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Wanna be my sexy little prisoner?




Yes, Sir 😍


okay you know it’s just I don’t know what to say anymore.. guess I fucked my brains out with this audio oh dear,. I think this is by far one of my favorites!! It just had everything I loved in it! the feeling of being helpless, the dominant partner, those GROWLS AND WHISPERS OH DEAR and just the fucking talking had me on the edge all the time. I just applaud you. this one was intense and beautifully done. You are a god. AND O GOD I ALMOST FORGOT THE PART WITH THE LIP GLOSS THAT JUST ENDED ME COMPLETELY. “Don’t u dare lick it off your lips cos it’s mine to lick off” B Y E EXCUSE ME WHILST SCREAMING MY LUNGS OUT THIS WAS SO FUCKING HOT


As i lay here quivering in a pool of cum... ahhhh thank you 💋


Hell yeah


O-M-G. Best orgasm ever. I have a strong feeling that I’ll be coming back to this one 😈😇😳 You sexy beast. This body is where the real magic happens, but your wizardry is the cause. The talent...eeek! Kiss kiss hug -`ღ´-


When the bullet came out 😱🍑💦 I’m dead 😵


Speak and he shall pop from the abyss 😂


Pop or poop, Ashlee? 😂😂💩


Wenn man vom Teufel spricht!


37 minutes! Is that a record for an erotic audio Gael?


Is that a rhetorical question? Because the answer will always be yes!


I can't, two minutes in and I'm sweatin'. Gael turned up the Heat. Save this for later...


Yay handcuffs! Yay safeword! So much yay responsive author! Still listenin, & so far you've nailed it. Word choice, fx, tone all on point. Well done, sir -- damn, this makes a good woman wanna get bad.


And since the Patreon app ate my other comment: Anybody have a bucket of ice water handy in case I overheat?


yaay another audio uploaded while im at work! this'll be fun hehe 😆

Kathy M

I'm dead. Can't even. Speechless.


So tired I need to sleep... Listened to the first minutes and woooooo it's gonna be hot! 🔥 I know the first thing I'll do when I wake up tomorrow! 😀

Kelly S

Had to stop just about halfway. No, this needs a proper listen with proper abilities and toys. :) God I hope I get some time tonight for that! haha So far though... um... holy.effing.shit. Didn't touch myself once and, still, I'm not sure my knees will work when I stand up.


Mmmm 😈

Kathy M

Ok I'm more coherent now. Seriously Gael, that was beyond insanely hot. This popped up after I got out of work and on my way for some Christmas shopping. Listened in my car and I was twisted up in knots, so turned on. I don't know how you do it but you keep raising the bar with the erotica.


Yes, some face fucking and cock worship is definitely desired.....where was it! Some nice hard face stuffing, make my mouth bulge with your huge cock as I stimulate my clit...stick it in...


Ooohhh fuuuucckkkk...Gael, you used handcuffs AND a fuckin blindfold...O. M. G!!!


Hot hot hot! Master Gael is so sexy and hot, I'd be your prisoner any day...


Ok, Gael you have out fuckin done yourself with this one! From beginning to end! This is officially in my top three of your audios💖


I'm at work and I keep telling myself "be patient." "Wait till you get home to listen." Its so hard to be patient xD


I'd be afraid to stick anything in your ravenous mouth, Tyger! ;))


"Nice audio, starting out sexy." "You want to watch me walk? Mmm hmm, I like it." -I want to handcuff you to the fucking bed. "Shit! This just got serious!"


Do not listen at work Angie - your panties may catch on fire! 🔥 It is worth the wait, trust me 😘


Damn, just damn. Talk about kicking it up a notch!

Kelly S

So... exactly what kind of crime do I have to commit to wind up in this prison?

