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So to wrap it up; Shout outs, quizzes, poems etc etc Let's do this!



Unbuckle belt LIVE! 😙 U can do that while u whisper my name! 😂😂😂

Kelly S

Ooh please, like we don't ALL want him to whisper/growl our names during that! ;)


Ok Kelly, u get that too! Only the 1st 5! 😂😂😂

Kelly S

Y'all be nice (and inclusive!) with the questions/requests this morning. I'm off to do the soccer mom carpool then time for a walk!

Kelly S

Gael, is there a reason you changed how you uploaded to here? Previous audios went to a separate link and, well, I could download to listen to them when my cell signal sucked while out and about. But the newest ramble is on YouTube, and I won't get to listen to it during my walk today. :,(


Kelly, I had the same problem. I could download it with the Firefox DownloadHelper. :)


I can't listen to it either. Damn the luck...guess I'll have to go in to work without my morning Gael *pout*


Oh and Gael, after the belt unbuckling session...XD I´d like a shout out! And could you go back to the ramble thread and read my comment with the language requests? Bitte? I wanna hear your Mandarin and Hungarian...:)) It was pretty much at the end of the thread. Vielen Dank, mein Lieber! XD


😙😙😙 I told ya that I have never heard any sexy Mandarin whisperings from men before. Be warned.


I have to go do some adulting too. Can't wait to hear what comes up 😆


Pls do a Darth Vader ASMR 😂😂😂 LMAO!


Hi Ladies! How did you all access this? The app doesn't show any link or audio file, and the website has a URL link that just keeps directing me back to the original post. Maybe I am just technically challenged this morning? 🙁


Hey Shyla, I think Gael is asking for requests? 😊


You totally skipped this Quiz. Rude. 😜🙈 Kiss / Marry / Fuck ??? 💋💍🍆 Claudia/ Rhea/ Sage Saskia/ Sage / Ashlee Sage/ Philotes/ Tina


I like yr persistence. 😏 Gael, just kiss her for all 3 combinations. That's good enough for her. 😎


I'd like a "Tes yeux sont si beaux" with *proper* pronunciation this time! :-) ("Beaux" = 'boh', or the 'bow' in 'bow tie'). No more nearly calling us "scallion-eyes", lol! ("Si 'boo'" in your accent sounds very close to "ciboules", which are spring onions.) Bonus points for delivering the line in an appropriate tone of wonderstruck adoration or desperate desire (yay acting practice!), and I'm not above coming up with a suitable bribe if you should 'just happen' to murmur my name. Heh. ;-)


I would like to hear you read another Rumi poem; I really liked that audio.


Also: who's your favorite philosopher (or one who's influenced your thinking), if you have one? What do you like about his/her perspective?


Shoutout to Muffin Trail please! 😂


Random veggie question..... kohlrabi, like or dislike? - After you answer, be a good boy and give us a giggle, yeah? 😉 (And "hello Alice" wouldn't be so bad either) LOL


One more corny Halloween joke, because I love to hear you laugh. What is a ghost's favorite fruit? 👻. Booberries 🍇🎃


Ok, last one before I get back to work: Just listened to "Your Revenge" the other night, and wondered... have you ever actually done candle play in real life (either as pourer or poured-upon), or was poor helpless Gael's experience something you've only imagined?


How about.....


Hehe...Looks like this is the seed for another hours-long Ramble! It´s a Teufelskreis - doom loop! XPP


I've got nothing.♩ "For the first time in forever!"♩thx for the ramble and for watching the movie with us. Loads of fun!😗


Ohhhh wait....I totally forgot - I did have a legit question for you.....have you ever thought about doing an audio book?? Not like the ones where the written word is read aloud but rather where each chapter is an off the cuff ramble? Like I said, you've got a gift, your rambles are great and Im sure you could pull it off.


Aber dieses teufelkreis ist fur uns besser als ihm lol


helloooo!!!I think it will be great if you read Leonard Cohen - Dance me to the end of love lyrics!


For my shoutout I'll take a nice, meaty Spank! That echoes off the walls. 😇


Ooh, ooh, ooh *hand raised* I left ya a PM. 🤓


And how about the silly joke I left ya on Twitter? 😆


Something in French maybe? I loved that audio where you added some in :)


I WANT MY SHOUTOUT THIS TIME! And maybe some encouraging words to get me through another week of school? >.


