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I haven't made a post like this in a couple of years and maybe I should say it more often as it's often been on my mind.  I'm inspired today to repeat an old post and add to it a bit.

It's a topic that's very very important to me: Your Safety.

Below is a repost of a message I shared a few years ago.  I'll add more thoughts to the end.

I received this message today from a guy who has apparently been letting a woman believe he was me.   He is a creep.

I want to be very very clear about this.  Your safety is important to me.

If anyone is EVER attempting to get you to believe that they are me, and we are in a relationship...

It is NOT me.

One thing I take very seriously is your safety and your trust.

The whole reason I create the work that I do, is to help you feel confident, strong & beautiful.

My hope is that you would take that confidence out into the real world and life a full, happy life. Not so that you could become focused on the guy with the microphone and be robbed of that full life.  You deserve something real.

I want to help you overcome your difficulties, not become one of them.  That is why I keep a safe personal distance from my listeners.

If there is someone you're talking to online that is pretending to be me in order to get something from you, I promise that it is not me and that you can feel completely justified in calling them a creep and never speaking to them again.

You are worth so much more than this poor treatment.

I adore you all.  I value you all.

I do not get involved with my listeners because of that love and respect I have for you.

You are all wonderful, special people who are worthy love and happiness and it is because I respect you all a great deal that I would never abuse my platform in that way.

I'm sorry for such a strong message but I felt it was so important that you know this.

Be careful online, my Lovelies.

There are many good people out there but there are also liars and predators.

Keep yourself safe.  Don't share your information with people you don't know.

Just please please be safe.


2021 Thoughts

In a time when so many people are suffering, it's normal to seek out comfort.  

Over the years I've seen the predators on the prowl and have taken steps to keep them at bay where I can.  I block accounts that look sleazy in an attempt to keep them away from my follower list so they don't bother you.

Knowing there are people who actively seek out listeners of erotic content, I strive to protect and keep minors away from my content.  By having my erotic material removed from youtube by people who have taken it (an ongoing struggle unfortunately), I remove followers I find out are under 18.  I've begun making my erotic content more difficult to access, unless you verify your age before you can view it.

I know I can't stop every minor from getting access and I can't keep every creep away but  it's always been foremost on my mind to be worthy of the trust I've been given.  And it's always in my heart to protect you as best I can.

I am proud of the community we have here, the encouragement and the empowerment, the healing, the sharing.  I know I can't control what happens to you outside of the "Walls" of Gaelandia. But where I do have say, I will do my best to keep you safe.

But Please look after yourselves.  Look after each other.

Not every online artist is doing it just for the sake of the art.  Not every "Daddy" or "dom" on Twitter has your best interest at heart.  You have to be vigilant and make sure you are not sharing your life online in ways that could put you in danger.

I know this is a heavy topic, but I feel strongly that it's something that needs to be said from time to time.  

Please continue being the kind, inspiring, friendly people I've always known you to be, just with a dash more thought to what can be lurking out there.

If you ever feel unsafe, reach out.  There are people and resources in place to be on your team and help you be safe online.  You are never alone.


All my love to you, dearest lovelies.

~Your protective mayor 


Please do not use this post to talk about specific incidents or call anyone out.  I'm not seeking to be judge jury and executioner or to incite a witchhunt.  I do however, very much want you to be mindful of your safety. 




Thank you for looking out, Mr. Mayor ❤️


Damn, be smart out here everyone


Thank you Gael!! Please stay safe everyone!! 💓💖♥️


I think at a time of such vulnerabilities as this, the message is very timely. Good looking out!


And this is why we love you Mr. Mayor.... you always put us first. ❤


Thank you. This is why I love you. You are so caring for us, making sure that we are safe. Your work always gives me confidence. 💕💕 Thank You again.


That's why I share nothing. Thanks for looking out for us all Gael!


Damn... That's creepy, and the fact that he asked her personal info to try and play tht poor girl... 😒 Thanks for the heads up babe 🙃


Always a very good thing to touch on from time to time 💗💗💗 be wary, lovelies. We very much appreciate you for the way you handle this kind of thing. And we've got each other's backs.


Thank you! This cannot be stated enough. I'm glad this comes up as a reminder now and again. Much love! 🧡


You are a true gentleman. I’ve said it before and I’ll keep saying it time and time again. You pour your heart and soul into this little community. We are forever thankful for you 💛


Holy shit thank you for sharing what a weirdo


Thank you for the concern love. Since I had found your youtube channel, I have began feeling more confident. The self consciousness I once felt has slowly started to shed away. I've become more comfortable with my body , and more open to my sexuality. As a hobby I've even started doing content much like yours. "Go raibh maith agat."