Kelly S

Like, ten notches, right? And just when I was thinking he's getting pretty top of his game already... wtf? Yes... "Damn, just damn... "


👏👏❤️👏👏 One of your best ever my dear. The slow tease 🔥, the safe word reassurance🔥, the tone of your voice🔥, all the incredibly descriptive dirty talk🔥, the props (handcuffs, vibrator, even hearing your pants come off....). I listened in the car on the way home from work. I can now officially say I have christened the Volvo. I had a completely involuntary orgasm right in the middle of rush hour traffic with cars on either side of me. Apparently my jeans were positioned just right and I was certainly squirming in my seat enough. I heard you start cumming, that catch you get in your breath, and you said those magic words, and I just creamed my panties right there. Holy shit - you have completely ruined me, and I love you for it.....😂💋. After the fuckening was over (hehehe 😂), I opened up the sunroof, cranked up the heat, put on my favorite Swedish band, and jammed out all the way home with the biggest grin on my face ever. I probably looked like a complete lunatic but I didn't care. Bravo, you hit it out of the park with this one luv! ❤️😀


Oh fuck you, Gael!! You have toys now? Fuck!!


Hi, I'm kind of new here, and um, just wanted to say...WOW. 😳 This one was extra spicy! And OMFG, the growls are always a YES in my book! 💜


For serious... I didn't even try to stand up or walk until I'd listened to the mini-ramble too. X-)


Right? What's a girl gotta do to get locked up around here? ;-)


That will be a nice breakfast treat, Jessica! Enjoy! 😬


Wow! Talk about HOT! Holy fucking hotness, Gael! Like the girls said you have taken your art to the next level babe! BRAVO! 👏🏻😈 I am soooooo glad I waited until I got home to listen! Damn! Damn! Damn! This girl will sleep GOOD tonight! Side note...no way I could obey the no licking lips command! This had me bitin and lickin my lips the WHOLE damn time! I think I may need a spanking! 😈


Why Miss Tina, are you speechless my dear? 😘


I know, right!! I almost lost it when he brought out his magic bullet. Whew.....


Yes! I love that he took the blindfold off so she could watch.


Guten Morgen, Mädls of Gaelandia! Hope everyone has a splendid, relaxed Samstag - Saturday! Have you been good girls and listened to the latest, delicious audio?? :) ... I mused about something...would I like to listen to an audio, where I could actually hear the female character? Her voice, sounds and moans?? ...It would allow Gael for fantastic new possibilities and storylines... ABER - BUT!... Nah, I wouldn`t want to hear a strange woman`s voice interacting with Gael. (Except for my own, of course! Hahaha) It would destroy the magic "Gaelness" ...So there`s only one solution, Gael has to play the woman`s role too!! It could be really hilarious... not as a "serious" audio, of course! Just as a playful, funny experiment...? Hm?...


Those tongue sounds made me arch my back -again-! What magic are you working with those tongue sounds, Gael?! And that bullet...that freakin' bullet...! I held my breath the second that thing turned on! The sound of it and you doing your thing (plus those moans and growls, mmmf~ :3) made me squirm and twist in my seat!


I had to read your post twice. I read the first bit about adding a woman and I got all snippy! Haha! Yeah, I agree: don't bring a lady into this magic. It's one of the things that I love about his audios, the only woman talking back and moaning when I listen is ME!... now if Gael were to play the lady too, I may just rupture my spleen laughing!


Seriously - Patreon has been a bitch today (everyday!). I have lost count of how many times the app kicked me out, ate my comments, etc. I finally got home and had to switch over to my laptop. It is not much better, but a slight improvement.


FUCK!!! 👄💥🌡️🔥🌊


🔥💦🔥 Oh myyyy... Wow... I love the long teasing part and, honestly, I think the girls said everything, it's perfect: your voice, your words, it's so sensual!.. *need a cold shower now*


On the collaborations I will be doing: I'm going to promote and collab with some female authors over the next few months. I understand very very well that 90% of listeners don't want to hear Gael banging some other chicks haha! So the collabs will not have Gael tainted in anyway. What they will have is sexy female voices that I like, and authors who have helped me greatly over the last few months. I want to give other artists a platform, a second platform so they can also reach a wider audience. I really appreciate the help and time that people put in and I think it's really positive to promote other artists... The audios won't appear here but on my site and possibly other sites, not here though as I understand the dynamics very well. And as I said, they won't involve me being all sexy with them ;) And the audios will be clearly tagged and it will really be up to listeners to choose whether to listen or not ;) No biggie! But a chance to expand and see where this goes.


