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Even with all my power... all my strength...

Could tonight be the last time I look upon you?

Is it ever truly over when eternity hangs in the balance?


A War Without End 

Celtic War Horn 



Ooooooh man. 😳 I'm not crying, you're crying! And the music at the end is just adding to it. The story has deepened!! #teamletter squad. I know you're all smiles now! It's also adding to my suspense about the Dagda! Whew! I'm loving this storyline. 💚


I’ve been waiting for this! Gonna unwrap this sweet treat when I get home tonight. 😍😋

Vincent Dei Tos

can't wait to listen to this tomorrow night!! 💕


After listening to the original version if this I did wonder if there would be an Erotic version!! 🧛‍♂️




Spice version here we come... Ehem 😂


Aah I love a good vampire piece😍 Any chances of a werewolf audio anytime soon?!✨ (because I would actually melt)


Clear my schedule. 💚😈


Yes, so excited! No, I’m still eager for more! How can you play us like this, boo?


I love the audio, but I don't like that it ended in a cliffhanger. :-(


Seriously speaking, this is still so hauntingly beautiful after multiple listens, and I felt every shaky breath and fervent kiss. This was such a beautiful dream 🥺 Thanks for not letting #teamletter down! (no spoilers 😉)

Another Other Jen

Yesssss! (Also, I really like the thumbnail on this one... possibly because I really like that shirt, I want that shirt, 😅 —but also the beckoning hand... I’m always impressed by the thumbnails/audio art!) Oof! The ending though! The letter... 😭😭😭 So good!

Another Other Jen

(And I know it’s the same art as the YouTube/sugar version, it just really appealed to me and the more I see it the more I like it)


Anyone else crying? Just me? OK. Nevermind. Seriously, tho, this is heart-wrenchingly beautiful. #teamletter is not disappointed. My soul aches.

Mina Ramey (Ebony Sorceress of the North)

WE FOUND OUT WHAT THE LETTER SAID!🥺😢😭My heart! She MELTS! Gael, you are an absolute GEM, even if my feels are all over the place.🙃 Now, if you all will ex-pardon me, I have to go to a castle rose garden for a completely unrelated reason. 🖤🍀💜🧛‍♂️🖤🍀💜 Okay BYEEEE💨

Kathy Mc

Oh, dear God and Gael! That was magnificent!! I'm barely breathing with the emotion coming from your voice...and were you crying at the end? I can't stand it! Thank God for the letter content...but what happens next??? Oh, this was so beautiful, I want to die of passion and love! I'm listening with my own thunderstorm here. Wind is whipping and howling, skies are dark with rain, and I'm waiting for my vampire lover to come through my window and say my name!💖💖💕💕💓💓👄🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹💌💌💌💌💌💌💌


Oh my Heart! ♥♥♥ I won't spoil this for those who haven't listened yet, but omg the passion in your words& voice and in your breathing!! ♥♥♥🔥🔥 So emotional! ♥♥♥ I will meet you in the garden 🌹 Thank you for making this version, it's absolutely beautiful! 🌹♥


Ooh should I skip my wine and Zoom for this? 🤔 Tempting. Alright, alright, alright... I’m outski before I see any spoilers **scooby doo running scared noises**


Such emotion, such passionate urgency, such romance, ohhhhh my goodness, this tugs on my heartstrings so exquisitely.❤ Thank you for revealing the contents of the letter.😍💝 This is all so very beautiful.🧛‍♂️🌹💋❤❤


Soooo excited for this! Thank you G, can't wait! 🧛‍♂️❤🔥


Oh my Gaelll! I have been checking every day for this !!!! I can’t wait to listen🤤🤤🤤🤤


So intense, so delicious, so rich. Truly art.


gael singing🥺 i’m a new member! thank you for welcoming me


I know this had to have taken a lot out of you but you’ve given us a gift. Beautiful soul.


