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Based on a True Story




I laughed so hard that I almost spilled my coke on my laptop!! ... hilarius! The Dinosaur and Bombs are just great. I personally would love the sound of the gulls in the background though;) I live in a flat in the middle of Berlin and here are some nasty noises around sometimes 90db and more from renovations around. So my headphones are my best friends while writing. ;) thanks for this great piece of storytelling!


Ohhhhhhh lord, better finish my coffee before I listen to this or it's going to end up being spit everywhere. (I do learn! Kind of. Mostly.)


Dr Do Little


Is that a dinosaur?? lmfao!!


that escalated quickly!!


Yes, everything is calm. 😂


You are deranged! 😂😂😂


I laughed so much listening to this 😂😂😂 It must be frustrating having all those interruptions 😂😂 Anyway, for a name, "The Life of an ASMRtist"? 😜


Definitely sounds like "A Series of Unfortunate Sounds" XD "I'm getting chocolate" ❤️


When your hanging out at Alfred Hitchcock's house and seanie stops by to say what's up with 8 dogs,and the zombie apocalypse begins followed by the purge, and dinos are resurrected and all you wanna do is record a damn audio! I hate when shit like that happens! So annoying!!!😡😂😂😂😂 P.S. That's what the name should be and in that order.😏😂


My thoughts exactly!!!!


OMG, Hahaha! The level of frustration in your voice, oh jeeze, Lmao! What is this the dinosaur apocalypse/WW3? Yeah, where do seagulls go at night? Do they sleep? hehe,thank you!


You sound stressed Gael. I think you need a booty call to release your tension. I have a phone, and a booty...


I suck at thinking of names 😂😂😂 Maybe "ASMR Behind the Scenes"? 😅


"The shit I go through" by Gael. 😂👍


And when you said "I'm getting chocolate" 😍😍 Chocolate is a cure for everything 😉😋😂😂


Ohhh...I like the dinosaur sounds...!! Hahaha...

Kelly S

Commitment To His Craft. Gael-a-saurus Rex Gael-zilla


This dude was in the middle of a dinosaur attack (how even is that...o.O), and he's STILL focused on getting his audio done?!? ...Son of a gun even attempted to finish after a freakin' aerial bomb blew up O_O ...How "Disturbingly Dedicated". Sometimes, you scare me.


Lol love the vocal warm-up! 😂 😂 😂 and the dinosaurs! 'I'm getting chocolate.' 🍫 😁 Chocolate is my solution for literally everything!


Well, damn. 😮 <i>Apocalypse Now</i>? <i>In the Mouth of Madness</i>? <i>It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World</i>? Or, as Comic Book Guy would say, <img height="150" src="https://cdn.meme.am/cache/instances/folder213/44914213.jpg"> (Man, I hope this is a prelude to an announcement that you'll be recording an audiobook version of Adam Mansbach's <i>Go the Fuck to Sleep</i> or maybe an as-yet unannounced sequel titled <i>Seriously, Calm the Fuck Down</i>. Even if it was like an April Fools' joke or something, I'd still shit a brick of excitement 😝)


Murphy's Law


I don't have a creative title but I just wanted to say I was lmao when I heard the people screaming outside of your window. 😂 I can't imagine doing these audios after a full day of work, you are very passionate amd talented.


LOL that was so good. Such a great sense of humor, Gael!!! 🐕🕊🕊🐕🕊🚔🚑👫👬🐲🏃🏃🛩💣💥.....🐕 (I couldn't find a better bird emoji and there's some irony in the fact that it's called "dove of peace" lol 😆)


"True Story"<p>I think of this as 100% how Gael sees the distractions at his window. It's not a garbage truck - it's a dinosaur and the the dogs are definitely working as a team against him xD Given the Irish being known for storytelling...</p>


*dinosaur roars by, machine guns in distance* "I'm never gonna get this audio done" LOLLLLL Now I definitely have this mental image of Gael running out of the house and into the front yard, falling dramatically to his knees and Darth Vader-ing it, like NATURE, NOOOOOOO 😂


A pack of dogs, gulls, fire trucks, DINOSAURS, and he's still attempting to record. Thats commitment right there 😏

Kathy M

Wow, my head is spinning on this one! 😂😂😂 First of all WHERE do seagulls go at night? I never considered that. For me the sounds of them make me feel like I'm at the beach so I actually don't mind their noises. 2nd, your vocal warm ups...too damn cute. 3rd I think you owe the seagulls and Bobby an apology. Clearly they were warning you of an imminent dinosaur attack. Hear that happens all the time in sleepy Irish villages. And lastly my name for this would be "Gael Finally Loses His Shit" but that's probably not appropriate for publication so I'll go with "Dinosaur Kills The Audio Star". 😁💕


What is ginger beer anyway? I have a big thing of Dove Dark Chocolate for your nerves Gael. I will share.


