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Hi all! I'm sorry but I am still sniffling...I tried my best!

I hope you are ALL enjoying your new year so far!





Read "Kidnap Poem" by Nikki Giovanni. I think you'd like it.


💭 Oh, I need to hear more about your skinny-dip with five women...Just sayin'. 😁 #LeftUsHangin


Just what I needed!!!! Cleaning out my pantry was getting boring... Which is why I'm on my phone :). Have a great night!






Yay! A looong Ramble!! ...Danke mein Lieber! XD


OMG the newww mic!!!!!!Yaaahhhhhhhhh!!!


Gasp! New mic?


Yaaaaasssss! Something too look forward to after work!!! ... and I'm sure your sniffles are charming haha

Kelly S

Just started it... 'stayed up late'... Does 4:45am count? Damn kids making me CRAZY and refusing to sleep! hehe


In this corner, Irish man vocal extraordinaire! In the next corner. A bunch of ladies waiting to hear the next bit of audios which they will gush and goss about. Ladies and a few incognito gentlemen. Let's get ready to RAAAAMBLE!


Yes!!! 5 cookbooks in the donate pile, a single serving smoothie blender that I don't even remember getting and found a target gift card with 1.38 on it from before I moved in (it was hiding in the almost unreachable back corner of the kitchen cabinets) . oh and the amount of tea I have is borderline insane....Ill be drinking a lot of that this semester!


How fun! A "New Year" ramble! Perfect for the first day of the year. And the new mic sounds really good. The difference in clarity and "closeness" is ridiculous. Definitely money well spent. 👍


Bouncing just sounds like a fun job by the sound of it. *bounce bounce bounce*<p><img src="http://img.pandawhale.com/83462-ooh-thats-a-bingo-gif-happy-gi-F53G.gif"></p>


Ok I can't..... I was so excited but my head is pounding too much for this. I'm all turned around, perhaps tomorrow. Bye 😘


I need a one on one hands on lesson.

Kelly S

HAHAHAHA... Oh Shyla... This was me last night... "Mom, am I allowed to say the C word?" "WHAT C WORD ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?!?!?!" internal monologue - OMGOMGOMGOMGOMG what the hell is she doing where did she hear this OHMYGOD?!?! "C-r-a-p" internal monologue - THANK YOU LORD SWEET BABY JESUS LAYING IN THE MANGER! "Um... I guess so." All her friends are saying it, so I'm not gonna argue too much... more relieved that it's THAT C word! hahaha


Here's the link! : <a href="http://www.ireland-information.com/irishphrases.htm" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://www.ireland-information.com/irishphrases.htm</a>

Kelly S

And I just spit rice EVERYWHERE on Gri's 'deep voice' shout out... Oh lord, man...


I love that the very first translation is "There is a only a little blood"


Can't imagine you being this...ragamuffin in your youth...uh...well, as a kid :p No idea how old you are.


I loooved the audio you did where you were sick (that sounds bad) it was so cute and sweet!


This one was a fun little ramble, thank you lovely! Please remind me to never ask a question ever again...

Kelly S

man... So, I had to take a break for a few minutes. A couple of pretty 'hit me in the heart' kind of things said back to back. I love to hear about your interacting with your niece. My son, nephew and godson are all ASD, and all also ADHD (like me). There's also a good bit of SPD with both my son and I, so hearing about your nephew and the egg... textures (both oral and physical touch) can be a big deal for both of us. But then you mentioned your co-worker. God, the minute you said he stopped you, I knew what it was. B/c I am the same way. It's actually probably part of why I found this whole weird audio world and why I live with earbuds in unless I'm actively interacting with someone. (I'll even have just one in while watching TV with a podcast or an audio or even just music playing softly...) I can't handle my own thoughts and I can't handle silence b/c of that. It is a REALLY sucky feeling to be that way and I'm glad you understand, to an extent, why he is how he is. (It's why I tend to dominate a conversation, or simply talk non-stop when I do have personal interactions... That's what my old therapist and I determined... that I am just trying to keep myself from being in the silences. Luckily, I finally realized that those horrible things my inner voice says to/calls me are not right, and I know that I'd NEVER want to make others feel as bad as I can make myself feel... So, yeah... I tend to be overly nice to the point of seeming like a doormat.) Oh well, sry... see... non-stop Kelly again! It was just kinda weird to get hit with the emotions both of those things brought to the front, so I felt like I should take a little break. Hopefully your new mic comes in soon... I'll try to finish up and learn a little Irish later on. Glad you're feeling better.


