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Hi all!It may seem like I'm very quiet but I am always working in the background.. Recording and bouncing ideas!So I'm doing a ramble soon which should be a blast ;)Any shouts outs, suggestions.. Stories and ideas are very much welcome and appreciated :)Thanks so much for your kindness and patience :)XD



Yay! First! Lol! Cringe-worthy experiences plsssssss. XD


Hi Gael, I'm pretty sure everyone understands that. :) I'm wondering and maybe some others are too, if maybe the slots for the higher pledges can be increased. Haha You're so right when you said that you can actually try to sell audios for hundreds and people would still want them. And I'm pretty curious, what do you think about your patrons who have real life bf/husband? And if you were, for example, the real bae out there and you discovered about your girl, being a patron of some guy and devotedly (hahaha) listening to his audios, what would you do? I just remembered your audio from soundcloud before, having this similar idea. Oh and btw, it's pretty interesting how most ladies here are all friendly with each other. Much likely because you just make us good girls because of the happy vibes and stuff, as well as naughty and sensual. If this was in the real world, you're like some harem king who manages the harem real well. Hahaha


Hey love! We love to hear from you period and completely understand! I'm curious to know when you get up in the morning, what are three things you are thankful for that brings a smile on your face? Also, a shout out would be awesome too!!;)


Since I've only known about you for a few months, it would be interesting to hear how you got into this. Did you listen to other people's audio for a while, read stories..and then just started making your own? I see some of your stuff dated as early as 2013.


I remembered hearing somewhere that Gael used to have someone who really liked him to ramble before sleeping. He then started doing an audio and eventually uploaded it. The response was crazy! So he got into it more and more? I think his lift fantasy was one of the 1st one, which he didn't know how to end and he thot it was a disaster. LOL! I thot it was great tho. Already so charming then. But then again, I could be mistaken. Ya know? Info overload. LOL! So, will be nice to have Gael reminisce his past? :)

fran darling

Gael Says! "Why the f*ck you lyyyying?" - "Whoa, whoops, oh! I dropped my monster condom that I use for my magnum dong!"


Hiya Jhasmine! Lovely questions :) On the personal audios: I'm not going to lie and tell you that they are not time consuming.. They can be.. Having said that they are also amazing because I get even more glimpses into the beautiful female mind ;) They really help me to learn and understand more and more.. I am trying to find a balance at the moment.. Trying to find the correct balance! Patreon does help me to work a bit less but work is still very unpredictable.. Blah! I will look into increasing them! Should I give up work and become a full time fapper? Lmao! Kidding! I'm a newbie who is on a serious learning curve! I am not in the least bit surprised that the group is fun and sweet.. I don't think it's just about listeners fawning after an artist, that would be a little silly and possibly immature AND it would be a sure way of taking energy from the group.. It's my job to be integrate, to be respectful and to make this place about fun and joy.. It's my job to harness the sexy and creative ideas I get in here.. That's why I started it... I actually feel like it's the other way around in here.. I'm the one reaping the rewards! Also, it's really interesting to me that out of six personal recording this week I've had four requests for ramble/ASMR type audio.. That makes me feel very happy because it's proof that this isn't all about sex, it's not all about some author on an ego trip.. It's about connection.. It's about transmitting joy.. In a world that's, lets be honest here: miserable AF sometimes. What do I think about people with partners who listen? The water can heat anywhere once it boils at home, honey Lmao!! I'm just so grateful to be a part of your lives.. Even if it's only a voice that appears in your cranium a couple of times a week... I'm indebted because I'm being supported to do what I love doing.. That's a huge gift. :)))


Would love to hear more about your travels and maybe experiences that helped inspire or shape you?


It would be great to hear how Bobby's doing, perhaps any new funny stories about him, or maybe Bobby would like to ramble a few words, LOL!!! I also want a shout out :)


What is your favorite prank you've ever pulled on someone?


Ooh! Ooh! A shoutout would be nice! (My real name is Amanda if you don't want to bother with the username because it is a little long XD) As for questions...when you were a kid, what did you wanna be when you grew up? I have to assume you at least had an astronaut phase based on your last ramble ;D


Haha Mimi! I may do a 'Bobby Asmr' audio some day for YouTube He's is more popular than I am


It's not lying it's: artistic licence I don't over exaggerate the size of my penis when I record, I just picture myself with really small hands. 😷


Hahaha yeah! That was one!! Actually I was hypnotised once on holiday.. One of those stage shows.. The hypnotist told me to act like I did when I was young and asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up That's another ramble ;)


What's the most embarrassing thing you've had to do or that has happened to you? Also, when you started doing audios did you ever expect to end up helping people heal and grow?


