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Hi everyone! Some sexy whispers anyone?






Jenn (Preemie Cuddler)

So that’s what tingles feel like...holy Fuck!! The sexiest part is I’m listening while at work🤫😅


This is so stunningly sexy and cute at the same time ... thank you so much. <3


Yesplease! :P


Dang it, Angie lol


Most definitely! Where do I sign up?


Hi. Ttyl


Just in time for my ride home from work!! Perfect timing as usual, Mr. Gael!


Yeah!! Bring some sexiness in my life please! Feeling miserable with my rhinopharyngitis and fever. 🤒 If you could all see me, I look like a zombie! 😜


Oh honey, get well soon! This one is gonna help you... ;)


Just settling in for the night, so perfect timing..😊 Night all Xx 😴


I'll be in my bunk.


Help needed. Can't funtion. (Not again.) (He did this in the morning too.) (Damn you Gael.) Yeah. Good night babes! ♥ ♥ ♥

Kelly S

I was NOT NOTIFIED of this new post development. Damn you Patreon!


Ugh.....three more hours at work and I left my earbuds at home 🙁. Will check back later with my review 😘


Sexy whispers?...Oh jaaa, bitte sehr! Thanks, Gael! XD


I'm supposed to pack for my trip to Spain, how can I do that now, when all I want to do is undress, slip under the covers and... Okaaay byyyye, empty suitcase calling me back!


So I'm listening to this as I drive and I've got one earbud in on the right and I'm driving with the dopiest grin on my face. I can't even wipe the smile from my face as I go through the military checkpoint. The gate guard is looking at me like I'm a total lunatic. And it's also taking everything I have to not wiggle in my seat so that I'm not swerving all over the road!😏

Gri (Sassy_One)

Mayor...damn! you fuckin' rock!


You are probably right 😂😂. I will practice safe driving on my way home.


I agree to all Terms and Conditions outlined above! Where do I sign? 🤓📋🖊


😊😌😳😍 Damn....


I wake up from a nap to this? I want to say its only 15 minutes. But I know better. I got things to do.

Gri (Sassy_One)

Please, keep pushing it up a notch...your audios are getting better by the minute...ohhh, please release the Kraken already!!!


Stellar! I don't usually tingle, but I was getting so many tingles on this. Can't wait to listen again when I've just woken up! So dreamy!


Perfect. Just perfect. 😏


There just are no adequate words...*contented moanful sigh* Gael, you are definitely keeping our turn-ons in mind! Magnificent!💖


Deliciously sensual, loving, and sexy 😌. The sound effects on the last two audios have been incredible! LOVE the rustling sheets and all the close whisper talking. Great audio @Gaelforce, really great. Very moving - in so many different ways - this one broke me open a bit. Beautiful art! ❤️

Kathy M

Completely second this Shyla. I found myself very moved with the sincere loving sensual tone of this one. In fact I'll share that I had tears rolling at the end because I've never known anything like this personally. This audio is quite the double edged sword because it's thrilling to listen to, yet I know I'm not likely to know what it's like to experience this in real life. Just call me Debbie Downer tonight.


More of this please ❤️


Hugs @Kathy ❤️. I had to pull out the tissues as well, crying right in the middle of a damn traffic jam. Crying and laughing because it was just so beautiful - I must have looked like a loon.....lol. 😂😭. That is what I love about great art, it moves you in ways that are nonsensical and magical. How lucky we are to have that in our life! Love you sister! xoxo 😘


There is no way in real life I'd be able to listen to this for fifteen minutes! I couldn't last that long without reciprocating. *laughs I'll keep the rest of my thoughts to myself! 😉

Kathy M

Atta girl Raquel! That's the right way to think about it. I rarely take my own advice though. I know I shouldn't say it won't happen for me either I just don't think it can.


Gael: Hmmm, how can I get some audios done yet stay warm and cozy under the covers at the same time? Oh I know, audios that take place in bed! Genius 😆


Every time you make an amazing audio, I always wonder how it can get any better AND every single time it gets better. How, Gael, how?!?! What kind of sexual Irish magic do you possess? I looooove it! You're amazing, don't you forget it, hun! 😘


Hmmm, I listened again just now in the morning, and I'm still snuggled up in blankets and everything is warm and... yes, Gael is the perfect fit. I guess I'm willing to keep him too. 😜❤ Seriously, it's really hard to find words. ❤


Opposite of coffee= fappin'


I feel you Crystal. 2:51 am here.


Hahaha well I did get some good material for that today BUT that always wakes me up, it doesn't make me sleepy


Gael tell us a boring story to put us to sleep


Since today is International Men's Day, can't skip one of the best audio authors amongst them so of course I had to give Gael another listen this morning... The pussy worshipping force is strong with this one... 😋 Plus the whispers, the hush sensual tone, the rustling sheets... It was a good way to start my Saturday ;)


Hey Miranda and Saskia!