Welcome, Tiona! We’re happy you’re here and you picked a helluva time to join us. Gael’s vamp audios are elite. 😈


Really beautiful - this audio has given me an appreciation for the vampire story/genre. You are a true writer at heart, my man! That’s why I love you 🥰 And damn, that is some passionate lovemaking...I’d follow you into eternity! 🙋🏻‍♀️


❤️😳 that was really cute 🥺


Me too! I suspected there would be 🧛‍♂️👉👌


This was so achingly, hauntingly, amazingly gorgeous! Your acting in this was just *chef’s kiss*. I hope we get the next part tomorrow because I need to know what happens next! Thank you so much for rewarding #teamletter. Ahhhh! This was so beautiful. She has to stay another night and go meet him. She has to!


Anyone else want to start a cult of Gael with me?!?! Cuz that sounds much better than dealing with real live breathing men at this point. After this audio I’m over them all lol. He has ruined me 🤪.


Wow! Gael, I will say...! Your storytelling and acting is among the best I've ever heard. And thank you for telling us what the letter said! I knew our vampire was gonna have a way to bypass the Dagda's deal somehow 🤐🤭 This one was phenomenal! 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾✨✨ To be honest, I like that you left "her" decision open at the end; does she stay or does she go? 🤔😁🌹


This was so beautiful it made me cry heart fully 💖 Must be so beautiful that someone loves you so much that it's not willing to let you go no matter what. So romantic and precious must be. 😭


✨🌹So rosemantic 🌹✨You really know how to tug at our heartstrings 😭😭😩❤️🌹


Wow, I love that you get so indepth with these vampire audios, I feel like you'll weave them together and there will be a book someday 😍. Its really gorgeous writing and beautifully acted out for us. I do think it would be cute to hear this kind of affection and longing/love from a human character. Of course there wouldnt be a moment of rememberance of past lives, maybe just a recognition of souls and a profession of love that may be less dramatically poetic, (no need for music swells), just a dude letting his feeling out, but still no less beautiful. I guess there's less risk involved this way because a vampire can offer strength, power, youth, can go anywhere and do anything forever, but humans fall short- with sickness, aging, death or just life's stresses (Vampires never have jobs, lol). Everyone wants a vampire lover because its seems deep and unyielding, but I would think it would be scarier to feel and express this all consuming, deep and unyielding love to someone who may not feel the exact same, or whose feelings may shift later on, or when you know there is no forever and it has to inevitably end. Plus the whole I killed you and brought you back to life with my blood so of course its you and me baby, is technically a cheat code for "love", right? I'm absolutely rambling. ANYway, I loved this audio, Friend! I can't wait until we get to do more vampirey things. You are very talented and very sweet, and very sexy and we're very lucky to have you. 🧈 🧈 🧈 Its also sweatpants season so you should get your angles together 📷 and bless us 🍌. I'm kidding....unless you gon' do it. 😉


Whatever this was...I want it for Christmas! Thank you sooooo much for the “I love yous” during the climax. I’ve been craving those so bad!!! That was perfect and I now feel content and complete. It’s exactly how I pictured (at least one) of my encounters with a vampire would be. And a million extra points for the reincarnation theme. The swell of thunder and rain at the exact right moments had my heart racing. What a work of art...I’m so impressed and thankful. 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻💗💗💗🥳😘




So, yeah. I kind of get the whole vampire thing now


*wiping my tears* this was absolutely emotional 😭😭😭😭🤧🤧🤧❤❤❤❤❤🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 Who would have thought a vampire would carry all this love, passion and loyalty to his beloved? I'm so touched by this audio 😭🤧❤ And crying from pleasure!!!! Love it when you cry from pleasure! That was so beautiful, raw and deep so so deep! It's like you collected all your deep emotions and let it all out in this audio. I loved it to bits. It touched me so deep. And your breathing, omg, how can I describe it but sensual, perfect and breathtaking. I had my hand on my chest the entire audio from the beauty you've created! And reading the letter was an absolutely romantic and heart touching touch ❤❤ An absolutely favourite audio! Added to my fav list ❤❤🔥🔥 Here's a rose from me to you, precious one 🌹


I was in tears too at the same moment, hugging my body pillow like no tomorrow 😭♥ I just didn't want to spill everything in my first comment 😅 The letter was like the most beautiful poetry, so much emotion&passion ♥🔥🌹


very rosemantic, she has some decisions to make, so glad you left it up to her, but we all know the choose we hope she chooses to choose

Angela R.

Oooooooh boy oh boy!!!! Gaelpire is back! Story time is back! God Gael, I could lick you! 😈😘 Thank you, sweetheart!


