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Hello lovely people. I just wanted to say: thank you all so much. This last six days or so you gave me the power to work from home on my audios. This is something that I've rarely got to do over the years. 

Your support has helped me create so much over the last few days and for that I am really over the moon. I couldn't have possibly taken this time for my art before I started this experiment, and it was an experiment, an experiment that came about because I craved freedom from my day job so I could reach more and more people, so I could bring a little light into the world . 

That's what it was/is all about. I worked my ass off all last week, sometimes I put in 12 hour shifts writing and recording for you and for YouTube ( I have many releases yet for you enjoy ) I worked really hard but I did what I love doing which is something really really new to me. I can't express how happy this has made me and how much each and every one of you mean to me and I mean ALL of you. 

You have changed me in ways I couldn't have imagined, you have taught me, made me laugh, let me look inside, guided me, sparked amazing ideas and shaped me into a much better artist and person, and you've done this from day one... 

Go raibh mile mile mile maith agat! 

Thank you so so much! You are amazing



I am so happy we could make you so happy! Honestly, you give us so much and I am glad you love doing this!


Gael, you deserve all this happiness and more. You give so much to many of us...your voice has become a (healthy) drug for me personally, so thankyou for helping me get through anxiety attacks, PTSD nightmares and sleepless nights. I'm glad you want to keep doing this and are enjoying yourself ☺️


Awww, you sweet thing. You deserve it all and more. ❤❤ ❤


Well I think it goes both ways. I believe in what you do and your audios have done a lot for me personally. I won't go into it but rest assured you've sparked changes within me that have only bettered my life and the lives of those around me. So thank you for that and cheers to your continued growth and success as an artist.




I think my heart just grew two sizes. I am so happy that you were able to focus on what you love instead of "what you have to do" for a while. You and this group have changed me, and I am grateful. Btw that last line? Right back atcha, babe.

Gri (Sassy_One)

It's out of love and admiration for you and your talent! You have also helped all of us grow into more sexy and confident women. Thanks, you talented gorgeous fucker!


Aww this makes me so happy! You've given so much to me and changed me in so many ways and I'm sure all your listeners have felt similar. So happy you get to explore this creative side more :) ☘️🌪 thank you ❤️


Ditto! I'm new here but I can't help but stay around! You are an amazing artist, I've thought so from the start! You let us know if you need any of our skills (not sexually) and we'd love to continue to help you out.


Thank you! You have truly grown and having taken the risk to pour your heart and passion into this art form has paid off. *Hug*😊


I'm always happy to know that you are happy! It's nice to know that we can give you back all the happiness you give to us. I'm reiterating what I already said: I hope you receive as much as you give, that you are deeply happy in every aspect of your life because you truly deserve it. I hope you can reach your goals and do what you love because you are truly talented. Thank you for everything! Mwaah little Sunshine! 😊 😘


I wish i could say to you what i wanted to say.In my language i can write pages for you.You are very talented and sweet and i love you because you are authentic.You are the sunshine in our lives and i mean for all of us not only me.Im very happy you are happy although you work too much and im happy because i ve found you!THANK YOU!Muah!


💖I kept wondering how you were posting at times when I thought you should've been at your day job. I'm so happy to be a part of this wonderful community that has been able to make this happen for you. You give so much of yourself to us and expect nothing in return. Your heart for others is amazing and it truly comes through in your 'work' here. Thank you a thousand times over! Much love and continued support from your Sirens will be forthcoming. 💖


Apparently there are quite a few of us that are enjoying a new outlook thanks to you! You've given me so much confidence and a willingness not to just be alive anymore but to try to really get out there and LIVE. It's like waking up after sleeping off a sickness. THANK YOU! You keep doing what makes you happy. muah!


This makes me all kinds of happy...And as I can only speak for myself, Thank You- for Gael & for you- you have legitimately 100% made a difference in my life as has this community which would never have existed without you following through on an experiment. I'm very grateful for the gift that you share with all of us, it is profoundly beautiful and I celebrate your talent and I hope for all the best successes for you in the future. Much love to you! ❤️


You just made me cry at my desk & it's not okay.


You are amazing too, Gael!! And I echo the sentiments of all of these wonderful ladies - you've brightened up dull days and made me smile countless times and I'm proud to be part of the community that helps support you! 💝


This is great G! We appreciate you sooo much! Your friendship means a lot to us. Peace and kind regards to you friend💋

Kathy M

You're so kind to share that with us. Thank you Gael for putting yourself out in the world with your creativity, passion, heart and mind for us to learn from and enjoy in pleasures both cerebral and carnal. In the spirit of Thanksgiving here in the US I’m grateful for you and all the incredible women that I’ve made a part of my day to day life these past several weeks. Love all y’all.


