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Which side is your dominant side?




Your side is my dominant side, luv! 😈😍🥰😜🔥🔥


"Which side is your dominant side?" Me: ...yes 🙂


Which is my dominant side? Both sides are overwhelmed right now ❤️😅❤️


Well, I'll tell you, I love the ASMR, and discovered a new right sided tendency. But....the giggle...the giggle is life.🤪😘


I'm gonna answer right away, just need to wait for my brain& body to cool down so I can form words... 🔥🔥😍😍😍 Left, def left ear!!! Oh my god! 💥 Right side is on fire too, but the left ear..wheeeh! ♥♥😍😍🔥🔥🔥


Well... since it's for science... brb lol Edit: 100% my right side. Sheeesh. 💚


I think my left, but both sides enjoy it, haha. The whispers, giggles, kisses, and moans more than the licking sounds though.


But love the licking sounds when other parts of my body are getting attention 😏


Seem to be opposite from everyone but my right side tingled more <3 also you naughty minx misleading us with that title xD thought we were gonna see Sub Gael ;)


is this what I requested in the previous thread? I think it is! :D And actually....it sounds better on the left side, but I get shivers when you're on my right side. Does that make sense? I tilt my head either way and imagine what it will feel like to actually be kissed on the neck and ear again...

Quiet Loyalty

So i got a new phone yesterday and set it all up today. Im not super tech savy but it touted a great sound system for earbuds etc. So this morning, i get my usual coffee for my walk to my favorite spot near the beach, n i get the patreon ping that he's posted. Mind you, i had gotten used to the usual mono equalizer sound on my tablet and old phone. Im wearing my wireless muffs. They're like DJ sized earphone. My ears are too small for buds n when im listening to music or whatever, I want to be surrounded by it. Especially if im setting up to meditate a bit outside, which was the plan I take the path to my favorite trail and im toddling along, and nearly choke on my latte. LOL I was NOT ready. Im coughing and giggling, leaning up against a tree like a madwoman, thumbs fumbling for the pause button, muttering " waitwaitwat this is not conducive to walking." After catching my breath, I made it to my spot fine and had a little laugh at myself. So my answer is left. My left side. Thanks for the adventure. 😆


Listened again, ahem, for science.🤓😍🔥💕💕💕💋❤ Results reveal... Both?! This can't be! I must repeat the experiment again until the results are no longer inconclusive, I'm afraid.😅😂😍😚❤


Lefty 🤫

Liberty Bella

Goodness!! Honestly at first it was hard to tell which is which. I made the mistake of trying to listen while writing a to do list lol. Then I realized the moment you were on my left I felt weak, my eyes closed & my head fell to the right & I got warm. I guess next time Gael tells me to lay back & relax.. I’ll do just that. Since I lost absolutely all concentration and got to weak to stand. It’s funny because everything I listen to that’s binaural is so wonderful but I never realized just how one side could impact differently than the other. Mmm science.. lol. I do genuinely wonder why that is. Guess professor Gael will have to explain it. But oh my am I glad to be part of such a ‘study’.


After listening a second time I have to say it's the right side. The left side is also very impressed, but the right side starts a firework in my brain


I love ear licking nibbling and kissing anyway. However please send help my body has just lost all function to move 🤣 I don't dare go for round 2 so I'd have to say my right side 🥰


Since you insisted and being persistent to know in that erotic, hot and sexy way, I declare that my right side is where I get most of the tingles 🔥🔥 This is such a hot eargasm asmr we just got from you 👂👅💋💦💦🤤🤤🔥🔥🔥


This audio is perfection since I love your giggles and growls and ear attention of course, especially on the left side. it’s right close to the ♥️ ya know !!


Left side. Left side all day long. But, I’ll take the right side, too. Those giggles can been in either ear, though. Just saying. ♥️


The audio inspired me to write this little poem **Dominant Side** Daring to unravel my secrets For your own pleasurable pursuits I melt at the mere suggestion Science never felt so good On the left, deep breaths push through lips that smirk at tingling promises Oh but on the right, sweet euphoria Toes curl of their own volition Flesh vibrating to attention More, more, abso-fucking-lutely more My dominant side awakens greedy, dream-like delirium taking over Left or right, right or left What's right? (Everything feels right) What's left? (Everything else left unsaid) Left or right, what now demands is the center It wonders about your own explorations what you've uncovered, which side is yours


I really wonder why is that so? Why some of us get tingles on the left side, some on the right and some on both? interesting…


I have very sensitive hearing and my body reacts in a bit of a weird way when it comes to the earlicking sound, I feel soo nauseous 😂 I gave it my best shot, but I couldn’t listen to it from start to finish. This time it was so close and intense, I hade to yank my headphones out so I wouldn’t get sick 😂 So no tingles for me unfortunately. What does do it for me and makes me tingle and send shivers down my spine is the close up whispering dirty talk. Could you maybe make an audio similar to this one but with dirty talk? You know for science 😉


The title played with me, then I read properly and calmed down and THEN your tone played with me 😭♥️ But just bc u said please... Right is always right, but when it comes to moans, purr and growls, I'm versatile and both of my ears get sensitive 🤗


Omg! This was the sweet torture I've ever been through and I willing to go through again. Right, definitely the right. Good lord have mercy......🤪🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥


Right side, for sure. Though the left felt quite nice too.


