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Hallo all my precious ones!

Oh lads the comedy of errors lately has been manic like.  Today I'm in my 2nd of two recording locations battle rattling generators, arguing neighbors, marathon phone calls and headboards rattling against the wall (not in a fun way!)

All that will have to wait for a future ramble!  This is a nice calm chat by the (new) fireplace in current Gaelforce Manor. A fair improvement to be sure!

I hope ye will enjoy chilling out with me for a bit!

The lock down restrictions seem to soon be lifting and I am pulling at the leash to roam the countryside for some nice views for ye.  Til then we've our cosy fire yeh?


April 2021 VLOG Fireside Chat 2

The lockdown restrictions seem to soon be lifting and I am pulling at the leash to roam the countryside for some nice views for ye. Til then we've our cosy fire yeh?



Thanks again :G: I just read something that me think of you, Your Smile we hear it in your voice and it makes us smile,How you leave others feeling after we spend some time with you should be the :G FORCE" experience" And I hope your sweetness, kindness, hot sexiness, keeps growing and you hit a million patron followers. Stay Strong we have your back Love Ya sweetie,


I know absolutely nothing about music, I just like listening to it, so I can’t comment on your playing other than my general sense of awe for people who make the pretty sounds happen, especially out of those pretty wood and wire and button things. 😅 But, I really enjoy the fireside chats, very chill, friendly, just... nice. I’m so looking forward to you getting to do rambles as you wander around the beautiful outside spaces of Ireland—not as much as you are, I’m sure, but it sounds like an awesome series (I hope?) of vlogs. And on a purely human level I’m so glad for you that your parents are getting vaccinated! I couldn’t even have imagined the relief I felt when my parents got their first dose of the vaccine (especially since it happened like 2 days after they’d both told me they weren’t going to, even though it was available to them xP). I know anyone can be one of the ones who gets really sick, but just knowing my 70+ year old parents, who I’ve been so stinking worried about this year, had their first dose of the vaccine literally left me light headed and giddy for like half a day. I do wish everyone could have that relief. 😕 Your audios definitely helped get me through this last year, I wish I’d discovered Gaelforce years ago but I’m very glad I at least discovered it last year. It sucks that you’re having such a frustrating time but I love the vlogs and I’m certainly not hating the revisits, they’re nice for people who haven’t been around ‘forever.’ And of course the new stuff you’re still releasing between is 🔥! Seriously, thanks for just doing what you do.