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There is so much going on in the world right now.  I have so much on my heart, I hate seeing you suffer.  I thought maybe we could just spend some time together, chill.... relax and I'll try to cheer you up with some of my madness like.




Omg yes thank you thank you 🥰


You're the best you know that!!!!! Rushing to get my headphones for ramble 🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️


Nearly an hour?! Perfect for listening before bedtime. Thank ya for spreading your light! <3


We appreciate this so much g.... love ya❤


Well one good thing about it being 6am 😉 i feel like there should be popcorn 🍿 and gathered around the radio like in the old days...


America and the world as a whole is on fire right now. I'm in a very safe, privelaged position and I'm seeing people I care about that are so hurt one way or another. I've felt very helpless . Thank you for this. It's really nice to feel like I have some company or just someone to ramble on and be a good distraction.


I love your ramble audios awww 💜


This means a lot . Can not wait to listen ... I could use a escape from all this madness even if it’s just for a hour . Thank you ♥️


These are harsh times we live in, true, but even the darkest night won't last forever. We had other times like this, in the past, with the difference that people of those times didn't have enough drugs for everybody, hygiene conditions were not good, speed of help was not the one we have today and doctors didn't have the scientific knowledge they have now. Bringing a little smile and a little peace in the heart, just like you do, G, especially to people who are really alone and have none around, or the ones struggling to help others.... all this makes the difference in this difficult world 💗 People like you, G, have a big impact on this world and really make the difference. Thank you for all you do. In the good and in the bad times. Always.


You. It’s 6am you don’t pierce someone’s eardrum that time in the morning haha 😂 yeah the bird thing, I accidentally ran over a turtle (and I’m one of those gits who pull over and pick one up off the road despite my own safety) anyway so learning to drive and yeah that one stayed with me. A lot of foals I pulled out or mares, dead, yeah that shit stays with you, when my bird died I kept him in a box all preserved... I’m wholesome to a point a had to put down my horse of over 20 years I have photos of her living in my room with me when she was 3 and she reached that age and yeah did the deed, I kept her skull. Another thing Alexa is real have you not seen Terminator, this shit is real man!!! But the rest of the story, lol had a Gollum moment at that laugh. Shit um... I’m doing my best not to spoil anything. Get a new chair.


I had the strangest flashbacks to my work in an assisted living and nursing facility- the stories I could tell.... 😂😂😂


For new skills learned: I’ve been getting to get better with ukulele and I’m learning how to play guitar. It’s been a fantastic escape. On the Native Americans, I’m from an area where the Lenni Lenape used to live. I was a park ranger years ago and interpreting their history for school kids was my thing. They no longer exist sadly, but they were exactly what you said. Ingenious people they were! The groundhog in my yard had babies. There’s also a fox in my neighborhood that’s been hanging out in the yard, too. No eagles. I wish we had Gandalf’s eagles! I’m so grateful for that compassionate heart of yours. And for reals, you stories about your family are the freaking BEST! So thank you. I’ve been hiding in Middle Earth for the last few days so it was nice to come out and hang out with ye.


My heart has been so heavy. The horrible things we've been forced to witness. I hope and pray for change, justice, and eventual peace. I know it has to have been bothering you, too. People would have no heart if it doesn't. But I thank you for taking my mind off of it for a while. I actually don't think I've laughed heartily like that in quite some time.❤ The way you imitated your Dad's voice!😂 Oh man, thank you for that laughter. I needed it. Big, big atomic heart hugs to you, sweetheart.❤❤🤗😙❤❤


You are as bright as the morning sun! Soba woke up and ran away as soon as he heard Seanie tho, they still aren't at peace with each other 😂 Thanks for this gift, and much love goes to you and everyone reading this. 💕


Nobody: Seanie: *snaps off beat*


I can't seem to find all the words I want to, except that I haven't laughed like that since I don't know when and also: 100%. Absolutely. Necessary. ❤🧡💛💚💙💜


