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Yet another mic test!

This time its the 'Zoom'




Yesss I loved the end 🖤


Wow 👌 👏 😍 x


Loving all these mic tests! Keep em coming management!


I never thought I'd like tests so much 😉


This is one sensitive mic, omg.


Argh, can't listen! Have to go grade posters & student audios -- this'll be my treat for finishing those. Stupid adulting. (But what a sweet reward!)


H O T (Sorry, can't more...)


Can`t decide what`s better in this one... your new mic or your new naughty scenario?...it`s too much at once! Gods help us... XP


Don't worry: I've got my arms around it telling it: 'everything is going to be just fine.. let it all out honey'

Kathy M

So wicked and juicy hot, I'm aching so badly right now. My brain and body is scattered. I don't know what this magic is you possess but I'm completely entranced.


Gonna be late for work if I listen, or will it make it a better day? Maybe have some "tests" to look forward to rather than the ones I'm giving today? Decisions, decisions! (nail biting ensues)

Kelly S

*spoiler alert* This is why I have more than one dildo. That feeling of the different sensations... holy shit. Look, I try not to get too TMI on here, but omf... if I didn't have to meet the trainer in 20 minutes, I'd have pulled out my machine and spent the morning in absolute bliss. (Of course, there's always AFTER the gym!) This was so fucking sexy... I LOVE mutual play, I love playing with each other, I love when it turns into fucking... but that ending... Yeah, I'll just admit it, I came so fucking hard... on both dildos. 😉 (Next time... tell me to cum on your cum at the end, and I'm pretty sure I'll end up fainting after how hard that cum would be!) And... sry for not being as 'tactful' and just being so straight up, ladies... But yeah... sometimes it's just that hot.


I have got to stop checking my phone before I get out of bed in the morning , damn you! Nope, turned it off. Gotta go to work! Fuck now I'm going to be wet all day. I hope you're happy now. ;p


Unleashing the dirty boy & magic micky at the same time... good lord... what have we done to ourselves? 😥💦💦💦


Lethal weapon it is its not a simple mic :P So did anyone noticed the line "my uncut cock"?I dont remember if we asked him if he is circumcised but its an interesting information :P


You nasty Gael.😌


HO. LY. Hell! I give this test an A fucking plus! 😈


Herr Gael! ...I seriously hope you won`t post anything more today! ...You`re fucking up the "daily questions" answers!! ...all the girls will be spent, sated or dead!!...otherwise...hm... just proceed mein Lieber!...


Three new audios...There are THREE new audios?! All with the new 3D mic?!? ...Thank God I'm off work today.


If science had been this fun when I was in school, my grades would have been soooo much better!


💖No words...nada. Just speechless! 👍 👍👍🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥


The words you say, the sounds of you jerking of and the sounds of your jeans/belt while you do it are freaking hot.Oh Gael im gonna lose my sanity!


FUCKING HOTTTTT!!!! There's just no other way to say it!🔥🔥🔥🔥 I may as well walk around with a CAUTION: SLIPPERY WHEN WET sign. 😋👅💦💦💦☔️☔️


It is a happy birthday indeed!! 🎂🎉🎁. So glad I have the day off 😉. Ok, so first off let's discuss content. Hot🔥hot 🔥hot🔥. The part at the end with the cum on the dildo, and putting it back in.....holy shit dude! ❤. I loved the mutual play, and you describing everything. I loved having a threesome scenario without actually involving a third person. I also loved you telling me what to do, directing the dildo play. This combined the best of mutual play, JOI, and a threesome - the content was stellar! Now let's talk technical mic stuff. 1. The fapping and tapping sounds were different than what I am used to hearing from you. They sounded more realistic to me, like I was right there. They also sounded more distant than usual. The sounds with the Yeti were closer and more exaggerated, but less realistic. Not sure if that makes sense, I'm trying to find a good way to describe it. Different isn't good/bad, it's just different. Personally, I prefer the more realistic sounds of the 3Dio. 2. I am glad you moved closer to the mic at the end, because it was barely picking up the wet sounds at first. I'm a little biased because that is one of my favorite parts of every audio...😉. Once you got closer, the wet sounds were fantastic. So crisp and clear! Again, like I was right in the room with you. Very realistic and so fucking hot! 🔥 3. Didn't get much binaural action on this one, except one part about halfway through when you seemed to move closer and the sound shifted from the middle a bit. I think you were testing the Zoom function, so that makes sense. Binaural would be brilliant in this type of modified JOI situation, because you could sound like you were beside me or behind me watching and giving instructions, kissing my neck, nibbling my ear, etc. Getting hot again just thinking about that! 😅😂 Loving all these tests, and this super hot new scenario! 😘


He is uncut... I don't really get the anatomy of it, lol.


