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 Sometimes all you need is a hand to hold. 




Such a sweet message. And very important! Thank you. 🌺


I needed this today ❤


Thank you Luv, for being the comfort I need right now ❤ The word "Safe" has never sounded so beautiful as it did when you said it in gaelic ❤🤗😊


Thank you for this.❤


Thank you so much for this 🤍


You always seen the know. A bunch of us had conversations yesterday around being a friend to ourselves. Thank you so much for making us feel sábháilte. Always. 🤗


Thank you, G! Your timing is always so perfect! I really needed this right now, just got the news that it looks like my uncle's cancer is back 😢


I teared up listening to this. Thank you for such a sweet and soothing audio, and putting your love and compassion out into the world. I feel it all and wish you the same 💗


8 precious minutes with Gaelie and his beautiful mind. Thank you for this dear one 🤍


I swear you’re tuned into all our emotions. Been feeling very lonely as of late so I really needed this 😭💜


Yes, you may hold my hand! 😭 That physical assurance that someone is there for you, and that you're cherished...gosh, I needed this! 😢💖 Thank you, Gael!


I swear, G, I only entered into that because it was you, I was sure it would make my heart howl twice as loudly with loneliness, I did not believe... Audio finished. Quiet. In my head. In my heart. Breathing slowed down. Magic!


So true. Self-esteem and self-love is always important and it is what saves yourself in several, difficult situations, unless you don't have the huge luck to have a very special somebody by your side, helping you, too. These are the little things I like the most about life and about love ♥️ Just holding hands, which I find both sweet and polite, or soft touches, gentle kisses, and caresses, which I adore so much. Nothing better than feeling, or just imagining, the warmth of an embrace or of a hand slowly touching your skin ♥️ Sometimes I just think I was born in the wrong century, with all the romance and sensitivity I have in my heart. G, you're a very special soul. You deserve to be loved and cared for like if you were the last and rarest flower on earth... so, please, do feel my hand hold yours and caress your face, whenever you want.


Feeling this deeply, wise sage. We are holding your hand right back.🤝💞


Thank you "G" your have brought many feelings alive in my heart, this is special because we always feel you with us when we need to be reminded to take time for ourselves. Your are Irelands gift to the world


I’m the monster I’m afraid of at night. My inner voice is the voice that whispers ugly and hateful things while I try to put my broken self back together. Now I’m sitting at work at my desk crying. Thank you for this Gael. I’ll work on my inner voice and hold my own hand when I need to, But I’ll hold your hand too when I can’t keep it together anymore.


Thank you 🧡


What beautiful encouragement to wake up to this morning. Let’s do this today. Thank you 🤗


Your nightmare story reminds me of advice my Dad has always given me: “The only helping hands are the ones coming out of your own sleeves.” Self reliance really is vital. Such a lovely reminder, thank you. 💜


This is exactly what I needed, thank you for reminding me to love myself, I feel like I can finally BREATH after listening to this. I have been so stressed out, I forgot to take a moment and be there for myself. Thank you Gael 😊 ❤


I used to do the same thing as a kid and still do at times so I don’t find it silly at all and until this audio I thought I was the only one who did this. My mother used to think that I had fallen asleep while saying my prayers in bed .. my hands clasped together beneath my chin so silly? Not at all🙂Thank you for this! MUCH♥️LOVE




G, That is beautiful. Thank you. I used to stroke my ears when I needed calming down to fall asleep. I would be fast asleep holding an earlobe. This was so soothing to listen to. "Hold my hand" would be a lovely ringtone idea.

Kathy Mc

Gael, this was so lovely and so needed. I'm so stressed and have nightmares every night. I need a hand to hold, but don't have one. You are the most precious gift there is. Thank you for the angel you are to me and everyone. You give me a center and your words give me a strength I don't always have. 💞💖💖💖💕💕💕💓🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀


This is so relaxing and soothing... almost hypnotic 😍


Awww, Taiga. I have that awful voice too. Next time you recognize it, try saying ‘No. We don’t do that anymore’. 💕 (It’s something I am trying, and it seems to help when I can recognize what’s happening, which is not easy after 40ish years of this bad habit). Keep working on it, lovely, you deserve to adore yourself 💕


Thank you so much for being that reminder. You are truly appreciated and I hope that as your fan base we can also hold your hand.


This was really nice to hear ☺️


I've listened to this quite a few times already and I know it clearly says "hold my hand" but, it also feels like the most wonderful hug. Thank you Dearest One.


I almost cried when he started talking about self-love~ I don't look at myself a lot because I don't think I look pretty. And when someone takes time out their day to explain why I'm beautiful or to just tell me I'm pretty millions of times...I do tear up a little~ Thank you Gael~~


So beautiful!


You held your own little hand 😍🤗🤗 self comfort. 🤗Gaelforce you are amazing 🏆 I'd have to write 10 essays expressing how much your comforting content means to everyone. You are so special. Inspiring. You have such a magic sense about yourself, you share that with us. Thank you! Thank you for all you do. 🏆you are a good person, you deserve to be so cared for and I wish you so many good things🤝


I‘m crying…🖤