Your heart is as big as your head 😂. There's an audio staring that chair 🤤💦 don't you dare get rid of it! Have I told you I love your parents? Gailie giving pedicures? I'm here for it. 😘 In case anyone wants to hear G put that chair to WORK. https://www.patreon.com/posts/14409286


thank you for that awesome bit of nonsense. I always love your rambles, and this one seemed to be a true ramble, all over the place, but I loved it. I just love your stories, especially with your parents, true characters, your dad especially. I personally have no issues with staying home either, but I do miss hugs, I do miss going to the movies, I miss going on a long ass walk, eating inside a restaurant a hard earned burger, than walking off a bit of that burger on the way back home. The birds have been louder it seems, and a few mornings, before the sun is even up, been awoken by them, nice to hear, but....Anyway, this has become as rambly as your ramble, but thank you G, and big atomic hugs to you


I feel you, G, about the physical and psychological emptiness.. I really feel you strongly about that. When I'll feel again a caress on my cheek, or hands holding again, or a strong hug around me , all this will feel so incredibly beautiful that I'll just be silent and taste those feelings with all of myself 💗 And sorry to hear about you mom's complications, this makes me sad, hope it's nothing too serious 🙁 Sending her many warm, strong, Italian hugs! And btw you're always soooooo cute and sweet, when you tell jokes or when you talk sexy, whatever, you just are so adorably cute, G, you big, white, fluffy, cute, sweet, sensitive, adorable bunny with muscles 💗🐰


*sits next to you and gives you a big warm hug* Hey you, handsome Lion! ❤🤗 I needed this so badly, you have no idea! I actually thought one day how it'd be if you recorded an audio about watching a movie or something with "the muse", eating popcorn and just having a laugh. You've had it in a side role in some audios 😃😘 Just a thought 😊 Omg! Your parents are super! 😂😂❤❤ My dad has diabetes too, I knoooow what you're talking about, hasn't asked me to clip his toenails yet! 🙈🙈😂😂 That Clint Eastwood thing!! 😂 I laughed sooo hard! 😂😂 Loved the happy animal stories! ❤❤❤ Been seing lots of butterflies and the birds are singing brighter. 😊 I'm an introvert too, there was actually a meme about it, there was a monkey looking to his side and then going about his business and the text said "When your normal life style is called quarantine" 😂😂😂 It's hilarious!!! Anyway, I'm off to sleep soon! Thank you for this ramble 🤗🤗 I'm happy you've liked the art, it's always a huge step for me to publish mine...I'm shy about showing what I've done... But since you like them, I'm gonna be doing some art to go with the poems I wrote after listening to the Valentine's audios, stay tuned 😅😊 Good night honey, sweet dreams! ❤😙 *mwuah*


Aww G, this was really so sweet and insightful. It’s so endearing to hear you talk about your family 🥺💖 I had a smile on my face the entire time, your storytelling skills are legendary. The toenails though😱🤢😭 The marathon story was crazy fr. My bro is a marathon runner who got inspired by David Goggins, and he told me a bit of Goggins’ story and man that guy is wild, I think he came close to really extreme dehydration, it’s scary. And you were right about 33 Celsius, it's 91 in Fahrenheit, or "Foreignheit" as you said 👌😂 I def relate to the introversion and the turbulent family situation growing up. But I think that lots of people that did have those experiences are more keenly sensitive to the world around them and it could ultimately be a blessing in disguise despite the burdensome nature of it sometimes. But it is what it is 😩 Thanks for sharing your stories with us, it’s really been comforting to listen to you, especially with all the world ending anxiety out there! 🤗💜


I feel you! ❤❤ I see the tweets about what's going on, but being extra sensitive...I'm unable to form words to comfort...But I'm here for y'all there ❤


