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Good evening!

Hope ye like!




First! 💋💋


Hooray! Gotta be up for work by 4am, but this audio is worth it c;


If only I could listen now! Have to wait til I get home off my night shift ! You're such an early riser Boi! It's all I can do to get myself up and out of the house on a morning and here you are posting audios and everything! 😂


First time posting... haven't heard it yet, but I know it'll be delish 😊


Good Girls say... "Please?" And, "Thank you, baby!" 🤗☺️


Great ending to a frustrating Monday! Thanks you sexy beast! Rawr!


I'm truly convinced that GF is a serious distraction to my work xd


Whatever are you talking about? I think he is rather boring...


That fapping, I swear I thought it was my dog scratching! I kept looking behind me thinking- "Tha fuq? Isn't he done yet? He's gonna scratch a hole in his skin!" Ahem, until I took the earbuds out... 🙈


⬆ this comment just made me feel that I HAVE to listen to it NOW 😂


OH! MY! GAWD! That was AMAZING. Talk about death by Magic Mic! The vibrations when you get close to the ears made my heart race. You have out done yourself yet again. 🙌 🤔I do wonder...would we be dead for good if you got close to the mic as you orgasm? I bet those vibrations would kill us for sure. Not that I wanna to die, but could you test my theory? For science?


Wow, you are spoiling us!! Listened to it while getting ready, and again, it's the best way to start the day!! So sexy, especially the dancing/teasing part! Made me shiver like a leaf on a windy day 🍃 That mic is really magical! Or should I say : YOU are! 😝 Have a great Tuesday! Bonne journée !


Well that was glorious 😊 I love the tones in your voice, especially the needy pleasure at about 5:45... And all the breathing! That mic is my favorite new thing this year. Tingles. Beautiful, Gael. Sexy and sweet. 😙 And the kisses at the end are so lovely.

Kathy M

Nothing like waking up, taking a peek at the phone to find an audio notification and having a several minute long shiver. Loved the "stay close to me". So intimate and sexy. Thanks for the middle of the night visit 😚


Finally, Patreon you fucker... now I can listen.




FFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUAAAAAAAA... the teasing, the whispering, the breathing, the whimpering, the rustling, the spoken, the unspoken... just... this audio is dangerous... loaded with triggers... DO NOT listen when standing

Gri (Sassy_One)

😳😵...yup, this is good☄️...so fuckin' good, sexy...talk about a week starter...☠️💥


Well, that was an unexpected plot twist. 😳 But it was a very pleasant way to get M. Night Shyamalan'd. <img height="250" src="http://img.pandawhale.com/39876-The-Rock-applauds-applause-cla-OmWp.gif"> There has to be, I hope, a Part 3? Because at the end of this audio, Gael is <i>still</i> wearing his pants. 😛


<img src="https://pbs.twimg.com/media/C4Dm-KEWIAAbJvM.jpg">


🔥🔥🔥 Nothing sexier than flirting with your man all night, then coming home and playing. Love that they were both half clothed. It is one of the hottest things to straddle a man as he pushes your skirt up......🙃😋. That line about dripping onto his suit pants, and feeling her wetness with his fingers as they fuck.....holy shit; that almost tipped me over into o-town. Also, loved all the closeness and whispering - made it so realistic. Fantastic part two! ❤❤❤❤😘


I'm gonna have to start making up new words to describe how amazing your audios are because amazing just won't cut it anymore. I love when your moans get higher and also the little, tender moans in your kisses at the end 😍😍 Perfection 😉


I returned just in...time? *afraid*


Grrr, something's wrong, it's not working!


💖Sometimes logging out and back in helps, if you haven't done so.


I wondered that same thing when he was in the throes of ecstasy...is he gonna cum next to the mic????😮😮😮 I was ready to burst into 🔥🔥🔥 Fuck science!! I wanna hear it purely for my pleasure!! 😆😆😕


OH MY!!! This was just SOOO HOTTTT, SEXY AND INTIMATE!!!!!!! Gael, once again, you have me at work HAPPY AND HORNY!!!!💋💥💥💥😻

Kathy M

I think we gotta break out the ultimate word in describing how G makes us feel. SCRUMTRELESCENT!!!


