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What say you?? Any requests? Shout outs? Jokes? Stories? Fire at will!



Good morning, Gael!


Good morning! I'll get back to you... I'm thinking 🤔


Gael, I'm so tired and you pull the trigger now? Grrrr Do you have "Irish exits" in Eire? (leaving a party without saying goodbye to those you came with) Dontcha be trying to say, "we have exits all over Ireland, sure it's Grand"


Side note: I have no idea... it's nearing 2AM here and I should have been asleep a while ago so my brain is officially asleep. I'll remember what I meant to mention when I wake up...


I always want funny and cringe-worthy stories XD


Dick pics Gael, be honest, have you? Follow up question- how vast is this dick pic library? Additional follow up- may I please have these ladies phone numbers, for important government international relations reasons... seriously the fate of the world depends on your cooperation.


We wanted you to take this quiz but that's all I can remember right now...believe it or not, we had a list haha 😆 <a href="https://www.buzzfeed.com/benhenry/the-sex-edition?utm_term=.hjYkk2rjDW&amp;bffboz" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.buzzfeed.com/benhenry/the-sex-edition?utm_term=.hjYkk2rjDW&amp;bffboz</a>#.fvprrJxRkV


Do you watch Daredevil? Luke cage? And or Jessica Jones? The walking dead? If so, who do u think is going to die when the season begins?


Good morning Gael! Could you please tell us about the funniest/ most embarrassing thing that has ever happened to you while on a date/ with a girl you fancied?

Kelly S

I just went through your other ones yesterday (today? I haven't fallen asleep, but it's a new day) and was left with all kinds of questions. How has doing erotic audio affected your personal sex life? Are you less vocal with partners cause it's like work? Use real life to prepare or plan?


Last text message you sent &amp; received?


Read the Gutter Puppies poem out loud to us is your most sexiest voice😈


LMAO! Dick pics?! Seriously Gael, does it fit into the camera frame? If it does, do ya have a banana for comparison? XD Oh lawd, help me. HAHAHA!


Truth or Dare? 😈


Morning Gael! Good timing, I was just settling in with my headphones to listen to some.......music 😉 I have three questions to throw into the mix, and a corny Halloween joke for you 🎃 (1) What inspired your choice of Gaelforce as a nom de plume? (2) Is there something that you've dreamed of doing for a long time? If so, what has stopped you? (3) For what in life do you feel most grateful? (4) Now, for my corny joke: What do birds say on Halloween? Trick or tweet 😂😂. Enjoy your day! It is sleepy time here in the desert 🌵☀️

Kelly S

Are there any scenarios that you'd like to pursue but you think your audience may not be into? (Only asking because you seem very in tune with her pleasure more than your own.)


The first album you ever wanted/got as a kid?


Where have you traveled? Where would you still like to go?


If you've read what we write on here or Twitter, (yes, I know it's a lot) what have you read that you thought was funny, silly, or just wtf are they talking about?!


Hey Sexy, what are you wearing?🙊 Descriptive please- what Color shirt, etc.😋


Your thoughts regarding hickies/ love bites? Yey or nay?


Your favorite Drake, Lil Wayne or other popular rap hip/hop lyrics

Kelly S

Haha... I was just about to say "jeans and a t-shirt is not an acceptable answer!" when I read the last line.


You've mentioned running marathons in the past. What inspired you to sign up for your first one?


Good morning! The sirens posting crashed my app... Again... ;). I think there was talk about you taking a "would you rather quiz." It was pretty good; I'll have to find it. I'm just excited it's ramble time. Ive been needing to take some time and just listen to someone else talk for a while. Get lost in others stories.


What does it feel like knowing you turn on so many women? Does it pump you up like crazy? Or does it freak you out?


You shouldn't just let my ass talk like this. You know how I get Gael. I was trying to be good. But you opened the can of tina....🤔 too close to tuna, I take that back. Can of worms...yes.

Kelly S

New Kids on the Block, Backstreet Boys, N*Sync, One Direction - in order, worst to best ;)


Funniest thing that can happen during lovemaking hahaha And do you do costumes for halloween? If yes, what's your fave?


Erin, that's the first thing I posted because you reminded me about it last time lol I didn't want to forget again 😉


Favorite book? Still hoping you might do a favorite books list/ramble.