Ahh great ramble, G!! I laughed so hard at some parts and I needed a laugh!! I don’t know if you all will be able to see this, but I found an article about that marathon- it sounded too weird and too good to be true, but yet it was! https://www.smithsonianmag.com/history/the-1904-olympic-marathon-may-have-been-the-strangest-ever-14910747/


Thanks for sharing this Claire! The whole thing really is so bizarre. 😮🤔


I did take the quarantine as chance to change the way my family see the life because you know its sad to see them not happy while you can see it through their eyes,,, etc. and someone should give attention to the good things for them if they are can not see it by themselves and oh it did surprised me! when they did take me so soft and gentle with good way (I put what i read from books in our real life to give the experience for all what i have been seen...it need courage and brave... nothing coming from nothing) which i did not knowing that will happened so easily because i didn't want to facing any harm from anyone and i did not want any anxiety or tight shoulders , I found nobody cant resist the love!! and why they're do want to refuse the love!!?? especially my family it was good thing to me to see them happy, relax and had the strength to get through the quarantine. my family whatever what did happened with them one of my goals is (the family) i want them to see the top as i do. one of my dreams is to see the view from the top of the mountain =) and i did not knowing COVID19 will give people all that stress!! i was like what happened people!!? this's unexpected reaction to me saw all this crap can coming from themselves without understand why and how. it did scared me but not haha, so i asked myself what should i do if they're do NOT understand what kind of....!!!???!!!!... so i felt so enjoying to give myself for their weak side of them during quarantine and let them return to their strength, which makes me enjoying my job because i had nothing to do in my life in general i mean real thing why god put me here is one of my biggest wondering and it did becoming excited with the time and yes i have been in very very dark side in my life :)) i don't want anything from here so for what this body!!! and my time is killing me like i asked myself what should i do with this kind of life and with all those kind of people i love... i love everybody its fine thing and okay to give without prices (my message for people) even for my enemies hhhh,,, they're so fun and love the risky. so i found people need to know how to live the life easy and joy as i did teach myself, human cant live without working even the spoiled persons they're also working by living the life... like, hmm.. buying the stuff!! everyone had something to do no shame in any job ^^ so i let people know how to acting around me. i've got lots of hard time with people in past i wasn't able to see the meaning of (Fear) in them until i've got closer to them to understand (why) this kind of feeling people feel and its did getting easer to me to understand and i found myself teach them how to respect even to the stranger and foreigners by becoming good no need to dirty way to take what you need and no need to the dirty mouth :) its like muscle getting stronger by the time no rush and enjoying, everybody CAN do that! whatever it did happened in your life events because i need happy people take the joy a real thing to themselves in their life in general so i start to create them hahahaha i had nothing to lose to let them see what they want and why i hide it from them they're deserve better life to live (excellent quality of experiment) for all people whatever they're :( especially for who they need our help if we had it at least give them a beautiful smile if you had nothing to give just a smile. now whatever is you can call it i promise myself to be gentle on her very very soft to let her lead me my way whatever i face haha my life become alice in wonderland , thank you for your great job Gael and for all who they're read my message i hope they're got what they're need and lead them for the good to themselves and inspired as it did happened to me "i got a time to learn english and still.... i hope you all found the pieces" last thing I'm not angel or something like that I'm just human try her best =) and live the (Life)


First, I want to say thank you for this specially timed ramble for all us lovelies. You are an introverted empath, like me. Nothing wrong with a daydreaming hippie....LOL. I was always into animals and nature as a child. Except I liked fishing with my grandpa because we would eat them that evening and it was a good bonding moment. But I don't like to see animals suffer either (ones I will not eat) and it hurts me and I try to save them, but I know nature has its ways. Your parents sound so adorable and funny. I am happy you chose to be Vegan and respect others for their choices. You are a beautiful human "bean" ;) I know this has been a crazy year, but you have saved a lot of people with your audios, more than you know. Just keep doing what you love and keep up the great work, hun! Oh, little tip, try some WD-40 oil on the chair, unless you plan on using that squeaky noise in another audio :) <3