Ohhhh my fuuuuuuuucking god! Fuck. Me. I loved everything about this! The way you tell me what to do, the breathlessness and cadence of your voice, the slow deliberate descriptions, the intensity and restraint in your whispers. It's amazing how much passion and tenderness you can convey in a whisper or a growl. Teasing, anticipation, are always such a turn on for me. As soon as you said "No,no,no, I'll take those off" I was on my way! Everything after that was pure pleasure! Everything was sexy and hot. Every word, every sound, even the silences and pauses. Perfection. Ohhhh when you say good girl, that's my Achilles heel! Instant turn on every time. My favorite part though, is how much you sound like you're enjoying it! Thank you, Sir! I can't get this out of my head, it should make for a very interesting day at work... 💋


💖Hahaha, I said it...out loud. "Pleeaasssse" and "Thank you!" 😆


Today I am glad I work from home!

Kathy M

Adulting is interfering with my giving this another listen! 😡


I like bouncing. I like breaths in my ear. Dead


I've lost track of how many times I've listened to this. I really should stop. I cant.


Oh my fuck. Your cumming tho.........fuck


That was...😱


I was like " bounce girl! Bounce!"


You know Jessica, I love reading your comments, classy and polite with a twist of lust. ❤ ya!


Really fun position. The lady gets to rock and roll with her hips. And you're holding her as close as you can. Then the eye contact. I am going to have to go to the dry cleaners to get the cum off our clothes again. At least they get a lot of business.


"make the fucking neighbours hear" hhahhahaa, :p

Kelly S

Well that was certainly a pleasant audio.


You just keep getting better and better! This one was astounding! That whimper when you wanted "her" to feel your cock inside "her" as she came down (and through the rest of the audio) almost destroyed me @~@ It's my dream to make a man whimper like that! I love how close you and "she" held each other the whole time; that made this especially tender. And those whispers and breaths at the end...mmm, love them!


LMAO yes. *sips tea* quite. *flutters delicate paper fan*


The whimpers 😍 As much as I LOVE dominant Gael, I also love him with a bit of open, vulnerability as well. So sexy, so tender.


The soft tender moans ..... the exhales you can feeeel..... #Wrekt


well R.I.P. me..

Kathy M

Alright everyone, it's ok, we gotta let him in on the secret, this new microphone isn't working out at all and he needs to go back to the yeti, heck even his phone would do. Amirite?!? Right? Anybody?!? **crickets intensify**


<img src="http://31.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_macy6xkrev1rcdp6mo1_500.gif">


So we're just gonna live here today? Cool.

Kathy M

Sounds good to me, outta nowhere people are saying we're gonna get a blizzard Thursday 😱


Why isn't mine working?!😭😭😭


Patreon likes tomake us suffer. Most us us have had occasional trouble with this and app. No rhyme nor reason and most of the time it'll correct itself. Just hang in there. :-(

Gri (Sassy_One)

So, what do 'good girls' say, Gael? Kinda intrigued to have your thoughts on this one...😏


Hi Meghan, the first part is posted on Gael's Youtube page. <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7DQ2PSHU7M4" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7DQ2PSHU7M4</a>


💖Gael, you're so very good to us. Go raibh míle, míle maith agat!! 😘


<b>Claudia asked me to post her questions!</b> "Guten Morgen dear Sirens! Hope everyone has a wonderful Mittwoch - Wednesday!? Thanks to Agent Angie - best Secretary (and secret, sexy spy) - EVER!! ...here are some questions, if you like? Ja? I recently talked to the Patreon help center people... and they are sooo friendly, and quick!! (It´s nearly creepy for me, in Germany you have to wait for days... and if you get an answer at all, it`s rather cold and gruff! I felt a little bad `cause my request was short and functional... Though I´m sceptic (again typically German :)... let`s wait if it`s all a friendly facade, or if they are really solicitous!? Haha... What are your typical experiences with hotlines/call centers ect.? How frequently are you using your pc/laptop/phone? ...for work and in private? If you could only keep five possessions, what would they be? How would your friends describe you? What is your earliest memory? How much do you pay for toilet paper? Danke for your answers! See you later (maybe?) ...XD (Danke for your help Agent Angie! You know how the Colonel gets if he doesn`t get his daily data! XP)"


My response to that was "Now, motherfucker" which is probably the wrong answer...


Herr Gael!!! This audio is <h1>really fucking good!! XD</h1>


So......that new YT video..... 👗😘🔥 If ever there was a Gael audio that was better while wearing clothes, this is it. Gael's voice + my clothes gave me Feelings....