I have grown to love this community so much. Thank you, Gael and the Lovelies! 💜


Thank you ❤️


Yes. Thank you for the reminder in all ways to everyone's safety. From the creators, peers, to others. We all gotta protect each other to keep this a safe zone.


Recommended reading from my PR that I agree with if you're looking to venture into the world of erotica https://gaelforceplayroom.tumblr.com/post/182196298773/ummm-im-starting-my-own-asmr-similar-to


Thank you 😍😘 I know that's a past incident and it's well and truly done but I feel sick that someone would do that in your name Also, any man who refers to women as "females" - RUN AWAY 🤮🤮


The fact that they asked if you had any info they could use.... Wtf that's so gross 😖 Thanks for the warning Gael... I'll keep my eyes out for any funny business 👀


Thank you "G" for always watching out for us! Take care of "YOU" Sir.


Stay safe lovelies


It means a great deal to me that you care about us & protect us from the creepers *squeez hug* ♥♥♥♥ In my time in twitter I've seen a lot & I've been scared too. But I've had my friends, including you ♥🍀 to help me go on. It's important to be careful, which is why I will def tell any girl following a creep to think twice and hit the block button 💪


Thank you for always looking out, Mr. Protective Mayor!❤🤗❤ You're the absolute bestest.❤


Reading that message gave me goosebumps... What a creep!! Thank you for the reminder and for looking out for us, and fellow Lovelies do warn each other about other people like this so I'm very grateful for our community here. Please take care loves, and do reach out if you feel something's off. Let's take care of each other ♥️


Appreciate the important reminder! This is very thoughtful of you and I appreciate the love and care you have for us and I very much appreciate the worry! This gives me more confidence that we are dealing with the right man here. Thank you for making us feel safe and protected our hero and guardian angel 🙏❤❤ God bless your ❤


Thank you for all that you do to keep us safe and for providing a safe space for us to come too. I truly appreciate it and am glad that we have a like minded members here, it is invaluable in my eyes.(I hope you get the gist of what I mean.(


We love you, thankyou sm❤


it's amazing, gael has such a pure heart. he proves it to us every day. ill try working on myself to be at least half of it.....

Kitty Holmes

Thank you hon! I love the content you put out if for no other reason than it helps with esteem issues I'm suffering from work during this damn plague.

Ebony Beck

Reminders like this are the reason I love this community. I hope everyone is staying safe.


If there's something I value is trust, and that trust you make me feel is what has kept me here. I feel safe and I thank you and everyone in this beautiful community for that.


You always say the right things at the right time. G. I had to block someone just today for his DMs. I give you my heartfelt gratitude for being such a generous, kind, loving man. You truly make us feel special and we owe you a great debt for the support and consideration you show us.


Thank you.


Thank you for the heads-up, Gael. This person is creepy AF. Although i can't help but think that you have given your Patreon subscribers this warning, but not those who aren't able to subscribe. It sounds like the listener involved has heard your cooking rambles (available on YT) but maybe won't be subscribed here. Maybe post this on your public platforms too? It's all well and good warning paying subscribers, but you also have many listeners who aren't in the position to subscribe and therefore don't know the...'ins and outs' of you who may benefit from such info too.


Very creepy 😳 Thanks for looking out for our safety and the reminder. It’s appreciated 💖 yes be careful lovelies! If anyone ever feels unsafe don’t be afraid to reach out


In the short time I've been here, one of the things I appreciate the most about your work is your professionalism. You offer us a varied treatment, always accommodating, but above all respectful and friendly. You are wonderful and thanks a million for that¡!!❤️❤️❤️


Thanks for looking out for us! We’ll keep looking out for you, too. Sisters, we’re all in this together. We have to stay vigilant. Sometimes the creeps aren’t easy to spot at first.


Thank you for this reminder. Internet is not always a safe space, especially when you are a woman. Predators still roam.... Thank you for being so pure, honest and active in the protecting of your listeners.🙏🏾😊Be safe lovelies😘Muaaah!!