I'm in public so no playtime for me... yet. I was gripping my seat so hard my hands turned white. Didn't even notice until the audio was over. Ffffuck!


Vacker, I wish you an absolutely FABULOUS BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!! 🎉🎉🎉🍷🎂🎈🎈🎁


I weep for the student audio grades when they are keeping you from this glorious science xD


Oh honey


My legs won't cooperate with me, my brain is mush, and my hands are shaking... This is what I get for listening to all three tests within one hour... You went to town on this one, Gael @_@ Hearing you get wild like that...I was mentally begging. The sounds were much clearer to me with the new mic, especially when you zoomed in. Long story short, all three tests get thumbs up from me! Now, please excuse me while I go change pants...


That is probably the best fucking audio ever!!! I loved the kinky twist at the end. I'll be floating on a cloud for the rest of the day if anyone needs me 😍💦☁☁☁

Jane List



I... He... ffffuck...just.... mmmm... please?...


Started listening to this at work and I just...I can't. As soon as my shift is over I'm sprinting home and staying in my room the rest of the weekend. 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻


Wow many of your audios had strong effects on me but wow that one is... *needs water* probably one of your hottest audios and hottest things that exist in the world... wow, it's a one way ticket to Slutland!!!


Wait...so you know we all have dildos that we use while listening? Yikes. Busted! Omg. So fucking hot. Looooovvvveee this one.


When you went to two hands... omfg, for the first time I could hear that and Wow, soooo good! And the level of kink is delicious!!


I wanted to say something... ...I forgot what it was.

Kathy M

I really think a trip to the toy store is in order today...to uhh...celebrate. Yeah, that's it.


I have no words....except for these ⬅️ 🤐😍😋💦💦💦


Jó estét!... ügynök róka...!?


HERR GAEL!! ...you now have that sündteure - wickedly expensive new magic mic... and you still don`t fade out properly!! Why? Hm?? ...it`s really ärgerlich - annoying! ...a rather hasty ending after a good performance... just saying... XDD


I don't really know how 3D microphones operate, so I spent my lunch break reading about them because who doesn't like knowing how stuff works? (Note: Everything written below could potentially be completely wrong if I've misunderstood what I read, so someone please correct me if I've f*cked it up!) If I'm understanding it correctly, the Zoom isn't so much a specific function of the 3Dio, but rather a separate audio recorder that one can mount to the 3Dio itself, is it not? I think it also functions as a microphone, so if Gael was using <i>that</i> to record "Playing for me", it would explain why the audio wasn't as binaural as the Magic Mic test. So if anyone finds the "He's on the left! Wait, now he's on the right!" aspect of an audio a bit jarring at first, I believe non-binaural audios can still be made using either the Zoom or by standing directly in front (or behind) the 3Dio. Something that's also really cool is that you can probably make subtle (or perhaps not-so-subtle) changes to the environment to influence the sound of the audio. The anatomically correct shape of Magic Mic's ears helps make recordings sound realistic, but some people who are really into this sort of thing actually <a href="http://www.slideshare.net/zeynepjanebozok/1binaural-recording-techniquesrecording-with-a-diy-dummy-head" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank"> construct entire mannequin heads and upper torsos</a> to make things sound even more realistic. Attaching a partial mannequin to the synthetic ears where the microphones are housed can dampen the reverberation of the sounds being recorded, much like the human body (and other objects in a room) would normally help absorb noise. I'm assuming that to create the effect of moving from one side to another, Gael was either physically moving around the 3Dio or else staying in one spot and moving the 3Dio itself with his hands. In order to create the effect of moving downward or upward, I'm guessing (although I'm not sure about this) that he could either move downward/upward himself, or simply adjust the height of the tripod on which the 3Dio is mounted. Either way, it's funny trying to picture him getting down on his knees while recording in order to make it sound like he's giving some Australian kisses. So if that is actually what he would have to do in order to create the illusion of moving up or down someone's body, is there any way to make an audio even more realistic? In a real life setting, if someone was whispering dirty talk to you in bed, things like your body, pillow, and mattress would presumably absorb some of the sound and make it less echo-y. However, you might not get quite that same effect if the 3Dio is mounted on a tripod in the centre of a room. So, I'm hypothesizing that in order to achieve ultimate realism, Gael would have to place Magic Mic lovingly down on his bed, mount him, and then start whispering sweet nothings in his sexy, synthetic ears, preferably after buying him a drink first. If he really wants to go the distance, I suppose he could invest in a blow up doll, somehow fill it with foam instead of air, and then attach it to the bottom of the 3Dio so that Magic Mic now has a bootylicious physique to mimic the female form and absorb 'dem sweet sound waves. Or else he could just try putting Magic Mic in front of a wall when he records. That might work, too.