I'm an empath too. I feel other people's emotions very deeply. So much pain in the US right now. Aside from that, what does "freckles joining" mean? Hey I'm an introvert too, I love solitude. INFJ👀


This is my first ramble, so glad I came over to hear the longer version. First, thank you for once again showing what a great human you are. I only know one other person (my next youngest sister, who is the peacemaker in my family) who shows so much empathy for all "others" whoever they may be. Being alone except for quick trips to the store or video chats since mid-march has been much harder than I thought it would be. I am not one to need much human interaction, but even I could use an ACTUAL hug at this point, I don't know how people who really need other people are doing it. I am hoping to see one of my sisters and her children in the next few weeks and I am really looking forward to it...like a kid at Christmas. Sorry for rambling on. Just know, I donate to all sorts of causes, you are not a cause. You are a light in the darkness. I only wish I could do more to help your light shine bright. Thank you!❤

Meghan McDonald

Gael you are a balm for this wounded world.You are speaking healing words to my heart.


This was so perfect. I love your rambles. But OMG I hate feet!!!! Yuck!! 😆😆😆 My dad is diabetic too and I’ve had to change bandages on his feet when he’s injured them but that’s different. Like, I’ll take a bullet for you, but I’m not cutting your toenails. I have to say lockdown hasn’t really changed my life because I’m such a severe introvert that my life is literally the same. Except I can’t go to the store at 3am when it’s deserted anymore because it closes at 8pm. I also have papers to go to work because I’m an ‘Essential Employee’ working for a company that makes medical devices (fun fact, there is a product made by my company that I do the Quality checks on that is started in my building then shipped to our manufacturing site in Limerick Ireland and they finish it)


Yeah I’m curious about this too Ali! 🤔 Also my MBTI is really close to yours 😮 I’m INFP! 🤝


Maybe I just listened to this audio a bit too late at night, but I had a helluva time trying to follow the story about the 1904 Olympics 😝 So here’s the link to the Thoughty2 clip itself: <br>https://youtu.be/HXJ1athZrUU


America is burning right now, and this was a much needed break from all the negativity thank you so much ❤️


What a great way to spend some time your laugh, makes me smile and this break listening to your rambles is like sun for my soul!


Aww, thanks for that awesome ramble. For a bit of calm in the turbulence. Wonderful stories though I didn't expect it to be about your father's toenails lol. I'm happy you still have our parents. I miss my dad, but I'm also glad he didn't have to go through this. Everything is happening so much. I was going to say that I didn't develop any new skills, but that's not true. Because I can't go on long-distance hikes anymore, I had to find new ways of exercise, and because I've been doing them every day, I can now push up five times. I couldn't even do one before. Thank you for the atomic hugs. Atomic hugs back to you and atomic hugs for all the lovelies.


Dude - you.are.hilarious. Thanks for the laughs and hanging out. There’s so much I want to say about the state of affairs too, but don’t want to run the risk of getting “political.” I don’t feel this is the appropriate place for that. I do appreciate you touching on the importance of your individual actions, and hope that everyone who is being deeply affected is able to process their feelings, get educated about what all this really means, how to make change happen, and vote. Toenail tip: have your dad soak his feet in some water (throw in some bath/epsom salts or body wash, if he’d like his footsies massaged too). It’ll soften the nails so they’re easier to cut. Or, you can do it after he bathes. The only Eagles song I like: “One of these Nights” And please make sure you’re putting on sunscreen!! Ok, bye!! 😘👋🏼


Oh thank you Lois! I heard cutting diabetic toenails and I thought noooooo! Hopefully the only damage is G’s forehead! But then I thought his dad didn’t make this far without out input and then my brain got confused so I shuddup. But yes. What Lois said. If ever you need to cut them again. But seriously, how good is this place?! I can get a nice evening, a massage, an IT and creative writing workshop at the same time or a good biscuit recipe! Like, where else you get this?!