Lol as soon as you went to the left side I just knew 😭


Right side


Right side. Both were really nice but right side made me moan out of nowhere, ¡I wasn't alone in the room! 😆


Very nice on the left side... but it is most definitely the right side.. ❤🔥🔥🔥😉


Right, definitely right


I love science... left for me


Are you only going to be posting downloadable versions of certain YT audios from now on? The two YT audios before this one didn’t come with downloadable formats, so I wasn’t sure if there was some kind of pattern I was missing.


its strange, cause each time I do one of these, its a different ear for that moment, but then other factors come in, such as mood, how much the outside world is distracting me, if my brain will let me go in the moment, ect, However for this moment, it was my right side, my right side was pop rock growling for you


My left is the more dominant side just like my hand 🥰


Well, Sir, I, uh, I thought it was my left side until this audio, and now I definitely know it’s my right side!! 🔥🔥🔥


Definitely the right side- I get shivers


The RIGHT—good lord, the shivers and the trembles!


Ummm Sir, if you’re looking for my weakness it’s definitely the right side. I can feel your stubble like you’re right there. The closeness and the ear licks is enough to ALMOST bring me to my knees. Are you going to use my weakness to your advantage?😈😜


Jesus christ... That was intense on both sides... But that left side... I literally gasped at parts it sends little shock waves down my back 💕💕💕


I get tingles with both sides but DAMN oh damn when i feel whispers or kisses on the back of my neck and nape it’s overwhelming tingles 😍


Definitely the left side...wow, that is some powerful stuff!!! I was shocked!

Kanisha James

its definelty my right side that gives me the tingles. I feel nothing on the left


Definitely the right side, but the left tries to compete 😆


The right side for me.... tons of tingles there. Thanks for this scientific experiment 🥰😘❤


Right side way more. So interesting!


G.. Gae.. I’m way too intoxicated and should nooot have listened to this after so so many shots and several drinks of margaritas. My friends should’ve taken my earphones away from me when they put me to bed. This was noooottt their best moment. The right side Gael the riiiggghhhtt side please give me some relief from my right cause the tingles almost made me lost my mind G. 😩 and then the “tell me, tell me.” Sir… great job you lovely person you great job. Now what am I supposed to do G 🥺 I’m here riled up with no source of relief 🥺. You’re lucky you have plenty of material 😏


Alsooh! One more thing! Am I the only one that thought this was going to be a dominate muse moment??? Ugh! I need to use my head sometimes lol 🙈


Such a precious angel. 🤯💥💥😘 💋💋💋💋💋💋💋 Both both both! More more more! Who could choose. mmmmm you're delicious. Nuzzle me do it now! ( let's see who moans more) .💐 My Dom well, I keep her locked up. Under control. But she likes to slip out, she likes to play and can be very dangerous to her prey. selective. ... She probably imagined all the sweet kisses and then probably at about 720 would have shoved that mouth down south🔥🔥🔥🔥.💋..... Sorry I got distracted. 🥵 * Cracks the whip* . Are you listening to me? Huh.. you're fucking sexy talk and moaning is distracting me from the science... *Yanks the leash* get over here 💋.. Sugar and spice. Oooo baby all those kisses give me chills.. can you guess where. . Don't stop. 💥 I read tho that is some kind of sexual but not sexual response.. that's pretty cool to have that power. Top of the top you are! Have tha best sunshiny week darlin. 💛


Right side. Puddle of goo atm


I - ....... 🤭 🤔.... need to do more research. 😏 (and I fucking love it when you take the time to make certain movements with the muse in your audios - I could tell you were pulling the muse closer just by the sounds and how close you were to the mic... it was heavenly!) Oh and most of the time, for me, it’s my right side butttt I’ve noticed with certain months (my cycle/hormones), it can be both. But that’s rare. Definitely right for the most part.


