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So..99.9% sure the "news" has fallen through.  Which is alright.  Closed doors mean open windows and there will be better things ahead.  This does mean I need to make some different arrangements to record this month.  Thank you again for bearing with me in the madness.

Onto other things, 

I've a new erotic bursting forth tomorrow xd and will record more as soon as I can.

Thank you all for your excitement and enthusiasm, keep it on hand, I'm sure we'll have something to apply it to someday soon!

Speaking of enthusiasm,  I'll be posting the Request threads right after this, so I'll be looking forward to sliding into your creative minds this month!

Audio Requests 

Ringtone Requests 



I've already put the vision/dream out in to the Universe and that's powerful, so it's GOING to happen. The visualization has taken place. 🧘‍♀️🏡 I believe in ye lad and know that when you find that proverbial "glass slipper" fit, it will be perfect. Even if it's a fixer upper that needs a little sprucing up, all the better. You'll just be able to make it 100% you. Big kisses and hugs to you love!! You have enough positivity to make the world go round, so it will happen. 🤞😘😘🙏🤗🤗


Ohhh no I’m sorry to hear that G! 💗 hopefully those open windows will lead to even better things for you!