Btw I did notice more birds. Lately we’re having a lot more Magpies and they’re so naughty. They love teasing the cat. She’s currently sitting in the doorpost because they chased her away.


Your toenail story makes me tell a story(incident) which happened last year in Afghanistan... So my last day in Kabul on our way to the airport, we’ve been caught from a bomb attack ( bomb attack is like a daily routine over there) Results: several Afghans lost their lives and in our car with charity project co workers we all got badly injured... We were hospitalized immediately. Doctors did their best. I remember one of them telling us for our safety to leave the country as soon we feel better... Anyways as soon my father heard the news he booked the next flight to the city. He and one of my brothers made it bc the government didn’t allow more than two family members and they said no WOMAN as visitor😒 You can’t imagine how much I seeked to see them and at that moment I didn’t care who made it. I just wanted to see one of my family member. Finally they were there. My father and brother took such a good care of all of us. They got us new cloths, books, better medicine and got sure we had healthy food and my sweet brother helped me doing my hair, freshed my nail polish and toe nails bc he knew I loved looking good no matter injured or not😂 He kept telling me how ugly my toe nails were and we were laughing so hard , bc we knew I’ve had it from my Pa 😂😍 on my IG account I have some pictures from the journey and my messy but beautifully done toe nails! G. now back to you my handsome leprechaun. I love it so much when you talk about your parents . They’re the cutest . So much fun and most of all I love knowing how close you are bonded with them. The way you take care and remember all the stories and trust us enough to share your precious memories . Thank you for that . Your parents are blessed to have you as their son👏👏 Thank you once again for your wonderful ramble, sharing awesome stories. I confess I had to re-listen again bc of the sexy-chair issues, but I finally made to focus on you . Much love to you sweet cheeks 😘


My comment just keeps getting deleted on its own, so I'll just boil it down: Love your audios, they've kept me a bit sane after my breakup. It's a bit iffy too since I just end up developing a crush on a semi-fictional character (lol, my life since puberty really), but it feels nice. So thank you. It's 24 degrees, am dying. I've been working out a lot, baking, playing ukulele, learning Irish, writing my exam, playing video games, trying to write for fun, been watching lots of true crime docs, some really interesting movies, making drinks at home, got back to my job, don't know exactly where to go from here but time will movie me forward.


It's no wonder you don't talk about feet in your audios😂shrapnel toenails! Thanx for feeturing them in at least two audios, "Blanket Fort" and "First Responder" (my little reflexologist) ❤This ramble was like a psychotropic😳😂Team creaky office chair right here...best Clint Eastwood impression ever and your Dad's. Thanx for this...just what I needed.🎶all we are saying is give peace a chance 🎶