The new YT audio threw me for quite a loop, which I wasn't expecting. My first impression at the beginning of it was that it was a bit cheesy (although endearingly so), and I'll admit that I may have snickered like a 12-year-old girl during the part when he talks about wanting to be the listener's panties. 😝 But as I listened to more of it, I found that it was a lot more touching and poetic than I anticipated, and it conveyed a lot of warmth and intimacy through the rather unique analogy of clothing. Plus the soothing tone of voice that Gael used in this audio somehow made it more three dimensional than anything Magic Mic could've done. (Sorry, Mic, but humans: 1, technology: 0 today!) There aren't that many audios that hit me right in the ol' feels, and I can only think of one audio (made a couple of years back by another audio artist) that consistently makes me tear up because of how sincere the artist sounds in it. I wouldn't quite label the new YT audio as a tearjerker, but it did a swell job of making me genuinely smile despite my occasional inner philistine tendencies. Overall - very well done. Me likey long time. 👍 (But to make one logical statement in this comment, a reason why Gael <i>shouldn't</i> be jealous of my clothes is that I only do laundry once a week or so, and I'm sure he'd probably want to bathe more often than that.)


Guten Morgen süße Sirenen - sweet Sirens! Hope everyone has a happy Donnerstag - Thursday!? Well, I got no answers to yesterday`s questions! Gar keine!! :) So I have to ask them again... How frequently are you using your pc/laptop/phone? ...for work and in private? If you could only keep five possessions, what would they be? How would your friends describe you? What is your earliest memory? How much do you pay for toilet paper? Oh and how about a link to an energetic, catchy song? I hope today someone will give me some data! Hm?... (come on... else the Colonel won`t be pleased!) Danke for your answers! See you later, Schätzchen! XD


Well we can't have the Colonel not being pleased......who knows what effect that might have on his creative drive?? <strong>Screen Time:</strong> Uhhhhhhhhh pretty much all the time, with work and personal combined. 😣 Apart from the work that always demands attention throughout the day and all my other hobbies, last fall I found this great voice actor who makes the best audios ever, and along with him came a lovely community of ladies*, and anytime something new pops up I can't seem to drag myself away!!! 😘 <em>* Never used in an exclusive sense. If y'all are here, y'all are welcome exactly as the person you are.</em> <strong>Possessions:</strong> My laptop 💻 and external hard drives, my inexpensive-but-sentimental-value jewelry 💍, my guitar 🎸, and two pieces of art 🖼. Apart from my myriad old journals, everything else is replaceable. <em>However</em>, what is the reason I can only keep 5 possessions??? Is it because of a fire? Then my answer is the same. Is it because I'm selling everything to travel for 5 years? then I would give my art to a friend and keep a really cool travel backpack I use all the time. Is it because I have lost my mind and gone übercore minimalist? I might need a few pieces of clothing.....lol. But the latest news says that clothing causes jealousy in isolated cases?? More research needed. 😆 <strong>Friends say I am...</strong> uhhhhhhhh. Friendly and nice? Thoughtful about things <em>or</em> a total over-thinker of everything? Obsessively punctual but otherwise kind of flakey?? <strong>Earliest memory:</strong> One of the rooms in the house I lived in as a toddler. <strong>Toilet paper:</strong> I don't know??? I pay money into the common funds for the house (several renters) and someone else is responsible for buying toilet paper. lol <strong>Energetic, Catchy Song:</strong> <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0HDdjwpPM3Y" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">Bang Bang</a> is really fun and the lyrics make me smile. It's not some philosophically deep thing but it's exactly the fun kind of mood that I want more of in my life. 💥💥! 😜


<b>Szia! Agent Angie!</b> Are you good today? Any Colonel/King L. sightings?...


Agent Claudia! Sadly nothing - but I'm thinking of ways to share that little secret we have... ;)


Claudia &amp; other non-Twitter people: Gael has a new channel up ;) <a href="https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXG9ndRwnKwps3wfpVfkIyQ" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">here</a>


Danke, my dear! ...Gael is a really busy bee... Now Mic and he have their own channel... how sweet! Haha....