You want to come to the South you should come to me. I live in music city, Nashville but also in driving distance of Memphis/Beale Street/Graceland or even <a href="https://youtu.be/3NakxSVO-kc" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://youtu.be/3NakxSVO-kc</a> which ive not been but seems cool as hell.


Did he say that he kissed a guy for banter?

Kathy M

Fun ramble and I agree with your answer to my question, I can't stand it either when somebody talks over you, I work with a woman who's infamous for it. I tend to block her out quite a bit. It's not a conversation if you don't stop to listen to the other person. Interesting too about the smell of newspapers making you ill. I'm like that with white vinegar, that smell makes me wanna die 😵 Thanks for the kiss too 😷😄

Kathy M

It sounded like a mutual meeting of lips and minds 😀


You didnt say anything about the questions you didnt answer Sunshine.Hmmm


Kelly...we should talk. My daughter is on the spectrum among other things. I love how honest and open you are about this. 💙💙💙We should PM on Twitter sometime. 🙂


Awesome ramble - so fun! You sound like you are in great spirits and feeling much better 😀👍. Thanks for the sexy shout-out that made me laugh 😂💋, but next time I expect to hear it - that naughty c-word....hehehe 😉. Oh, do it with the 3-Dio and blow my mind baby! So glad you are feeling better. Looking forward to a great year with you and all the Sirens - we are going to rock 2017! 🎉😘


😂😂😂😂 I am dying Kelly - that is hilarious!


Your English/British "accent" is strange Gael. 😋


The story about your friend getting slapped by the chick with glasses, LOOOOL!!! 😂


Hey Gael, Is this an example of the negging you were talking about?


I've gotta admit, I really like the use of the "C" word, too! It just...💥💥💥 Glad I'm not alone, LOL! 😅


Ja, Herr Gael... you skipped some very interesting/important ones! You won`t come off that easy... we will ask them again! Won`t we, girls? XD


Just as a plug for Canada, the last human case of the plague here occurred in 1939. In contrast, 3 people contracted the pneumonic form of the plague in the U.S. in 2014 (I'm looking at YOU, Colorado). <a href="http://www.who.int/wer/2016/wer9108.pdf?ua=1" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://www.who.int/wer/2016/wer9108.pdf?ua=1</a>


Gael, I'm very proud of the Southern accent. It sounded better. Maybe the little bit of sickness you have left helped your accent😉


I haven't listened yet but I NEED to hear this. Gael doing a decent southern accent, I'm amazed 😜


I love listening to your rambles! Spud guns! We got those in our Christmas stockings one year - I'd forgotten all about it 😂


We would make our own custom potato guns in high school. We had to make sure they shot at least 100 yards. We would shoot our rival school with rotten potatoes😂


For your next ramble, please replace uh oh with rut row. Got me looking so crazy right now, your love's Got me looking so crazy right now (in love) Got me looking so crazy right now, your touch Got me looking so crazy right now (your touch) Got me hoping you'll page me right now, your kiss Got me hoping you'll save me right now Looking so crazy in love's Got me looking, got me looking so crazy in love Uh oh, uh oh, uh oh, oh, no, no Uh oh, uh oh, uh oh, oh, no, no Uh oh, uh oh, uh oh, oh, no, no Uh oh, uh oh, uh oh, oh, no, no


Hahahahahahahahaha! (Adding this song to the growing list of things that now remind me of Gael and/or the Sirens)


More Irish, please! I love learning it but it's a challenge without hearing someone say it... even the programs that have audio don't quite compare. There is no substitute for a well-versed teacher!