Please do Crystals would you rather quiz. I want to make sure it gets on here. <a href="https://www.buzzfeed.com/benhenry/the-sex-edition?utm_term=.jq9PLeXV" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.buzzfeed.com/benhenry/the-sex-edition?utm_term=.jq9PLeXV</a>#.edWbL2a9

Kelly S

Podcast. She means podcast. ;) Srsly tho! Gaelforce FM but with rambles, asmr, and a little of the naughty stuff too!


Herr Gael, are you good at Iomáint? :)


Can you moan my name ? And growl ?? And whatever else comes to your mind ... 😏 (You can call me Tati, btw)

Kelly S

My God... You women are feisty this morning! I got quite a few notifications on my phone while walking and kept thinking 'Oh, they're having a good time I guess! Poor Gael...'


We r turning this into a moaning, growling ramble 😂 I likey 😙


Jaa, the "Gael - Meth"!! Anna you wanna hear the *thud* sound live, eh?? XP

Kathy M

Ok I'ma try to keep my shiznit together here. Where's the link? I don't see it and I simply must have it. Please and thank you.

Kathy M

Oh...ahem...I see. Heheh. Glad I kept it together then 😊😊😊 Thanks P 💗👍


Could I get a shout out, please? And maybe some words to get me pumped up for the massive amount of job interviews I have this week?


Wake me up when the sex mp3s are posted...heh

Kathy M

Gael, might you be releasing any more bedtime/go to sleep/relaxation audios here or on YT soon? They're so incredibly soothing even with my bizarre worry that something disastrous could happen just at the moment you say that we're safe. I still love them.


Okay, a last one (for now ) EAT A SQUARE OF CHOCOLATE!!! Please? ;))


Frau! We have 3 lessons to catch up. Naughty school girl!


Hi Gael, Could you end with the word "aho"? It means "peace be with you", you're not calling me a ho.


Yay! Could you, pretty please, speak French just a little? Please Gael?... Or should I say "La Gael" :-p hehe


Hope you wear your lucky jeans for this one, cause this is gonna be another long ramble...


May I have a shout out, please? :)

Gri (Sassy_One)

shout out for me, please!!!! and we need to teach you some spanish...let me know 😊


Good morning 🌻could I please get a shoutout and some words of encouragement to get me through this ridiculous research report that is preventing me from getting excited for my birthday next week? (I'm silly and usually still get excited like a child 😂) • Would you ever be interested in making an audio for anyone who may be having an anxiety attack or PTSD flashbacks/nightmares? Just walking them through it and calming them down? • Do you believe in starsigns? If it's not too intrusive, what is yours? • Will you do more vlog style videos in Ireland? Lastly, would you ever have a crack at the accent challenge? 🙈

Kelly S

I love the idea of the anxiety attack/nightmare/flashback audio. I know that's something I could use sometimes. :(


A suggestion for those of us who have experienced trauma, especially abuse. If you can find a Craniosacral therapist, it does wonders to release the trauma from your tissue memory, without having to verbalize the trauma. It's truly amazing. It's not talk therapy, but body manipulation. Greatly freed my life.


Irish Eyes? 🍀👀🍀 Bodhrán favorites?


Not sure if this question was already asked in previous rambles but, if your life was a movie, what songs would be on the soundtrack? And a shout out or whisper out would be nice :)


I love me some slang!!! What is your favorite Irish slang word or phrase? And your favorite non Irish slang you've learned?


Frau Sage, I´m ready for my lessons! Leave them next door, in the Banter post... and I´m well-prepared...hehe.. Oh and I loove the Bodhran... When it`s like a primal, agitated heartbeat...:)


Favorite song(s)? And maybe a song that you think embodies Gael


Okay, non-belt buckle question (why?? trying to distract myself from hearing that sound in my sleep) I am guessing that the Yeti is your static mic, do you have another one that you use when you are walking around ?!? I know this will probably be answered when you do the walk-about, but this question has been rambling around the old brain for a while now 😍


weird..anyone have any suggestions...i listened to half of it....then went for dinner....now the image to click and listen is gone...wtf?! :/


Huh ?!? There actually was a link ?!? We thought he was looking for new ideas ?!?!?


