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Hello Lovelies!

I had an idea for us to watch the sunset together and it was going very well UNTIL..


I lost the battle! 


18 June 2021 Vlog.mp4

Watch The Sun Set With Me...until...



I'm here in Feb '22, and I'm so glad I did a search for 'Ireland'. At 2:30AM I was feeling too restless to sleep. Gael and the midgies! At the end, I could feel them on my skin too! This is a Nada Yoga (the Yoga of sound) video, if ever there was one! I’m blessed to access the same kind of 'alive silence' where I live, out in the Arizona Sonora desert. Beautiful stillness, like this. You feel so connected to Life. Lovely watching the sunset with you, Gael! Sara Teasdale, ‘Silence’. American Poet. (1884 – 1933) We are anhungered after solitude,
 Deep stillness pure of any speech or sound,
 Soft quiet hovering over pools profound,
 The silences that on the desert brood,
 Above a windless hush of empty seas,
 The broad unfurling banners of the dawn,
 A faery forest where there sleeps a Faun;
 Our souls are fain of solitudes like these … 🙏 💙


Ahh I love watching Sunsets 😍 was so lovely watching the sunset with you 🥰 Poor you getting attacked by those midges tho 😂