your partner?


Yeees! My husband is wondering why I'm wild all of a sudden, but he's not complaining!😜


Guten Morgen sweet Sirens! Did you have fun in Twitterlandia last night? Ja? So, it´s Freitag - Friday... a wunderbaren - wonderful, energiegeladenen - energetic (or as Gael would say ener-dretic :)) day to y´all!! My questions for today... (and... pssst... I asked them before, but I doubt anybody will notice it... hehe) Would you like to be famous? ...maybe an opera diva? ...an author, actress, athlete...etc? Are there any famous local gastronomic specialities in your area? Would you like to spend one day in a book/picture/movie? ...which one? Imagine a sexy devil would offer to buy your soul... would you accept? ...what would you wish for in return? ...maybe a happily ever after? ...Weltfrieden - world peace? ...bigger boobs? Just kidding... XP ...what could tempt you? Hm? The Gael related question... imagine Gael asks you to buy him some clothes... (I don`t know why he should ever ask this... but, ja... just imagine... XD) ...so, what would you get for him? ...and he needs a complete outfit! ...next he asks for a Kuscheltier - cuddly toy... what would you bring him? :) So, enough old Fragen - questions for today. Danke für eure Antworten - for your answers meine Süßen - my dears... see ya!


Morning, Claudia! What happened on Twitter? *checks as an anonymous guest* ...Never mind. A blast was had, holy cow X3 Would I like to be famous? No. Too much drama. Funny thing is I wanted to be an actress when I was little. Local gastronomic specialties? I live in a city loaded with them :) One of them is a tex-mex like place inspired by food trucks. One day in a book/picture/movie? Yes. Middle-Earth from Lord of the Rings. Sell my soul to a (sexy) devil? No, and NO. Buy Gael an outfit? I honestly don't know that much about fashion, especially for a guy, but...I'd buy him a full suit. Jacket, shoes, pants, shirts, tie (or bowtie ^///^), belt, suspenders, etc. A cuddly toy? ...Me! XD


Why am I just now seeing this?????


Holy fuck, why can't I get calls like this? I'd be leaving work early, never mind late! Anyway, I just signed up and this was the first one I listened to (though I have listened to some of the literotica posts - don't do this while driving, ladies... It makes you forget to slow down for bends!)


Damn.... thank god I bought new headphones. Jesus christ.... my heart is pounding


Revisiting the "rough" posts. And OH! MY! DAMN! THIS is the ALPHA Gael I LOVE!! To be "taken" this way....no preliminaries...no doubts..just pure unadulterated carnality!!!