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An erotic series




Girl, same! 😂 Cardlin popped my audio erotica cherry and then I found Qarnivore and now I've found Gael and my life and hormones are kind of spiraling.


Real quick here.. in addition to this being one of your sexiest audios, you said some dirty music to my ears. “Sqeeze that cock with your fucking cunt”., so yeah there’s my feedback. I can’t breathe right now. Geez. Kisses moans and sweet sweet sex.! ;p


Dang boi! 🔥 That was hot!


Here we go again... Down the rabbit hole... I’m so going to hell 🙈


...told you. XD


Hahahaha, I knew it!


A series. Awesome!!


lol well this is a great way to start off my morning :)


At work. Must. Not. Listen...!!


And yeah. Totally conditioned (was true):p


Listening on my break. Sitting at a glass table. Help!


Did u lick the fucking table?


So this went well with my breakfast this morning. Dinner at your house?


So the table survived - we didn't.


Oh phew! I´m relieved... no trip to the ER needed... XP


Awesome cumming....fuck....


Breakfast IS the most important meal of the day! xDD


Couch!! (Pubescent squeal-cry) Ahem, couch next please!🙏🏼


So that was the kitchen, which room will you christen next??


Office? Staircase?


Bibliotheca? Dungeon? (You own a dungeon, right?)


Poor kinky Bavarian will be heartbroken if he says there's no dungeon. 😢

Gri (Sassy_One)

👆🏼What they all said, please! Multiplied by 4. This new series, man...fuck, you're getting better by the minute!!


Note to self- bring wet wipes and sanitizer if ever invited to dinner at Gaels place. His table has um... been places.


Yayyyy, we get a series c;


One question, did you cum on your table? Hm? ...

Kathy M

Gael drops new erotic audio when I'm at work. Dare I listen? Can I stifle the lip biting, whimpers and squirming? HELL YES! Challenge accepted!


Thanks Kathy, for letting me know about the post...Stupid late notifications...Grrr!


Sitting in my office with the door closed while gazing out of the window and grinning like the damn Cheshire cat!!!! Talk about pure fire!💥💥💥 Now chanting to myself, I will get my work done!!!😻


Wowza! Dat kitchen is on fire! 🙌🔥🔥Well, we can add glass table to the ever growing list of things that will never be the same! 😝 Love the series idea...will she get to choose and convince you next? Hmmm...🤔😈


💖My apologies Gri. I thought Kathy M notified me first about the posts on Witter but it was you. All my brain saw was "Patreon NOW", her name, and the stampede of pink unicorns 😂😂


Only got to listen to half on my way to work 🙁 Also, I have a glass dining room table and will never be able to look at it the same again 😂 I loved the video to accompany the audio....great idea!


Fuuuuck....The end 😍😳😵😐

Gri (Sassy_One)

Question: are you done with the kitchen? coz there's still the counter...ice cubes might be an interesting addition...


Soo, it is your table in the vid?? ...you know what they say about men with glass tables??? Ja?... ;)

Kelly S

Oh Gael... whatever shall we do with you?!?!? Ninja Gael, huh? So, kinda like how you can pop up with a random comment and then disappear again before any of us even see that you said something? (Or maybe your Master Lurker skills!) 8:55-9:40 - Make a girl weak, why don't you? So sexy... Yes, I know Cat asked if you licked the table... HOLY SHIT that's sexy as hell. And the accompanying commentary regarding that. *mmmmmmmm* Telling her to watch you... again.. *mmmmmm* "That sweet fucking pressure" - There is no reason why that line should be as fucking sexy as it is. I'm not lying, you could read the damn phonebook and make a chick cum. Yeah... and all the heaven stuff... Yep... Dead right there. Didn't even have to do any work, just drenched... So sweetly romantic and sexy... Love it! I don't know man, you still sick? Didn't sound like you enjoyed yourself at all... So sad... /endsarcasm I LOVE the sound of a man enjoying himself and you CERTAINLY know how to give us those sounds. Love the idea of 'mixing things together' at the end there... Of course, you could have wiped a finger through it and had 'her' suck it off. But, that's just a thought. Absolutely looking forward to the next part of the series! Hopefully y'all enjoy a late night star gazing on a blanket in the yard; that could make for a VERY sexy/romantic "making love" style audio.


Seeing the table and imagining the cool glass on my back and neck while you tell me to look at you (x2- I always like a good reminder/order) as you bring me/yourself to climax...good lord! I'm ready for the next installments :)

Kathy M

People with glass tables should throw rocks. Something Ike that. I think. 🤔


Wait a GD second! We get a sexy audio possibly involving table sex- my personal fantasy fave- AND I VOLUNTEERED TO WORK OVERTIME TODAY???? I am in sweet agony over here Gael, it's like a 12 hour tease and I just might be dead if I don't fake a bit and pull a sickie! AAAAAAAAAAAAA


Here lies Trina.... oh wait nvm she had to work. ♥ Poor thing <333


Lord have mercy!!!!!!!!!!Omg!!!!That was hot!Did you really licked the table?It was very sexy.My ovaries are missing!

