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The sound of thunder and rain has always brought me peace perhaps because I've spent so many nights falling asleep to the sound of the wind and rain pounding against me house...

But not everyone feels that way, a thunderstorm may bring you unease or even fear.

I hope tonight as I hold you close, the sound of my heartbeat will calm your fears or the sound of my awful humming will drown out the storm for you at least!

Come into my arms love.

You don't ever have to be afraid again.

Not while I'm here.

This is technically a revisit but it wasn't available here on Patreon and when my YouTube got revised, it got lost.  So I hope ye will enjoy this past audio and get some comfort from it.




I love your rain audios, the first 3 hour sleep audio really helps me sleep everyday. I used to like only sunny days but you've made me love and appreciate the rain ❤️


Don't call it awful humming 🥺🥺 It's the sweetest and we love it when you're humming for us 😌🎶🎶 ❤❤


Thank You for this! Thunderstorms are the 1 thing I dislike about Spring and Summer ☺💜


Ohh how I love rain and storm audios 💕 and the timing of this is perfect as it’s been raining all day here. You really do have the most calming voice ever!


I love thunderstorms. This may sound weird, but they’re a huge turn on for me. I feel so sexy and horny when they happen, lol Nevertheless I love all your rainy, nature sounds audios including your breathing and heartbeat sounds. You just know how to calm our souls and I adore you for that !! 🤍


Thank you G...you have made me love the sound of nature...I am so much more aware of it...the rain, the wind...the trees. It’s all so perfect ❤️🌬⛈🌧🍂🍃🌳🦜


So that’s why Sweetz was asking! I so love this. I have always loved thunderstorms, except when the lighting is right on top of us. But there is something comforting in the sound. The delicate sound of Thunder as the Pink Floyd album says. ♥️


Your humming🥰🤗❤


Your humming, your breathing, your heartbeat, your voice all have the greatest calming effect. 🥰❤😊


Love this. Would love it even more as like a half hour extended version. I would be out like a light.


I've always been afraid of thunder and have been laughed at because of it... I think the fear comes from being too near of places at the time of the thunder striking, last one hit the church bells about 300-500 meters from my place where I used to live.. I love this audio though, you being so understanding and taking the thoughts away from the storm. ♥ And the humming 😍♥🍀


Good ole 🤡 coulrophobia! That joke though was perfect! 😂 Thank you. I love these nature sound ones and the combo of your voice, the heartbeat and the rain is so calming. 💗


So what movie are we watching? 🍿 I'm not scared of the thunder, but I would sure pretend to be to get in those squeezes 💪, however with it entering spring tornado season will you come hide in the closet with me? We can play dorothy and the uncowardly. Lion? Heartbeats and kisses oh my...💓 Are you really scared of clowns? Can I make an audio where I take you to the circus and protect you? * Animal noises, popcorn sounds and people chitter chatter*. you are such a delightfully gentle lover. I think you sang a nick cave song one time and it was beautiful. Gaelforce lullabies.


I'm sorry, I hate it when people make fun of someone because of a phobia. I've never been afraid of thunderstorms but I can see why some people are.


I love the sound of thunderstorms, never been afraid of them even when I was little. Good thing since I live in Oklahoma. We've had them off and on for the past two nights but not in the morning when I sleep sometimes working overnight sucks. We've got the rain but no thunder. I like the sleep videos of thunderstorms but it's not the same without the lighting


I haven't had chance to listen to this just yet but the concept sounds lovely. Personally, I really enjoy the cleansing feel that a thorough downpour can bring. I have a strong sense of smell so rainfall, especially on a warm day, is bliss for me. Thanks as always Gael for thinking of all your lovelies even when you've got your own personal challenges. 🤗


"awful humming"... reading this was a wonderful workout for my eye muscles. I never knew the depth of my eye roll capability! 🙄


Hum for me....and I’ll sleep 😴😴


Lol Perfect description Vanesa D ...I would kill to have G’s awful humming in my ear in-fact both ears lol🤣


Such a beautiful audio, and your humming is so soothing! You always know exactly what to say 😍⛈🥰


I slept with this last night. But the thunder in the middle just scared the hell out of me 😵


Finally had chance to listen to this today. It's so tender and loving. My heart feels all warm and tingly from this! I'd consider myself to be fairly independent and strong willed but even so, sometimes I crave that gentle encouragement and tenderness, being held and softly spoken to.🥰 Also, I'd like to join the rest of the Lovelies reiterating that your humming is not awful! Is this particular section of humming based on a specific song or just a collection of sounds and noises that felt right at the time?


что-то я расплакалась:(


Just what I needed <3


Stopping in to say that my students refer to thunderstorms as *God Having a Tantrum* 🤣❤️ I was terrified of thunderstorms when I was a child, I’ve mostly grown out of it, but this is so tender and sweet and comforting. Thank you ❤️


I'm a newbie here, scrolling through because I didn't have the best of days today. Maybe it's silly to comment on a video that's over a year old, but here I am anyway Haha. I love me a good thunderstorm. I instantly feel relaxed. Needed something for anxiety tonight, so thank you. 🙏😊