I have one story in the next ramble which is pretty embarrassing hahahaha! Omg I kinda did tbh..I knew that sex was a way to get my voice heard.. I also had an idea that I could use sex to heal... Having said that, I don't want to teach anything.. I think we are all equally wise and we just remind each other of what we already know.. I'm also a big believer in encouraging people rather than wagging the finger. I would like to coach judo some day .. I think I have the right skill set for it..


I've wondered if anyone in your real life knows about Gaelforce. Or if it is a secret identity. Like Batman. Omg are you batman???


Lol! Anna! U really cracked me up. 😂😂😂 All the ladies here r so witty and funny!


No fair! I was knocked out sleeping when this was posted😢....great comments though ☺


Shout out please! Do you ever use your sexy voice to get what you want in other situations?


I never ever ever had one comment about my voice irl.. Though I did have to call America from work a few weeks back and I heard some girls giggling in the background there.. But I got the sense that they were laughing at me rather than fan-girling haha!


Are u still into listening to others audios or at least your favorite artists? Or have you become immune to the rapture of audio seduction since you've been in the game for a minute?


And here I am thinking for the longest time that all we sexy, desirable grown women cannot be possibly fan-girling here. LOLLLLL! 😂😂😂


Audios take time, don't worry about what may seem 😊 Stories about real life things that happened are always nice. Hilarious, weird, impactfull... Btw, you do relaxing audios with sometimes a little meditation twist, do you practice meditation yourself or is it more of a tool for the audios?


If you could time travel, to when would you go? Do you feel you were alive during any particular time in history, past lives?


Only the harem should have access. We are discussing our sexy audio king.


If you could meet three famous people, dead or alive, who would they be? :-)


I don't think that the positivity in this group has much to do with me. I think it's present because there is no personal baggage here.. And if there is no personal baggage people can find it easier to be themselves. I have noticed this so so much over the years.. That's why I often say: 'Who I am doesn't really matter' I prefer to meet people without the personal.. It's a very freeing thing..


Ps! Sorry! I closed the post! My mistake!!


Speaking of the sexy voice, can you just turn it on or do you have to get in a certain state of mind for it? Also do you have to get in a zone before doing an audio or do you just wing it?


Don't worry, dove! Learning curve! ;)


Phew! Now we can resume plans to take out D. Trump. (D= douchetard) Regulators, mount up!


Have you ever had any like, paranormal experiences? :)


Tattoos? Have any? Like 'em/hate 'em?


What zodiac sign are you ?


I like the way you think. I can never understand why people drag their baggage and drama around. Just leave it at home and be yourself and you'll be much happier. I'll sit at work sitting back listening to people stress over silly things and just wonder why, it's not worth it. I just wish everyone could go with the flow.


Relaxation audios to get out of "working mode" are great :)


Any silly skills/talents you have or learned over the years? :)

Gri (Sassy_One)

What about a bucket list? Have one? care to share what's in it?


I would ask for my poetry, but I fear that you butcher it again :) Maybe you try the Gaelic one "An Fuacht"? So I mustn`t understand. Hahaha If you like tell us your favourite colour, kitchen tool and type of underwear, and one thing you can`t resist. And I have a nice tongue twister for you, it`s about seals : "Auf den sieben Robbenklippen sitzen sieben Robbensippen, die sich in die Rippen stippen, bis sie von den Klippen kippen" Can`t wait to hear this! LOL Oh, and instead of a shout out, can I get a whisper out? XD


What advice stuck with you for a long time and who gave you that advice.


yay!!! love your rambles! shout out please lol


I posted this on the youtube page, but would love to hear in any ramble more about your Gaelic background. How much Gaelic do you actually speak on a daily basis, if there are people with whom you speak only in Gaelic, whether you dream in Gaelic, read Gaelic literature (is there modern Gaelic lit, or mostly the folklorey stuff?). Anyway, anything on that topic would be very interesting to me, and I bet to some others here as well. And a shout out would be nice as well, or as someone here has suggested above a "whisper out" :) (It's pronounced "Lee - more", with the stress on the last syllable (the "more) ;)


