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Sorry to spam ye with merch posts of late I hadn't planned this but was too excited.

They say everything happens for a reason! Looking in my old lappie I unearthed the first design I ever made years ago.  I thought it had been lost in the great laptop destruction of 2017!  So if ye like here tis!  https://gaelforce-audios.creator-spring.com

Also 10% off with code "ENERDREE" through 12/11! (they said Dec 9th is the last day for standard shipping to make it by the holidays so I wanted ye to have some help!)




So cool to be seeing these design from the beginning years 😍


Love this one!

Emma Ranson

Aw gael that's brilliant and I love the design xx


Yay! There are no coinkydinks! Thanks for the sales code!


Ahhhh how lovely ye found yer very first design 😍❤ it is meant to be and like you said everything happens for a reason (I actually go by that quote all the time).. And thanks for the Sale code good lad! 💚💚😘😘 Good thing I had stuff in me bag so I guess few more to add 😉


Aha, my resistance is broken! Off to shop, thanks for code!


I know someone not sleeping but doing happy dance rn 💃🏻😍💙✨ Thank you Lappie !!


When i look at G bucket hat, i always think of you ☺️ the pure enerdree is here! 😍


i really wanted to sail responsibly *take a few moment of silence* before clicking 👩🏻‍💻


Did you come across anything else of interest on that old laptop? Will you bless us with some vintage Gael Force pearls this holiday season?


Ooooo.... a happy accident! Love it! Thanks for the coupon code G! ❤


As someone who is desperately wanting to declutter my space (not actually DOING it, mind you; but I'll get there. Eventually.), I'll have to pass on the merch but now I'm a bit curious and wanting to know more about the Great Laptop Destruction of 2017.😄😅 Was there any exciting story behind it or just a spilled cup of cold coffee (tea)?🙃


Yay!!! There are indeed no coincidences ❤️ So excited to see the OG design! Always need some more pure enerdree ❤️ (Sidenote: Been in Gaelandia long enough now that my phone auto-corrects *energy* to *enerdree* 😍)


Glad you found your design G! Cool Tee! I may have to order my first Gaelendia merch!❤😊


Oohhh, this is lovely! ❤️❤️😻😻😻


I was doing the reading in church once and the text had the word "energy" in it. I really had to focus so I didn't say "enerdree"!