Can I get a big shout out please? You can't ignore such an exotic name :-P


I second Amanda's request about your star sign... really I'd ask about your birthday (I always get geeked about my own and love knowing when to celebrate for other people) but I figure if asking about your sign may be too personal, then asking for the month and day is definitely too personal


Love this ladies !!! 😘😘😘 Bonus points for the template. Ya nerd.


Pssst, he's a Leo. But I didn't tell you, deal? 😎 Just be cool, Trina. Be. Cool.


a whole year? damn you're harsh! I'd even listen to <a href="https://youtu.be/NfPndEB2ec0" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://youtu.be/NfPndEB2ec0</a> non stop for three weeks...


Favorite band/artist that you've seen in concert?


Biggest pet peeve?


It's hard thinking of a question with all these good ones in the comments, so if this has been answered before, I apologize... What was your favorite toy as a kid?


Here's one I've been wondering since the first Ramble I listened to: over on one or another of your YouTube vids, you mention that you generally hate Q&amp;A's -- yet you indulge us so kindly, and at such length here, and you always seem to be having fun. Is there something that makes the difference between whatever sort of Q&amp;A you were talking about over on YT vs. all the Qs you A for us here, or has your feeling on the subject changed, or... ?


Rhea that is kind of what I was thinking but just thought I would ask...for some reason the Geek in me likes knowing how things are done.....I know, makes no sense to anybody but me 😉😉


I was wondering the same thing, but I figured he was talking about one on ones like he did with/for Juicy Peach 😀. We are more like 100 on one 😉😉😈


Can I get a shout out in your sexiest Cork accent? Oooh, how about from Zombie Gael in honor of Halloween? 😁

fran darling

The request to rap Nicki Minaj in Side to Side is still there. I just want to hear you say dick bicycle. :P


Mr Gaelforce, everyone wanna know yr star sign. I wanna know your moon sign. U can find that out via a moon sign calculator online. U need your birth time tho. Would u indulge us? 😎😎😎


What was your school experience like? Like even in high school, were you one of the more popular ones, or a cute shy one? :)

Kelly S

Gael - <a href="http://youtu.be/kO6BtpIzIiM" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://youtu.be/kO6BtpIzIiM</a> ;) Just kidding. I couldn't pass that up though.


I just wanna hear him say he's a "cute shy one" Just once! xD


I'd like a shout-in. Thx.


Do you have a garden? Grow your own veggies?


In your opinion..what makes a woman's voice sexy?


Omg! Gael! I just realized, as a vegan you will never wear Lederhos`n and dance the Schuhplattler for me!!? My secret fantasy! I`m heartbroken :(( Or are you willing to make an exception for me?? Bitte? XPP No, seriously... what are your thoughts about leather? I mean old leather, the animal is long dead and eaten, after a fulfilling life in the forrests... would you wear it? Why waste totally fine (sexy ;)) leather... XP


Am I merkwürdig - strange, for wanting to know that too?? :))


Hahaha... they look good, but ...hmm... I don`t know... I´d miss the original leather smell! Aber I`m willing to compromise. XD The main thing is the Schuhplattler!


LOVE this question !! Thank you Raquel 💗


Good Morning Sirens and and Dearest Gael. Today's DAILY AFFIRMATION : There will always be those who feel as though they have what it takes to fix or advise you about YOUR life. But just remember that it is YOUR life. Always make sure that the loudest voice in your head is your own. Never give someone else the power to make you your own worst enemy. When it is so much easier to be your own best friend. Have an awesome day. Love you💋


Herr Gael, I have another question. For "Gael - Science". You mentioned a few times, that you played different races in some audios! And everytime I wonder what...how...what the..? How do you do it?? Without using corny stereotypes? I mean it`s just audio! Do you put on a heavy accent? Are there race specific things you say...like what?..."take my...hot Asian cream? " Bahaha... just curious...XPP

Kelly S

Mountain Dew spit EVERYWHERE @ hot Asian cream...