As I got the notification for it I thought of something different. Totally not an the vanilla side of things. 😈Ups 😆


PS: I love it when you do things for science ;)


My right ear was on fire🔥


Left side was tingling god


Right side for me. 🔥💦🤤


Yes! In some audios, its like I can feel his breath on my face or neck. Absolutely incredible. 😍🥰🔥


Both of my ears are feeling blessed, but my right ear 🤸🏻🤸🏻🧎🏻‍♀️Definitely the right ear!! Always have been and always will be 🤭🔥


Round 1 Experiment is definitely the right side for tingles and warmth, but everything on the left makes my heart beat faster and my breath quicken. However, everybody and their brother needed to come talk to me when I was listening to this, so my data is faulty. Must come back for round two. You know, for science 😉


Thought it would be my right since I tend to be better with that ear- but the left one - def tingles ☺️


Round 2: RIGHT SIDE RIGHT SIDE OH MY GOD RIGHT SIDE!!! I do tingle on my left side, and everything on that side sounds and feels lovely; but everything on the right side sent me right into the stratosphere!!! I have SO many science questions about why that would be, but mostly just glad to be part of the experiment! GOD. Every nerve ending in my body is sparkling right now, I need to go jump in the lake or something. Thank you so much, G! 🥰


May I just say Gael, this is perfect and my favorite type of vids to fall asleep to. Calming with a little touch of sensual and lotsss of tingles 😋 I'm always a sucker for close up to the ear 3D audio. This is 10/10 and I'm gonna fall asleep to this every night now 😊😊💚💚


Omg the right


This makes me horny 😂 My right side is really sensitive, and it was a bit overwhelming. I want those kisses and ear nibbles on my left! That’s when I open up more. And I love it when you move from my right to left so I can feel you on my neck.


This felt amazing 💜 definitely was able to feel it more on the right side!


It was very close, but I have to go with the left side 🔥

Amanda Jay

Ear kisses, close whispers, moans, beard scratches-yep, someone unknowingly ticked all the boxes on my list❤️ Never noticed a dominant side until now but it seems to be the left.

Lina Mellbo Cedermyr

Not sure yet, think it leans a tiny bit more to the right. But I had some criss-cross going as well, with you on one side and the tingles on the other xD


Right side ,MY RIGHT SIDE is very sensitive,can you do more?pwease..


Most definitely my right side. Please do more


And the winner is . . .🥁 My left! You got me from my shoulders to the top of my bum. My right only went down to mid-back. G you would have laughed so hard at my squeaks, gasps, and giggles, not to mention my jumps and squirms. You got me good! Haha!


It was obviously the right side for me, I got too many sensations, I can barely breathe...


Left side! Dear God those tingles


right side had me melting and squirming. so yumm

Emma Ranson

Mine is my right side I get all tingly shivery and giggle xx


My right side


Um…. I felt tingles, not sure it was in my ears! 😅. Hehe…. Seriously though, 🎶To the left, to the left🎶 🔥🥰


The left side tingles everywhere


Left side.


Well if you insist, how can I resist. It's for science after all...😝 For me it's the right in a full on, spine tingling, warmth spreading kind of way. However, as a former Researcher myself I'd need to conduct more extensive testing across a variety of scenarios. I need more reliable numbers to be able to perform complex analysis and to draw a definitive and reliable conclusion....*dons white coat and presses play again, and again....and again...* 🥼📋📈😉 If I were to unleash full geek mode, I would genuinely be interested to know the overall numbers. Is there a clear pattern or trend? Does is correlate to any other factors? Science 👏🤔🤓


Scientifically speaking, it’s whichever side you happen to be on. The difference between left and right is statistically insignificant 💋


Right... Idk if i haven't heard gael audio in a long time or his deep voice getting even hotter and sexier this time. My whole body shivers lt feels so good!


Stopping back in to say that after a week of research, in addition to intense tingles, this audio also helps me with headaches. It doesn’t take them away completely, but it’ll take a level 7-8 on the pain scale down to a 3-4. Grazie! ❤️


My dominant side? I'm not sure... you might have to come here and help me figure it out 😇🔥🔥


Ummm so I'm a little late to respond but my dominant side is left., I got very tingly and shivered. I felt all down my spine. 😘


After a couple more tries, it is definitely the LEFT🔥🔥💋 We need a tingle emoji😵‍💫


Right side 🙋🏻‍♀️🙋🏻‍♀️🙋🏻‍♀️


Wow. Just. Fucking…wow 🔥🔥🔥This hits different having a bit more hips and ass than your average girl. This got me so wound up…didn’t make it through the entire audio before I burst into 1000 shards. Love love love this G…have mercy. Definitely one of my top audios 💋💋💋💋


Mmm daddy the right fucking hell it’s the right


Right side


Wow this on a extended NSFW version, i think im gonna melt at the get go


Had to stop this cause i was having breakfast and about had an orgasm at the table lol. Definitely can’t listen to your audios in public lol! I love to hear u in both ears, especially the moaning and breathing, but omg my right is so sensitive!


Left….definitely left….I really like the whispers, kisses, moans, growls and heavy breaths but not the ear licking….I just…can’t. Sorry if that makes me weird. Ear licking just isn’t my thing. LOL.


Definitely the right for me, breathy whispers, blowing in my ear, the gorgeous Gaelic language. And the growling, oh lawd the growling! I'm melting honey, seriously. I'm not super fond of the kisses and licking if it goes on for too long but I understand a lot of people are, I end up turning the volume down a little sometimes and that helps. 😘😘