Shout out please! BUT! There's a big juicy butt too, I want you to "say my name say my name. Like no one is around you, say baby I love you, why you playing games? Say my name say my name." In the most sexiest, devilish, naughtiest, voice. Thx!!😈😈😈😈


Say the letter "h" 10 times!


What kind of crazy things do women proposition you with? As Gaelforce, I've no doubt you get some bold email and requests.


Workout regime. I wanna know your workout regime, please? Edit: You can include fapping if u see that as a workout. LOL! 2nd Edit for Tina: Ok seriously, Mr Gaelforce, your workout regime pls.


Ummm....do u snore?

Kelly S

Btw, you mentioned interest in visiting the southern U.S. May I recommend New Orleans? (Close to my hometown. Even after moving away it's still one of my favorite cities.) And, I'm not sure how it would be made vegan, but Cajun food is literally the best in the world and I'm SURE there is a gumbo there with your name on it!

Kathy M

I need help with this one so somebody please jump in here with suggestions for a good game of Marry, Fuck or Kill 😁


Want to try your hand at some Portuguese? 😈 Por voce eu faria qualquer coisa (For you I would do anything.) Se eu pudesse te ver nua, eu morreria feliz. (If I could see you naked, I would die happy.) Eu beberia o mar se voce fosse o sal. (I would drink the sea if you were the salt.)


Do you have a female equivalent of Gael who makes you as hot and crazy as you make me? US!!! I meant us. ☺️


Have you broken any bones or had any ER trip stories? I feel like the answer is yes on this...

Kelly S

I was just typing to ask if Gael had ever been to the Azores. Lived on Terceira island for two years. The videos of the countryside with Bobby were so similar to the island. Absolutely breathtaking. The language? Not as breathtaking to me.


I just PM'ed you a poem, Gael. And I'd love to know what your favorite myth is, if you've got one. But really, any corny jokes or funny stories would be great even if you you don't get to my question -- especially since I think you've gotten dozens of comments just while I was typing it in!


Philosopher Gael- are being disciplined and inflexible two sides of the same coin?

Kelly S

Have you ever considered working with another voice artist to do two sides of the same story? Not audio together but you do the story the way you do and she does the same story but from her perspective.


If you had the power to be a woman for a day, what would you do?... :-P


This answer might piss some of us/me the fock off....I can't handle this kinda truth. I'm weak. I might get the urge to fight. To slap a ...


Who are you closest to? Who is your rock, your sounding board? A relative, sibling, friend, Bobby...


You should do the Google meme search someone came up with. Google image search Gael meme (or Gaelforce meme) and tell us what the first meme that pops up is.

Kelly S

I thought about this earlier. I'm stressing that I can't come up with anything! Anne Hathaway, Angelina Jolie, Julia Roberts

Kelly S

Do you read through the threads before a Ramble to prepare yourself or do you just go off the cuff?

Kelly S

Any idioms in other languages/cultures that you just don't get?


What do you listen to or do to relax and settle down, to quiet the mind?


I just said yesterday that I'm missing the rambles, so for now I'm just happy for THIS. 😊


So my mom was complaining about fruit flies/gnats in her kitchen. She said "they are multiplying like crazy. They must be listening to your gaelforce." 😣 my mom knows about the force.


Sorry... sleepy brain struggling to keep up... How is Judo going? Am I right in thinking you do Judo? I think I remember you mentioning that you were getting back into it...


What songs or artists are your guilty pleasure? (If you have one)


Who would play you in a movie about your life? Physical resemblance? Personality/style?


How do you proces and overcome challenges or obstacles in your life. (Analyzing vs. Just pushing through ).


Oh- what treat do you get at the movies? Popcorns like Philotes? Anyone else on team Junior Mints?


What is the best thing someone ever did for you? What makes you feel confident? If you could dis-invent something, what would it be?


Most important traits: funny/attractive, spontaneous/predictable. Others can add to this list.

Kelly S

Will you please laugh for us? That sensual one you do.


Are lock-ins and early mornings still a common thing?


Kind ❤️ That translates into so many other areas.


