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Baby, you look like you've got a spring in your step! You are glowing and so sexy!

Shall we go for a walk and then to bed or to bed and then for a walk?

I know! I know! I can't myself....but it's your fault!

Author's Note:

I was so excited to make this audio!  A woman is many kinds of sexy through her life and to watch her step into her power in all of those times is a privilege.

Maybe one day I'll do a "tenderness focused" angle of this idea, but from the moment I began recording I knew this audio was going to be passionate and full of the raw sexuality that comes from a woman who knows herself.  And that kind of woman brings out my growl xd

I loved picturing the woman you are, confident and settled into who you are, knowing what you like, giving zero fucks, taking what you want, when you want it.  That is ultimate sexiness.

For the exquisite lovelies navigating the change of life, I hope this audio empowered you and further solidified your belief in your own unique sexiness and power.  For those of you not yet beginning that journey, I hope this audio will be a resource to encourage you when the day arrives.

I take no small joy in seeing how ye uplift one another through every facet of life.  I am so excited to have been able to be a part of this one in any measure.

Like this? Try:

3D Orgasmic Whispers (Intense & Intimate)

Close To Me (Tender Lovemaking)

Connection (Soul Sex)

I know this post is a bit different.  I made a post regarding why: March Changes to Patreon




Wow….this one hits home. For me personally it is an intense roller coaster between emotions and physical changes. Personally, never been a whine ass but I’m telling you for me, this change has knocked me on my ass quite a few times and I’m not used to that. Feeling sexy is so important at this time in life. There’s so many good and not so good changes happening but you can’t stop them and just like this audio the “give a fuck” gets less and less. Sometimes you want to flip off the world, get in your car and just drive! Ahhhh, so much better now! Thank you.💋😈

Kathy Mc

This was so awesome! Sweet, tender, understanding, sexy, hot as hell and so needed! It's a tough time to go through but you make it seem so much more bearable! Life and sex don't end at 50!🥰🥰🥰😋😋😋😘😘