Are you sometimes afraid, that your "Gaelforce-character" becomes too real? You know, as in "Fight Club"? :) Are you talking much to yourself, to absent persons....hm? Are you secretly building an army of happy, satisfied women? An anti "Fight Club" a "Love and Peace Club"? I might be tempted to join, but only if you`d wear this yucky bathrobe Brad Pitt wears in the movie. ;))


Haha.. Nah.. I keep online Gael completely separate from my daily life. Gael is a character, a character who has lots and lots of my attributes.. But he's also a character who gets to deal with the 'swelled head' ( big head) and the praise, I have very little investment in all of that. I love to see my audios do well, I love that they bring joy and happiness but I'm very aware that it's fantasy.. Gael can be anything to anyone.. I've had mails saying: 'please tell me you look like Bruce Willis' Others saying: 'please tell me you look like James Deen' ( pornstar ewww, not a nice guy imo) Please tell me you look like Jamie Doran' And I always reply with: 'I can look like anyone you want' So I'm detached from it.. And actually, the person who I am dislikes fame, fuss, praise, attention, celebrity and all of stuff that can go with this kind of thing. I don't want it and that's that. And I know that I'm far from being known.. But it's very unattractive to me. My dream job would be writing or creating as a pseudonym.. I love the idea of making an impact and never ever being known.. I watched an interview with Sia and I could really really understand her. She says that as soon as she hid her face her whole life changed for the better..,she could go shopping and listen to her music playing in the store, go to the checkout and have no one know who she was. I don't think she does this anymore.. But I can see the wisdom in it. I like Gaelforce the way it is.. If it got too heavy or too close, or if it went to my head.. I'd quit.. Or morph into something else.. He's doing fine: over there Haha


If I was recognised ( I don't think it's possible imo) I would shuffle away awkwardly like Clark Kent would haha! I am totally and utterly detached from any kind of egoic thoughts about Gael.. I don't know why that is.. But I can honestly say that I am under no illusions.. What I am is: totally immersed in creative thoughts.. And I make an audio and then let it go.. I don't dwell on them at all.. There's no point imo.. I don't really care about them, I mean, I like when they do well but it's always the next.. And the next.. And the next.. I see some people get attached to their audios.. I find that funny because anyone can do it! Some actually think that they are good at speaking into a microphone! Bahaha! That's very funny to me! Authors get cranky when 'their ideas' are copied! They look down on up and coming authors.. Some label themselves as 'artists' to feel more important.. To almost separate themselves from others But ffs.. It just takes practice and a little attention to detail! I know I'm not an artist because all I do is express myself, I don't perform.. I just express myself.. How did I get here? Timing I would say.. I did have the sense though that I was changing erotica a little.. But that was just: Alright... Here we go... Here I am... Do you think I'm good at this? It's still like that.. Having a big ego in this game is ridiculous! That's why I'm always helping the new comers out, always promoting channels.. Always advising.. I'm not going to attack others like I've been attacked..,😜😜😜


Haha Jessica I don't think people would come looking for me.. Besides.. They'd need to travel around the west of Ireland looking for a voice! I don't see the point in wanting to know an author, I know many of the 'top' authors out there and they are quite ordinary... Just sexy minds s'all I was reading an erotic story once, I think it was either on lit of lush.. But it was the hottest thing I have ever read! Omg! My heart was pounding.. Which is very rare for me.. I was in love! It was erotic, sensual, sexy, perfectly dirty! Amazing So I finished it ( no I didn't! ) And I checked the authors name Turns out I had fallen for a 68 year old man from Texas, complete with the cowboy hat! See: it's the mind The mind is gender fluid, it is the sex organ People don't really get that But I divorced my cowboy since


You are too an artist, punk. In this context you are not a "Fine Artist", a painter, sculptor, photography, printmaking; the visual arts essentially. But to throw some academia at cha- Art is the creation of an artifact (audio recording), that expresses the authors imagination and skill with intention to evoke emotion. Done. Beyond that, it's rare for people to share of themselves without any guard. We protect ourselves from each other because we're afraid that people don't want to hear our real feelings. That's why those open, intimate moments you create are so valuable and cathartic. You're a special snowflake, deal with it.✨


I'm not sure about everyone else. But I can honestly say that the thing that I find so attractive about what you do is the fact that you are always growing, changing, and evolving. Always striving to be better. While still having fun.