That would be really awkward if those kids he talked about in he ramble looked in, but the sound would be spot on 🎤🎧


LMAO@ eating tamales!😂😂😂


These shorter (but!🔥 so!!🔥 hot!!!!!! 🔥🔥🔥) audios are perfect for my short breaks in amaze-busy-time. Gael, thank you for the perfect stress relief and helping carry me through a stretch of insanity! 💜😚 When "crunch time" ends then I will <em><strong>properly</strong></em> be able to enjoy these if ya know what I mean... 😉😋


I agree, Sage! The two hands part was amazing! 😍


Guten Morgen meine Lieben - my dears! Are you all still nice and tingly from your latest magic mic experience? Ja?...good! XD I wish you all a Happy Chinese New Year! ...it`s the year of the "Fire Rooster" or as I like to call it the "Fiery Cock"! Haha... And of course a wonderful Samstag - Saturday !! You may have noticed that we have some spies amongst us? I won`t reveale any names though... XD And some of us already have positions at the mayor`s office (as seen in the nicknames :)) Today I offer all kind of positions at the Über-Secret-Spy-Headquarter of Gaelandia. It`s under the special guidance of our beloved Colonel Force. And it´s a weird, surreal place where everything can and will happen... (you should visit the Gingerbread Dungeon or the Vegan? Marshmallow Garden!!) So, if you like choose your new career at HQ right away!!! You will be provided with your own spacious rooms and basic code words at once! And of course you have to choose a new cool nickname/job title! Some random questions... do you buy canned food? ...are flowers expensive where you are? ...Gael offers to record 1 1/2 minutes for you ...what would you like to hear? ...guess how many times did Gael cum on his couch? (The brown one with the pinkish cushions XP) That`s it...Thanks for your cooperation! See ya at HQ ... XD


恭喜发财! 万事如意! 步步高升! 身体健康! 祝大家鸡年行大运! 🍊🍊 What is there not to love in the year of the COCK!? 😘


Hello Darling Spy for the Force! I'll maintain my role as Gaelandia's Official Naughty Librarian...lol...so no on the canned food, every now and then for convenience I use it but mostly I try to stay away from it. Flowers can be expensive in some shops but usually you can get some lovely inexpensive ones at farmers markets. If I've got his undivided attention for 1 1/2 minutes, I'd like him to tell me that he's coming to visit me in the library and then he can whisper all the delicious things in my ears...either that or he can just wish me a great day in his best west cork craic...I'm going to guess that Gael's cum on that couch enough times to leave a permanent blush on those cushions...🤔😂😏🤓😘


The latest audio was posted about 30 minutes ago, so I'm guessing I'm the last one to hear it given how on the ball the rest of you are! Very masterful use of the 3Dio in this one! Enough transitioning from left to right to make it realistic, but not overdone so as to make it seem scattered. The kisses were at a good volume as well. I thought the first 30 seconds or so had perhaps a bit too much of an echo to it - maybe that was due to Gael's proximity to the mic? The echo seemed to stop at the part of the audio where he's presumably standing right by the listener, and I'm guessing he was right up by Magic Mic when he recorded that. I know he mentioned in the erotic ramble about wanting to soundproof the room one day, and I wondering if having some insulating material (or even recording in a more enclosed space) could help reduce echoes. I was going to read more around it, but then I made the happy mistake of actually listening to the content of the audio, and now my brain can't science at the moment. 😯


I noticed the echo too but for me I like following sounds around the room - my family &amp; friends jokes that I have "ears like a bat" so this was a fun work out for my bat ears! As he sound insulates I'm sure the echo sounds will fade but I'm still gonna enjoy following the movementy sounds xD #SoundNerd