So, I have heard the chair before - or am I just losing my mind? 🙃


K, I'm a stubborn little piece, so I'm trying to post what I wrote earlier, since it's apparently SO important I need to shove it in your faces: This is the first ramble I listen to, and it's surprisingly chill to listen to?? And I guess it makes me want to vent a bit too. First of all, it's 24 degrees C here and I. am. DYING! And it's going to get warmer too, so I don't know, maybe I'll melt and die during this summer. Though I survived Singapore for four months, so maybe not. But I'm not good with heat, lol. But holy shit, 5AM? I can barely get out of bed by 0930. But what I'm very happy with is that I've been working out and stretching basically every single day for like two months or something. Goal is getting into the splits, but we'll see. But I doubt I'll reach your level of self-disipline. During the quarantine I also watched a shit-ton of true crime docus, like on the Unabomber, Madeleine McCann, the Rajneeshpuram cult (that one made me audibly gasp, that never happens), etc. The more morbid, the better. I also did as many others, I baked a lot. And watched a couple of movies (definitely favourite: I Lost My Body. A French animated movie, watch it! It's lovely and bizarre). And I started making a "quarantine theatre" thingy, based on the music and plot of this movie I've been obsessed with, Beyond the Black Rainbow. But I never finished it, but maybe I'll film it and use it for artistic reference in the future. I also started writing on something based on the song "Goliath" by Woodkid. I hope I can actually use this one day. And since the bar I work at closed, I started making a home bar instead, and I started just trying out lots and lots of drinks I wanted to make, and I've found so many good ones! Bar is open again now, so that's good, and it's good to work again (although the first work day way the worst workday of my life, insanely stressfull, we were too few, too many customers, we were super struggling with out new safety system, got basically verbally abused by some manchild, and to top it off we had to throw out some nazis. But we got 100kr/£10 in tips for throwing them out, so that helped lol). I also picked up Irish again! Yes, it's because I've been listening to your audios, not going to lie. And I've wanted to know how to speak in an Irish accent (currently speaking in a semi-competent British accent), so you're my main study subject now too haha. The language kind of kills me, the lenition, the eclipsis, the copulas, the spelling, the fricking word order changes so much, but it's so fun! If anybody has any songs in Irish, I'd love to hear them, they often help me remember certain vocabulary. Also: very much agree with the introvertedness. Love being on my own, no obligations to meet anyone. Funny thing is that "introvertism" seems to be the norm where I'm from, so we're all having a blast (slight irony here, but also not). I love going to the cinema and smaller restaurants on my own, it's so nice. I should get back to my exam, it's my last one, the most boring one (Chinese literature, not my major, but obligatory), and then I'm finally free. I've written too much, and I'm sweating my tits off. Very glad I (re)discovered your audios again. Been having quite a lot of fun with it to say the least (like, changing sheets a couple of times)


the best thing is to be waking up to a ramble 💓


You know, before sleeping yesterday, I thought a lot about how careful you were, G, in cutting your dad's toe nails because of his diabetes. This is so sweet from you and it shows so much how deeply you love your parents 💗💗 I don't know how many times I said by now how much I adore your tender personality... I'm like this too, I love my parents to the moon and back, and each time I'm abroad I use to send very sweet messages to my mom cause I know she misses me a lot, and also I am my parents only daughter too, so I get how much they miss me. 💗 Anyway, I wanted to tell you about your dad diabetes.. as I'm a huge fan in reading experimental, scientific studies... have you heard, G, about the fantastic benefits probiotics have towards people with diabetes? Very recent studies showed that getting a lot probiotics not only is good for the human body to help immune system, etc.. but it seems that probiotics are also very good in making lower the amount of sugars in the blood and in helping people with diabetes tolerate very small amounts of simple sugars from time to time. These are very recent studies but they're worth a try for those people. You could suggest your dad to get probiotics monthly and they'll help his stomach and his immune system too 😊


Here it is one of these recent studies about the huge help of probiotics towards people with diabetes: https://www.emjreviews.com/diabetes/article/role-of-probiotics-in-diabetes-a-review-of-their-rationale-and-efficacy/


Several of these studies do suggest that probiotics (or at least certain strains) can reduce fasting blood sugar and HbA1c, but they do still have their limitations. Most of the studies included in the meta-analyses and systematic reviews I looked at had small-ish sample sizes of 500-700 people, and were only 4-12 weeks in duration. The major downside of such short studies is that it’s impossible to look at more clinically significant outcomes, like whether probiotic use in diabetics reduces the incidence of heart attack, stroke, kidney damage, etc.<br><br>With that said, is using probiotics as a diabetic worth a shot? It could be, if one doesn’t mind taking extra capsules every day or footing the cost of the probiotics themselves. But with larger and longer studies needed to more accurately assess the benefits of probiotics, I would only recommend using them as an adjunct to medication and healthy lifestyle changes at most.


Absolutely horrifying things going on in my country right now. The first five minutes of this audio is the first good laugh I've had in weeks. I need more Seanie right now...please!!!