Bring us around your house... a house tour... the squeaky doors, the creaky stairs, the ASMR kitchen, the squashy couches, the fluffy beds, the leaky taps, take a piss if u like :P... etc and dun u dare fix them! ROAR! XD

Kathy M

I listened to your suicide discussion on YT. I was deeply impressed with your empathy and tone which spoke volumes of the real person that is the heart of 'Gaelforce'. "Why should a miracle apologize?" is one of the most beautiful and heartfelt things I've ever heard. I teared up. Is that something you created? I'm having a bit of a fun time trying to figure you out. There's funny, playful, crazy-sexy-belt unbuckling Gael and the wise, philosophical Gael. You're a tough nut to crack 😁


Shout out but in your best Whest Cork Cowboy voice, pretty please 😆


Do you dress more formal for work or casual i.e. shirts &amp; ties or carharts &amp; boots?

Kelly S

When you're recording, do you sit up, lay down, act out what you're describing...? Just curious about the Mics that let you do a more 3D type of sound. Are those mobile/wearable?


What's new or different about your creative process now when you record compared to before? Any new insights?


Good question Kelly! I was also curious about all the sound effects, like rain. Do you layer them in post production, or have them on in the background while you are recording?


How do you feel about animated movies (Disney, Pixar, whatever)? Do you know any of Tomm Moore's stuff? I remember watching Song of the Sea this summer and when they said Tír na nÓg I was like "Hey, I know that from Gael!" Hehe.

Kelly S

Woah. Link by chance? I'd love to hear this.


Being Gaelforce for 3 years, do you think you know more about women now or less?


What is your best friend like? What do you value most in a friendship?

Kathy M

Will there be more audio of hasty get my pants off now belt unbuckling in the future? Dear God you gave me a new audio fetish 😵 hope you're happy! 😳😋


I second that Kathy! That belt buckle sound gets me everytime ☺️


Has anyone called you out yet? (Figured out who you are.)


I know his name...


Its...its...Rumplestielskin. prolly spelled wrong tho...


Dammit Rhea. So i am not the only one XD And i visualized him just LMAO at his desk.


You said you are getting a new education on women with your Patreon. What have you learned? Btw- there will be a quiz.


Does this new education/understanding humble you, frighten you, or make u more reserved? More bold?


Do you feel like you've gotten to know us better through patreon? Are you more familiar with our personalities? Crazy huh?

Kathy M

Don't be shy or worry about the length of your rambles. I feel bad that you worry about going on too long.


Prolly the others, but not you and I. We're too quiet, wallflowers really.


Bit personal here, but there has been some controversy in the vegan world about having children. Whether it is an ethical thing to do given the state of the planet, etc. I have seen a lot of, what I would consider young men (20's), getting vasectomies. Wondering about your thoughts on this subject, as a vegan man who is a bit older (infering this based on comments made in past rambles). Thoughts?


Don't you ever miss Cheese? Why punish yourself like that, who didn't love you? ;))


Gael... one day u when u r up for it, u should consider live rambles. Ask for requests/ questions and respond live. That will be cool. Your off the cuff responses will make the whole lot of us happy. Maybe you can start off with recording a ramble right after you ask for ramble requests. Just a thought :)


R O F L. Deny me cheese and I would make u wished u were never born. hahahah!


One more then I have to go to bed 😴 What would be your dream vacation/holiday (time of year, location, companion or not, etc)?


If you heard your girlfriend accidently toot in her sleep what would you do? 🤔This is her first night staying over too!😋


😂😂 Good one Tina! In the words of P. Diddy..."if a woman can hide a fart, what else is she hiding" 😂😂. It's bound to happen sometime! <a href="https://youtu.be/2yysOnOtxhQ" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://youtu.be/2yysOnOtxhQ</a>


OMG over 200 comments in 2 hours! 😲 You ladies ...ahem Tina, WildSage... Are on fire! Woke up at 3 am to find THIS.


Here's my question though. What's the weirdest or most creepy thing a listener has said to you or asked of you? This includes in emails and all forms of social media.


And another what do you think of us calling you the mayor, professor, the big cat etc...


Did you PM him the Still Life poem you posted on community page? 😊


I am howling at this thread! ROFL


What are you going to be for Halloween?


Would you rather lose all your recording equipment for a week or have to listen to Adele nonstop for a week? And the usual shoutout would be great! Plus some extra positive vibes to help me along as I drown in schoolwork? ;-;


Has there ever been a request for an audio from someone that has either made you take a step back, say WTF or make even you blush ?!? Or maybe something that took a little while to get your creative juices flowing ?? (Okay yes, yes pun intended 😉).