I think it is fantastic that you are collaborating with, and promoting, other artists. Art doesn't happen in a vacuum! Looking forward to watching you explore other scenarios, and expand your repertoire. Gael is a fantastic character but it will be good for you as an artist to spread your wings a bit. Break a leg hot stuff! 💋


Ohh, Herr Gael! This is a really, really sensual, sexy, sweet audio!! ...though it could have been a little rougher - for my taste at least!? ...I think the Mädls said all the important things already. I have nothing else to add, except ...I love the metallic, tinkling sound of the cuffs, though I didn`t like the mechanic, buzzing sound of the bullet vibe... reminds me of a little drill XPP ...anyway it`s just a (annoying) trifle. Haha...


Having another listen. The sheer delight last night wiped my thoughts from my memory ;) Feedback coming right up...


Holy fucking fuck, Gael! I waited until I knew I would be uninterrupted (which turned into 3AM) but it was so worth the wait! Seriously worth it. I don't understand how you ladies could A) listen for a few minutes and comment while it's still going and B) listen in places that are not your bed! Holy shit I needed the room to squirm on this one. You talked about stepping up your game but this was such a huge leap forward! I am impressed. You brought so many elements from our comments on other posts! IRL I'm an anxious girl about safety and I was especially happy to hear the safe word! (Also happy you did not use pineapple or lederhosen XD) And coaxing out the moans out of your lady! Honestly this audio hit me on so many levels, are you sure it's not secretly for me? Haha! Damn, man! Oh and I've never encountered a man who puts a lady's juice to such good use, keep it up! The best, most honest reaction I can give is to confess that I had to cue up the "Afterglow" audio afterward just to give myself something to listen to while I came back to my senses. I died. So thank you 😘


Oooooh my gosh, those drawn out moans though .. sexiest thing ever and the sounds when he cums ...mmm, Gael.. back at it again with an amazing audio 😁 hoping your next audio has some spanking though... I'm over-due 😏


O.M.G.! I think I'm still recovering from this audio. I can't even come up with words to describe what I felt... I am in full agreement with everyone's comments. Seriously, one of the most erotic things I've ever heard! Christmas came early for sure.


Frau Trina, I have to admit, I was secretly hoping for "Lederhosen"! Hahaha...


Listen, if you're not the King of this erotic audio shit I don't know who is. I will fight anyone who says different. As someone else said I also listened on the way home in rush hour traffic Friday evening and maybe again later. I wasn't going to comment because what can be said? Perfection. I dont think there is anything that you would say that could turn me off. I have zero real life fantasy of being tied up, handcuffed, blindfolded or having my face fucked which, btw, was almost the sexiest part if this whole bit. I'm thinking my reasoning is because I haven't met the man who would inspire the action, the thought is always there but I'm not giving 100% of that part of me to a man just because we are dating or fucking. I would love to spend a lazy Saturday fellating some poor bastard half to death then reviving him again with this kitten, but everybody dont deserve my mouth. Even in past relationships I've held back cuz its always some dumb shit at some point. Fools blocking their blessings. Also because I feel like I'll know when I meet him. If he exists. Hopefully one day my Gael will come and I can live the rest of my days happily slutted out- but only in the most respectful of ways 😜.


Would prefer *not* hearing any other women on your audios. Complete turn off and ruins the intimacy making it more like standard porn. I guess the main thing is, it sounds way more personal and directed just towards me. Hearing another woman participating makes me think I could just as easily go watch standard porn for the same thing. The inclusion of women is a big turn off. As long as you clearly mark which ones are just you and which are the couple I know which ones to avoid. I am paying to hear an intimate, voyeuristic performance from YOU...adding a woman into the mix....mehh. Thanks


He did say they wouldn't be erotic and also wouldn't be posted here ;) But on his site and elsewhere. ^.^ Patreon is a Safe Gael space it seems! xD


SO I am just now getting to my comments on this audio. I love the direction this is going. I am hoping for Part II where gf is a bit more dominating/more commanding. After listening to this a few times I did a free write of notes... I am such a nerd :) I'll send them to you. Note: I used to hate the word fuck... not anymore, at least when gael says it... hello trigger. I love that you used props in this and had dual stimulation for different parts of the body. The handcuffs and blindfold (for part) was sooo sexy and definitely got me raring to go! Also, threat of having to wait if i didn't hold back? Super hot. I am so happy and satisfied (and hopefully you are too) that you are branching out :) CHeers and happy Sunday!