Hmm, is that really the problem🤔? I think you just have a crush on the teacher 😍


Guten Morgen, Mädls! So, it`s the first Montag - Monday in a brand new year (...though, igitt - ewww Mondays! XP) Hope everyone has a pleasant day anyway!? An interesting thread, so far but it could need a few bunt gemischte Fragen - farraginous (oh my, what a word) questions?? Ja? Hm? ... Let`s start easy and tame... what is the next official holiday where you are? (Here it`s Heilig 3 König - Epiphany on Friday 6th) ...do you have any weird/funky named places in your vicinity? (We have lot`s of them... z.B. - e.g. Kitzler - Clit, Höllhund - Hell Hound...) XD ...are there any famous/strange Sehenswürdigkeiten - points of interests in your neighbourhood? Now to the saucy questions, of course for "Sirenity - Science"... XP ...do you like cunnilingus? ...falls ja - if yes, how exactly do you like to be verwöhnt - pleased? What do you bevorzugen - prefer? (e.g.... licking or sucking? A little nibbling and biting? A deep tongue fucking?) ...and in which position? And while we`re on this delicious topic... what about anilingus? ...do you/would you like it? Hm?... XP And zu guterletzt - finally a sweet question... which Kosenamen - pet-name would you like to hear in an audio? (Perhaps snookums or poppet? Toots?... just kidding, I´m browzing a little through my Wörterbuch - dictionary XD) Danke für eure - your answers, my Schätzchen - poppets! :)


Loved the ramble! The Gaelic lesson at the end was great -- go raibh maith agat for that. I've bookmarked the site. Negging... is awful &amp; kind of predatory, and completely different from taking the piss out of someone or "busting their chops," as New Jersey folk would call it. Anyway, lovely long ramble!


Negging is huge talk on those male pick up forums and sluthate (actual name) It's disgusting. Supposedly women hate a sweet guy*eyeroll* so they break her self esteem by back handed compliments and low levels of meanness that is supposed to keep her wanting you. Bizarre red pill nonsense. I worry about my generation and the next.


What is the next official holiday where you are? - Valentine's Day on February 14, provided I'm not forgetting anything in between. I fully expect to start seeing advertising for it by 9:00 am on January 2, or whenever the local malls open. ...do you have any weird/funky named places in your vicinity? (We have lot`s of them... z.B. - e.g. Kitzler - Clit, Höllhund - Hell Hound...) XD - I wish! Is Kitzler a strip club or adult store where you live? Because I can't imagine a grocery store named "Clit" existing in Canada, although any Canadian entrepreneurs reading this now need to make it happen. ...are there any famous/strange Sehenswürdigkeiten - points of interests in your neighbourhood? - I'm about a 30-min drive away from the town where Avril Lavigne grew up, but that's not very interesting. ...do you like cunnilingus? - JA! A thousand times, JA! - if yes, how exactly do you like to be verwöhnt - pleased? What do you bevorzugen - prefer? (e.g.... licking or sucking? A little nibbling and biting? A deep tongue fucking?) - All of the above, except for maybe the biting part ...and in which position? - Typically whilst lying on my back, but I've given face-sitting and 69 the good ol' college try with sexy results And while we`re on this delicious topic... what about anilingus? ...do you/would you like it? Hm?… XP - Never tried it, and I don't think it would it light my fire, to be honest. I view my back door as a one-way exit. And zu guterletzt - finally a sweet question... which Kosenamen - pet-name would you like to hear in an audio? - Sugartits! (Just kidding, please don't throw Sugartits into an audio). Maybe a pet name in a language other than Gaelic? Like in Spanish or Italian? Thank you for including German words in your questions, especially the raunchy ones! They'll come in handy if I ever get the opportunity to try to seduce Till Lindemann. Or Richard Kruspe. Or basically all of Rammstein.


So, what is negging? I thought he was saying nagging - as in, did you take out the bin yet, etc.


Awesome ramble you beautiful man 💖🙌💋


Woot, woot! Another great ramble dude! I CANNOT wait to see what your whispers sound like with that new mic! Just sayin...😬👏🏻 So excited to hear you will be spending more time here on Patreon too! ❤️💋

Meghan McDonald

I love how you say my name.It is cute!