This was yummy. Mmmm


Guten Morgen, my Schätzchen - dears! Hope everyone has a pleasant Sonntag - Sunday!? Well, I´m a little tied up right now ;) ... so I just have some quick, sexy questions... Do you/would you like Bondage? ...a little rope play, to be tied up or maybe cuffed? ...and of course, do you/would you like to tie up your man ? What is your favourite? ...when Gael cums deep inside your pussy? ...over your Arsch - ass and back? ...over your Titten - tits? ...all over your Gesicht -face? (though he never did that yet? Did he?) ...or in your Mund - mouth? (sadly he never did that too! :( ...) How do you imagine Gael`s cock? XD If you had the interesting possibility to - harmlessly and teasingly blackmail Gael ;) ... what would you demand? ...just curious! XP And would you like to write a little story for me? ...including these words... streetlight, scarf, 1hour, plaid, lemon, half sleep, drum, cat. Thanks for your Antworten - answers (I really enjoy them!) AS for yesterday`s questions ...thanks for your interest in the offered positions at HQ. I will come back to you with the details...;) Bis später - see ya... XD


I was finally able to finish this last night and I still can't find the words, other than to say I am thankful I can have HFOs. ; )


Amazing, Gael 😍💦


Ohhhh…sexy questions today Claudia! (1) Do you/would you like Bondage? Not heavy bondage or serious BDSM, but maybe a little playful, sensual bondage. …a little rope play, to be tied up or maybe cuffed? I get super claustrophobic just thinking about this, about not being able to move or get away. I would have to trust my partner implicitly to even consider this, he would have to be a very special person and take the situation extremely seriously. I would need to know that a safe word would be immediately respected, and I could stop the play at any moment. ...and of course, do you/would you like to tie up your man? Yes, with a silk (vegan equivalent) necktie. Tie his hands to the headboard above his head, then tease him for a bit before I ravage him. Yummy! (2) What is your favourite? ...when Gael cums deep inside your pussy? ...over your Arsch - ass and back? ...over your Titten - tits? ...all over your Gesicht -face? (though he never did that yet? Did he?) ...or in your Mund - mouth? (sadly he never did that too! :( …) Inside my pussy, especially when he talks about it before hand. Fuck…..that is so freaking hot. It is what pushes me over the edge most of the time, when he starts talking about it (shooting his hot cum, putting it deep inside me, filling me up, making me take it, etc.). I think it is a possession thing, like he is truly taking me and making me his. One of his super hot audios is “A Sensual Conception” on Lit….there is this line in there towards the end where he says something like “I don’t care if you get caught (i.e. pregnant) baby, I can’t help myself”. The pregnant thing is a super no-go, but the fact that he couldn’t pull out, he had to make her “his” - so fucking hot. Cumming on body parts (ass, tits, face, in mouth, etc) is hot too, but not as hot as him cumming inside. There is also those super deep final thrusts, when you can feel his cock swelling and getting so fucking hard. Then when he does cum and just plows right into you, kisses you, grips you tight, and you are both entwined together, breathless - hearts pounding, sweat dripping. That’s one of my favorite parts. You lie there together for a few moments, still connected, then he slowly pulls out (God, that is the most bittersweet feeling). That just doesn't happen when he pulls out before he cums - the end is just so disconnected and cold. (3) How do you imagine Gael`s cock? XD Hmmmm…….uncut and thick, with a nice fat head to stretch my little pussy out. Hehehe ;) I remember the first time I saw a truly beautiful cock. Up to that point, I hadn’t really paid that much attention to their appearance, or hadn’t been too impressed. Then I met this beautiful surfer boy from Hawaii. I fell hard for him, but we ended up just being friends (we’re still friends almost 20 years later). But, being in our 20’s, friends has a very fluid meaning so we ended up fooling around a bit. Never actually did the deed, but I got to see his cock twice. It was so beautiful, perfect and pink. Not too big, but not small either - just perfect. It was a Goldilocks cock. The first time I saw it was on a road trip we took through the desert in my Mazda Miata. He started masturbating in the car, then I decided to help with a little hand job action (while driving - very impressive). We were in the middle of the Arizona desert, heading to California. Just as he finished, we pulled up to the Border Patrol Inspection Station where we politely informed them we had no fruit, as my friend buttoned his pants and I wiped my hand on a tissue. The Border Agent didn’t bat an eye, who knows what else he had seen out there, just waved us through and said have a nice day……haha. Crazy times, but so