Going back to her regular life, knowing her true soulmate is there and asking her to rejoin her for all eternity. She’ll be standing in the garden as soon as she can. People will be saying “Why is she standing in the garden? She is waiting for her vampire soulmate. Does she know vampires only come out at night? ... I think she does”


Loved every bit, so really very beautiful 💕


G: you could write it all into TripAdvisor... Me: 🤔 “Excellent Beer, but Disconcerted by the Number of Horndog ‘Vampires’...Kinda’” 3.75 Stars I was able to get a room at the last minute during an unexpected layover in Ireland. I was pleased that the dining room remained open to 10 p.m., which is handy as I’m American, and prefer to eat my feelings alone in a liminal common area while irritated waitstaff look on in agony, wishing I’d just stop weeping into my entree and gracefully mourn the death of purpose and meaning in my life behind the properly latched door of my lonesome room, quietly, like a dignified human. But, from the moment I arrived, I got a weird vibe from the lad at the front desk. He seemed passionate but compulsive about listing things like the various metaphor-verbs synonymous with “to rain,” and seemed to have me confused with someone from The Discovery Channel filming one of those first-person paranormal programs. He was very polite, but seemed a bit befuddled. And superstitious. Also, weirdly giddy about putting what he thought might be an intrepid solo ghosthunter in room 13 after vaguely threatening her with the prospect of being harassed by one of any number of nefarious cryptids, which he also listed. Excitable boy. Everything was fine, and dinner was lovely (for me...not for the waitstaff), but I’d have preferred to stumble back to my room in shame AND solitude to sleep off the Guinness, which represents the entire carbohydrate content of the evening’s meal. Alright. I drank glass after glass of liquid bread dough and ate nothing but salted almonds at the dungeon bar until they gently shooed me into the hallway like a troublesome child and locked the door behind me. It did feel so very much like home, in that regard. 😌❤️ I was actually lucky he was there, sort of half-lurking half-brooding, at the desk because he actually did need to remind me of my room number and give me a second round of directions there. I pretended he was just being coy and silly, and that of course I knew my room number, before bumbling off into the core of the structure like a doomed veal calf into a chute. Okay, look Karen. We all know what happened on last year’s Aruba anniversary party cruise, so don’t look at me like that. We all have a crack in our ass. Even you, Karen. Even you. Anyhow, I sank like Uncle Fester into the amniotic embrace of my surprisingly non-squeaky (we’ll get to that) bed when what sounded like the illicit lovechild of the Edwards Cullen and Sheeran, in the corridor, gave me pause. I halted my struggle against the encroaching duvet, which I’d been about to do anyway, because at this point in my wasted life it wasn’t the most tragic way I could envision myself going, tbh. Things got really weird when I heard the hiss of an electronic key card followed by the dull thunk of the mechanical lock before the unholy light from beyond what was now just a portal to the next dimension flooded my ruddy face and set off a cluster of neural shotgun blasts behind my eyes, rendering the remainder of the evening so many vaporous shadows of well-cloistered detail in my brain. I remember a fog machine, and repeated use of the name Magda, on his part, which I tried to ignore. Really hard. And will now always be moderately unnerved by. I couldn’t see his face. Because light sensitivity. We’ve covered this, Karen. Please try to keep up. But he did this whole naughty vampire routine and I was like, “I love it when people send me surprise stripograms as consolation prizes during unanticipated business trip layovers.” It’s never actually happened before, but I’m a writer, and what’s a writer if not ready to craft contortionist rationalizations and perversions of sound logic at the drop of a fortuitous hat? What I do recall, unfortunately clearly, is that checking out the next morning was...awkward. I figured he’d skedaddle off after I passed out in a pool of my own malt-flavored saliva but no. There he was. Chipper as ever and beebopping around the mail slots like a busy little beaver. 🤷🏼‍♀️ The rose was a bit much, I thought, when he handed it to me muttering something about the security cameras and asking whether anyone knew I’d been staying there. I almost laughed but then I was like "yeah, probably easier just to play along and beat a hasty retreat, as per usual." Beneath the rose was a folded sheet of parchment that just said, in looping scrawls of chicken scratch, “Magda.” I probably wouldn’t go back, but it was definitely one of the weirdest places I’ve ever stayed. So. Yeah. Give it a shot, I guess. If you’re into that kinda Dark Touristy thing.”