Kathy M

Frau Spy, I mean Claudia, Dont you mean to ask "did you cum on the table and if so could you describe what it looked like. Color, texture, quantity. For science 😏🤣🤔💗


Herr Gael, if this is your table and ah... kitchen/living room... could I bitte get a quick heads up before you`ll show us a vid of your bedroom? I`m not sure if I wanna see your sanctuary unprepared... danke! XPPP


Just in case this audio actually does inspire you guys to have raunchy glass table sex, I thought I'd point out the following things: - The amount of weight that a glass table can withstand is dependent upon a number of factors, including the type and thickness of glass used, the dimensions of the table, and the distance between the table top's supports. For example, your standard IKEA glass table might be made from tempered glass, be 30.75 x 57.5 inches (width x length) in size, with the legs of the table essentially being close to 5 feet apart. If the thickness of that glass is less than or equal to 3/8", it can probably only support 159.5 lbs of weight. So if, hypothetically, a 160 lb man and a 140 lb woman are trying to get it on with exerting as little as half of their combined weight on the table, they're going to have a bad time. - There was a study conducted in 2009 (Derler et al.) that examined the friction behaviour of human skin against different glass surfaces. Adhesion occurred in every situation that they examined (skin on dry smooth glass, skin on wet smooth glass, etc.). However, you could markedly reduce the kinetic friction coefficients in these cases if the glass surface was lubricated. So if your glass table is built strong enough to have sex on, you might want to grease that bastard up first before doing the deed, or else you might end up with a bad case of chafing. Play it safe, ladies and gents! Consider countertop sex as a slightly more reliable alternative.


oh my goodness me :3


I love that you took the time to write this for the health and well-being of your fellow sirens. :) (and that you cited sources) Broken glass and naked bodies is a recipe for disaster- and the bad kind of pain. Thanks for the smiles!

Meghan McDonald

Good golly!! So many places in the kitchen.Every chair every corner.Every island.Damn.


Good god, Gael! This was...I can't even...and it's a series?!! ...If I could hug you right now...


Guten Morgen dear Sirens of Gaelandia. A wonderful Samstag - Saturday to y`all! Ah, another fresh thread waiting to be filled up with Sireny banter... Tonight it`s even colder -25°C / -13°F, but the sky is clear and the stars are brilliant. And the smell of night and snow is einfach köstlich - just delicious! I have some questions for you... Your dinner table... what does it look like? :) ... is it sturdy enough to fuck on it? (Maybe Frau Doctimus will calculate it for us?:)) ...and would you like to fuck on it? Do you know/like your neighbours? Do you believe in any crazy conspiracy theories?...and how are your survival skills? :) Which Kleidungsstück - piece of clothing, worn by a man is an absolute turn off for you? Do you have any kinky turn ons? Hm? ...like listening online to a strangers voice and cumming like crazy to his wicked words and sounds?? Ja? XP And for a change a little Gael related question... which one is your "all-time favourite - can`t stop listening to" audio? ...and why? So, danke for the answers! A nice day/night to you all! XD


Ok. So I've had a pretty distracting week. (Distracting doesn't even cover it, really. A couple deaths at work (I work at a nursing home) and another on the way and as the most senior aide among a bunch of new employees, I've done a lot of teaching... plus a family member had a violent psychological break, a cousin who was diagnosed with cancer only 3 weeks ago died yesterday, and my sister has uncovered some really unforseen information on my grandpa which has really given me a lot to think about... so yeah distracting.) Honestly I just haven't been in the mood and this past week has been the longest streak I've had without orgasm since I found Gael 6 months ago. While I was on break at work today, I saw the YT video of the glass table. Lovely table, and your place looks very nice ☺ and I saw the title for the Erotic piece, the Kitchen, but didn't listen. Worked some more, started reading a few comments on my next break and realized there was some sweet potential table sex to be had and I was pretty pumped... but it wasn't until later when I was serving dinner that I put it together. You gave us a visual. You showed us the scene and main prop. We're getting table sex- my fave, as you well know since I already won the PA draw- and you very clearly laid the scene... and I had to wait several hours till I got home to do anything about it... The moment I figured it out I was immediately aroused. Like Boom. Came on so fast I shivered and my blood rushed so fast I felt a small click, like instant lady boner, and my right hand got really hot... although that last one was because I completely forgot reality for a second and stuck my hand in a plate of mashed potatoes. I did finally listen to the audio. Oh. My. God. That was fucking hot. I was absolutely amazed. The story was wonderful, and perfectly told. And I adore all the sound effects! The table, the chair on the tiles, and were you walking in shoes? I loved it all- makes it so real, I am only just realizing how much of a junkie I am for the sound effects. Thank you, Gael. Honestly, I needed that...


