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More & more it's easy to feel overwhelmed & trapped with everything going on in the world. This design is made to remind you that you can escape anytime you like and fly free!

10% off with code FLYFREE through 9/17 


Thanks for being so patient while the new design was getting ready!  I hope you have fun with it but also take its message to heart.  I know things can be stressful but my heartbeat for creating for you has always been to breathe some ease, pleasure and happiness into your day.  Whether you find it through my audios or your favourite song, be sure to take time to take care of yourself even if it's only for a few minutes a day.

Many muahs to you my treasured lovelies






What the what? Even your message got me all sappy. It is a great design. 💚


Thank you so much for everything! I will sweetheart, Muuuaaahhhh!! And don't forget to breathe yourself ok? :) <3X


Love the message...love the design!


Muahs to you as well, Sweet G!!! Please take care of yourself too ❤️❤️❤️


This design do speak to me, I really love it. We are the butterflies and when we need to fly with our imaginations or we need a break from the craziness of the real world, we pop in our headphones and listen to you. Perfect Fit 🥰🦋🎧💕❤💕❤💕 Go raibh mile maith agat for this absolutely beautiful design 🦋❤ Million mwahs sending your way 💋💋


Such beautiful sentiments. Pulls on the ol heartstrings. You are divine and we all appreciate this space.🤗 Remember to take care and fly free as well dear GF.


Brilliantly done! Love the new design, G! Muahs right back at ya! 💋 💋


I see so many butterflies lately. I sometimes think maybe it's a lovely sending good vibes


Love the design and the sentiment! 👏🏻🥰 🎧 Always in la-la-land. 🥰


Idk how you always seem to hit the mark, but you sure do. 💕


Thank you, Doll! It's so appreciated! All your werk!


Dear Gaeltastic, A common theme that plays in mind when I think of rando stories about "Gael" is a Jack of many trades but also, a soul that encountered and wintnessed many "strange and empathic" like things as a child. Partly to keep you where you are now. One must know the common musings of the suffering parent or some unreachable drag especially to unite with so many souls in flex. Truly remarkable is the cast of souls around here, like a library we are. Different missions and different conditions, yet some elements are the same. Because, duh, elements! I know when I think of fellow Lovelies, I embrace their struggles and gifts. It makes me smile looking across the grocery aisles seeing the imported section and knowing I am not alone. I know some lovelies have literally been alone, or like me, have had people around...and for an Author that's not good. We like people...it's just...2 different worlds. As much as I try to biohack my misery wanting so badly the key to re-identify myself and feel "joyous" again. It's painful to admit as a female that one hates the state she lives in, what is has become. That she sees no future, and no way out. I always tried to have a polished optimism about things, yet the culture does change. Yet if I had not been so shunned, I wouldn't be here. I wouldn't look outside this box. Even my recent bday, and the spirit that just crossed over-I realize how much that spirit kept me going. It's natural and right, but a part of the spirit. I know many of us globally are in trenches we didn't expect. I am so thankful for everyone here, and your team. Truly, it all came collected for a good reason and season. We never know when "mere words" are just what the Doc ordered. LOL. So, I don't know where I am going, I don't know alotta things. I am thankful to all youz Angels. Gotta dedicate a spin track to you. Now, this is a Tom Petty State but I think we're gonna go a lil different... Cheers. https://youtu.be/VzDN7mCDoC0 Coolio-C U When U Get There


Love love love the new design, have to wait a bit cause of adulting, but hopefully I can get something soon. Always remember to take time for yourself as well, my friend. You do so much for others, and it shines thru


Thankyou for this... Loving the new design and beautiful message...so much ❤️ just one question will it be available on Spreadshirt soon? 😊💕


Ever since the first day I found your album in storytel a couple of years back and then the comforts too, you've helped me overcome my bad moments, fear of something or sadness.♥ But you've also given me so much help feeling good about myself with both comforts&erotics. The strength for allowing me to feel something people in my past have showed me I'm not good enough to feel. So thank you from the bottom of my heart 🤗🤗♥♥♥ I know I'm not so good in writing down all my sensations after audios in the comments, still shy in that 😅😌, but you do bring happiness and freedom to fly in my days Lion ♥ The new design is so beautiful, felt a bit emotional seeing it, butterflies are my favourites ♥ and the desing feels like it's almost 3D with the colouring. 😍 Many kisses back💋💋💋 and warm hugs too 🤗🤗🤗 Hoping you have a great& relaxing Sunday luv! 😊♥


Beautiful design..love the message..take care for yourself to g. Thank you for all what you do


Lovely design! How typical that I don't get paid until the 20th...


I love how simple and understated the design is, but has a deep meaning behind it ♥️ Music and your audios have truly helped me through the worst of times, and I hope you know how many lives you've touched with your voice and heart. Keep flying high, my friend 🤗


This was so wonderful to wake up to. The less is more approach works so well with this design. Such depth and meaning woven into the image. I've been waiting for something that calls to me in the merch store and this is it for sure. I absolutely adore butterflies and over the past year have grown to appreciate their symbolism to new levels. The personal growth, self-acceptance and freedom to fly messages hit me deep down right now. The magical happenstance that you seem to have such a strong influence over is a wonderful thing to see. Just the other day I had a butterfly themed track pop into my head! I'm also getting a butterfly tattoo very soon which is to symbolise my journey of growth and self-love. I've completely waffled on as ever but struggled to convey just how truly special this particular offering is!! Thank you a thousandfold for all that you put out into the world. I hope, as others have said, that you too feel escape and joy through creating all that you do and knowing the positive vibes that you are responsible for spreading. Keep on flying and dancing to your own beat G 🤗🦋🌈


Aw EJ thank you, I'm glad you like it and find it moving. I try to only put things out I think will make all of ye laugh or connect some meaning to. This felt like a good direction. All of us have been in our cocoons the past year. Maybe soon we can do some wing flapping of our own!🤗


Many Muahs to you Heidi! The goal was to make it look 3D like it was about to burst off the item off into the air! Good on you for catching it! Happy Sunday back to you🤗


It's beautiful! 💗Thank you for this G! I also want to give a shout-out to the illustrator making all these cool, funny and beautiful creations for us! Thank you and you're awesome! 🥰


Beautiful design Gael. Being a free spirit myself, this one really brought me a smile. <3 Props to all the designers who come up with the amazing merch and thank you Gael for all you give to us through comfort and praise from your voice. <3


The beauty of your mind, heart & soul will forever astound us all, Gael - you really are a precious one-of-a-kind gem 💎 and a pure blessing in this world ! All of Gaelandia really. My 💖 never left this place and would never! Hope you're taking great care of yourself too. You work so hard and give us so much even when there are some downs in your own life 😥 We can't ever thank you enough Mr. Mayor. Lotsa love, hugs & magical pixie dust 🌹💖


This is so beautiful and such a lovely message! The good thing about spending so much time at home was that I could listen to music non stop while I was working. Can't do it as much now that I'm back in the office, but there's always a tune in the back of my mind that keeps me going through the day 😊 it's so lovely that I can visualize that sentiment now through your beautiful design ❤️ I hope you take as good care of yourself as you do of us, G! 🤗


Such a beautiful design and a precious message 🥰😍🦋🎧 I love Butterflies 🦋 Your audios always carry a special and safe place in my heart 💖 Many Atomic heart hugs 💥💖🫂 Hope you’re flying free as well!


G is there any chance you can add this design on a baseball cap? My Lovely hat has helped a lot during workouts so sweat doesn’t drip into my eyes. 😊