Your essence, or energy I don't know what to call it, that's in all your audios and rambles, feels like meeting myself. You're just beautiful


In the true meaning of the word. This community isnt a coincidence.


I pretty much second everything the ladies before have said. I'm so happy to hear that you're happy doing audios for us, some days I worry that we wear you out but it looks like I shouldn't have. 😊 Gael, you're truly an amazing person and I'm so glad that I decided to get over my insecurities and dive head first into the community you've created and also talk to you directly. Your videos, audios, and general silliness always come at the right time and my discovery of your work has changed me for the better. I hope we continue to bring joy to your life like you do for us! ❤️❤️❤️


You're welcome.




Thank <i>you</i>! You give us something really, really beautiful every single day - and no, that's not just your work, though we all really appreciate it! It's you, the way you welcomed us, the way you talk to us, the way you're having fun with us. So really, just: thank you - köszönjük! ❤️


I can't even begin to tell you how happy it made my heart to read this! ❤️. It goes both ways - you have given us all so much in return. I love our little community, and all the creativity and laughter it sparks. We are all truly lucky to have found one another, and to be able to support an amazing artist (that is you @Gaelforce! 😘). Keep chasing what you truly love, and we will be here supporting you every step of the way. 💕💜💚❤️


Aw ♥ I think we're all thrilled to see you happy and creating! It's the whole reason we're here and we reap the benefits of all that extra time and gathered knowledge. Aside from the amazing audios you've also given us this community which we've said time and time again is really special. This place is a lovefest between you and us and the community in general. It's so awesome to see what gets created here! *tacklehugs*


Much appreciation to you as well :-)


It's a two way street... I'm really glad we made you so happy because you deserve it, and I'm happy and very grateful for what you give us 😙 This community is something else, I've met amazing people here that changed my life, of course including you Gael😊 It's amazing to see how much you have grown over time. So thank you for all your creations. The naughty, meaningful and silly ones, and I hope you can keep on doing what you love to do 💋

Kelly S

I don't know what I can say that hasn't been said. You have been a true gift in my life, honestly. Like I said before, your audios have helped me through an anxiety attack, have helped me ward off more than one... You have brought together this amazing community of women who have already proven to be a positive in my life as well. I have found 'me' again after a long, long time and I truly attribute that partly to your positive influence. Your 'body positive' message (and that of other erotic audio authors, but who I wouldn't have found without you first) helped to remind me that, no matter what I thought of myself, I was still beautiful. It helped pull me out of my 'funk' and I have gotten back my love for myself and for life. Aside from that, you're DAMN GOOD at what you do and I really enjoy it!


👏 👏 👏 ✨


You are a constant bright spot in an up and down life ❤️


Aww, what a sweet message! It's been a joy to hear you grow as an artist, and it's fantastic to hear that you're able to spend more time following your passion. Sunshine, you've done more good for more of us here than you know. The community of Sirens here has, too, and as so many Lovelies above have remarked, that community isn't random luck. Thank you for carving us out such a sparkling corner of the Internet, and for setting such a caring and positive tone. As for the rest, we're all more than happy to help. It's the least we can do! ♡♡♡


Just wow! I'm so humbled my every single word I've read :)


Aww! Gael! Nothing to add... just... Du bist ein guter Mann, du machst viele Leute wirklich glücklich! Du verdienst dasselbe zurück! Und ich meine was ich sage (wie immer! :)) Danke und Muah! :))


I don't have time at work right now to express what I really want to say to this post but come back later, Gael, with a box of tissues 😘


Now for the personal side of things, and feel free to skip it if you're not in the mood for a sappy post. Over the past month or so, I've come to feel real friendship for you, and to care about you the way I do for any of my far-flung friends (who now include a goodly # of Sirens!). That's not your characters, &amp; it's not because of the lovely fictions you create. It's the mind &amp; spirit behind them -- the you we've gotten to know through your rambles, vlogs, and banter: kind, centered, thoughtful, wickedly funny, intelligent, and full of life. It's an odd sort of one-sided friendship, I know -- at least, I don't expect the feeling to be reciprocated on a personal level, even if I do feel like we'd have likely been good friends if we'd ever met in the real world. You don't know most of us as well as we're getting to know you, and my understanding is that you wouldn't want to, and that's ok. It's what we signed up for, and it's so more than worth it! You're part of our ordinary lives, for many of us, even if we're not quite part of yours, and your Sirens will be here for you like we are for each other, to the best of our abilities, if &amp; when you need anything. At least, I will &amp; those who posted above will, and I'd be shocked if there weren't at least a majority of the rest of us who feel the same way. You're a pretty damned good human being. Thanks for sharing all these bits of yourself and your time with us. *muah*


What's a couple hundred friends? Sunshine can take us on, I just know it. A sun's rays can reach many places at once. It rises in the east and sets in the west, eventually he reaches all of us. We all get a ray or two for ourselves. Who wants to tell Gael something unique about themselves so he can get to know us better??