Morning Claudia! It's about the same temp here. When I let my dog in (normally an outside dog except at night) he wouldn't look at me. I let opened his cage to sit with me and he walked out, walked a circle around me, and then went back to his kennel. Shut the gate with his teeth. This is an anomaly!!! My table is wood, it's oval, and has one large leg in the middle. If you were to be aware of the center of gravity then you could have sex on it. Would I have sex on MY table. No. It was my grandmas. I do know my neighbors. I had my next door neighbors over last night for dinner. On the other side of me there is a nice family with a dog my dog wants to bone. He gets into their backyard sometimes so we've all talked. I really love the area I live in and have made some friends in my neighborhood, so yes. I like them 😁. I don't disbelieve in an apocalyptic event that will throw all peace and order out the window. I may have some provisions: food and water storage, a pack with everything I'd need to survive in the wilderness, a shotgun with plenty of ammo... survival skills 👍🏻 I don't go too far, zombies are ridiculous (she says warily as she stares out the window to be sure there are no zombies). Clothing turnoff-socks with sandals over the top. Skip I'm not sure about the audio.


Oh Trina. I am so sorry that you've been raked through the coals lately! I'm so sorry for your family and co workers hardships! If you need anything, let us know!!! ❤❤❤


Has somebody seen Philotes? I hope she`s alright? I miss her! :) ...


Just talked to her. She asks about you. I will contact you later with more. She's been slammed with work. 💕


Even though I have absolute faith in Doc Oc's calculations, I'm not sure I would trust ANY table - let alone a glass one - with my curvy voluptuousness (is that even a word!) BUT that aside Oh my God - how HOT?! I listened to it on my way home from my late shift.... after having to get a jump start for a flat battery (on the car - sadly no euphemisms there!!) and WOW... think I may have left fingernail marks on the steering wheel!! Had to listen again immediately when I got home obviously! Thank. You. xxx

Kelly S

Good morning/afternoon/evening/other part of day? - Madame Claudia, can I throw out some questions for the day? Just for fun? Not trying to take your 'job', just something I don't remember seeing, and with a few newer folks, it could be fun! (And could be fun for Gael to see some of the answers to help him with that 'getting into the minds of the ladies' thing!) 1. What first made you decide to listen to a Gaelforce audio? 2. Where did you find your first Gf audio? 3. Do you remember which one it was? 4. How long before you were 'hooked'? 5. Name no more than three things that made you decide to support our fearless leader in his endeavor here on Patreon? (And yes, one of those can be that you wanted more access to the 'good' audios! haha)


I found him on YouTube...And no lie, I had no idea that audio erotica was even a thing...And... Well...My innocence just went downhill from there....

Kelly S

Let's see... I'll answer. I'm an open book anyway. hehe 1. Gaelforce - the name caught my eye first. I'm married to a weather man, my bro is a weather man, most of our friends from college were in the Atmos Sci program... that's why I'm a 'weather groupie' (I hate the science and math part - haha) - so, a term that made me think 'weather' got my attention. 2. Literotica - I was there to read and kept seeing that 'audio' thing at the bottom and was all 'Oh that's so weird! What, is it like just listening to porn?' Then one day I accidentally clicked that when my phone was loading the page and I decided to just see what the hell this crap was. When I saw that it could be filtered to male voices, I became more intrigued! hehe No, Gael wasn't the first one I listened to, I just picked the top one. I'm pretty sure it was a Cardlin one, actually. 3. My first Gaelforce audio... Oh my... I THINK it was the 'Sergeant Gael' one... Having been that woman waiting home for her deployed husband, I thought I'd see what that audio was all about. 4. Pretty quickly, not gonna lie. I respond much more to aural/verbal stimuli than I do visual. I like being allowed to let my mind paint the pictures, so I was hooked quick. 5. I like to support artists (I was already on Patreon supporting Karen Hallion's geeky art and a friend of mine who is an artist (drawing/painting) is also on Patreon) - Of course the idea of the PA raffle was intriguing - I am a HUGE fan of letting people know when they've had a positive influence in my life. I like to 'reward' effort, I guess. So, by supporting him Patreon style, it was partly my way of saying 'Hey, you do good things and I want to help you keep that going!'


I know u enjoy the process of losing yr innocence 😘


It's good to know Gael acquired ninja skills. So many more ideas! 😂


Words can't even explain 😱😏😍


How y'all doing today??!


Your podcast was just awesome. Had a good laugh or two. And you see - you have cats all over you. Or should I say "pussies"? XD


I had a free hour and wanted to come and play, but patreon won't accept posts from my laptop no matter what I do. Same thing happened yesterday...Have spent my free hour, fannying about trying to get it to work. Have had to resort to the tablet and not going to retype my answers to C & K's questions AGAIN on this. Going to go and cry myself to sleep before my night shift now.... please know I was trying to join in! 😢. (Was that too melodramatic? 😂!) Xxx


Hi Frau Susie! Agree, Patreon is a pain in the ass! Don`t cry :) Come and play tomorrow... If Patreon is gracious!? XD


Warning: never listen to this while standing up unless you want your legs to give out from the pleasure 😳🙈😂😂


I was super into this until you rhymed lick, suck, sexy fuck.... I sat up in bed and laughed so hard I cried. Amazing Gael! 😉☺️


omg I just started to listen to these 3d audios and my god the tingles I am getting there so hot got to love them :) <3 <3