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Part two coming soon!




wow! yumm <3


I enjoyed this a lot, you should make these kind of rambles more often.


that girl is a real crowd pleaser


Woo hoo!


Gonna finish it soon! It was a long one so......stay cool!


yaaaaaaayyyyy!!! xD


A long one you say?! 😝


Day made. Thankyou Gael ✨


💖What a wonderful weekend you have made for us! Thank you for your dedication Gael! 💋💋💋


Boom baby!!


I really shouldn't listen to this with other people around 😳 But I'm going to do it anyway 😉


Did you see what I did there? Did you read my scenarios? I guess I'll see soon enough.


Your laugh literally makes my day! ❤


Can I have a shoutout in your next ramble too? Please? 😍


I'm too old to be blushing !! 😍


...sigh can't listen to it now. I'm going to church in a bit...

Kelly S

"Stay cool"... He says knowing he's got the masses all hot and bothered already!


💖No worries Gael...Magic Mic was sounding fuckin fine in my ears!! 😍😍😍

Rose from Ash



Hmm, audios about animals. Is that legal in Ireland?


I suck at asking for shoutouts (lol) but I think it would be sexy if you moaned my name (Anita) and made some spanking sound effects while talking dirty at the same time 😉🙈🙈 I'm so shy about this now. Lol 🙈🙈🙈


'I feel it cuuuummming' 🎶 Yay! You did it! 😝 Can't listen to the full audio right now but yay for the beginning!


I have to leave for work in 5 minutes. Probably not a good idea to listen to this while driving, because I might crash 😅 Looks like I'm saving this gem for later


Go to the ramble thread a few posts below and put your request there, so he can see it! ;)


Are you naked Gael???


Questions for you... Where's your favourite place to have sex? And What's your favourite position(s)? You've probably been asked those a million times but I'm pretty new here haha. Could I have a sexy shout out involving you saying fuck under your breath, my name and a few spanking sounds please? 👌 Thank you Mr Gael 😋


New fan, and was out shopping when I got the notification Gael posted. I was in such a hurry to get out of the store, I forgot some of what I'd gone for. Reminder to self - when shopping on Sunday, bring a list!


Hi Devon! Add your comment to the erotic ramble thread ;) Otherwise I'll forget haha


loved the final ciao! as a newbie it's so good to hear from you on a different level I have the feeling that listening just to the erotic audios can make some think that you're some kind of robot, there to please us all. It's nice to hear from the person itself, human with thoughts and flaws! there's not explotation here but just mutual support and love! ;)


Just bring headphones. And make sure they are plugged securely into the jack or you may just get some horrified looks from the shoppers around you.


*slides in real innocent like*


Ach, will I ever get my answers?? Hm?? You know, Herr Gael I have some compromising pics... ahem... dick pics... just saying.... XPP


Angie getting hit on was my favorite part :D Danke für den Kuß mein Lieber!


The MOST embarrassing thing happened yesterday you guys!!! Back story- I was living in city A but moved to city B to be closer to my parents. I'm looking to buy a house but until then I'm crashing at their place. So, My dad and I were sitting opposite each other and I go to pull up the internet. All I did was open a window! Guess who played out loudly in the middle of an erotic audio-- it wasn't Seanie, it was GAEL!!! 😳😳😳😳


I didn't laugh with my request as i thought i would.It was very tempting xD The part with Sean it was hilarious :P


Wish it had been Seanie. I could have played it off as a comedy routine...


This, 100%. It's super important to me to recognize and affirm the person behind the 'performance' (whatever kind of performance, be it Gael's audios or even a cashier at a store, or whatever). That's one of the main things I appreciate about being part of the Patreon community, because we get to do exactly that. 😄


I now officially have a reason to look forward to Sunday. Can't decide which I like more: the sexy stuff or that naughty laugh. 😊


Ahhh, just got done with yoga, rushing home to listen!


Actually... I'm not doing anything Friday night... so, where are you taking me Seanie? 😘 You're much better than that Gael guy... 😂


Thanks for the birthday wishes. Now you have to tell me what you said in Gaelic. That was very sweet of you. Just for the record, my name is pronounced Mar sha. But the way you said it was really sweet. People pronounce it the way you did all the time. Now when I hear it that way I will think of you. ;-)

Kelly S

Newer Patrons! I highly suggest you scroll back through Patreon and find his previous erotic rambles and regular rambles. Lots of the same informational stuff being asked, just thought I'd give you a heads up!


Wow, fantastic improvs! (Also, note to self: need to be quicker to the threads.) Eagerly awaiting Part 2...


I love that I got a seanie shout out lmao! I'll give him a shift I suppose.


After that earth shattering slap💥👋🏼 can I call Gael 'tight ass' now?🤔


Well you know how excited we all get over your accent but are there any particular accents that tickle your pickle?