Good morning Lovelies &amp; Mr Gaelforce 😘 All the lovelies expressed it much better than I ever will so Imma piggyback on their comments 😊 Besides, some of us had also been around and vocal long enough for u to know how we have always felt. For now, 无声胜有声。So just 感激, 感恩,and always 谢谢 😘


I've sat here for over and hour thinking of what I really wanted to say when I read this, but everyone who has commented pretty much already said it :) And now, I'm crying because I want to give you the biggest hug right now! You're doing what you love and what makes you happy, and it shows through what you do. That makes me happy for you. I wanted to give you my thanks and support for how you and your audios helped me slowly come out of my shell, and in doing so, I found this place with you and all these amazing women! And though I enjoy the character "Gaelforce", I really enjoy these tiny interactions with you, too. I know I don't know you personally or in real life and probably never will, but hearing your rambles, watching your vlogs, reading your insight on things and stuff...it's almost, kind of like I made a new friend. It feels like I made friends with everyone here. Thank you, Gael, for sharing yourself and your creative spark with us :)


I' have a weird confession. I felt uneasy letting your voice help mold my sexual psyche because I was worried that you were some kind of freaky *cereal killer or something, lol. You aren't are you? JK When I saw your eyes, the window to your soul, I began to trust and cherish your words. I have to agree with the ladies, your essence shines through your Gael persona. Keep up the good work you sexy beast.


You deserve it Gael...you are a master at what you do-and really, who wants to sit in a cubicle all day when they could be giving women orgasms? Hahaha I really do genuinely appreciate what you do. I just got back from Europe and every day I listened to one of your audios which made the trip all the better. There is so much negativity and tension in this world, so listening to words of appreciation and being able to be coaxed into ecstasy by someone who is enjoying it just as much is a true gift.


What an amazing post to read! It is awesome that you get to create the art that you love. You are truly a gift to is all! I have been searching for words to explain what your audios and becoming a part of this community has done for me. All I know is over the past couple months I have rediscovered myself, found new confidence, rekindled my love of photography, met amazing people from all over world, and have found an outlet for my stress. Thank you for sharing your art with us! Thank you for bringing sunshine into this world that can often be so dark! Your positivity and carefree nature is wonderful and contagious! I am honored and happy to be a part of your evolution! Muah!💋


Ooh, funny audio idea: the Cereal Killer! So much scope for terrible puns...

fran darling

We all love you too ... from hearts that are from all parts of Earth ...


I think I did a better job of saying how I feel next door... wrote it a month ago, just posted it now.


Ähh, Herr Gael... this is not a Abschiedsbrief - farewell letter, is it?? Hm?...Just wanna be sure.. Nah,never mind... :))


I know this is suppose to be a post where we get all warm &amp; fuzzy... but I just wanna jump in to say... Gael, u worked so hard for the week and pulling in 12 hr shifts... Damn... make sure u drink lots of water &amp; eat lots of food to replenish the fluids &amp; proteins u lost! Dun shrivel on us! 😂


He is not gonna let us decide his death afterall 😂😂😂


Lol your nurse seconds this!!! Fluids and protein, sir!😂😂😂


This song keeps coming to my mind and I can't help but share it, I love you, You love me, We're a happy family. With a great big hug And a kiss from me to you, Won't you say you love me too? -Barney the Dinosaur

Kelly S

I'm kind of with Claudia here. This isn't a good bye, right? I mean, when I started reading it the first time, I jumped to the bottom really quick to make sure it didn't end with a goodbye.


Well said Brigid. You echoed how I have begun to feel about the man behind the mask (yes, reference to the Addicted to Love video😆) as I'm sure many of us have. More than worth it? Yes he is! Now, would someone please pass me a box of dang tissues?? 😢😭


Ali I'm gonna need you to go stand against that wall and put this blindfold on. Yes, the wall with red splotches, don't worry about those...