Guten Morgen, Mädls, Gael! A sexy, satisfying Samstag - Saturday to y`all! Enjoy and enjoy...and...XD


International men's day Roflll I'm gonna be a diva today


"Today"??🙄🙄 Kidding, you're the best!😇💕


Good morning Gael. :) 12:19 am here


Again, I can't believe Gaelforce morning greetings got f*cking more likes than our usual comments. 😛 And he lured all the lurkers out!


Morgen Claudia schatzie 😙 Auch für dich ein schönes und sexy Samstag natürlich ;)


Here's a site you guys might like. <a href="http://www.fmylife.com/?page=0" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://www.fmylife.com/?page=0</a>#top


Like the sound of the bedsheets rustling around, and even the small crack of the bed at 3:55. All of the compliments and praise makes a nice change from the endless criticism ans conflict people have with one another these days....to hear "positive feedback" is a nice change.


Alright, people in the future, have a good Saturday! I'm gonna try and sleep, goodnight💋


I want one. 😢


That's what I'm screamin! Was she tied down? 3 mins into that and he'd be pinned to the bed!


I'm just putting this out there (*cough* Mr. Mayor *cough*): we (I mean me) need an audio where your nice lady friend is the one waking you up at night because she just can't keep her hands off you. Thank you Management. Miss Secretary Ps. You're not the only one with the night moves. 😚


Good morning Ladies!Good morning Gael! XD


Listen always to your Sekretärin, Herr Gael! She`s soo right! XD


Im fine although i didnt sleep the time i needed.Go to community page to see what happened to me last night XD


Didn't get a couple things you needed! Poor little lamb!


I listened to the YT version just as I woke up; coincidentally, I am off work today :D After being mentally and physically exhausted and sick last night after working this long week, that audio was the best morning perk up thus far :)


As good as your audios were before, Mr., you've clearly been leveling up of late! LOVED: the rustling sheet &amp; blanket fx, the tone (both content &amp; vocal), the depth (ooh baby, deeper!), tenderness, &amp; vulnerability Gael's starting to take on. This one played a bit like a next-morning sequel to the "Bedtime Boyfriend" YT audio, and those hints of continuity between audios also anchor them w/a touch more realism while leaving room for the listener to put herself in any particular fantasy. Tl;dr final review: sexy, sensual, shatteringly sweet. Can't wait to hear what's next!


Listening to this in the morning in bed....sounds much hotter to me. The sexy dialogue is just getting to me in the most lovely way. Sometimes that's all that's required. Just talk dirty to me baby....tell me what you want to do to me...


Ooh, also v. impressed by development in word choice &amp; variety of phrasing. Didn't fall at all into the repetitiveness trap that sometimes lurks in the path of erotica authors who try to navigate women's varied &amp; passionate preferences re: terms of art for our anatomy. Deeply satisfied (and yes, *deeply satisfied*) w/the approach you took here. ☆☆☆☆☆


Well, wasn't the best thing to listen to after I got through the week from hell. THANKSGIVING BREAK!!!!!!! For a whole 9 days :-) those sheets? Loved them. Well everything about this audio. And now to listen some more... I'm doing absolutely nothing on my to do list today.


Favorite line (paraphrased?): do you want me to stop? Such a gentleman, and alluding to the fact that you didn't push your her into sex the night before. So sweet, patient, considerate, and a real scenario those face when in a relationship. Great tone in your voice. Was that a down comforter? Totally random, you do not need to answer that, lol.


You know your where you belong when you jump on patreon, realize you missed Gael while he was posting, and feel happy for the girls who caught him-instead of jealous 😁💋💞


Good Morning everyone! Looks like you all have been havin a great Saturday so far! 😬 I am so thankful to be able to sleep in today. This week was CRAZY!


Ikr? Hit me like a train when I woke up and listened to this audio for the 1st time. Gah. I can't believe myself.

fran darling

Not going to lie - just his voice along gets me walking side-to-side...


I adore this. Every sound. Every word. You've made it sound so real, so its easy to jump into the fantasy with less distraction... also, listening to this before getting out of bed in the morning was a gorgeous way to start my day! And then there's your word choices. I didn't realize just how much of a turn on a varying vocabulary would be. Seriously... cannot stress that one enough... (Oh and scent? Fucking hell, Gael. That is so intimate, and said in such a positive way... so often women are encouraged to smell like a field of roses there or its considered nasty- which is a whole separate topic about media vs. body positivity... what I'm saying is you're doing a fantastic job making us, myself especially, feel beautiful in ways we didn't or didn't know we could. Thank you!)

Kelly S

<img src="https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/a7/db/1c/a7db1cabe933c653b519237a01c7455a.jpg">


This...I can't tell you how many times I've listened to this. Helping so much through stressful times.


Shhhhhhitttt 🥵


Wow. You sure know how to turn a woman on


I love that I can dive deep into the archives...for gems like this. It feeds my soul, honestly. G, if you happen to see this...the Lovelies and I were having a discussion on healing in the Community tab. And...well, I would very much love to let you know the thing I shared there about how your audios affect empowerment and reclaiming a piece of myself. It was under Kat's post on the 27th of June 2021. 🙏 (I don't think u get notifs for community tabs.) G, thank you. 😔