Saskia not yet, the other side of the pond is just waking up, it is only 0520 over right now 😀😀. There are a lot more to come !!!


Ok one more... Whats your stripper name? Take your childhood pets name and your childhood street name, put them together and you have your stripper name. Edit: I give Sophie La Charles all props for this idea 😆


Would you ever live in another part of the world? If so, where would you choose? (If someone else has asked this, sorry..I cannot see through all these comments, omg)


You thieving Trollope!😉 Leaving a messy Muffin Trail everywhere you go! 🐾🐾


I'm such a political/social issues nerd, I hope he answers this! 😱


Whenever I have to call someone for work, or if I'm talking to my boss on the phone, I have to catch myself because I always almost say "I love you" at the end, by habit, just because I'm talking on the phone. Do you have any funny/embarrassing stories like that with work?


Last one I promise 😽what artists/bands have you seen live, and who do you really want to see?


I'd love to hear more stories of any out of ordinary dates you've been on :)


Do you have a bucket list? If so, what's one thing on it?


Ah, that's what I get for having started with the first ramble &amp; not yet gotten to the 3rd. I retract the question, Gael. I've got the day off work, so maybe I can catch up on listening around grading &amp; errands.


Sack`l Zement - WTF!!? I´m gone for 6hours and THIS! happens?? Wie zur Hölle - how the hell shall I come up with a halfway brainy/interesting question now??? Omg...300 comments already...Hm...have to think really hard now.....

Gri (Sassy_One)

Morning, ladies!!! @Gael What goes through your mind when you read all the nicknames we've come up with for you?


亲爱的! 我们很想你! Where have u been? 😙


Great!!I have to read 313 comments before i ask something.wtf :/




hhmmm...ok, I'm the weird one here, lmao, what's Clare like? and would you be willing to go back to the Magical Garden and write some names on the chalkboard there...some of us need positive energy sent our way from such a lovely place :) thank you! :)


Oh wow! Someone's got their work cut out for them 😜😜😜


Hi Mr Gaelforce, looks like it is gonna be a loooong ramble 😂😂😂


Dun worry, just ask away. It's ok to be repetitive😊😊😊


Are there any similarities between your character and Gael's?Can you name them? :)


Also gut...Lieber Herr Gael! As I´ve said before, you, the Sirens and Gaelandia have taken permanent residence in my mind...;) Soo, my question: Is it the same, the other way around?? When you`re not in "Gaelforce - mode", when you are you`re "....... -self " (insert a nice Irish name, like..Uaithne?)...And you`re with a gorgeous cailin...;) Do you think of us?? Are we dancing through your mind...lurking in the shaddows? Do you have to think about something we`ve said?? Hmm? ...May it be sexy or funny...Do you throw a giggle fit and think about us??Are you using new, kinky sex practices? Have we ruined or improved you?? XPP Und I want a shout out, bitte...say my shiny, new nick name...Claudia The Kinky Bavarian! Bahaha...Dankeschön!!

Kelly S

Okay, I wasn't gonna ask, but why not... What are your personal feelings on kissing after oral?


Do we blow your fucking mind Gael? Hmmmm?😈


我爱你, 亲爱的! Yr qns r too good 😆😆😆 Gael, do we creep into yr mind from time to time? Do we bring a smile to you every time it happens? Hmmmm... 😊😊😊


Pls do another skit for us. It could be any thing/ conversation that happened to u recently which u find hilarious or something that u come up with. 😙😙😙

Kelly S

I'm passing on a request Kathy M. floated next door. Would you consider making a soothing "calm the broken hearts and ease the tension" style audio for us Waking Dead fans to have after the season premiere? Last season's cliffhanger did not make this season's opener look very chill at all.


Say supercalifragilisticexpialidocious! 😁


What has surprised you the most since opening your Patreon?

Kelly S

And now I'm singing again. (Btw, loved Gael singing a bit of Chim Chim Cher-ree in a previous ramble. :) )


Sounds like you and your friends are frequent fliers on the shenanigans express. What is the most embarrassing thing your friends have ever done to you?


Most important question you will get in the thread. Wait for it... wait... wait... how tall are you?