Thank you for this ramble, Gael! Hope the first day's of 2017 are treating you well and hope you feel better. About the 'negging' thing, if I understand well, men use this 'technique' to seduce women by making them feel bad about themselves...? Wow, it must be sad to be that desperate, trying to get women at all costs... Thanks for the Gaelic lesson 😊 It is such a beautiful and magical language! 😘


Yes - I had no idea negging was even a thing 😳. Jane provided some useful info above if you want to know more.


Danke, Herr Gael! A nice ramble! :) (But I still have some Fragen! Haha... no kidding!) That Irish lesson is very sweet, though a little hard to understand, zumindest - at least for me. XD And the website is really helpful... I used it before, to figure out some of your phrases. ...And I wonder what else do you hide beneath your (unsatisfying uncreaky XP) bed? Hm?...


Hello everyone! I hope the new year has been good to you so far 😘


For all the ladies - the old group and the new ones - the updated, all prettied up Audio Library. --&gt; <a href="http://tinyurl.com/gaelforcedaudiolibrary" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://tinyurl.com/gaelforcedaudiolibrary</a> (it's an Excel file you can download and then work in it all you want; I'm gonna update it monthly I guess)


weeeee!Thank you little Foxie!!!! &lt;3 Its very kind of you!


Guten Morgen, sweet Sirens! A really wonderful Dienstag - Tuesday to y`all! It`s pretty cold tonight and the snow looks so,so beautiful in the darkness... I´m always tempted to run naked into the soft, snowy night... up the mountains, through the silent woods... hmm... Sorry, I`m a bit chatty tonight... The täglichen - daily questions... ...are you a creative person? ...do you feel the need to create things, to express yourself? ...do you draw, write, sing, knit, act...? ...are you good at it? ...are you handwerklich geschickt - good with your hands? Can you repair/build things? ...do you collect something? ...stamps, dolls, cats? XP And what is your favourite sport? ...do you have a unique kind of sport where you are? Danke für die Antworten! XD


So, my answers... ja, I am creative, I always have to create and invent something, I love to reconsider, to optimize, to work out the details... I´m very critical and selbstkritisch - self-aware and can`t tolerate half-assed or incompetent works! ;) Oh, and I´m a Töpfermeisterin - professional potter, it`s an old family business. So for the most part I´m making pottery, which includes drawing and sculpting, building kilns and inventing new methods,decors and glazes... When I was younger I was pretty good at oil painting, I studied the old masters, their techniques... my dream was to become an Kunstfälscherin - art forger...hahaha Am I good at what I`m doing? ...Ja, I am! XD I can repair and build things if I have to. Though I am a little lazy, too! So if someone offers to do it (usually the men around here) I graciously let them do the work... XP I collect nothing, though I inherited a crazy "antique/foreign kitchen tools" collection from my grand aunt. And I live in a fairly old house, things tend to amass with time... I really should sort out my attic and cellars and sheds ... but, pah who cares! Right?! I like a little chaos. XD My favourite sport... climbing and I like to watch Fingerhakln - an old Bavarian sport. Hm, I wonder why I am this chatty tonight... maybe I should go for a little walk in the quiet snow... see you! ;)


Hi hi! YES! I'm a creative sort, did the gifted and talented school and all that. Art, music, singing, writing 😍 In turn, I sucked at math even though I'm a pretty logical person. :( ***** I love sculpting...put a kitchen table together on my ownsome :p*******I used to collect pokemon cards shhhhhh. Haha. Not so much these days and the new pokemon got boring after a while.****** Sports? Gymnastics for sure! Back home, cricket is big. Not a personal fan tbh. Sorry for no spaces, on mobile and it makes it post. Thank you! 🤗


Hallooo? ...someone around? ... are you good? How`s Herr Gael these days?... :)


Hello Frau Claudia! I'm good, thank you! Gonna clean up my own Gael library XD I don't know about Herr Gael - I guess he's back to work, so less fun for us until he's done. How are you our own Miss Little Bavaria? :D

Kathy M

Hi everybody :) Claudia...something's different about you, hmm, what is it? Ahh you've added onto your name? Is that a nod to anything in particular?


Shhh... that`s my new Deckname - cover name, ´cause I´m secretly a Spionin - spy for Colonel Force. (My cover was blown in the "Business will be resuming" thread.) XD You may call me Miss O Suilleabhain now! Hahaha....