Are you planning to tell more stories of Irish myths in future audios? Maybe even folktales or ghost stories in the spirit of the season. I loved the Legend of Cu Chulainn! :-)


Can vegans eat animal crackers? What if Soy milk is just regular milk introducing itself in Spanish?😳


Frau Rhea, the Watsch`n Tanz might be useful now?? ;)


Me too, @Ruth Anne! @Gael, that's similar to a question I'd posted on the original thread: do you have a favorite myth, and if so, what is it?


😂😂😂 Omg. You gotta write Gael's jokes for the next audio 😍


Man buns are HOT!!


Since there are a lot of #ForScience questions... are you ticklish?


Gael please say my name in your most ALPHA sexy! Like I left fingerprints on the...ooops sorry!? Lol!

Kelly S

Ramble Part 3? Yeah, more like "another full length ramble to answer the billion questions and requests y'all crazy ladies keep coming up with!" ;)


Your Honor. Ladies and Gentlemen of the Jury. I submit for your consideration, The Man Bun🔥🔥You can view evidence next door➡️➡️➡️


He had to have known that we would not let him off easy...umm..make it harder.....umm. Shit, never mind, you get what I was trying to say 😉😉😈

Kelly S

Even though I said there's too much for the poor man to keep up with, gotta ask one last question. Preference for lubricating assistance. Silicone based, oil based or water based?


Hi Gael! Greetings from California :) can you make a shout out to me? That would make my day! ❤️


Hi Gael! As I was reading a goodnight story to the boys I nanny, I thought of how it would give you a lot of practice reading out loud, and of course you have to go as fast as you can. You may thank Dr. Suess for the tongue workout. :) Fresh Fresher Freshest Do you like fresh fish? It's just fine at Finney's Diner. Finney also has some fresher fish that's fresher and much finer. But his best fish is his freshest fish and Finney says with pride, The finest fish at Finney's is my freshest fish, French-fried! SO don't order the fresh or the fresher fish. At Finney's if you're wise, you'll say, Fetch me the finest French-fried freshest fish that Finney fries!


Mr Gaelforce, would u f-bomb for 3 mins? 😘😘😘


N`Tag Frau P! Everything is eerily quiet, then a little red name appears and you pop up! Suspicious!! Were you lurking?? Haha... How about a F-Bombing in different languages?? In 3 minutes fuck around the world! XP


Laura, if u r looking for an audio link here. It doesn't exist. Gael is asking for requests. Fire away! 😊😊😊


Um, I would like to know if you like Flogging Molly... particularly the song "Laura"? Haha! See what I did there? Also, as an MMA fan, I'm dying to know if everyone in Ireland really likes Connor McGregor as much as it seems? Just curious.


Oh, Herr Gael... will you make a really sexy audio for us soon? Hmm? Just you and your cock, maybe a drop of oil...? No story, no finesse... I want it primal and quick and dirty and raw ... just your delicious sounds !! XDD Go raibh maith, mein Lieber!


I might have asked for something in PM maybe he'll pull through and do it for us 😉


Rambles are my favorite and that is saying a lot with all the awesome content that you give us. Your personality really is the best part. I feel like we could be friends IRL and that's nice.


Hey Gael thanks for the reply :) i have another request for you if thats okay ☺️ Since it's October do you mind reading something from Edgar Allan Poe? ❤️


It's a little quite around here today. I hope you're all having a lovely Thursday 🌻


I always feel like I'm talking a lot, so sometimes I just shut up :P Hope you have a lovely day too!


Looks from the app as if Patreon ate my last comment, so here's my last question for the Ramble -- promise -- and my apologies if it's duplicated: How's your aunt doing? (There are probably a lot of us wondering. She &amp; your family have been in our thoughts.)


Good morning, good afternoon and good evening Sirens and Gael. 😊 How's your Thursday/Friday going? I haven't been on here in a while, it seems so quite.


Don`t fret Brigid, there`s no dupe! And I really hope Gael`s aunt is better, I will go and donate a candle in the next pilgrimage church, it can`t hurt!? And I assume she`s Catholic... so it`s in Ordnung. :)

Kelly S

Well, I hope you're all having much better days than me! Sitting at the shop waiting for them to tell me how many banks I'll need to rob to get my van window fixed. Ugh... It's gonna be a very long day for me up here.