The audio quality in this !! 😍 The whispers, the closeness...ugh, it’s all too good. Why do you spoil us so 😭💖 (and not to mention the SINGING ? Gael, where have you been hiding ?!) We need more of that !


This once again was simply a glorious masterpiece ,,all the sounds and words...your ragged emotion breaths had my heart ache I just wanted to give you a huge hug 💕 I feel as if I am left wondering what should I do now lol ❤️ I will see you in the castle garden near the roses at midnight ❤️❤️❤️


Lol 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻😆😆 love it


Yep I’m in lol👏🏻👏🏻😆😆 maybe we can clone Gael so we can all have him lol

Jenn (Preemie Cuddler)

The letter and this vampire saga reminds me of one of my favorite romantic movies, Ladyhawk. Im so grateful to get to experience your superb creative writing, G!!!! 💋❤️


I’m staying another night. I’ll risk it all to meet you in the garden. I am willing to give all of me to you. I am in love with this audio. It pulls me in and I am there. I can feel him behind me as I am reading the letter. I can feel his eyes on me and I can feel his longing. Can’t wait for the next chapter.


I so love love love that movie, been forever since I've watched, but the scene where for the brief moment they are both in hole having slept the night, and he changed back and its dawn and right before they touch, the light hits her, Boom she's a bird again, that was oh, the whole movie.....


I’m new to the vampire stuff, but I like what you’re saying about the lover part. Aside from the “spookiness,” I think there may be lots of metaphors about love, longing, possession, devotion, heartbreak, loss, feeling dead but being alive, etc. — all those experiences we have, but supernatural beings can have on a supernatural level. I feel like Gael can do a lot with audios like these! 👍


When you have a vampire as your boyfriend, he will be lucky when you are on your period 😂


*insert Mariah Carey 'My all'* the lyrics from the music is relatable! I- to be honest I don't know what to say you leave me speechless by this audio. I so love love all your vampire audios but this is one is different, in a good way! I was so into the audio that I did shed a tear (a lil okay! 🙈) I don't think I'll be able to find someone who's talented as you by making this kind of audio. So much respect for you G~ I can't wait for the next chapter or if there is one! 🥺👏🏼💯♥️


SOW-EEN. Thank you, Mayor for saying it correctly. 😍😊


I honestly can’t get over your talent. This was so beautifully written, performed and edited. I very much look forward to the continuation of this story.


Just wow I am an emotional wreck now. Love it x


Beautiful. The frantic breaths of pleasure shook me, literally. The broken breaths of "I love you" completely shattered me emotionally. The whispered "I'll watch over you" stabbed me right in the heart. The letter bled me dry. I cannot express in words the depth and breadth of talent and emotion you put into this story. You laid your whole being bare in this one. It's honestly mind-blowing. Every minute detail, down to the perfect timing of wind, heavy rain, thunder, quiet... I remember you explaining in a Ramble the feeling you get when you know you're just nailing the essence of a recording, and how it makes it all that much better, and I can 100% hear that happening in this one. I'm so glad you are feeling this story so much you're doing part three. We didn't even have to beg for it, and we know how much you love that.....


Holy hell G ... Your artistic, creative writing and vocal range isn't just levelling up this year, it's levelling up across the spectrum. The singing and so much emotion. Your desperate longing completely pulled me in. I'm shook to my core.


Dude! I just caught the tag “súmaire.” I love having a new word in my Irish bag of tricks. Thank you!


Beautiful work, G. Nothing warms my heart like an epic, melancholy-ish love story. What a 💎 you are 🖤🍷


Now I am perplexed...so much of your work is stellar and may be my new favorite, but this; this is absolute PERFECTION! It has everything in one place. You have really outdone yourself with this piece Sir Gael. Job well done and I thank you for allowing me to enjoy it!💚


So glad you are expanding this because it was PERFECT!


Wow..... Mayor sir... G... I’m just... holy shit. I loved the other but this you just took above and beyond. I could tell you let yourself get lost in the role and that made it even moreso special. Love it. ❤️


❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 This audio was beautiful! I seriously cried. Just beautiful! No other words for it.


