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You've been cooped up inside all week, let's take a trip to the countryside for a romantic picnic... no one around... just you and me, the birds & the bees 😘

And when you kiss me like that, I forget that I brought you here to eat...food... because you make me hungry for something much much more delicious...

Author's Note:

One of my biggest turn-ons is getting turned on in places we could get caught.  This audio is a variation of that turn-on.  Let me take you to a beautiful place where the sky stretches above us as we make love with the wind blowing over our naked skin...

The sounds in this audio were recorded in a field in West Ireland, a beautiful area with a view of the countryside and the tall grass was soft and moved with the wind.  I fantasized about creating this audio as I captured the atmosphere.  I hope you'll be transported there with me when you listen.

I made this into an hour-long audio if you'd like to relax in the post-orgasmic bliss and listen to the sounds of Ireland all around you.

Like this? Try:

⁠Making Two Into One (Romantic & Intimate)⁠

⁠Wet & Passionate First Time Together⁠

⁠Sex In The Mirror⁠



Jasmine sanfi

Back in the days this was my fave audio so far, sweet and sensual, can't wait to listen to this new version later ❤️


That picture alone is 🔥 Can't wait to listen😏


This one's a new one for me! Excellent. 😈 Also kudos to your dedication. 😂👌


I don't remember hearing this before so this will be new to my ears! Finishing up work so I can end the day with another picnic! 🥰


This is one of my favorite audios. I've always loved the beginning as I'm not a morning person and would need some coaxing, plus that imperative voice "you know I'm going to get louder..." so cute. I do love a good hike, especially with a dessert like that. 😘


Yesss, G!!!! This one has been on my favorites rotation list since it was first released! Never gets old!👏🏼❤


I don’t think I’ve heard this one, have I? 🤷🏻‍♀️ Sweet, I’m outside already, fixing to have me a little nap on the porch in a few minutes. I think this should do for a sleep audio, yes? 😈


You learned your lesson? Can you get cuter pls? Thx for more nature sounds. I’m about to listen. Also thx for the perfect upload timing. Now that Home-office is done and I’m free like a birdie 😘


alright soo in my defence i am already listening to a few choice audios of yours when the notification buzzed my phone, and ok i'll go look but on comparing the tags, i'm going o have to put this one away, currently um.... in he more "colourful"/"power play" tagged section so kinda don't want to loose the tempo.. im not a metronome


“Definitely didn’t trespass” mhmm. Sure you didn’t. 😂😍


Looks at office door. Thinks about closing it. Realizes she has a zoom call in 10 minutes. Promises to think about it again in an hour.😈


G breaking the law and definitely didn't trespass? Now who needs an interrogation?👮‍♀️😂 Mmmm, love this one. That smoldering slow burn.🔥💋❤


I have not heard this one, it sounds perfect! Thanks for the revisit G! Glad to hear you didn't trespass...😉


Cleopatra liked..very much 😏😏😏😘😘😁😁😁 I loved the way you woke "me" up 😂💞💞


Update: Know what, I didn't even close the door, just listened anyway. You sir, are a very bad influence. A very good bad influence. A very...ok, not going to say any more.🙃😉


I love this one! What a great way to start my day. 💜😂


One of my all time favorites!! This was the audio that made having sex outside one of my fantasies 🥰✨


Slow love making on a beautiful, countryside field 🌾🌾 Our bodies becoming one and our hearts becoming one ♥️ And after making love, lots of soft kissing and cuddles. I like all that so much. That would be paradise for my romantic, tender heart. I'm such a romantic girl... Surely, among everything I desire in life, love is my absolute priority. Love comes first, for me, and everything else comes second. When I'm in a relationship, my man is my priority.


Oh yeah, this one 😆 I remember now, I recognized the wake up part because I am also very grumpy when awakened by humans in the morning. And I remember the hike. Funnily enough, I was actually going to put this on for my outside nap, but then someone started cutting their grass and the noise drove me indoors. But look at this! I took the birdies and the beezies and the breezes with me inside. Honestly just had a lovely nap to this, thank you so much, nature boy 💚

Michelle Ross

Marvelous video! All of your work on it really paid off. This is one of your finest works, if not THE FINEST works you've ever produced!


