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Hello Loves,

Happy weekend!  I hope ye are keepin' well!

I have something I'm working on and I wanted to bend your ear on it a bit before I release it to the rest of the patrons in March.  You all have been so supportive and I value your opinions and feedback

Over the past 4 or 5 years I have run into a troublesome issue where people join our Patreon at the lowest tier (which is why there is no longer $1 tier), download hundreds of files and then leave.  Once they leave, they post them online or distribute them privately in bulk without my consent.

On one site I found hundreds of audios available to anyone who came to the site.  Fortunately I was able to get it banned.  But it's a constant battle to keep it under control.

You can imagine this is very frustrating and over time has really done a lot of damage to what I've been able to earn as a creator.  As you know I've never been "money-focused" but the reality of recording space costs, traveling, equipment and such is one I can't escape.

I was at a bit of a loss on how to handle it.

Then earlier this month, Patreon did an update that removed all the MP3 download links from all of my past uploads.  The audios are there available to be streamed, but can no longer be downloaded.

We have a library now of over 600 audios over the past 7 years, and some of the files may not even be available anymore.  So the idea of trying to restore all the mp3 files to hundreds of audios (and possibly lose them all again) was a discouraging one.

After a lot of brainstorming I've made some decisions and I wanted to get your thoughts.

Patreon will continue as it always has and be a library of my full body of work. Audios will be streamable.

When musicians release content, you can stream their songs on various platforms, but if you want to own the mp3, you can choose to buy the albums or songs and support the musician.


- I will activate the RSS feed option on Patreon, so you will be able to access my audios, not only here on Patreon but on other platforms where you might listen to music or podcasts. (List of apps here)

You'll be given a personal RSS feed link tied to your account that is personal to you. (Links can't be shared without giving login credentials, so this lessens the risk of content being further pirated)


Much like with musicians, I'll work to make as much of my content available for download as possible.  I'll update my site with new content for those who might like to download it.

I believe these changes will help everyone!

It will make it easier for you to access the content on patreon (in the RSS feeds)

It will help slow the theft and reposting of my audios on other platforms.

I know many of you will be supportive no matter how I move forward and I am so truly grateful for that.  But I also know this change is going to ruffle some feathers, and that is the last thing I want to do.

So I would love any feedback you might have, or ideas!

Do you have any suggestions on how to make things easier or more fun?  I do plan to make a "Glossary" or tags with my thoughts on the tags so Lovelies can get some insight into my brain when I'm tagging.

I also will feature different audios, maybe choose "favourites" chosen by all of ye so new lovelies can be guided to the audios you think they should hear... etc.

These are all just brainstorms right now, as I'm trying to find my way.

I want to be as fair and easy and fun as possible for not only new Lovelies who join us, but be sure I'm honouring all of you who have been so supportive.

I never want you to feel slighted or that I don't have your feelings in mind when changes like this have to happen.

So my sweet ones, please let me know your thoughts.

With love and gratitude,

Your loving mayor


Thank you all so much for the incredibly kind words and support.  I am so lucky to have you.  Truly.  

Also thank you for the suggestions.  All of them are valuable, and though the platform may not support some of them, I will try to find ways to get as close as possible.  As we move forward, Please don't be shy about feedback so we can fine tune this together so everyone feels as comfortable here as possible.  Thank you !

I will be announcing the changes over the next day or so, if you're so moved to voice some of the things you said in this thread to encourage the positive momentum, I would be so grateful.

Thank you for being here.  I can't think of a better way to express it, but I am so touched by your kindness and how much you believe in our community.  Thank you. 💚



I honestly have never had great luck with Patreon downloads- they disappear or don't get onto my phone in an easily playable format. And those bootleg uploads make me feel physically ill. I'd love to see more albums on audible. Upshot - do what you need to do!


Ah, G...I know you were a bit worried about possible push back on the changes...but on the whole it's been positive and welcomed. Your thoughtfulness means you can't help but worry...but our lovely community shows it's true heart. 💚 There are some clarifications and questions but nothing even remotely scathing. Hope the positive feedback continues! Also, I find it noteworthy that there are some Lovelies who mentioned how the audios are at cost on your websites but "free" on Patreon. Access to Patreon isn't free ofc...but I feel this possibly proves you have room to play around the tiers, and the kinds of accessibility to your work and how each level can be differentiated...in terms of how much access is meant for reaching/helping more people while setting the tone on the value of your work, time, and value of being on Patreon.