Now that I've finally had the chance to fully listen to this ramble...no, it wasn't boring! Your rambles are always interesting, even while you're coughing and sniffling :) The part about Bobby and your niece was so precious! ^_^ And thank you for that Irish lesson at the end; I'll just have to reply that part several times to get the gist. You keep taking your time and feel better, okay Gael?


Hello, Gaelandia! I hope everyone is well. 😘


Guten Morgen, Schätzchen! Hope everyone has a marvelous Mittwoch - Wednesday!? How was your 2017 so far? ...gut - good, gräßlich - awful, na ja - meh? Right to the Fragen - questions... ...do you like to dance? ...what dances? ...are you good or just enthusiastic? XP ...do you like poetry? ...what kind? ...what is your favourite poem/poet? ...what is your favourite fruit? ...your favourite ice cream flavour? And of course some Gael related questions... We all know, that he makes the most delicious, sexy sounds ever... Did you ever wonder how he`s able to do it? I mean how exactly is he touching himself? ...does he use any "props"? ...he has so damn many different sexy sounds... And if he`s able to make these sounds all alone... how would he even sound when somebody would actually touch him? Imagine you are with a man that sounds like him... I would just listen and try to play him like an instrument... to coax out as many different sounds as possible... (in comparison the Bavarian men are unsatisfyingly quiet and tuneless!) And Gael said he could create a PA from just one word... which word would you choose? Danke für die Antworten! See you...XD


I am probably really late with this comment but uh can we talk about those sweatpants (hott) and Elfie shirt (funny) PJs on youtube? sounds like someone here....


Hm, is no one willing to answer my questions today? ...is it because I´m no spy?? Hahaha...


Good Evening/Good Morning!!! 🤗Hope everyone is warm and well. It is freezing! A chilly 28 F here. Brrrrr! I think I need someone to warm me up! 😝


Gael, don't come there, Eire, looking for heat???!!! why??!!! did you move from Eire :P ;) hahahahahaha..jk


One word: Catherine 🤓 Two words: Brown Sugar😘 One word: Contrasts😎 One word: Popsicle 😜


Hallooo? Someone around? Lurker, Herr Gael? Hm? ... XD


<img src="http://rs1161.pbsrc.com/albums/q514/Hysmofyteligok/Gifs%20and%20sparkly%20stuff/1333387307_dramatic_hamster_behind_cocacola_bottle.gif~c200">


I agree it's 4°F here, feels like -15°F. Thats a sign that I am staying inside allllll day :)


Guten Tag/Morgen, meine Lieben! A joyous Donnerstag - Thursday to y`all! Hope everyone is somewhat comfortable and content right now?! Well, I listened to the new YT audio. Isn`t it just soo very sweet? One can virtually feel Gael`s warm, sleepy breath... his big, relaxed body... I always love the sound of the rustling sheets... if only his bed would creak under his weight... just a little bit... a teeny-tiny creak... hmmm So my first question dear Sirens... do you have a creaky bed? (My bed is quite old and creaks like a pirateship during a tropical storm... well sometimes at least... Hahaha) The next Frage - question... imagine an interesting looking fairy godfather would offer you the opportunity to become male for one day. First, would you accept, would you trust him? ...second, what would be the first thing you`d do with your new male body? ( checking and trying your Schwanz - cock? Hm?) ...what would you do afterwards? ...what name would you choose for your male self? A random thought... how are your Erstehilfe Fähigkeiten - first aid skills? ...and what is your favourite TV series? That`s it for today, danke für all your answers! XD


Hi, Claudia! I'm pretty content; my day was pretty good :) My bed is a rather creaky, and it rocks at slight movements. If I had the chance to be a male for a day...I do wonder how different life would be as a guy sometimes, sooo~...I guess, maaaaaybe &gt;.&gt; Would I trust him? ._. Not really. Yeah, I'd check out myself first XD Afterwards, I'm not sure what I'd do. A name I'd choose would probably be...either Vincent or Nick. My first aid skills are pretty good; I know the Heimlich and CPR and stuff. I don't really have a favorite TV show, since I don't watch much TV. However, I do like to watch 90s shows a lot (if I can catch them).