Odd question: What we're you listening to? The woman in the background at the 30 minute mark sounds gorgeous


(And totally trying to "stay cool" but failing. That was fun. 😊 Love a good ramble)


...Let me tell ya, I do NOT MIND the fact that there are multiple Amandas in here. Even though they're not all directed at me XD


You're going to need to center yourself again after this


I totally get cha on that. Gael will say this phrase sometimes in his audios, "yah eeyah." I'm pretty sure he's sayin, "yah Ali, yah." 😉


I GOT CHASED BY A GOAT ONCE TOO!! On my 17th birthday!!! I can't wait to hear your goat story Gael XD


I love the shoutout Gael!! Thank you so much :D


This man trying to be "stern" is the cutest. He's always almost there. Except in this case he was no where near there. 😂😂😂


Gael is such a naughty boy 😂😂😂


This was so much fun!! I'm so thankful for finding this group. I can't even express it! Looking forward to hear your fantasies and banter in part 2!!


Is hard to enjoy Gael audio when your sick 😭🤧


Guten Morgen my dear Sirens! A wonderful Montag - Monday to y´all! Just some quick questions, if you like...ja? How many times do you wash your hands every day? Can you remember who was the first concert you went to? The last? What ethnicity are your parents? (Ex: M- German/Dutch, F- French/Japanese) What is the most interesting piece of trivia you know? If you could learn only one magic spell, but it could only do something mundane and boring, what would the spell do? Daß soll genügen - that should be enough... danke and see ya later! XDD


Hello, Claudia :) Here's hoping Patreon doesn't toss my answers into the void this time... How many times do I wash my hands? After every bathroom break, before I cook, after I take care of my dog... Very frequently. And that's not counting sanitizer use. My first concert was a Janet Jackson concert way back when I was in middle school. The last one I went to was Trans-Siberian Orchestra a few years ago. My mom is African, Cherokee, Irish, and Spaniard. I don't know exactly what my dad is yet, but he is African and Native American. The most interesting piece of trivia I know is...a polar bear can stop its own pregnancy. One mundane and boring magic spell? Gosh, that's hard...magic itself isn't really that mundane or boring (I write a lot of fantasy stories). I think I'd learn to...bring dead plants and flowers back to life.


This is 10/10 the best ramble ever! I don't even know If I can carry on lol


It's too bad I missed putting in my request. I loved every second of this but the beginning with he slap scared the shit out of me tho XDDDD.


Hey Isabelle You haven't missed it Add it to the erotic ramble thread below ;)

Kathy M

Little late to the party but Gael you is on fire! 💗💕💗


Fun sexy ramble - looking forward to part two 🎧😊. Next time, it might be good to have the background music a little lower. It was difficult to make out your whispers at times because they were competing with the music. Other than that, Magic Mic sounded great (so did you 😉). Till next time 💋


I WAS NOT READY FOR THAT INTRO GAEL. I was sitting at my desk just now minding my own business like 'hmm? where's that music coming fro- OH MY GOD' because my headphones weren't all the way in. I decided to do the obvious thing and tackle my phone with my whole body, so I'm writing this from the floor under my desk where I think I'll just stay for the rest of the day. Happy Monday to meee 😆


A lot of you seem to have problems... plugging in... your headphones properly? Ja?!...hm?.... XPP


228 Patron- Sirens today.... and it´s still quiet. Nobody wanna say something??... Hm... we could talk about Magic Mic. Those ears are quite rough... how much does this mic cost?... They could at least sculpt some beautiful ears.... Hahaha...


How are you lovely Frau?


I´m fine, danke! Had a quite lazy day... now it´s evening and I´m waiting for my man. How are you Frau Susie?...


Can't help but giggle and blush uncontrollably when you're moaning in the beginning. Lol 😂😂🙈😍


Guten Morgen süße Sirenen - sweet Sirens! Hope everyone has a somewhat pleasant Dienstag - Tuesday?! Guess what? I have some Fragen - questions... here we go... Are you a good actress? What time of day is the best for sex? What two things would you like more of while having sex? Would you rather wear clown shoes every day or a clown wig every day? What do you think is a really sexy name (male or female)? ...and I don´t wanna hear "Gael"! ...I still don´t know if this is an official name anywhere?! Would you rather eat your favorite meal for every meal for the rest of your life or never be able to eat your favorite meal again? That´s it. Vielen Dank - thanks! See ya... XD


Are you a good actress? It depends…if you're talking about in a movie or play, no. If you're talking about having to pretend you are happy when you're sad, yes. What time of day is the best for sex? First thing in the morning or middle of the night, which for me is the same thing with my sleep issues. What two things would you like more of while having sex? kisses and whispers Would you rather wear clown shoes every day or a clown wig every day? A wig for sure as I hate wearing shoes. What do you think is a really sexy name (male or female)? Well since I can't say Gael, I would have to say Liam. Would you rather eat your favorite meal for every meal for the rest of your life or never be able to eat your favorite meal again? Every day for the rest of my life. I LOVE pasta and can't imagine not being able to eat it ever again.


