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♣ Spotify: Between The Sheets: Rumi Ramble Talkdown Sleep Aid

Hey all! I wanted to do this talk on Rumi Quotes and I wanted to make it as soothing as possible as to lure you into a deep sleep! Or maybe a nice power nap!

Pop your earbuds in and relax... you can stay awake or doze off!

Whatever your sweet heart desires!

Big love





This is 54 minutes of heaven and utter perfection. ❤ Nunca fuí de dormir siestas. Mi mente está activa constantemente como para lograr relajarme y descansar.. pero estos audios logran desconectarme completamente de todas mis preocupaciones como por arte de magia. Me estas dando las mejores siestas que jamás tuve y las palabras me quedan cortas para agradecerte. 🙏


That voice of yours could literally undress me! 🥰 And, Rumi has NEVER sounded so sexy!@#$% Here’s the dilemma >>> My body wants to rest because your voice is intoxicating, soothing…But, your tone is so disarmingly sensual my mind is aroused! 💋 This TOTALLY feels like you’re trolling! 😛