fun! (4) If you had the interesting possibility to - harmlessly and teasingly blackmail Gael ;) ... what would you demand? ...just curious! XP Not sure I am too keen on any kind of blackmail. For arguments sake, let’s say it was just a sexy pretend game we were playing and not anything real or serious. Well, I would probably tease him - get him nice and hard. Then tell him that I had the goods on him. In order to make sure it stayed a secret, he would have to make me cum with his mouth before he could touch the rest of me. That before his throbbing dick could even rub against my pussy lips, he needed to have my cum dripping down his chin. He better do a good job, make me cum really hard, or his secret would get out. Hehehe…..that might be a fun scenario to play with in an audio. (5) And would you like to write a little story for me? ...including these words... streetlight, scarf, 1hour, plaid, lemon, half sleep, drum, cat. The glow from the streetlight hit my silver scarf and caused it to sparkle. The holiday party for my work started in one hour, and I was running late as usual. A black cat meandered across the road a few meters ahead, so I slowed my car to let him pass then continued on. “Damnit”, I swore under my breath as I pulled into Gael’s driveway. I just realized that I’d left my cell phone at home. “That’s what I get for trying to get ready while I was half asleep”. I chastised myself remembering how I had fallen asleep on the couch earlier that afternoon. It was the main reason I was running late now. I knocked on the front door, and Gael immediately answered. “I was worried sick babe” he stated, “are you ok, you weren’t answering your phone and you were supposed to be here almost 45 minutes ago”. His lovely blue eyes held only worry and concern, and I was reminded again of why I loved him so much. “I’m sorry honey”, I said as I felt his strong arms wrap around me. “I fell asleep, then forgot my cell phone in the rush to get out the door”. I hugged him tightly back and enjoyed the warmth of our embrace, inhaling the clean lemon scent of his skin. “Poor thing” he whispered in my ear, then I felt his lips graze my earlobe and move down to my neck. My body gave an involuntary shudder, and I felt my nipples harden as he softly kissed my neck, then used his tongue to made slow, lazy circles down my collarbone. I tried to protest, tell him that we were going to be late, but all that came out was a breathy moan. By this time, my skirt was already half way up my thighs, and my heart was pounding like a drum in my chest. I felt his warm hands on my body, moving up to cup my breasts, then back down to push my skirt up even further. His lips found mine, and I lost all inhibition. “Screw the party” was my last thought before my brain acquiesced to my body, and I surrendered completely to him. I felt his hands reach down and cup my ass checks, pulling me up toward him. I automatically wrapped my arms around his neck and felt myself leave the ground. I wrapped my legs around his waist, and kissed him even deeper. I could feel the hardness of his cock against me, separated only by the thin fabric of his dress pants and the lace of my panties. We moved into the living room, where he lowered me slowly onto the brown couch. He pulled me to the edge and moved between my legs, slowly running his hands along the inside of my thighs then pushing them open. I could see the desire in his eyes, felt the slight tremble in his hands. I sat up slightly and started to unbutton his shirt, running my hands along his smooth bare chest and tweaking his nipples. His eyes closed as his head fell back and he exhaled deeply. A slight moan escaped his lips as I kissed his neck and began nibbling on his earlobe. His hands moved inside my dress, pushing it up around my waist, then pulling it over my head. I sat in front of him, legs spread, in my black lace panties and bra. He moved closer, pushing my thighs open more, then reached behind me to grab one of the plaid throw pillows. He placed it on the floor under his knees, then lowered his head and began kissing his way to my wet, dripping pussy. Haha - the end (or is it?) ;)


I'm back. Again....I kinda love this shit....


So I was going to listen to you for 8 hrs yesterday and catch up on your audios - however - I ended up listening to this early on and.........HOLY SQUIRTING VAGINAS!!!!! This was ah-mazing! If ever you could have looked into the slut corner of my mind you would have seen/heard something just like this. It was sexy, dirty, wonderful......I was a quivering wet squishy mess....at work nonetheless 😏 Fuck me silly this is now my go to orgasm inducing slice of deliciousness......totally bumped Black Kimono down a notch.


Look who's back, back again...😈Hot damn. This one is HOT! HOT! HOT! 🔥🔥🔥


One thing that never fails to make my heart skip a beat is the sound of a belt buckle being undone. mmmmm and did I mention the "squishy" sounds after you come???? dayummmmm


omfg 🔥🔥🔥 😉😋