Mornin! I was just thinkin the same thing. Twitter must be the spot right now. 😬


Good afternoon girls! How are you all? My day's been...interesting so far. The bad news: general grossness of being on your period, 2 presentations neither of which I was very prepared for, spare set of headphones broke. The good news: third and final class of the day cancelled last minute, 91% on my midterm, bought a new pair of headphones, crush laughed at one of my jokes, am currently sitting in the bathtub with Ben and Jerry's I have to go out again later to do more things though...ugh. But one of those things is rehearsal which makes me happy!


Hey Amanda! Ahhh... It's this time of the month for me too, and it's always very painful since I got my surgeries. I'm feeling very lazy, except for Twitter :-P I had some bad news, nothing important but things that needed to be done in a hurry at work. Now it's the weekend for me (thank God I don't work on Fridays) and I just want to stay curled up under a comfy blanket with my two cats, eat, watch TV and have some tea! :-)


You ladies are too sweet ❤️ I hope you're all doing okay if you're on your time of the month too! I have to say I'm pretty fortunate with mine. I don't get ridiculous cramps or anything, I think it's just the school stress that made things a little worse this time 😂 I have a meeting in a couple hours and then rehearsal after...if the people in my group weren't depending on me being there and if I didn't love my theatre family so much I would probably stay home and sleep 😴 Good luck getting your stuff done @Ruth!


And again everything is eerily quiet! I can literally hear the Grillen zirpen - crickets chirping! Hmm... a good night to ya`ll. Maybe we`ll see us tomorrow!? XD

Kelly S

Oh Gael... This is what happens when you leave us to our own devices for too long. We overwhelm you with questions and comments for the Ramble, and then devolve into 'lady time' discussion! haha


😱😂 Oh, The latest conversations. Poor Gael...😆 #beingtheonlymaleproblems


Speaking of the crush earlier...WE HAVE REACHED HAND-HOLDING LEVELS OF COMFORT. Granted, it was for a warm-up in which we were all holding hands in a circle. BUT STILL. IT WAS FOR LIKE A SOLID MINUTE. Idk one of you asked for an update about this guy but like...there hasn't been much to report that's super amazing or anything 😂


I wonder if there's been a sudden influx of views on his Time of the Month Therapy audio 😛


Still...you were close....and holding hands! Bet it made your heart jump out of your chest, huh? 😬


I just feel a bit rude if I don't pop in and say hello everyday...I'm such a loser, lol 😂 I hope you're all having a good Friday (Thursday?) 🌻 Sydney is just starting to get hit with a big storm (my favourite weather 🎉) so I'm going to fall asleep to the sound of rain 😌 enjoy your days!


Good morning Amanda!! Enjoy your day and your storm! We're supposed to get a tropical storm here tonight too, so it'll be a cozy night at home for me~ Fridays are a short day too as far as classes go so I'm in a good mood!


Hi Mädls! A happy Freitag to ya`ll! Hope everyone is well and safe and somewhat comfortable!? Enjoy your Fridays....! XDD


Hey claudia! I swear patreon ate up my comments just now 😂 how have it been for ya?


MY ONLY CLASS OF THE DAY WAS CANCELLED LADIES, GOD BLESS THIS DAY. I have a quick meeting at 2, but afterwards I'm coming home to some wine, a bath, and maybe a nap to kick off the weekend~


@Amanda I'm good, thank you! Enjoying the rest of my day/night. Listening to music and just working on some small stuff for myself. :)


Awesome! It sounds like a relaxing but still productive evening, and those are the best kinds :D


Girls! Twitter isn't working for me, 🙁 the app won't load and it won't pull up on my phones web browser. I just know I'm missing out on a lot, I'm having withdrawals! 😬


Ron Jeremy broke the internet!


Humph am I to blame you then? You posted that distrubing Ron Jeremy :P


Ron Jeremy is hilarious...while working for PHE here in NC I met several of the porn industries biggest names...?! biggest NAMES people XD you read it wrong lmao

Kelly S

I'm incapable of passing this up without asking... James Deen by chance?


no...early 90's people...(my fav) Nick East..Ron Jeremy, Randy West, Asia Carerra, Nina Hartley...Ona Z.and a few others I'm sure..I forget the names...

Kelly S

So... I know you mentioned a preference for Doggy Style. Do you enjoy... well, anal? I know you've done the one sensual anal audio, but I haven't noticed it mentioned otherwise.