"Definitely didn't trespass"....👀😒😆 I'm glad you did, you really captured the bucolic bliss of the countryside 👌🐄🐕😍


Yes, this is what I wanted. Your orgasm sounded so intense, what a turn on. And you even added some "extra" nature to the audio. Love it, G. Thank you so much! <3


This is just want I was needing! Thank you so much g! You really are the best !!


Mmm my god those moans close to the end were so delicious 😍

Jenn (Preemie Cuddler)

Thank you tons for reminding me of this incredibly sweet and sexy one!! I really love the idea of being together in nature like this, (and the lighthouse), scenarios where you can get away from the world for a bit! And a big thank you kiss for sacrificing your precious bum for us so we can experience the very calming nature sounds you added!!😘💖💖💖


Delectable baby...let nature take it's course, birdsong is our music as we lay on a bed of earth😍🍀🌱🌻🌞aching for summer sex right about now💘


Que hermoso! 😍 Muchas grassy ass for the revisit sir 🌱 😝


I was expecting you to start jumping on the bed at some point 😆 ok, the wake up part was cute...and having a picnic in nature seems like a far away dream right now, but hoping it’ll happen soon!

Kathy Mc

I never heard this one! What perfection! The birds, the grass, the lovemaking, everything was so wonderful! Your voice just takes me there and surrounds me with the beauty that must be a treasure to behold. Green hills, blue sky, vast fields of flowers and trees. How sweet it must be! Thank you Gael for taking me there with you!🌿🌿💕💕💓🍀🍀🍀🍁🍁🍃🍃🍂🍂🌿🌾🌾🌾🌺🌻🌹🌹🍀🌸🌸💐🍁🌞🌞🌞🌞


I'm going to be honest... I downloaded a bunch from various tags... and put them on shuffle, always a terrible idea because you'll wake up at a certain part and not know what time of what audio you are listening too and frankly never actually find it again - until you give up... finally found the extended one I was looking for on YouTube.. because i already .. owned.. it.. it I think being from 50 Shades, um.. sufficed to say, that was a rookie mistake, sometimes I need to stop... and realise that before I found patreon, I brought the entire catalog rom Apple.. twice.. (when iTunes it self had a copy, making it easier to creat playlists and repeating tracks), so egg on my face.. Where was I.. oh yeah so shuffle, there is often - I'm sorry not sorry give me anything... I'm going to fiddle with it... thaaat doesn't sound right.. who cares, so beta frequency and this one had an oceans back track already mixed so I didn't add (I had added a rain back track to all 3, but considering I'm using 4 different tabs and a iTunes and a browser and the volume sliders... its actually not easy to get the right mix without blowing it up so one its too loud for you and then two the other person in the room can hear it, remember i have to share a room with a relative... i miss being actually alone...) Hang on.. so.... because i only get maybe an hour to "myself" and its usually when im trying to sleep, and that can back fire, because I will find an audio that makes it almost preverse and like the wreck I am its like watching or listening to something you did not mean to walk in on but you are just fixed there not really knowing what you supposed to do, so those audios have just been, thanks no i didn't need to sleep.. not a wink *twitch* and then go all manic.. I'm really impressed that you record all the ambiance - fence or no fence and don't rely on a foley folder, because we all know it... that scream a guy makes falling... ITS THE SAME SOUND PEOPLE!! C'MON YOU KNOW THIS! BECAUSE IT CAME FROM THE ONE GUY 70 YEARS OR WHATEVER AGO AND THEY STILL USE IT TODAY... that guy is immortal in that scream... honestly.. I'm going to stop anyway, i did listen to some of it, I do know I passed out, I do know its in a play list and I do know I won't remember it later, so I'm going to go out on a limb, and this is back by the comments already provided, and what I did hear - that its awesome and lovely and Yaaaayyyy...!! Oh pretend I said something interesting and funny... i mean.. yaaaaay... 🍁🍁🍁(because its autumn here and i stole it from the comment above..)


I dont know how this ended yet but i already like it. I havent been sleeping good the past few days but I fell asleep last night while listening to this. I remember you trying to wake me up, so I imagined what I'd do. I tried so hard to not to mind you and still sleep. And I did. 🤣 Woke up 5am with headset still on.


Love the sweet lovemaking! Always nice to hear a sweet, loving audio!❤❤❤❤