Eeesh that email is horrific. Use on her. Shiver


Wow Thank you Gael, much appreciated ♥️


Thank you for your timely reminder ~ Proud Citizen of Gaelandia


Wow the message you got was chilling. Scary that there are people out there like that, and then having the audacity to tell you to your face, that’s bold. The internet can be such a dangerous place, that’s why I’m hesitant to share personal info as well. You are such a good and decent man, a gentlemen to the core and you are so appreciated and loved. Thank you for looking out for us, it’s clear that you always have had our best interests at heart. 🤗❤️


Thank you for always being vigilant and looking out for us, 🦁 This is exactly why I rarely interact with men on social media, or people in general, unless I have a clear idea of why they are following me. For the most part, I block/mute the ones with “dude in a suit and tie” avatar. Be careful of those, lovelies. Most are NOT who they say they are.


I personally could not be more grateful that you see it like this. Look I'm an old one here, married with a kid but I suffer from such pain and joint issue that I'm wheelchair bound and touch hurts my skin. This kind of thing is one of the only ways I get pain-free contact, and once plessure/pain barriers are crossed I get to enjoy my partner. See I'm odd aren't I, don't worry he knows and encourages anything like this for comfort as any good dom should. He supports my art, my feed on insta my well being and care. I'm with you on predictors out there, I write a chronic and mental health channel and that can mean open season, I've had all kind of "requests". It's sad you have to say this but it reassures me that you. So thankyou oh laddo over the Irish Sea for being who you are, your honor is rare and amazing. Xx

Kathy Mc

Thank you, Gael for this reminder. You are a real gentleman and our hero. Your love and caring is the reason I Iove it here and feel safe. You always have our back and we have each other's and yours!💞💞💞


Excellent post. Also, if anyone needs online safety resources or to talk to someone, the respected organization RAINN has some helpful info posted at https://www.rainn.org/safety-prevention.


Thank you for the reminder Gaelie~ I admire your professionalism and appreciate that you are always looking out for us. You are truly a rare gem 💎


Thank you for the reminder. You are so appreciated. Not only do you remind us, to be aware of the creeps out there, you simultaneously show us, that not everyone is a creep. That even though the world can be a scary place, not all people are.


Grateful for the reminder 🙏🏼


Thank you for posting this! I've had to change my name to it's Gaelic form online because of creeps. People will find you on YouTube to look you up on Facebook. It's weird and creepy! Be safe out there y'all!

Victoria C.

Gael, thank you always for your vigilante Lion. I left social media altogether a few years back as it just became exhausting wanting to believe the best in people yet trying to figure out the veracity of what was being put forth. I wish there was no need to be as cautious as I’ve become. When I was first exploring Gaelandia, almost a year ago now, I came upon this post of yours from a few years ago. It made me realize I was really in a rare place among the interwebs. That care you hold for what you create and send out into the world, it’s woven through your work and the CP here. And discovering that is when I allowed myself to open up a bit here and interact with others. Thank you for being who you are. ❤️🦁


G thank you so much for the concern and warnings. I feel so protective of my sister "lovelies" and would be beside myself if any one of them was taken advantage of online. Your care and concern are not unwarranted. There are very dangerous people out there; people who seek out women like us, who are sweet and caring and tend to want to see the good in everyone. It's been such a pleasure being taken into the wings of the Lovelies. I hold that title "Lovely" in such high esteem. Rest assured, we all are like each other's mother hens. We genuinely love each other, look out for one another and are fiercely protective of our community. I'm so happy to be a part of a community that cares so much and that makes you proud and happy. Lots of Luv, G. Happy happy early Valentine's Day to you ❤️❤️❤️❤️xoxo


This was an amazing post. I don't see many authors out there who care so much about their fans to 1. Not get involved with any because they know that they can be very leading to a fan, 2. Set ways to make a safe environment, not only for minors but for older people too, and 3. Create a place where people can feel confident and safe in their opinions. I never see judgment in how someone else feels and you have just made a great experience for so many of us "lovelies".


Thanks for looking out for us, G. You really are a decent man. 😊


Thank you for the reminder and keeping our wellbeing in your heart. We love that you continue to make each of us feel sexy, empowered and worthy. 💥♥️🤗


Thank you. We trust and appreciate you G 🥰


Stay safe ladies! 😘


Oh Gael. This is why we all love you. Your sincerity speaks volumes and we appreciate every word. Thank you! ❤️


People are just weird. I never even thought about the possibility that someone could pull this. Fucked up.