My favorite audios of yours are the rambling type because your mind is a lively and fascinating place. I laughed, I sighed, I rolled my eyes, I related powerfully with your stories about your parents, I felt your love and empathy for us and the world around you. In short, this audio was everything I needed and more. So thank you, once again, for making our lives brighter in an unprecedentedly weird and scary time. You are worth our support - every dollar, listen, like, and share. Big atomic heart hugs from me to you!! Muah!


You're so cute😭I love listening to you just talk. It feels like we're all really connecting and conversating especially when you were talking about being introverted. This lockdown isn't really affecting me because i prefer to be by myself and social interaction is pretty exhausting lol❤Whats happening here in America is fucking terrifying. I literally don't feel safe anymore for me, for my family members and my entire race. People are being beaten, tackled to the ground, maced for protesting which is our 1st amendment right. It's so unreal.


With everything happening in this world we live in but this ramble is like a combo of positive enerdree and cool vibes and crazy laughs. I'm like listening to you rambling and get lost but back again to the topic and your dad's story then your mudder then animals and birds then fan art.. Man, if I ever gone inside your mind I'll find busy minions for sure 😂😘😘 Ah Gael! You just made wfh fun with just your rambles. It's like turn radio on, it's Gael FM and ride in.. Everyday we find and learn something beautiful about you Gael. Keep up the good work and I'm sending you from my lil desk as I'm working hearts, hugs &amp; kisses your way ❤ And yes you're Irish and you can do whatever the hell you want bbbaaaaiiiiiiiii


Im pretty tired right now with everything going on so I will just simply say, Gael, you are truly a treasure. I enjoyed the ramble and had a good laugh. Your heart is kind.


Just in case anyone is wondering, the song Seanie is dancing to is The Party Has Just Begun by freestyle (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EpYlfmXO690&amp;list=PLK8YfScG0aUg3KEYUQCGpA0KUqKppN3r7&amp;index=159&amp;t=0s). 💚


I missed these rambles so fucking much!! 😭


Trying to keep the Workshop thread clean of ‘clutter’ up there ☝🏼 You think of us constantly???? 🥺🥰 Aaaaaaaawwwwwww.. 💕🍀 (Shhh..I’m Swooning)


And just as I was about to listen a second time, my mom asks me to cut her hair 😂


I’ve said this before but whenever you describe yourself as a child, I’m reminded of my 6. Last night he declared a ban on all plastics and cigarettes. The other day he said he doesn’t want to eat beef anymore bc of methane gas in the atmosphere. At 4 he was already making connections between scary things in Harry Potter and things happening in real life. Also at 4, he asked for a sleep mask and for me to do meditations with him because he couldn’t keep his eyes closed and stop his brain from thinking, and now he’s begun sleepwalking. He empties his piggy bank on the reg with no prompting, because he’d rather give away all his bday &amp; xmas money bc he “wants everybody to have enough.” Coral reefs dying and trees disappearing causes him a lot of stress. Lol idk what to do with this kid except keep feeding the fire in his belly and pray he doesn’t inherit my anxiety over the problems of the world ❤️❤️😭 Anyway, thank you for sharing your thoughts and stories with us, nature boy 💚😘 (when I first typed thoughts it corrected it to nougats so thank you for your nougats too, whatever that means 💗💗💗 🍬)


Aww Abby, your boy is a sweetheart, hopefully he keeps it up and can change the world for the better someday!! The world is in desperate need of more caring and beautiful souls 🙏🏼💖🌷