Is the new channel mostly for organizational purposes (i.e., ASMR-ish audios go here, while dialogue/scenario audios go on the old channel)? I suppose that could come in quite handy for listeners who prefer one type of audio over the other and want to be able find those specific audios easily. I think we can label Magic Mic as one of the luckiest inanimate objects in the world, right? Given what he gets to listen to all the time? I just hope Mic doesn't pull a Skynet and become self-aware or else he's going to be one horny, insatiable bastard 🎤


<font style="color: #4B088A;"><h2>Guten Morgen meine Lieben - my dears! A beautiful Freitag - Friday to y`all!! </h2></font> <font style="color: #0174DF;">I have a few questions... if you like? Ja?... So, do you get all ASMR tingly? ...what are your triggers? Are you a good baker? ...care to share a recipe with us? What is your currently favourite Gael audio? Do you judge a book by it`s cover? What childish thing do you still enjoy? That`s enough for today... answer if you are in the mood. XD Danke, Schätzchen... see ya... </font>

Kathy M

Good morning to you! I'm heading to bed shortly 😄 Had a snow storm today got several inches of snow and now it's freeeeeezing! Gael's asmr gets me all tingly like ☺️ the new audio he just posted today with the ear blowing? Ooh, that was good! I like to bake, my favorite is chocolate chip cookies. Homemade ones are the best! Favorite Gael audio, so much to choose from but if I think of it like a favorite song then it'd be Black Tie Affair. Love the playful dialogue in the beginning and how it gets so sexy. Not to mention it was the first time I'd heard the belt unbuckling. Cracks me up now when I remember my initial reaction to it. I try not to judge a book by its cover. There's always more than what meets the eye. Yet as I've learned first impressions generally tend to be the right ones. Omg, childish thing, too many to count. But I love picking out toys for my friends kids. Generally if I know I'd enjoy playing with it then it's usually a hit. Also I still love watching cartoons that I grew up with. Those make me feel like a kid 😄


<h2 style="color: orange;">Why are you shouting Claudia?</h2> XD


Just poppin in quickly to say..HAPPY FRIDAY!!!! Go kick some ass and make it an amazing day :)


New audio over on the main YT channel! I'm still blushing, dammit. Later thoughts: Did anyone else totally decide that 11:50–12:02 is Gael getting away with extra naughtiness on YouTube? I ain't complaining though!!!! I might be tempted to take it as a challenge....


I like to <del>live dangerously</del> multitask, so I was actually eating a bowl of corn while I was listening to the new audio. As a "do as I say, not as I do" sort of PSA, it's generally not a good idea to eat corn while listening to a GF audio. That shit be dangerous 🌽 When it comes to <i>listen in public</i> audios, I like to take those on as a personal challenge. Mostly because I hear all sorts of bizarre or emotionally-charged things in my line of work, and I pride myself on my poker face. So I resolved to try to get through the entire audio whilst maintaining a neutral expression and calm, controlled body language. I was doing really well...until 7:50. I wasn't actually listening to the audio in a public setting, so I suppose it's only fair to describe my reaction in a public venue: [7:50] <i>"Hah! Do your worst, Gael! I got this shit on lockdown!"</i> [8:03] <i>"Oh man...I mean, nope! This is fine. Everything's fine. I still got this!"</i> [8:21] <i>"Son of a- what the-? Stop it! Stop it, damn you!"</i> (This is also the point where I visibly shuddered and almost dropped the bowl of corn, so it's a good thing I wasn't in public.) [9:08] <i>"Ahh, too real. Shit's getting too real! Fucking hell, Magic Mic!"</i> [9:20] <i>"I'm only getting goosebumps because it's cold as fuck in my apartment since I haven't got the heat on. Because I'm trying to save money and reduce my carbon footprint. I'm only getting goosebumps because I'm a </i>fiscally responsible woman who cares about the environment<i>. Yes, this is the story that I'm going with."</i> [11:11] <i>"I'm only shivering because it's cold in here. Very, very cold in here. Nope, I'm not feeling flushed at all. I'm just going to tighten my core muscles and start doing some Valsalva maneuvers to lower my heart rate. And my heart rate is only elevated because I've drank so much coffee today to wake me up and keep me warm. See? Science has an answer for everything!"</i> [11:32] <i>"Joke's on you because my skin tone is too tan to effectively tell when I'm blushing! So take THAT!"</i> [12:09] <i>"Oh good, he's speaking Gaelic. I never have any clue what he's saying, so I can go all </i>deer in headlights<i> for a moment and finish eating this damned corn."</i> [12:29] <i>"I do wonder what he's saying, though. He could probably read out loud the instruction manual for a dishwasher and I wouldn't know the difference."</i> [12:46] <i>"Huh, is</i> that<i> what he said? If so, that's kinda sweet! D'aww."</i> [13:40] <i>"FINALLY! It's over! Now I can eat the rest of this corn and keep my fingers crossed that karmic justice will catch up to Gael. One day someone is going to tease him into absolute oblivion and then we'll see who's laughing!"</i> I'll maintain my composure better next time. It's on like Donkey Kong, guys.