Going by the file name alone Lmao! Let me listen and return :p


Is that a dinosaur?! LMAO not even a "cool it's a dinosaur" I love it, then there goes the tantrum and the storm out to get ginger beer and chocolate ❤it


OMG I HOWLED 😂😂😂😂 I'm on the train and giggling like an idiot and because it's New York, no one gives fk but I'm still trying to hold it in. The peaceful audio subject combined with the over the top events. Hilarious! TITLE- "Spiral into madness. Attack of the birds....and...dogs...police cars and screaming people and dinos, OH MY!"


There he goes....spoiling us again despite a dinosaur attack!!! Talk about keeping it moving! LMAO !!!!!! This was really funny....Complete shenanigans to and fro!!! I lost it after the dinosaur bombing and you begin re-recording anyway and the dog barked! 😂😂😂


Rats with wings 😂😂😂


Could "(Mis)Adventures in Meditation" work as a title, now that we know the full range of interruptions? (Also, I second everyone's kudos on your dedication.)


Well, danke Frau Rhea! ...now I know what I´ll request for my next PA...*sigh* Scaly Lizard Butt In Leather Pants ASMR.... hmmm


I got my husband to sit down and listen to it and he thought it was funny as hell too.


Aren't going to have time to listen before the deadline. I voted for my favs above and in the previous thread - everyone is so creative! Great ideas 😀👍💗

Shay Bun ?

The unfortunate events of gael😂😂


F these Gulls

Rose from Ash

The Majestic Calls of Nature XD


I. AM. DYING. As a performer I found this so incredibly relatable (thought maybe not the dinosaur part 😂). And something about "everything is calm" juxtaposed with the sirens blaring is just...I feel that on a spiritual level every single day! I LOVE that you're bringing more comedy sketches into the mix! Keep it up! 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼


Where I live, the seagulls go to Walmart's parking lot at night. lol


Hey Gael? What exactly do you do for a living? Besides keeping us in stitches and horny? bahahaha

Meghan McDonald

Fucking hysterical!! :) me me me me me me meeee lol


I sincerely hope this is actually how he warms up for audios


Fun fact for you all: the other night I had an EXTREMELY vivid dream where Gael did a live webcam ramble and showed his face. It actually woke me up from the sheer excitement so I didn't get to enjoy it for long 😭 congrats Gael, you've managed to make your way into my subconscious!


This is what happens when Gael lets Michael Bay direct one of his audios. But unlike most of good ol' Mike's work, I'd say it turned out very well. Two thumbs up and a fist bump! 👍👍👊


Was he secretly Colin Farrell in disguise? Either that or Cthulhu is my educated guess.


I just really love how after explosions, dinosaur attacks, most definitely a few people died, he's just like "I really need to make this audio this is SO INCONVENIENT" He's dedicated to his craft to be sure! 😂


Guten Morgen Gaelandian girls! A wonderful Donnerstag - Thursday to y`all! Today I have just one question for you... And ja, it´s the same as yesterday ´cause I got no answers. :( Though I think it got lost within the many posts (And ja I blame you Herr Gael!!) XP So, give me some questions I can ask in the next daily questions!? :) And would you like to write a little story again? Ja? ... Gut - okay, please include these words... ...thirsty, lush, permissible, straw, extra-large, frog, protest... Vielen Dank my dears! ...see you later... XD


I think Gael needs a relaxation audio! 😂


Hi, Claudia! Happy Thursday to you, too :D Some questions to ask, huh? Hmm... Why is your favorite color, your favorite color? What is one thing you're unable to do right now that you want to do eventually? I can't think of a story to write &gt;_&lt; I'm sorry!


ROFLMAO!!!!!!!!!!!! one thing I have found in life...that old adage of, "luck of the Irish," is total bullshit loooooooooooooooooool XD


Sexiest Dork in all of Dorkdom #LiterallyGoldHere



Andy Tyler

That vocal warm up sounds like Kermit 😂