Hey Kids, Frau Claudia, fun questions😊 Okay currently sleeping on an air mattress so no squeaks. (2.) If I stumbled upon a fairy godfather, I'm just going to assume someone randomly spiked me with LSD and just go with it. (3.) I think the real question is what wouldn't I do... (4.) In this little LSD trip of mine, I'm either going to be Gael or Ron Jeremy- could you imagine the stories- it'd be gold, pure gold! 😂 (3.) Current TV shows: Outlander, Sherlock, &amp; This is Us.


I see - we're all just going to change our names. Oh, I can't wait for the next ramble, it would be hilarious if he started to read these out. XD


Hi girls,it`s suspiciously quiet ...any news about Herrn Gael`s health? Is he all right? ...did he succumb to the flu after all? :)


He is back on his feet and should be catching up on his PAs and shtuff this week 😁


You welcome!


Hello Ms. O'Sillybean! I shared a photo of my Celtic Warrior on twitter. So you may get a rush of new international orders. Of course my full size order is first in line, right? ;) The ladies are very impressed with your skillz.


Guten Morgen, Mädls! I hope everybody has a happy Freitag - Friday?! Here it`s a holiday, Heilig Drei König - Epiphany. So, have a nice holiday (those who celebrate it). And it`s really cold -21°C / -6°F, and heavy snowfall, and my man is ausgeflogen - absent this week and nobody`s around to warm me up... even my Kater - cat can`t be found tonight :(... ahem... well... XD The daily Fragen - questions... Küssen - kissing... do you like to kiss, to be kissed? ...what kind of kisses exactly? ...little pecks? wet slobbery ones? intense french kisses? little nipping ones? hot, devouring, wide open mouthed Küße? Do you consider yourself a good kisser? ...did/do you recieve good kisses? Do you believe in Liebe auf den ersten Blick - love at first sight? What is your favourite ...Käsesorte - kind of cheese? ...childrens book? ...Zahnpasta - toothpaste? ...shampoo? I skimmed a little through a Reiseführer - guide book and read that Americans get easily offended by dirty jokes!? And supposedly have difficulties with criticism? That you are thaught „If you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything“?! In Germany we constantly criticise - everything! I admit, it can get annoying... though I think appropriate, solid constructive criticism can be quite helpful... well, was my guide book right? XD ...Hope you don`t mind? Vielen Dank for your answers! ...I´m off to my cold, lonely, creaky bed again... bis dann - see ya! XD


Hi, Claudia! I'm about to feel your pain very soon; we're bound for snowfall where I am this weekend o~o I can't answer the first question because I haven't kissed/been kissed yet :_: I kind of believe in love at first sight. The thing is I gotta be careful and know the difference between infatuation and actual love :/ Favorite cheese? Mozzarella. Children's book? Goodnight Moon. Toothpaste? I don't really have a favorite; I use any approved by the ADA. Shampoo? I like Aussie, until I find a better brand. And your guide book isn't exactly accurate. I can't speak for all Americans, but I'm fine with dirty jokes; thank high school and college for that. And (again, it's most likely just me), it's not really the criticism itself, but how it's delivered. Like when someone says "this isn't that well done because this is why. try doing this or this with it; it could help" and someone else says "this sucks. you suck. you and your work are mistakes. never show yourself again". A lot of people confuse 'criticism' with 'berating and degrading/an excuse to be a butthole', and the other way around. But you're right, constructive criticism is very helpful, especially if someone wants to improve. The whole 'if you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all' is mainly aimed towards jerks, bullies, and those who want to make you feel worthless.


Bahaha... My man just send me a Fapping-Audio, he made for me! Don`t tell him, but it`s the cutest, funniest thing ever recorded! Haha... He knows that I`d like him to be more vocal, and he tries sooo hard, but... hahaha. I fear I`m corrupted by Gael`s excellent audio acting-talk till the end-skills. My man demanded me to play along with him, but in the middle of it he does something with his pants and all I can hear is a muffled rustling and swearing... it`s just... hahaha, I can`t stop giggling... Maybe I try and record a little something for him in return... XD


I loved the Irish lesson at the end of this! 😍 ☘️And lmao at the thumbnail, I hope that's a real shirt 😂😆