I'm a punk artist?! :P


Punk artist Gael?? Punk rock star Gael!? There's a new character for ya! :P (Also I just gotta say I am LOVING this comment thread today! People are asking such good questions and we're having such great discussions and wowee this community is rly gr8)


It's fun isn't it! I may have to turn the tables on to yous though! Not personally speaking of course.. But I bet that there are some super amazing people here.. I know it ;)


Frishawn, I love changing! But you make it easier for me to change.. I just listen.. And try to reflect what I listen to


Wow there's a lot of activity today, and I've missed out on it :(. Oh well, I am loving the discussions today though. InnerUtopia I completely agree, this community is amazing. I love watching it grow and evolve and I'm so glad to be a part of it. I love the views on anonymity. I personally wouldn't want to know what you look like, seeing bits of your wonderful personality are enough. I do think that you have a bit to do with all the positive vibes here, Gael. You have such a positive outlook and either people are picking up on it or you're attracting people of a similar mind. I'm excited for this ramble I can already tell that it's going to be a good one :).


If what we've been seeing in the discussion today influences this ramble even just a little bit then I am so pumped :D


There are some real 'beauties' out there Saskia! That's why I stay away from the communities... But you'll always be attacked as soon as your name gets out there.... Some of it makes no sense.. I don't really talk about it much...no one really knows what went/goes down because its only feeding into the drama....they are fairly popular authors too! People here probably wouldn't know them...The funny thing is I see them making these romantic audios and such and acting all sweet...and I am like: No way buddy! I know! Oh I know! I have the mails to prove it! But in the end...its drama....I think really good authors are too busy to be getting caught up in it...for me, one should be focused on the goal.... I try to keep that in mind so I don't get sucked in...or stay trapped if I do... And I have had so much help from really nice people along the way....because I am not perfect either..


Can't believe I've also missed out on the great conversation. Saskia I agree being kind is a strength not a flaw. Well said WildSage the intimacy shared through the audios and this community is cathartic and helping so many of us to heal and grow. Ashlee B I definitely think like attracts like. One of my mentors recently told me the beauty you see in others is a projection of the beauty inside of you. It goes for any emotion or trait positive or negative.


You truly give back the help. I appreciate the advice you've given me.


We're a well behaved harem j/k 😉


May be off topic but I want to throw this out there to you lovely ladies: Apart from Gael...what about yourself is making you feel sexy at the moment? For me it's the the scent of my shampoo in my hair today, and the fact that I made one of the crankiest SOB's I've ever met laugh so hard he had to catch his breath . ❤️


My hair is on point today and I feel super sexy in just jeans and a t-shirt. No ass or breast exposed, simple but sexy.


My hair has been cooperative today, not too frizzy so that always makes me feel great. Lately, I've been told I'm radiant by various people and I can proudly say it's because I'm getting better at accepting myself as I am.


I'm "working" on feeling sexy again now that I have scars on a special part of my body. Gael's audios help a lot to gain confidence. But in the everyday life, wearing a natural and elegant makeup helps to feel sexy, and wearing heels again. Like Anna I love the smell of my shampoo. And I love to apply a touch of perfume on the inside of my wirsts and behind my ears. It's such a sexy thing to do! And taking a bubble bath!


Ooh Jessica, a bubble bath sounds amazing right now~ I just wrapped up the last day of my summer job so maybe I should celebrate!


Any excuse for a bubble bath is a good excuse! Deploy the bath bombs everyone! Go go go!!!


I have that lotion from Victoria's Secret called Love Spell, it's purple and smells amazing. I put it on my legs after a shower and it always makes me feel sexy.


Sweet Seduction is awesome too!


Hi Limor, if you like Gaelic poetry, have a look: <a href="http://www.lyrikline.org/en/poems/fuacht-2472" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://www.lyrikline.org/en/poems/fuacht-2472</a>


Just remember those scars are proof of the fighter in you, the strength and the recovery. You are beautiful with the scars ;). I have two long ass hip scars from surgery.

Gri (Sassy_One)

stoping some jerk @work from taking advantage of a co-worker in a $$$ scam...not really a sexy thing, but doing one right thing sure made me feel like Super Woman!


I'm the same, give me a good hair day and I feel like I can take on the world haha