I've never been so glad to have such awful connectivity while working from home; it allowed me to discover this whole world of rambles and whatnot. This is the first time I've accessed Patreon on something other than my mobile and there is so much more to explore this way! This looks like an amazing community of subscribers-"hi everyone!" Between uploading and then messing around with a first YouTube post I've had time enough to listen to this post and it's had me rolling; mission accomplished with providing some smiles and relief from well *gestures to world* (esp. being that I'm in the States and we're a fecking mess). Gael, I'm beyond pleased to better get to know your personality; knowing there are more extroverted introverts out there is always good to hear, cannot empathize enough on the hilarity and madness of wrangling parents during a pandemic (like herding cats), and while I very much like animals it doesn't mean some aren't above being called a-holes. Sea gulls, hamsters, and a lot of dolphin behavior all fall under this distinction (I feel my working at a zoo allows credibility enough to say those things, and if not, then I'm sticking with my biases here. Not that I dislike those animals, just acknowledging they can be jerks). I've procrastinated enough I suppose, back to work stuffs-nice to meet everyone! Btw, Seanie opening the post had me hella confused-though hooked once he made mention of Skittles and Fanta; what flavor Fanta are we talking?


Saw this and it brought to mind the bit about sea gulls 😄https://twitter.com/jasonwardny/status/1285680001292140546?s=21


I looked for a ramble audio today to keep me easy company while I put together a new piece of furniture &amp; landed on this. After listening to the full hour of it, I know it was no coincidence and that I’ve found a kindred spirit. The 2nd half especially hit home because everything you described sounded spot on to my own spirit/personality/outlook on the world. I can’t say that happens very often. I always think of myself as an “extroverted introvert” &amp; keep a lot of thoughts and opinions to myself, being self aware enough to recognize that my perception of the world &amp; everything in it is a bit unique (but important to me all the same). And that’s ok. I don’t fault people for thinking differently than I do &amp; I give people a wide path to walk down. But hearing you say you’ve always felt a connection to nature, the heavy energy of the world at the moment affecting you physically &amp; mentally, &amp; how your beliefs influence your own actions but you don’t expect everyone else to fall in line - all of that brought me comfort because it proved I’m not the only one feeling those things. I’ve always been very empathetic also &amp; while I enjoy being with other people, it can be exhausting because I’m so keenly aware of their emotional state at all times. It can throw me off for several days if there isn’t harmony around me. I typically need some time to “recharge” by myself afterward - even when I’ve been with people I adore. Those closest to me understand it &amp; never take it personal. I don’t mind being alone most times but I admit the isolation has gotten to me a time or two as well, so I can only imagine how others must’ve struggled for the past several months. This is an old thread &amp; you may never see it but I felt compelled to let you know that this audio made me feel a sense of kinship &amp; acceptance I sincerely appreciate. Truly. Never heard anyone, including myself, articulate my own inner thoughts so well. It made my heart feel at ease. When you said you do this for others and not for your own ego, I could feel the truth in that. I know you meant it. Thank you. 💌


Tips for non-runners? I don't really enjoy running... I'm not built lean and tall.... During quarantine I taught myself how to sew face masks. I donated all of them to people and organizations in need.


This was a wonderful ramble like! I have so enjoyed the evolution of all of your work Sir Gael. It's so very relaxing and nice to listen to your madness 😄✌🏼 The variety of stories and sharing the slice of life situations... it's very cool. Thank you!! I am very interested in the Dimentia App/story.. Def keep sharing the great news you find, it is much appreciated 🎧💚😎 Also.. I'm a wonderin.. has Seanie ever been "all jacked up on Mtn Dew?!" 🤣🤭 I have the urge to show him the wonders of such.. and teaching him the virtues of being "Chocolatey wasted" 🤪🙃 Take Care everyone!! Glad we've made it nearly a year from this point, and I know there's only onward and upward from here. 🥰🍀


I appreciate the introvert in you. I enjoy connecting with lots of people when I'm alone. I thrive on having my space. That being said, I was also very happy performing for many people, live. So, I think I'd describe myself as an extroverted introvert. Lovely listening to you as I'm packing up for my upcoming move at the end of the month. Gee, G! Your voice doesn't lie. I feel friends, even if I haven't met them seen them, or touched them.