Ok, you won't need tissues BUT...You're amazing! I hope I've told you enough times for it to stick. Aside from your audios (which are unbelievable) you're an incredible person. Yes "Gael" is every girls dream but you- yes, you my dear sir behind the mic- are so special. You go above &amp; beyond for us. You don't have to answer our emails, PMs, or Tweets, you don't have to ask how we are or treat us like a friend but you do. You don't treat us like just a person in one of your tiers and I think that is what makes you so special. You show interest and give your time to people who may not have anyone else to turn to. I've read the comments from these girls and they've been the same since the beginning...thank you... Thank you for giving me confidence, comfort, sweetness, sexiness, healing, laughter and friendship (especially amongst the girls). I've met amazing girls who really do mean a lot to me and will continue to do so long after Patreon and "Gael". So, my dear Irish sweetheart, THANK YOU for being you and for introducing me to my amazing girls. 💋💋💋


Can you imagine if sunshine broke through his Gael shell! I would love to see what the man behind the freaky, over makeup, scary face mask is really like!! On the flip side, Gael I luv ya and I couldn't ask for more. Speaking of scary faces, if you like Batman you will love this sketch!! <a href="https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=MTLp14MKDDU" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=MTLp14MKDDU</a> Watch it Gael!


Gael, you're amazing....I wish u all the happiness and success in the 🌎....Thank you 😭❤️😊😘


All the best to you Gael! Thank you for making life that more interesting. :)


(I must admit, reading all of our heartfelt responses to your post, I can't help but shake my head bemusedly at the irony of our piling "You're so special"s &amp; "You're amazing"s onto someone who often seems to actively seek the death of his ego. It's true, Sunshine, and it's how we feel... I just hope you can read &amp; accept them in the spirit of affection in which we offer them, and not run from our comments like some skittish aspiring-boddhisatva who's sometimes too aware of how many times, as a human being, he'll have to step forward off the pole. We know you only like one of your heads swollen, after all!)

Kathy M

What Brigid said ⬆️⬆️⬆️ Think of it as a reflection of how you make us feel.


Quit being so sweet! 😋


When did we start calling Gael sunshine?? I mentioned something about it last week and I'm wondering if it caught on or if it's been around for a while??


It caught on! You've inspired a new (&amp; very fitting) nickname, I think. Dunno about others, but I thought "Yeah, that makes sense, that's good" when I read what you wrote about it in this thread. Go you! / Hope you don't mind? :-) (How do I insert a high-five emoji? Jeez, the things I haven't figured out how to do...)


Jessica, I've been meaning to tell you that you are gorgeous! You also have an amazing spirit about you


Aww, you are so sweet! And you are gorgeous as well, with a great sense of humour!!😘 😘 ♥


Guten Morgen, Mädls, Sirens, Gaelandians! A pleasant Freitag - Friday for y`all!... Have a happy day! XD


I wanted to think a bit before I commented, but now I'm ready to jump on this love train even if I'm the caboose! Gael, I am so happy for you! I am so very happy that you have had the opportunity to pursue your art. To be able to dedicate time to the creative pursuits that you are truly passionate about must be a wonderful feeling. I'm honored to support your artistry in even the tiniest way. My decision to join Patreon and become one of your patrons came from a desire to give a ringing endorsement for your work. I was truly impressed by your perfectly balanced sense of so many complicated elements. You hit all the right notes, and infuse everything you do with such warmth, safety and love. I wish that I was better able to describe exactly how you combine so many elements, so that I could write a pamphlet and pass it out to all the men I know. I came here to support the artist who was able to find such balance and to access the rambles, so I could learn a bit more about the man behind the Gael. Along the way I discovered the women behind the Gael. And that perhaps, ironically, one of the great skills of such a talented audio author is his ability to listen. And to gift me with something I didn't even know I needed, which was a community of beautiful, passionate, raunchy, witty women. Women who have been to hell and back and know the importance of supporting each other. I could go on to much greater length detailing all the little ways that your art has helped me on a personal level. I could spill my guts on the table and explain why it's so nice to have a million little reasons to smile now everyday. Instead I'll save that for another time, maybe when I've actually been here a full month. :) Here is to wishing you many more days of light, love and pursuing your dreams for you, author-Gael deserve the very best the world has to offer. Thank you very much for all that you do.


Guten Morgen, liebe Mädls - my dears! Yay it`s Samstag - Saturday!!...Hope everybody has a beautiful, interesting day!?... XD


Hallo Frauline! I met a German man today. He is very tall and blonde. Just like I know you secretly are too ;))


Hi Sirens! It`s really quiet today, isn`t it?... even the unruly undead Epic Thread is quiet... XD


Hi Claudia! It is a twitter party today. You need to join us! 😘 How are ya?


And again... ein schnelles - Guten Morgen süße Mädls! :) I hope everyone has a happy Sonntag - Sunday! Oh, and since it`s der 1. Advent - the first Sunday in Advent... a joyous, merry and tranquil Adventszeit - Advent season! to y`all! XDD (... that is, if you have something like Advent... if not, have a great time anyway... haha...:)


Thank you Claudia, and wishing you all the amazing things too! I just posted our Advent wreath on Twitter, and I'm so excited for this Christmas time! 😊😚