This is emotional 🩸🖤


My heart 😭❤ I could listen to this audio a hundred times and still be struck by how utterly beautiful it is. Your voice acting was so emotional and heartfelt I could FEEL the feelings you wanted to convey. I always do ❤ Looking forward to how this story develops... I'm so happy you decided to continue it!


Oooooffff this one hit me right in the feels ❤️😭❤️ I love it so much when you tell stories!!! Please let there be a part 2 in the rose garden 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻


thank you~

Khelisie Salvatore

That letter ripped out my heart. To make a deal with a supernatural being to come back for one more night, one more embrace, one more taste of a kiss held so long ago. I would go. There's nothing and no one holding me to this life so I would go because this human existence is on the verge of being too lonely to bear. An eternity in the arms of someone with so much passion and so much love for someone I was lifetimes ago. I just hope I can live up to the person he held the great love for. So I will go and meet him in the rose garden. What do I have to lose? Mr Mayor, Please don't make our hearts ache to see what happens. We need to know do they find an eternity of love & happiness? Can you give us the rest of the story?


Goose pimples head to toe. And in the middle of the story we had a small earthquake and it got very surreal there for a moment 😄 Beautiful story.


Ooh, Dagda Seanie is going to club Gael over the head with his mighty willy of Celtic steel when he finds out he’s been bamboozled 😬 Unless the whole <i>hiding under the cover of darkness</i> part is code for "We’ll make sure Seanie gets so high that he thinks the entire thing was one long, cannabis-fueled hallucination." Yep, I’m calling it now 👆


🌹Thank you G. I can’t even explain how insightful and soulful. It’s soo beautiful. You’re gifted 💋💋💋🧸🧸🧸


i actually cried at the end 😭 so beautiful


Ok. But why am I addicted to this one? I’m not even “into” vampires! But man!!! This is... I don’t even know how to describe it! It’s lovely. And heartbreaking. And hot. And endearing. It’s everything!!


Speechless and crying..absolutely beautiful


Oh wow ... I can't wait to hear the rest of the series. That was just ... amazing doesn't cut it!!!


This is amazing Gael! Already listened like so many times


I ADORE♥️these Sooo MUCH! ♥️💋♥️


I'm finally member of the community but already want to cry. How can an audio be so hot and sad at the same time? The goddess protect my poor soul...


Even more heartbreaking listening to this again after listening to part two


there's a part 2?

Bibi (edited)

Comment edits

2022-01-09 18:15:52 I'm new here. Gaelforce's work is remarkable, and I've been sampling all over the place. There's so... much... to enjoy. When I pressed play on this one, I had no premonition of what lay ahead. I write this with my heart cracked wide open, and immediate recognition of an inner truth. There is deep keening coming from that sundered heart of mine. I won't write a long post here. Instead I'll go over to the community area and share more in detail with my Sisters of Eros. I will just say that my deep Self received an affirmation about my origins, and inklings of what I didn't realize. Titeann beannachtaí orm, ag lasadh mo chraiceann. Tagann siad go domhain ... agus cradle mo chroí.
2022-01-02 22:24:20 I'm new here. Gaelforce's work is remarkable, and I've been sampling all over the place. There's so... much... to enjoy. When I pressed play on this one, I had no premonition of what lay ahead. I write this with my heart cracked wide open, and immediate recognition of an inner truth. There is deep keening coming from that sundered heart of mine. I won't write a long post here. Instead I'll go over to the community area and share more in detail with my Sisters of Eros. I will just say that my deep Self received an affirmation about my origins, and inklings of what I didn't realize.

I'm new here. Gaelforce's work is remarkable, and I've been sampling all over the place. There's so... much... to enjoy. When I pressed play on this one, I had no premonition of what lay ahead. I write this with my heart cracked wide open, and immediate recognition of an inner truth. There is deep keening coming from that sundered heart of mine. I won't write a long post here. Instead I'll go over to the community area and share more in detail with my Sisters of Eros. I will just say that my deep Self received an affirmation about my origins, and inklings of what I didn't realize.


So beautiful and passionate ❤️🥰. The letter had me in my feels , I felt that 🥹 A beautiful masterpiece this story is