This! This post right here, and the sentiment behind it, is why I support everything you choose to do. Comedy, erotica, time away, merch.....You've got our backs, so we've got yours! 💚🍀


Thank you💗💗💗💋


Whoah.. this is a lot. I can’t get over this gowl admitting to this. What did he expect? Also, the lady he was bullshitting.. I hope she’s alright? My husband and I talked about this. I discuss everything with him, so we also discussed what would happen if you overstepped. I see you as a kind, intelligent and creative man. Not someone who’s foolish to risk his somewhat unusual but awesome business. Thank you for setting clear boundaries! I’m grateful I get to say dick and cum without having to go through a minefield of “...but your husband doesn't have to know.” Lol, yes he does 😂


Thanks G! 💕


I often say that this is my “Happy Place” but it has also become my “Safe Place”. MUCH♥️LOVE and MUCH♥️APPRECIATION Stay Safe Lovelies! 💋


Thank you for the reminder. Stay safe everyone. <3


The fact that he calls women "females" says it all 😐


Thank you for this message. Being a recent listener, I'm very appreciative of the strives you do to make this a safe place. Thank you!


Thank you for looking out for us my dear friend. Reading the post again and I know non of us deserved to be treated like this. Especially you !!!


True words about him. I don’t think I would’ve reacted to his tweets or posts on Patreon or YouTube if I had weird feelings towards his behavior. I get his fun and intentions and I’m 💯 sure he sees the same in us. I’m truly grateful for that and having the opportunity to be open and enjoy the ride in this beautiful fantasy world.... Nevertheless I hope he knows that he is not only a man behind a microphone. That he is one of a unique kind, very kind hearted and as amazing as our real life friends ☘️♥️


Thanks for the reminder, I just found a YT upload that had too much of MY personal info. Deleted and replaced thanks to you. ❤️


I really appreciate the boundaries you have in place. It is a very noble thing to not take advantage of the fandom that you have.


I’ve been a listener and Patron of yours from the very beginning, and you’ve earned my trust, 1000%. Thank you thank you thank you for posting this ❤️


Thank you for this reminder. And don’t worry, we lovelies have each other’s back and we won’t let anything bad happen to everyone of us. You have all my trust and highest respect, G. ♥️


G: "Not every "Daddy" or "dom" on Twitter has your best interest at heart." This is definitely true. But, the same can be said for submissives, too. As a domme - an exceptionally demure one but a domme nonetheless! - the almost predatory nature of supposed "subs" is unsettling in the extreme and has resulted in many dommes hiding in the shadows, not wanting to announce their leanings because they know their DMs will fill quickly with demands - not requests - for nursing handjobs and to be a Mommy domme, straight off the bat, with many demands coming from users who are woefully underage. *shudder* Sorry, this has turned into a bit of a waffly rant but, thanks for the efforts you put in in the background, G, to keep us all safe. It is a minefield and difficult to navigate at the best of times.


Thanks for this. It is so so important to set boundaries, both for the welfare of listeners but also yourself. This is a safe place and sometimes we need reminding of the dangers online. I'm so grateful that you have our back with things like this, but also that we have yours too. Trust is so important and that's what makes this community so special. Thanks a million, your a star.


It sucks that the positivity you are putting out into the world is being used for such toxicity but you know it’s not the majority. Thanks for the warning and at least know that your work has helped me embrace my own. I am forever grateful.🙏🏾


For those of us who have experienced trauma, it is so important to feel safe in order to feel pleasure again and to heal. Of course, we all find tools to move through the trauma, through the anxiety adopted to cope with that trauma, and use them everyday to recover, to grow, to heal and be brave out there in this world. But you just never know where you will find some of that healing. Sometimes it’s a song that resonates. Sometimes, it’s a Blue Jay outside your window every morning. Sometimes it’s a recipe you scribbled on a piece of paper and tucked in your favourite book. And sometimes, if you’re like me, you stumble upon Gaelforce YT channel and the journey leads you here. I feel safe here. Thank you to all the Lovelies here for fostering and upholding that safe, supportive and loving space. Thank you Gael for carving out this space. For your work. For your empathy. For your humanity. Much ❤️🙏


This right here is why I love this space. It is such a fresh of breath air to be able to explore and enjoy this type of content without having the feeling that a toxic and scummy individual is running the show. Thank you good sir for your professionalism. I could ramble on about what a difference this makes but all I will say for now is this is just so well done. (Also please be careful and protect yourself too. I hope you take the time to find privacy and separation in your personal life as well). Happy Valentine’s Day everyone!🌼🌼🌼


You are truly a saint. Thank you so much, we all love you and please continue to stay safe and healthy. 💜💜💜


I literally had the same thing happen to me a couple of years ago where a man messaged me on Instagram and told me how stupid and pathetic i was for listening to a man with a microphone...it was baffling to me because he literally went out of his way to find me , follow my social media pages and message me this abuse. I just replied to him saying thank you for wasting your time because I’m still going to listen to GAEL regardless. But thank you for speaking about this GAEL 💕💕


It’s the audacity of him to straight up directly ask you as if he thought you’d be okay with it for me 💀💀


Please do what you can to be safe online though. We're always happy to have you here Kyle!