Kathy M

Omg!!! Haha! I will say this I was so stunned from the finale last season not even the Pied Piper of Gaelandia could've soothed my wretched soul 😆


Hmm 🤔 How would you feel about holding contests to get a phone call from you ? Wherever the conversation goes... The possibilities are endless 😏 *If my fellow Sirens think this is a fantastic idea...like this so Gael sees it and say 'I' 👌🏾


Might get a but expensive since it would be international for a lot of us but sure 'I' ✋ 😂


Okay...this thread is addictive, here I am again. Hahah..How about a "Highly - Concentrated - Gaelforce - Extract" something like Gael - Meth?? Say all our favourite trigger words....I prefer .... ener-gdry, strength, of course, claudia, take it - take it, goo awaay, !...(and natürlich the verdammte belt buckle sound!!) XDD...to be continued...


Could you go to this post and read the stripper names in the comments and if you want take the quiz too. <a href="https://www.patreon.com/posts/6972803">https://www.patreon.com/posts/6972803</a>


Good afternoon Claudia! 😙 I like... Hmmm?, fuck, Aahlee, no, no... (in that adorable voice), be my good or dirty girl, and yes belt buckle sounds! (If he does this he's going to end up saying a lot of names 😂)


Haha...just found out my stripper name is Hansi Wastelands ... WTF? Sounds scary...*shudders*...what outfit should I wear?? ;))


Kiss / Marry / Fuck ??? 💋💍🍆 Claudia/ Rhea/ Sage Saskia/ Sage / Ashlee Sage/ Philotes/ Tina


Hey why is your name everywhere?? Wanna get 3 kisses?? @Rhea 2 Dumme ein Gedanke..though I like the English version better...:))


Good heavens! ROFL I hope Gael has better luck getting this thread to load than I'm having! It freezes at 132 of 407 comments! LOOOOL! Well he can never say we're not active hah!!


Gael, have you watched the video of your cousin Phil? You can really see the family resemblance. <a href="https://www.patreon.com/posts/6973833">https://www.patreon.com/posts/6973833</a>


Gael, I've been wanting to ask you this for a while... How do you come up with your jokes? That one about the Native Americans' greeting (the one you said in your garden tour video) gets me rolling every time XD


Since it's Halloween, I'm curious... I know you said you were uncomfortable with flying, but...what scares you, if anything? Do you have any fear(s)?


Ok Gael, my mother constantly tries to play matchmaker in my life so I go on a lot of blind dates &amp; I have some pretty crazy stories from them...does anyone in your life try to play matchmaker for you and what is the craziest blind date/first date story you have??? Please share!!! I need to know someone else has gone through this kind of dating insanity 😂💕😘


Armer Gael! How will you sort through all these questions, comments, craziness...? Can I give you a helping hand? Oh, but when I think about the length of it, you`ll require 2 hands, at least, won`t you!? XPP


It's his own fault. He should've held a ramble a long time ago. No mercy!!!


No preference on the ramble..I'm just here for the sex.


Corny jokes are always great, I could use a good laugh.


*looks at the number of posts in our threads* I have an idea! ^.^ ♥


Gael, say Tina, Trina, Trish 5x fast.


Would you please title the ramble "The Moist Poppycock Ramble" in honor of some crazy siren Twitter banter... 😂💋 And do you ever find yourself reading any of our Twitter chats?? And are they insane or do you laugh at our antics? 😂


Yes! Moist Poppycock 💋💋 I nearly forgot 😂😂😂

Kelly S

Are you ever tempted to out yourself as Gael? Like "Look at what I'm able to do to all these women with just my words!" Come on, it's gotta be a huge ego boost, knowing what you do to us...


Okay Gael, Mädls! Since we know you enjoy different languages... Let us help you to train your tongue. I invite you all to leave a little something in your mother tongues below....I start simple...Would you bitte say "Servus liebe Claudia! Du bist mir die Liebste!" ;) dankeschön! (And @P I hope I will find some sweet Mandarin, @Saskia and a little Dutch as well!?) XDD


Thanks claudia! Gael, try this: 亲爱的, 我爱你! - chinn aye de, woo-eh aye nee! - Darling, I love you!


LMAO! Gael: So Bobby, any ideas for the next audio? How do ya think the ladies like it? Bobby: RUFF! RUFF! RUFF! 😂😂😂 Sorry, I couldn't resist.