<p style="color: red;">(Psssst... Agent Angie! ....tonight is full moon... I need the coordinates for the gateway to the secret forest!...)</p>


(I'll provide them in a little bit. The Colonel's reaction to our folder, and I quote: "lmao!!")


Ohh... Damn!!...Patreon ate my daily questions!!! I swear it was there earlier... :( Guten Morgen Sirens! Hope everyone has a pleasant Samstag - Saturday!? Any special weekend plans? Right to the Fragen - questions... Imagine Gael is your secret crush... which Valentine`s card would you send him? Imagine Gael is your boyfriend... what would you plan for Valentine`s day for him? ...what could he plan for you, to make you really happy? What would you NOT do for 5 million dollars? What are your thoughts about sex in water? And what is the most useless thing you know how to do? Danke for your answers! Enjoy your day! ...bis dann... XD

Gri (Sassy_One)

Good morning, dear Claudia Laundry and cleaning Saturday for me😆 Ok, some answers... Gael- Secret crush Valentine's card- "You suck less than most people, wanna be my Valentine?" Gael-Boyfriend, Valentine's plans- All places tend to be too crowded for V-Day, so some alone time at home would be nice, a whole body massage, a nice home cooked dinner, some music he can relax to, dirrrty little whispers and good ol' teasing. he'd decide how the night ends... For me? I'm a sucker for chocolate, Rom-Coms, Horror films and cuddling, so he'd have to figure out how to combine all, mixed in sexy-naughty time, and we're good to go! NOT do for a buttload of dollars- the current POTUS🤢 sex in water- 🤔 never done it, could be tricky... most useless thing- must be so useless I don't remember it! LOL Have a great Saturday, Frau!!!!


Hi, Claudia! Hope your spying ways have been paying off. 😉 I'm dyeing my hair today and being the third wheel at a Valentines date tomorrow. So I should have some fun. Secret Crush: If I got up the courage to send him anything, I'd find a blank Valentine with something cool on the front and put something heartfelt inside. Boyfriend Gael: I'd wait up in the bedroom, having left a note for Gael to find downstairs telling him to come up and find me. When he comes up I'll be wearing nothing but a robe, standing next to a massage table that's set up for him. As I work through all his tension there will of course be teasing and dirty talk until he says enough is enough and takes me however he'd like. For me, I'd be happy with whatever he'd plan as long as it was thoughtful, genuine and from the heart. Five Million Dollars: I wouldn't do anything to harm anyone or myself for any amount of money. Sex in Water: Have never done that. But am willing to try it. Would LOVE to have sex in a hot tub someday... Useless Talent: I can pick things up with my feet? Have a good weekend Claudia, ladies, and Gael! 😉❤


<b>Guten Morgen wunderbare Bewohnerinnen - wonderful residents of Gaelandia! A truly splendid Sonntag - Sunday to y`all! :))</b> I spent a glorious Vollmondnacht - full moon night at the enchanted forest... (Thanks to Angie!) So let me ask you some questions... (You know, as long as anybody answers I won`t stop asking ... oh, and of course I don`t ask them to transmit the data to the Colonel! haha...Right!?...) Did you have any weird/cute habits as a child/today? What was the worst purchase you’ve ever made? What was the last thing that you fixed? What’s your “going to bed” routine? What looks delicious but tastes terrible? Danke my dears, for all your answers... we really enjoy them! XP


Good morning (night owl time here ;). I called toll booths toad roads (still do sometimes) and I still always have to have my bed positioned so I see the bedroom door when I lay on my back (totally weird but its something I've always done. ~ there are too many that have tied to list them all - most of them involve garage sales ~ I fixed...my neighbors deadbolt since her key was stuck in it and would open (she had something baking in her oven too) ~ I shower, put my fleece bathrobe on, get into my fleece sheets and listen to Gaels latest comfort audio and doze off. Here's to hoping the bad dreams of getting a 74 on my huge certification are behind me (I need a 75 on all 4 parts. *cross fingers* ~ delicious and terrible...that one hs me stumped...ah i got one... realistic plastic fruit.. Wouldn't advise eating that... :) Have a great day, Claudia and the rest of the Gaelandia residents.


I can't get enough of this one.🔥💦