Uhm... well, yes, uhm... *speechless*

Kelly S

I finally got to listen all the way through. Um... yeah... DAYUM... The 'lip gloss', so fucking sexy. The bullet... omg the bullet! Srsly though, the absolutely painful, terrifying and OMG AMAZING idea of the bullet, the tongue, the blindfold and the handcuffs and not being allowed to cum?!?!?!?!?! Just... wow... I have this weird love of fingering. So, that part was fabulous for me, too. All the talk about a blowjob then not actually going there but tapping on the clit... that was such a sexy, misleading tease! Removing the blindfold for the 'final act' was so sexy. I think someone else said the same thing, but it's such a turn on to look into a man's eyes while he's entering. The moaning, the permission to moan, everything surrounding that... All the possessive talk ("your cock", "my pussy" that kind of thing) is always welcome in my mind. Also, I think Gael is the only one I've ever heard say "spit it out" in that sense. That is one of the most ridiculously sexy things, I swear. Look, I can find something that I am not 100% loving in every single audio... Until now. There is nothing about this one that I don't absolutely love. Nothing that 'took me out of the moment', no word choices that 'could have been even better if he'd said xyz'... I mean, yeah... This is absolutely my favorite now.


Kelly I love reading your feedback, girl. I'm so lazy, I be like "mmmm". That means i liked it lol.

Kelly S

Random thought - For the artist (Not even sure if you'll read this) - Um... were you particularly more... excited with this audio? B/c, yes, you're definitely always very skilled at what you're doing. But, I don't know if your acting is just getting that much better or if this scenario was something you've thought about before and were more turned on than typical but, you definitely seem A LOT more turned on this time than usual. ( Maybe it's just b/c I liked it that much so I wanted you to be enjoying it that much too or something... haha )


I agree with everything you said, Kelly. Outside of checking off quite a few of my boxes, he sounded so turned on... which was incredibly sexy. I'm actually a little warm just thinking about the tone in his voice. ... anyway... yes. Whatever it was , I hope it continues because it was truly inspirational in the best way.

Gri (Sassy_One)

My dear Irish lad, this is definitely the beginning of something beautiful! Your skillz are at a new high! Sexy, sensual, freakin' hot stuff. There you go doing it again gorgeous fucker, you never seize to amaze! TY! "Is Gael dirty enough?" Getting close...we will not mind you trying a couple more times...and whatever/whoever inspired the idea 🙌🏻👏🏻 BTW, gotta agree with the girls, your moaning in this one...FUCK!

Kathy M

It's funny but I don't think I'd mind hearing another voice with Gael and I look forward to hearing what else he comes up with. *ducks and covers* My only thing is the quality of their voice. Can't stand the fake shrieking that most women use. If it's genuine then I'm all for it.


Shrieking, lol. For me it's the high pitched or whiny quality that may be sexy to a man but grates my nerves.( I probably sound like that too tryna be sexy😂) But if it were more sultry then maybe but that's the risk. And its his right to do what he wants. Again its a person's individual choice to listen or not.


Now for the audio. Oh Gael, you gave me a cunt-tusion. The toy use, and everything else was fab! I bruised my pelvic bone. Let's just say I wasn't using a bullet. Fabulous. Amazing. Yay!


Weird, I had a dull ache in the wrist on my dominant hand for a day... no particular reason, I'm sure...


Wowza...my virgin ears...heart... everything 😍


3rd time around...just gets wetter,I mean better😂the teasing is masterful...um huh. You taste it through the panties, you taste it from your fingers, you don't a c t u a l l y taste it for 15mins. by then my back and hips r 🌊that single, tongue dart through the panties at 9:12 😱 I convulsed




O M Gael 🔥💜🔥


I'd do the crime if I can do the time! Fuck!! Baby!! I absolutely LOVE the dominant alpha Gael!


Holy wow 🤯🥵 Sending me to bed perfectly content. 😌💋


Um…Yes. 🔥💦