Yes, please! Hahaha that could be hilarious! But no practicing before you record it! 😆


Oh my ...over 500 comments and it hasn't even been 24 hours! 😱!


We like breaking records here lol- remember our 1000 plus comment thread?! Oh boy! (We love you Gael!!)


Here you go G-money. Say this: For Free (feat. Drake) Would you fuck me for free? I go on and on Can't understand how I lasted so long I must have the superpowers Last 223 thousand hours It's cause I'm off of CC And I'm off the Hennessy And like your boy from (Cork) said You know this dick ain't free! I got girls that I shoulda made pay for it Got girls that I should made wait for it Got girls that'll cancel a flight back home Stay another day for it You got attitude on na na And your pussy on agua And your stomach on flat flat And your ass on what's that? And, yeah, I need it all right now... I always wonder if you ask yourself Is it just me? Is it just me? Is this sex so good I shouldn't have to fuck for free?


Gael do you have a shaved head? Are you in a motorcycle gang?😎


Guten Morgen, Mädls! A happy Donnerstag - (little Friday as we call it), to you all! @the morning/night crew?! I move to the Bobby post...don`t wanna mess this post up... even more...meet me there if you like...:))

fran darling

Rap Nicki Minaj's verse from hers and Ariana Grande's "Side To Side".


You promised us funeral stories, Gael!


Did you go to university? If so what did you study?


Sing the intro to Come Get It Bae! I wanna know about all the girls you have standing around.


Its gonna be a LONG weekend haha

Kelly S

I think you'll spend more time laughing than having to worry about questions. :)


Hehe...Wer Wind sät, wird Sturm ernten! They sow the wind and reap the whirlwind !! I think you enjoy a little whirlwind! ? Don't you?? And nice new pic! Safe.... and since I promised, not to complain, I'll be quiet!! XDD


Gael we're here for you darling! Drink tea!! Work on those gainz. Play some good music. And ramble from your heart- you know we'll love it! Because we love you &amp; appreciate all of your hard work. 😘

Kelly S

Damn all the suck-ups! "Oh, take your time" &amp; "Don't worry about it, we just wanna hear you" &amp; blah blah... Dammit, I want hours of that gorgeous voice to listen to while I go for walks or when I need to chill out and I have to avoid getting... Well, too excited. :) Okay, srsly, don't stress too much. But, please know that your time and effort really is appreciated.


One more question 😊 What was your primary motivation for recording audios when you first started? Has that motivation changed or shifted over time?


I'd love to hear you read a few of the Ryan Gosling "hey girl" memes... some of them are super corny (like "Hey girl, know what my sweater is made of? Boyfriend material.) And I think they'd be fantastic in your voice


I still have "Pretty Fly for a White Guy" from your "give it to me baby" in the last Bobby vlog stuck in my head! As punishment you have to sing the chorus to us! 😆


OMG!!! Yes, Trina!!!! We should leave a couple next door! 😆👏🏻


@Trish....I love that we were thinking the same thing !! I really want to hear the.."uh-huh, uh-huh"!!!


Hey everyone, we are now at 101 Sirens....actually Gutter Puppies but don't want to scare the newbies too bad on their first day 🤗. Welcome !!!!!


Gael, do u shave ur nethers? 🤔

Kelly S

And was any of it caused by trying to impress your friend's mom, resulting in you being saved by his dad mid-afternoon delight? ;) (Just listened to that ramble this morning. Haha. I can't believe how chill you are about it!)


Uh oh Gael, it's gettin personal up in hurrrr. 😱😋


Dun worry Trish. Gael knows how to manage his ladies 😆


Hey All! Sorry that I have been on the missing list! I had some personal stuff happen but its all good now (hopefully) and I shall commence rambling later this evening! (I'll explain in the ramble :) ) Wow! This is gonna be a long one haha!


Goodmorning Gael!Im glad you are ok and i cant wait to hear the Ramble &lt;3


Could you maybe just say something, anything, to make me feel better cos I threw up on Wednesday/Thursday and I nearly fainted, it was bloody awful and now I'm scared to go out the house D;

Kelly S

PLEASE say Snuggle Duck! :) hahaha. That almost killed me reading that just now.