Hi Claudia, I'm an okay actress. The best time of the day for sex is the morning....everything seems to be extra sensitive. If I were in a relationship right now I would want more dirty talk and then some more dirty talk😉 I'd rather wear a clown wig everyday, wearing those shoes would definitely cause a fall. There are 3 names I think are sexy... Liam, Blake and Marcello.....BTW Gael is definitely an official name😉 I'd rather never eat my favorite meal again...I imagine if I were to eat it everyday it would no longer be my favorite anyway.


Marcia...that's hilarious we chose one of the same sexy names!!😊




Are you a good actress? Yes, I think I'm pretty damn good. I did a few plays in elementary school and was in several all thru high school What time of day is the best for sex? Anytime What two things would you like more of while having sex? Sexy talk and kisses Would you rather wear clown shoes every day or a clown wig every day? Clown wig. I happen to love colorful hair :) What do you think is a really sexy name (male or female)? Zayn, Leo, Logan Would you rather eat your favorite meal for every meal for the rest of your life or never be able to eat your favorite meal again? I would rather not eat my favorite meal again...u never said I couldn't eat the parts of that meal in other meals, just not together ;)


Buongiorno! ;) Lovely questions, let's try answering them! Are you a good actress? I don't really know. On a personal level, I can be quite convincing when I want something. ahahaha I never actually tried it on a stage. What time of day is the best for sex? It depends. During pre-period like EVERYTIME EVERYDAY! ahaha usually, I'm driven by the situation, I don't any particular wrong times ;) What two things would you like more of while having sex? Sexy talk for sure. But I'm getting there, my bf proved himself to be an amazing lover on that side. He's just so curious to try new things. Second thing, I would say starters XD I wish they would be everlasting ;) Would you rather wear clown shoes every day or a clown wig every day? Since I have ginger hair, having a clown wig is not a big deal ahaha I would rock Beyonce-clownish curls look! XD What do you think is a really sexy name (male or female)? I love tons of names. For italian names, I would say Gabriele and Beatrice. Internationally I love Alexander, Damien, elena and nina! Would you rather eat your favorite meal for every meal for the rest of your life or never be able to eat your favorite meal again? Mmmm, I'm strong, I would live kind of easily without my favorite meal. I would just search for a new one ;)


230 Patron Sirens.... aaaand it´s quiet.... I can literally hear the ASMR crickets chirping.... rrrriii.... rrrriii.....rrrrriii.... Hahaha... come on tell me something...like... how is your day so far? Hm??...


I'm working right now. I work for a podiatrist. A lot of wound care today. 😫 I'm just waiting for 5pm so I can go home. How about you Frau Claudia?


Uh oh. New audio go boom?


It appears so, as soon as i was done listening, it disappeared.


Gael unintentionally uploaded an unedited version of the audio. I'm sure the right version will be up in no time!


...well I got to listen to 15 minutes of it.


Today has more icky winter weather including snow and sleet, so I'm huddled inside trying to be disciplined about work even though all I want is a warm blanket and slippers, a big mug of hot cocoa and Netflix.


Well, unintentional gag *cough**cough* reel😉


I keep missing the chance to listen to these moving in audios because they keep getting taken down 😣


Girls, just so you know, there's also a brand new audio on YT. And it's really cute, AND sexy ^_^!


Where's this shower audio??


It got taken down, chica. I'm assuming his inner perfectionist is coming out and he needed to tweak the audio a bit. I'm positive it will be back up like the "Tied to the bed" audio was c:


...I thought I heard him say Fuck Sick Life... but I could be mistaken..


The thought of you saying my name in an audio for everyone to hear makes me blush😜 I'm not shy one on one but I am in these group settings hehe. Have you seen the movie FEAR where Reese With Her Spoon (Witherspoon) is pleasured on a rollercoaster? Just a thought for a future audio...I've been trying to think of fantasies of mine (or things I've done) that you haven't already covered. I saw a video where a couple had sex while skydiving. Although I have skydived I don't know if I have the balls to do that. 😜

Kelly S

Thanks a whole freakin-lot... I was just in the car with my kids and 'I Feel It Coming' came on the radio. That's an odd sensation to have around my children, dammit. 😉


GAEL?!?!?! (tapping foot impatiently) are we ever going to get part 2?? Hmmmm? Come on baby, you can do it, you know you want to. *evil grin* Have you never heard the phrase "Hell hath no fury like sirens who are deprived of your sexy voice"? Ok so I made that last part up but you get the hint. bahahaha ;-)~ roflmao


How the hell do you comment for him to say your name? Im new here.....help!

Rose from Ash

What you need to do is wait for him to ask for questions for an erotic ramble. Comment with your request to hear him say your name. I was lucky, he got me second ^.^


hey gael I really love your audios they make me feel special. I was wondering if you can moan my name (my real name is Carmen) for a minute and tell me special things like im pretty or something like that. but most of all I just want to be friends with you. if you could do this for mr it would brighten up my day.


oh my i hope there will be more rambles like this to come would love to join in xxxxx