Clo, I am so happy you found our little corner of the world and are here. There are so many survivors of trauma here in our group and we all absorb the positivity and strength that this group shares on a daily basis. It doesn't matter what type of trauma, be it sexual, physical, verbal, etc. Unfortunately, I think we have many who have endured many types. 🤬 To have found a creator who has the passion, compassion, empathy and love that he shares with his patrons, is like a finding a needle in a haystack. Between us Lovelies and G, the love is real here. So again, so glad you are here. 😘💖💖


I remember the first time you shared this message, and it still baffles me. So, he realized that you're obviously doing "something" right, because so many women enjoy your work and support you. The logical thing to do would be to take a look at your work and try to understand it, no? Or maybe to ask a girl "hey, what is it you like about this?" and then use this info to learn something. Not to pretend to be someone you're not, and in the process hurting everyone involved 🤷‍♀️ I'll never understand this. Thank you for doing your best to keep us safe, Gaelion 🦁❤️ You and this place are the rarest treasure! Please make sure you're always safe, too! (Not just online but also on those dodgy drives, ok?) 😘


I know your team is working very hard to keep us safe and we 100% appreciate it. We will continue to do our part by staying vigilant.


It's really shitty that people exist who take advantage of people like that. Thank you for being transparent.


It’s safe because you have ethical standards and practices that you stick to. You’re transparent about what this is, and set boundaries up front. You’ve put thought and work into making it this way, which cannot be underestimated. It seems like there’s so much bullshit to navigate. But, you’ve done well and handled it for so many years - I’m proud of you, Gaelie!

Ashlee Kranz

In the past I’ve unfortunately been used abused and played by creeps and guys who just treat love like a game. It’s hurtful and very tough lessons to learn, but I consider experience the ultimate teacher. Because I’ve learned from those rough times, I know exactly how to better protect myself and what to look out for... as well as protecting my friends. I’m a trained and certified fighter for a reason; so I can be safer in the world and protect those I care for. As a content creator/artist myself, I found I have to study up and learn what to keep a sharp eye out for and understand what to do in certain scenarios. To put it plainly, the next guy I catch trying to play and falsely lead me on, won’t have any teeth left! This is excellent information Gael, and I’m glad you chose to share it and bring this reality to our attention; most importantly to raise awareness. Thank you for you watchful protection!

Emma Ranson

Oh my god Gael that's awful and thankyou for looking after us mwah!! X


I sincerely apologise as I used to be one of your minor listeners. I found your account on youtube and at first, it was just one of your more innocent audios, I found comfort as I was going through some of my darkest moments. Then, I found some of your.. less innocent audios and I got hooked. When you stopped posting videos on YT, I understood why and I stopped searching for you. It was only when I turned 18 last August that I finally started searching for your comfort again. I genuinely apologise and I just wanted to thank you for bringing light into my life.


The timing of this post is amazing. A group I am involved with around health and wellness which meets online began discussing sound therapy and ASMR. Believe it or not, Gael's name was mentioned by someone in the group, and I chimed in. The very next contact I had in the group was someone thanking me for giving his work so much praise and credibility in our chat the day before. He was pretending to be Gael. Creep.


Dear sweet Mayor, thank you for this. I know it is much later in the year i am reading it but it is a good reminder to be on guard. You are so good to us and I am so glad you wrote this. Sometimes fantasy makes us so stupid things and we tend to blur what is reality. Thank you for reminding us of how you desire this to be a safe space and you only care for our wellbeing. You are a true gem and angel! Xoxo


Wow I just came across this post in this pandemic where everyone is so isolated and lonely and so starved for touch I have learned that it is far too easy to share yourself online with someone you have never met. Don’t give yourself away online is synonymous with don’t walk in a dark alley at night. Online the risk may seem the lesser but it’s not. Take care everyone and thank you Gael for addressig this.